“That Rich Malty Taste” You'll find it in good old HEIDELBERG BEER — and youl find health and lasting delight in it, too. It’s a light brew with a full, rich, old Ger- man flavor—absolutely the fin- est table Beer made. Bottled only at the browery. ASK YOUR DEALER. He Beaver Liquor Co., LIMITED j ie Distributors, Prince Rupert, B.C. rai it ‘| ae ae | Beer ee . 7 KA i‘ ri eile —=== Established 1908 & Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable Tron Pipe Rope Steel Blocks Pipe Fittings Valves Hose Pumps Stoves & Ranges e # FRED STORK’S HARDWARE Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Fishing Tackle Rifles & Shotguns Ammunition Paint Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron “We Sell Nothing But the Best” THE BEST AT THE PIONEER DRUG STORES Shipped by Express from the PAGE & SHAW’S CHOCOLATES ee nate YOU ow Thee Factory ° Has the Largest Circulation in Northern British Columbia Prince Rupert's Artistic — ? THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 HARDWARE Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies Paints Oils Varnishes THE DAILY NEWS Job Printing Establishment KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ Prince Rupert Importing Co., Ltd THE DAILY NEWS i The News” Classified Ads. BUSINESS WAS LIGHT The Counci! Sat Down at 8 o’Clock and Rose Within Ten Minutes. There was no time wasted by the city council last night. The whole including the reading of minutes, occupied but ten minutes, from 8 o’clock till ten minutes after 8. Alderman Bullock - Webster inquired of the acting mayor if there had been any other com- munication from Mayor Pattullo than the cable despatch, which simply signified the date of his return. Acting Mayor Naden stated that that was the only communication which had been received by the city from Mayor Pattullo- A letter from the Knights of Pythias was read. In this there Was a request made for permis- sion to erect four statues in the cemetery, one at each corner of the society's lot, as distinguish- ing marks. The letter was re- ferred to the cemetery committee. The board of works reported that a letter had been sent to the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway re- questing permission for the con- struction of a board walk from the end of Eighth avenue to the cold storage plant at Seal Cove. meeting, 12 Imported Tunics, this week only for $18.75; regular price $32.00 to $50.00. See window al Demers. 170tf DEMAND Roya RESERVE WHISKY. AGE ®@ YEARS GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA. RECOMMENDED FOR THe INVALID ce Home Tne Connoisseur Tne Pusuic who naturally ‘want the best. AGE, Purity anc MELLOWNESS UNSURPASSED. DISTRIBUTORS PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. PHONE No. 3 Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges Tinware Graniteware ‘Stay Satisfactory Range.”’ “FROM HOME TO HOME.” Sid. Sykes, Manager Excellent Cafe, 1142 Pender Street West Phone 8500, Moderate YHOTEL ELYSIUM The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Vancouver, B.C. Prices, The Following LOTS Lot 54, Block 27, Sec. 1, $4,000; $1,500 “cash, bal. 12 and 18 months, -Lot 90, Block 20, Sec. 2, $1,312.00; $562 cash, bal. G. T. P. Lots 19 and 20, Block 20, Sec. 8, $1,200; 1-3 cash, bal. to arrange. For exchange, an 8-acre apple ranch at North Yakima for Prince Rupert property, This ts a fine chance for the right man. George Leek OMces in All Cities in the United Kingdom, Agent for Fort Fraser Lots, Skeena Valley Bulkley Valley FARM LANDS PAID UP CAPITAL $1,600,000. 00 —IN THE— Nechaco Valley Fort George District —IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS— Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on easy terms, NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited tea seth FARM LAND ‘VANCOUVER, B.C. ~{} AT COUNCIL MEETING} ~=Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== 1 Wanted > Fironernisirael WANTED—A_ cook for young men's mess. Apply P, 0. Box 680. 170-71 WANTED—Girl for general housework; good home; fare paid. Write to Mrs. 4d. rem Mill Bay, Naas River, B. C. 164-6 ° FOR RENT—Talbot House, furnished, ply on premises, TWO ao rooms for rent. ia Bla FOR RENT=—Flat In the Clapp oer Satee ply to Westenhayer Bros. FURNISHED room to rent. 164tf Ap- Ot Phone 154. FOR RENT—Large front room in private eames suitable for two; modern; close Phone Green 258. rompigiten room for rent; in_ private Apply 221 7th Ave. W. family. 165-70 For Sale 5 FURNISHINGS of sale. Flat also oo be rented. H. F. McRae & Co. COWS fresh calved and coming in always on hand, and tuberculosis tested. John Christy, “cattle dealer, Collingwood West, corner Carleton and Westminster Road Phone Collingwood 46 K Post on a, Collingwood East, Box 20 170-tf a three-room flat for PP ACREAGE CHEAP —AT— Tyee Park Near Prince Rupert —_IN— 5 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS Apply Harrison, Gamble & Company FINANCIAL AGENTS Third Ave. Prince Rupert Our : Special FIFTH AVENUE LOT IN SECTION SIX $2950.00 Requires Only $950 Cash Lots Across Street at $4,000 H. G. Helgerson, Ltd. Offices Helgerson Block Phone 96 Selling NOTICE. Notice is ‘hereby given that meetings of the Provineial Agri- cultural Commission will be held at the following places: Terrace, August 9th, 2:30 p. m.; Prince Rupert, August 41th and 12th, 10 a. m.; Hazelton, August 43th, 7:30 p. m,; Aldermere, August 15th, 10 a.m, The commission will hear evi- dence on all matters affecting agricultural conditions in the province, All persons interested are re. quested to be present. W. H- HAYWARD, M. L. A,, Chairman, C, B. CHRISTENSEN, Secretary. 169-92 ——_—_—_—— EEE Methodist Picnic. The picnic of the Methodist Sunday school will be held on Thursday afternoop at Metla- katla. Launches and a scow will leave here at 1:30 p- m. If the weather does not prove fine the afternoon will be spent in the gymnasium of the churéh, Two New Atlantic Cables Lisbon, July 18—Two new cab- les will connect the United Sta- tes and England by way of the Azores. The contract was sig- ned today between the Portu- guese government and the Eu- rope & Azores . Telegraph Com- pany. ee eee Mr- Hayward, genera) manager of the Western Canada Power Company, who hag been here in- specting the affairs of the Prince Rupert Hydro-Electrie Company, returned to Vancouver yesterday Q =e PLUNGED INTO WATER WITH A HEAVY LOAD Supposed Suicide Was Cooling His Drinks in Chilly Depths of Harbor. A sensational story of attempt- ed suicide met a sad end this morning in the police court when the hero of the tale was fined $5 o=- for drunkenness. J. 8. Carlson was the man. He was seen yes- terday evening shortly before sundown to go on the Govern- ment wharf, strip himself of coat and vest and and plunge inte the water. Once in the water he acted in a fashion which made it diffleull lo tell whether he really wanted to drown himself, as the onlookers supposed, or was only trying to cool down the heat caused by a heavy consumption of alcohol He showed no intention of sink- ing himself in the water, but struck out vigorously. He was swimming toward the middie of the harbor when he Was rescued by two launches sent out by Manager Beatty of the wharf and others who had witnessed his ac- tion. When brought ashore the man showed a disposition to jump in again, but he was hauled off to the police cells and allowed to cool himself there instead of in the harbor. This morning he was simply fined an ordinary drunk, THRILLING MELODRAMA boots Wild Life in Colorado Shown in “The Cowboy. and the Lady.” A thrilling western melodrama, of sulphurous language products of that flery eountry known the dry belt, was presented at the Westholme Theatre last evening by the Grif- fith Stock Company. “The Cow- boy and the Lady” is a presenta- tion of wild life in Colorado in the days when nen went “heeled’ to breakfast, used their ferty- fives as lamp extinguishers and slept in their shaps. It holds the interest from. start to finish, while some of the characters furnished the audience’ with abundant amusement. The acl- ing of the play was good, “The Cowboy and the .Lady” will be played aguin this evening. redolent gun powder, “nose paint,” and the other as Nicholl Hotel Opened. The Nicholl Hotel, owned by Jens Anderson, is now running and everything is ready for the travelling public. The house is first class in every respect and the service is up to the minute. There is a fine bar in connection, Mr. Anderson is one of the real pioneers of the Skeena Valley and is very widely known, THE WEATHER. 5 o'clock Barometer, temperature, 54. The weather report at this morning read: 30.432; maximum 69; minimum temperature, FOR SALE. Equity in double corner, Sixth avenue and Mathews street, Port Edward, at a sacrifice. Address Wm, A. Butler, 2352 Post S8t., San Francisco, Cal. 157-714 Got the Plumbing Contract. The contract for the plumbing in the Northern Hotel, New Hazel- ton, which is being built for G. G. Harvey, has been awarded to Smith & Mallet of Prince Rupert, MISS LILLIAN GRIFFITH, With the Griffith Stock Go. at the aad morning. Lh TE aaa RR LER Westholme Opera House. aif. Sink wT nf se ELE eG M ST tem eBa nes 1 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Cleaners. tf Pantorium Pioncer Phone 4. McNab arrived home the Prin- Mrs. J: G, yesterday evening by vess Sophia. CG. P. Judge of Vancouver, who arrived here recently, has taken a responsible position with the Rupert Marine Works. Dr. Scharsechmidl, organizer, left on the Princess Sophia last night for Atlin and Northern British Columbia points. Conservative Daniel Corbin, president of the Spokane Intemational Railway, was a passenger through here yesterday on the Princess Sophia for Skagway: He was accom. panied by Mrs. Corbin. Mr. Kissick, of the firm of Jensen & Kissick, real estate agents, has purchased his part- ner’s interest in the business and will in future conduet it by him- self, E. F, Doyle, salesman with -Me- Caffery & Gibbons for some time past, has severed his connection with that firm and has opened a real estate and insurance office for himself in the Smith Bloek. The local riflemen who went to Vancouver to take part in the shoet of the Provinciel Rifle As- sociation are expected to arrive home by tomorrow's boat, the Prince George, H. A. Philpot reluraed from the aut ‘yesterday evening by the Princess Sophia. His proposed trip to England ar with the ease of H. F, 8. Evans has unnecessary, as has been reached. connection Philpot vs. se “nn rendered an agreement W- Marchant spector of customs, those going north last the Princess Sophia gone to Dawson to customs offices there. of Victoria, was in- of on has the one night He inspect Dr. Bell-Irving of Vancouver, a well known cannery man, came from the south yesterday on the Princess Sophia and went to Ketchikan. Before returning to Vancouver he will visit the Naas and other canneries in which he is interested. F, Pollard, instructor of pub- lie schools in Victoria, and Mrs, Pollard were passengers through here on the Princess Sophia yes- terday. They were on their way to Skagway on the round trip. Messrs. Campbell, The of the teaching staff of Victoria were passengers on the Princess Sophia last evening, making the round trip to Skagway and back. A most successful dance was given by Mrs. Magnus Lofquist on Saturday evening in the rooms over the new store of the Prince Rupert Tent and Awning Com- pany, of which Mr. Lofquist is the senior member, There were about a hundred an dsixty at the dance, which proved a most en- Joyable affair. The music was provided by the Westholme or- chestra, Refreshments were served during the evening and a raffle was held for the benefit of the Seandinavian Society. The chief piece in the raffle was a cushion, which was won by A, Swanson. There were twenty smaller prizes, for which some two hundred tickets were taken. The proceeds were given to the building fund of the society. ONE HUNDRED FOXES WERE TAKEN SOUTH A yaluable collection of young foxes, procured in the north country, went south on Satur- by the Princess May. ‘The ani- mals, which were taken in the neighborhood of Whitehorse, are being shipped south to add to the collections of fur bearing ani- mals which are now kept in cap- tivity, The foxes were of both the black and the silver varieties, They were over one hundred in number $50,000. The death of one of them, which oceured on the way south, represented a loss of 8500, Burial of Clifford Eiler. The burial will take place to- day at Victoria of the body of Clifford Hiler, the brother of John Eiler of this city, one of the owners of the Prince Rupert Planing Mills, Ltd. Glifford Biler met his death from drowning in a canoe accident at Shawnigan Lake. The parents of the de- ceased will come here on Satur- day to visit Mr. John Biler, On account of the death the offices of the Prince Rupert Planing Mills, Ltd., have been closed to- day. and were valued at over|— G. R. Naden Co., Lit 1 Tuesday day, July 59 ae, {Oy LEET oot ter TH Re E PERFECT FOR SUMMER spit ASK YOUR DEALER, ORT — ttn ‘ VWetttbbeeeeaaeadaaattth FOR A T PRINCE RUPERT AUTO ¢ PPPPOEOC OC bbe } —— POPPPPPOP POPOL EPO + OO bs seeder Port = PRINCE RUPERT'S |npys. TRIAL ANNEX A launch leaves th " ment slip for Port every day. For pa apply to Harriso: & Co,, Phone 51, Linerenoronerevorereceeersina NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR f ve 2 PORT EDWARD TOWNSITE 0, in Sealed tenders will | is Messrs. Ritchie, Agnew 4 ut ther g fice, McBride Street, Priv Kuper, gy noon, Wednesday, july rt construction of the following wey, Port Edward One crib dam; apy a lineal fect of trenches ‘5 proximately 10,440 re stave pipe from the mpany's vats sCOW W Ube trenches; back < oe trenches; and the clea £ ue four acres Tender are ig sum for the entire work ‘9 bidders, form f te specifications may be oMmice OSBORNE HOUS fim 957 Third Ave. Roo! Wilh Table Boar Room, B Moderals Single Without Large Sitting Priveleges, Mrs. THE MIDWAY LADIES’ AND GENTS’ GARMENT CUMS i PRESSING, DYEING AND | NY Goods Called For and 322 Bth Street Phone Gree # ae PRINCE RUPERT FEED (ls 908 Third Avenue Large G. A. Tessier Deak HAY oATt CORN _ SEEDS CLOVER CORN FEED WHEAT TIMOTHY ALFALFA ETC. PEED CHICKEN A Mall orders promptly attended #9 ~ PACIFIC TRANSFER (0 Furniture, Baggage, Piano Mo ing and Generali Cartage Phone 1 Suite 9, Federal B Office: HARRISON W. ROGE Architect Suite 1, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, B. ©: a Phone 300 P. O. Box {639 BOOKKEEPING - AUDITIN WENDELL LL R. WON Phone 112 313 2nd A BROWN & BUTTERS METALLURGY AND MINING (EOL jox 104 Res, Phone Black 413 Box Prince Rupert — Have Sale i We For A Fine Inside Lo! Block 12, $4500.00 Sec, | Real Estate and Insurance Second Avenue.