. Saturday, July 19 =< ~ : THE DAILY NEWS "a Y» 1049, ——————— = ———————— AN INCREASE OF ITALY’SNAVY === Brno STRONGLY URGED BY ADMIRALS |} “The News” Classified Ads. )).:::iiisssi| FW Bacal red as etaeeeee= 2" | One Cent A Word For Each Insertion== |I/°"" FOR ° G. CG, Perr¥ left by this morn- EVERYBODY The Italian admirals formingjdered. But owing to these guns » Oe — 4 ing’s train to go to Port Essing- the committee for determining) being of a new type it is hardly norearti —(} he the addition of new ships to the} Possible that they can be finish- navy seem to haye changed their|@@ in less than three years, that ai minds more than onee, if occa-|i8 }o say, before 1916. Meanwhile ; the minister has also promised REAL COMEDY AT THE Fred V,. Glark returned from —— WESTHOLME THEATRE| 00 ary: EO | Re Siete, Suite j i sional reports of their proceed- : sd ings are to be trusted. There|that every effort will be made to| BXPERIERCED led, Dookneepe oles oF hs Made Decided Hit in ‘oll, who has been quite For Every Outdoor pay! Aas seems no reason, however, to/Secure the full’completion of the store, Box 7, News Omee. 166-68 | Griffiths ade Mrs. MeColl, who ha: } , asion fe doubt a recent statement of their|Ships by that date; or at any WANTED—Girl | for general housework: tae peer seriously ill in the eer ‘i YOUR D main conclusions, They propose |rate of three at least of them, good Pome; fare e beast River BC. Girls. reported to be considerably im- EALER HAS THty ‘ to add four battleships, which |Which will be laid down at once, 104-67 ; af e | proved. You Might As Well Get will constitute a compromise be-|"0 further modifications of their > hose who want an evening a en ; THE BEST tween the Dreadnought of the;Plans being allowed, It is, of| For Rent full of amusement should not} J jowe, of Howe & MeNulty, CANADIAN CONSOLIDATED Conte di Cavour type and the su. {Course within the bounds of pos- miss the presentation a the} peturned-this morning from a RUBBER CO., LimiTED, ’ sibility that the year 1916 should sparkling comedy “Girls” at the] ¢ortnight’s holiday in Portland, 2 MONTREAL, - per-Dreadnought which is now being built abroad, and to arm them with eight guns of °384/|tleships of 30,000 tons added to mm., says the London Times.|the [talian navy; but, looking Originally, it would appear, the} back through the pas history of committee was unanimous in pre|/talian shipbuilding, it can hard- TWO well tarnished rooms for ass! ar Westholme Theatre tonight. Its Oregon. Black 329, ' ee FOR RENT—Fiat in the Clapp Bldg. sein?” first presentation in Prince u- ply to Westenhaver Bros. 6 | pert4ast night was greeted with Miss Adams of Hazelten, who a > ’ ‘ LOPS PCL OC 2 OOo FURNISHED room to rent. Phone ea well filled house and the gen-|hag peen visiting Miss Du Vernet. PODPOPOODODO DOs see three, or even four, new bat- 164t ; ‘ aT ae ar ' i ; J 7 FURNISHED room in mode.n apartment, erous applause and hearty laugt returned on this morning's train FOR A X Over old Bank of Commerce. 164- 68] ter was evidence of its favorable | A } e ferring a bigger ship, 37,000|!¥ be said to be likely, There are to Hazelton. . tons, Which would have earried|S!i!! ships of the last naval pro- FOR RENT—Large front room sern close reception. It is doubtful if the as aie : o ;. te a aie ; s o; moder C . ¥ . > avar « in » ft 12 guns of 381 mm.- But rea-|eramme which are yet far fromm in Bhooe Green a8. Griffith Stoek Company ever ap- Mr. Kirby, one of the engineers : sons were brought to bear by the |¢ompletion. FURNISHED room for_ rent; in. private/ peared to better advantage here.|,¢ (he G, T. P. dry dock, arrived one 15 iF 1 ; : Tina minha rarity, Apply 221 7th Ave. W. The plot centres around three ‘ . , from Van- a Minister of the Treasury, and the 165-76 6 | : here this morning i \ ¥ 37,000 tons ship, which would Baptist Services. New York girls in straightened] ouyer, accompanied by Mrs. H F have cost something short of TY Ba niiata~eeh seit hold thetr circumstances who pledge Pn Kirby and Russell Kirby. PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 0g | on et . . . 1¢ sts ; ( , 2 ; + y , if £5,000,000, was abandoned in fa- one ss atae in’.the. Weathoin® For Sale selves Md oer ee to ae ae a Rtiticencsess Fe vor of one of 30,000 tons ai aji*’* * . ea iy men, in the end of course the tev. W- H. Vance, principal o e -cost of about £3,500,000. At the See teeeees are ae an See pledge is broken and all ends Latimer Hall, Vancouver, arrived i posccoroosuml os same time the form, not the | a Soman: * a PURNISHINGS of ay “he rented. Apply happily. S. M. Griffith as janitor} pepe this morning on the steamer “ iE weight of the armament, was | * ii Aly iakvit * ke hi M “M H. F. McRae & Co. of the apartments in which the] ppjyee Rupert. He will be here { © ; :" runs |COratally invited to hear Mr, Mc.- ———— “| girls live was exceptionally funny, - ek ¢ » gue i of changed. The 381 mm. guns ened letiies he goes. to: Visiorix. ons girls live yas excep 0 opin 4: for a week as the guest of Bishop or Wal eI which it was proposed to arm the} “* ; . ; NOTICE “To CONTRACT while Lillian Griffith as Lucille} py Vernet. ae heavier ship were still retained] Bible school in the same place at Percelle, crazy for a man, af- e & § s " . , OF —_—_ooOo , 3 ‘ 1€ ’ ns { - but reduced in number from 12 11 G+ Mm, ~O8 Sunday, the e7th : PORT EDWARD TOWNSITE CO. LTD. [forded no end of amusement. W. EK. Davidson, representing , to 8. At first it was intended to|i@St+ the congregation will hold MISS GRACE JOHNSON, |The opening act, showing the|gmith. Davidson & -Wright of PRINCE RUPERT'S iND\s. lk . . OR +] . pret: tl dedication services in the new Sealed tenders will be recelved by Be! ¢ ge lec al Sn ; f : + ages TRIAL ANNEX Shc ek °% vy eres then | church building, ‘corner of Fifth|With the GriMth Stock Company | Nee "Wepre Street, Prence Rupert, up to x, 7 ‘ine Aes ‘i am sh See ca Vancouver, arrived in os city > 9 aS % . , . m , , ary as x “ne ; . , reg ee ee ea. eee or tae hite and Young street. Pro-j al the Westholme Opera House.|noon, Wednesday, July 30, 1913, for the} the ordinary and we this morning on one of his reg A launch leaves the g Parner Mee following Works @t) tertaining and amusing. ular’ business trips. ment slip for Port Edeut Pe ee eS tee ee One crib dam; approximately 10,440 The same bill is being present- erential : sad | — ~ duced it was resolved to reduce the number of turrets by one,|®'@™ Snnouneed: Hext.weex. ves . tnd ; re ne iP ‘ Hneal fect of trenches; delivery of ap | | , mn ‘ . s : every day. For pa disposing the remaining three in ANIMALS IMPOUNDED proximately "10,440. lineal feet of wooded at the matinee today, with the! wii.. sartin of Kansas City ar- : : Presbyterian Services. So aeeae apply to Harrison, Gamby S t yipe from the company’s whart Orj| jo. »rformance r ppis I the same fashion as is followed The following animals have been im-|St@\ 1b Rho trenches; backfilling the above | /@8t performance tonight, rived in the city this morning on & Co. Phone 81, 3rd in See neo) CAVOUE) Uae eT tes: Fo VK i] preach |hedcemed within ten days-or the seid. date | ences; and the clearing of approximately anes the steamer Prince Rupert to i , v. : . err Wi reach | redeemed within ten days o four acres. enders are to be ster reasons. unstated this was found Re are ni ross {Will be either sold or destroyed: One| sum for the entire work. Information for STOKING THE SEA abend & mcnth Gr six weeks as eeeecoroooosionm to*be inadvisable, and the 381mm | tomorrow evening in the Empress |rish terrier, one fox terrier, red and white bidders, form of tender and plans and EN ome 1 . F - |Theatre on “The Divinity of | (biteh), one cocker spantel (bitch), one specifications may be seen at the above the guest of her uncle, Mr. W. H guns willbe placed two each ‘in ! an Llewellyn se ter, white with black spots. | omece. 1e5-76 |Report That Two Hundred Tons) )- |... OSBORNE HOUSE sf ¢ ’ . y earvic 7 ) 1S i 44 four turrets, thus again reduc-| Man.” Morning o ere ny a oo ae woos Oi *BRIEN, Pound Keeper. of Coal Sank in Harbor. Pr ae 3 ing their number from nine to|be held, together with the Sun-|pnone siue 397. 167 | NOTICE OF SALE BY SHERIFF, PURSUANT oe : 967 Third Ave eight. In addition 40 the eight|4@y school, in the Empress The- ee ae —— | 10 THE EXECUTION ACT, IN THE 8U- eH Mrs. F. W- Dowling, accom- . 4 ; ; . tre at 41 o’clock. Everyone is PREME GOURT OF BRITISH COLUM- A report that a portion of the] |. ing by members of her family “is a se heavy guns, each ship will earry|@!Te a 0 cloc e BIA ot pr ae nak han Sox 163 Baker a ee ot ee ee — a e a COLLISION iN HARBOR branch of the Bank of Commerce Phone 300 P.O. 1 Lot 90, Block 20, Sec. 2, $1,312.00; ign Writing.. - in place of J. M, Christie, who is|7™ — $562 cash, bal, G. T. P. ~ Princess Ena Repo to Have/ going to Cranbrook; arrived here KAJEN HARDWARE COMPANY |} 25,0 {| Paper-Hanging |" ** Ptine’bere "0" ging ihe sean BOOKKEEPING ~ AUDIT oa vince ) $1,200; 1-3 cash, bal. to ariange. Prince Rupert. Bookkeeping Taught by Private Lesson THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 For exchange, an 8-acre apple Our Specialities awe has been received by . ee ee ver oe Renpaneas ranch at Meth Weklina for. irishe wireless from Ketchikan that the Mr. Hayward, general man- > pplies Slot and Disks (nis Susers crite. Full dé. 6 ane eeripinocside C, P, R, steamer Princess Enalager of the Western Ganada WENDELL R. R. JONES Supplies Plate Glass Mirrors chance forthe right man. “Ye Olde Reliable” collided in the harbor with a fish. | Power Company, arrived here Ph 4112 913 2nd AYE ay HARDWARE i Ranges ing vessel, the Reynolds, and sunk|from Vancouver this morning on wea es © Varnishes aes 2nd Street Phone 156 Greenjher. The cargo of fish went|the steamer Prine Rupert. He es OW Will the boat. The Prin-| will inspect the affairs of the BROWN & BUTTERS MONARCH MALLEABL The ‘' Stay Satisfactory | BIG ADDITION cess Ena was not damaged and|Prince Rupert Hydro-Electric MINING ENGINEERS E Range.” ecorge ee has proceeded on her way north-|Gompany today and return south Fe oni not METALLURGY AND MINING Ol GQ. T. P. Purchases Seventy-five ney — on Monday. ay” Res, Phone Black 413 New Locomotives. A GOOD SALE _-_ Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT Among the round trip passen- = e OfMces in All Citles in the United News has been received here|T%ird Avenue Lot Purchased for|gers on the steamer Prince Ru- R d h D — that the Grand Trunk Pacific has Nineteen Thousand Dollars. pert arriving here today are Mr. ea I e al y ews Agent for Fort Fraser Lots, placed an order for seventy-five tan and Mrs. Wright of Montreal and t of the latest type of locomotives, W. 8. Fisher, manager for C.|Mr. and Mrs. D. Kk, Campbell, Oo en D. Rand, purchased today from|Mrs. Miller of Victoria, Mr. THE WEATHER. John B, Blalock “of Spokane, lot|Wright is one of the heads of the 13, block 34, seetion 4, on Third firm of Lyman’s, Ltd., wholesale 3-lhoomed House......- $15.00 The weather report at 5 o’clock| avenue, for a client in London,|druggists of Montreal, and Mr.|o r 1d Gabi $ 8.00 —IN THE— this morning read; Barometer,}at the price of $19,000, Campbell is one of the best known] ~~ mens ere tt «8,00 30.279; maximum temperature, retail druggists of Victoria. The} !~eemed Cabin,,..... FARM aoe He . Nechaco Valley FARM 62; minimum temperature, 56, New Form of Address. party is spending the day in|%-Roomed Cabin....... otal u ey Va ey ort George District ea re ree en eT, Prince Rupert taking in the prin-|3-Roomed House.......- $15 —IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS— W. H. Hayward, M. P- P. for} The Daily News is in receipt of{eipal points of interest, ‘T hey selected L LAND Cowichan and chairman of the a letter addressed as follows:|will leave tonight for Granb ALL CLOSE IN LANDS Carefully 4 ‘ants ease Prices and on provincial agricultural commis-|“Daily News, Editorial Dept., Ru-|and return saead on antes " sion, arrived here this morning|pert City, Prince Rupert Park, stiinchlintionias te — on the steamer Prince Rupert for] British Columbia,” Finanelal Distress. NORTH -COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited — §}s,201 v2" git retin on)" = Money is seareo, but vou must, R, Naden Co., Ltt Monday. The commiasion will Ladies’ smart white eanvas have shoes, Get a pair at Scott, ° a en ” PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000, 00 VANCOUVER, B.C, probably hold a session here next|pumps, $1.65, at Seott, Froud &| Froud & Co.'s shoe sale at fac. Real Estate and Insurance month, Co,’s great shoe sale, 168 tory prices, 168 Second Avenue.