isday, duly 23, 1913, ‘ THE DAILY NEWS | District—District of Coast, | Range V. ce that The Prince Rupert ric Co., Limited, of Prince! C., intends to apply for permis hase 30 Acres of land near the , “ ! € E bounded ae roulows; 4 ne , , WHO Is ALWAYS /NV an e& 0 he} * . Lake Madeleine near the out. AND OUT’ OS AIL Bout 20 chats ‘whence West 0) CINDER THENEW Ji , “ . When Summer ice north 20 chains, thence cast ? : point of commencement, con- | zi ACT acres more or less, : ; / RUPERT HYDRO-GLECTRIC we 4 oi . MF 2 e MITED, ; ewes Be, yf 4 ? : George H. Kohl, Agent. ‘ ‘ 4 ; , win Per 16th, 1913, 26, 1913—July 21, 1913. d District—District of Skeena. ce that Samuel RK, Brown Jr., Rupert, B. C., occupation engi- ds to apply for permission w e following described lands; Secing at a post plante t the corner of Lot 2626, the west 4 ; ; \ ¢ euence sould ey chains, thence , ht. "4 a i 4 one , ns, thence north 40 chains to 5 bins “4 ») ‘ Ye ee : ‘ . Be a he Soa ie i. Most of us can remember the school lesson in the a containing 160 or jess. : AMUEL, ROLLINS BROWN Jn, law of accumulated motion—momentum. 26, 1919—July 21, 1913. Be vinniaiedibicies ot Goath Sey VY If you exert a pound of pressure against a man in Range V. a swing, you'll start him moving slowly “to and . C., occupation farmer, intend ; $ ne ” . for permission to purchase the p , ’ fe ; ; fro. If you continue to exert a pound of pres- described lands: aed PX. . ; ‘ r ; ys ; : i t t planted he ee ; ; , f i 7 , Bast eis” anted thal , : sure against him every time the swing makes a ; Eo lete ae 30 mcs : : trip, you’ll soon have him going so high that he 4 eas t t 7 1 a p . rais6, thence epcuth, i stains : 5 ; ; alinost turns the whole circle. If you stop push- ess to point of commencement, 4 A . 2 * . . A2 acres more or Less. é ; ing, the momentum will die out and the swing Qist, 1913. "4 re ; P ‘“ 9» Y B18 1018. os sous, % m. come to rest at “dead centre. pd District—District of St, ase, a. * strict—pistrict of Coast bow : Winning trade follows the same natural laws. Motice that James Jabour, of ty ry pert, h, oe ee ‘ at - ss R thn > ' 5510) A ‘A ¢ s dhe following described property: of Advertisements are the force behind the swing of Ss ante t 4 f 2 ° s of Mile Post 40! ou the GT. i — ne public favor. Each new advertisement increases t m Prince upert, ii 1 re ps 0 H a . “ihe Skeens River, thence south i we i j ty he: the momentum. Finally, the accumulated force , thence east 40 chains, thence y 7 Ff is Se % ° ° ° ° Webains, thence west 40 chains to , a. " of these numerous impulses swings indifference .to ' commencement, containing 520 4 (i , 4 o t ] ; 4 i 3 . ° Me the buying point. or less. JAMES JABOUR. Ee? ¥ ‘ f ‘ ne *8th, 1013. j 7 .% . / e 23, 1013—Aug. 18, 1913. LILIAN LENTON at ; “Ag. é ie: : ey ‘District—District of WHO SLIPPED THROUGH \oteee If you stop Advertising, you lose momentum. * hageve | CA CORDON OF 10 BRTI7# ae jotice that 4, Lancelot Russel Wal- LTLCT Me S ‘ 18, of Victoria, B, C., occupation MRS PANKHURSTS The moral of which is: ° apariner, intend to apply for per- acne LATEST AND [AVORITE Don’t stop the business swing in Summer : , boing. at"A Dost, planted on the PORTRAIT surner of @ /, a 16 to the * e- of SkJakl Bay, Stephens isiand, din, un rtising pcsnctee then ett 80 chains’ THREE OF THE MOST FAMOUS MILITANT SUFFRAGETTES. Keep adding the pounds of Advertisi rth 20 chains, thence west 20] |. ressure,. 3 hence south 20 chains to point These are the women whose daring escapades have made the “Cat and Mouse” Act a complete P hencement, containing 40 acres ; whi was 55 po ; E f - icss. failure. The authorities force the hunger striking suffragettes out of jail but keep a string wy ise 19 ane BEAVIS. on them with the label “Prisoner's temporary discharge for ill health.’ As soon as they are uly 21, 1913—Sept. 15, 1013. released they are again making trouble, are again arrested within a week, do another turn at -_————— — hunger striking, are then released, and so on ad absurdum., On Monday, as told in our des- ‘Land — District of Coast, patches, Mrs. Pankhurst, a leading militant, only a few days before at death’s door in Holle Notice that I, Thomas Pierpont way was arrested, sor Vancouver, B. U,, occupation + bsmnan, intend to apply for per ag 7 = ————e mane the toliowing de i THE PANAMA GANG. HOLIDAY ANGLER IS | TO WIN BY DEFAULT mciug at a post planted on the VC ae corner of @ bay, @ little to the m . ¢ s of skiakl Bay, Stephens Island, rhe following poem by Berton EATEN BY SHARKS England May Keep International Moreshore, and adjacent to L. K. W a S988 ae? ine cd ’ claim, ‘thence north 20 chains,| Braley in Collier's Magazine was i Motor Boat Trophy. fest 20 chains, thence fouth 2v -_—— io, @0 ‘chs occasione » peflectio that H Fell O . ° hence east 20 ‘chains to point of |OCcasioned by the reflection e Fe verboard frorn Launch a 4 ; vice your advertising problems is available through pment, Containing 40 acres MOre} yy, vast crew of over forty tl New York, July 24.—Fear that . Canndiam ne) Oasys f th Can as er for 10U- and Was Not Seen Again tase RE ; ‘ : ae ; OF the Secretary of the Van- (the British international trophy adian Press Association, Room Toronto. Enquiry THOMAS PIERPONT BANKS, sand men now employed in the ; : * : eae July 1st, 1913. Chie Site a by Companions |for motor boats may be kept in involves no obligation on your part—so write, if interested. uly 21, 1913-—-Sept, 15, 1913. construction of the Panama Canal | iF [2 et inl Sie : ‘ Se . nid will haved seek ‘olhar work with ingland another year through Los Angeles, July 19—Sharks|default of American challengers K, | to gel any American boat across BLand District—District of Coast,/{he completion of that giant un-| Range 5 are believed to have eaten A Notice that Martin Swanson, of|@ertaking next year. ” 7 ie lio British waters in time for the pert, B. C., occupation patnter,/}iere we are, gentlemen; here's Blower, of Los Angeles, who went} un eae ie bai tak B " eu "ace yw singe take P ralewing described lands? me the whole gang of us, fishing in Los Angeles harbor} ia 2 1. gs . a ; a . jserious oO or “he rT pncing at @ post planted at the Pretty near through with the|and fell overboard from a launch. | ae ah A Coe oe ae ; ; ! y jaccidents spoiled the trial of He was a good swimmer = and} t corner of Lot 8075, thence LAND LEASE NOTICES. NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT. © chains, thence west 40 chains, job we are on; a ae a F hen < ® ® : ‘Shore, hence 40 chains 10 en Size up our work—il will give treaded water, laughing and jok- fhe pa Posie. 24 " rae fo} Sil i direction round the shore to the vou the hang of us ling while the launch was being Kenai whi wit nase ys Sa Skeena Land ee ee of Coast|/The Creditors’ Trust Deeds Act, and . . Sle ; e Neptune fi hie ; pul about to rescue him. Sud- I Take notice that 1, Hume Babington, of Amending Acts. enthusiasts expected to show in Prince Ru , pert, B. C., occupation master iam challenge form. was unable to| 2he Up-to-Date House Decora- mariner, intend to apply for permission to aged cnietinatem tienen as a merchant ’ : es ease the owing describe: 2 r lianve hem mnt welnoa me aia tors of Prince Rupert Commencing at a post planted at the Province of Bitnall Coltnbis hes'be dase Land District—District of Coast broken engine. The Hazel I ee eal ation “| ye Wt Gea ete Gated the Oi Gay Gh July Amy S08 ee ee i ) Soast, nob ease application on @ small island in the/ signed all his credits and effects, which jange IV jalso had a-slight mishap which 7 one Skeena River opposite Mile 45, thence | ma notice that Frank B. St, Amour of Gatun; = ‘evented ¢ fast g o "i aving oo ign riting.. southwesterly along shore 40 chains to and all’ nis real aeaee te Proderick George of Prince Rupert, in the Province : es lo for i— got any | POV REO AVY SR rete oo tage southwest point of island. thence north- | Dawson, of the sald. City of Prince Rupert, h Columbia, prospector, intends to| What can we do for you-—got &ny the American, the enly other trial ° Seeralent Vaneermests Rae: bi eae merchant, for the purpose of satis dat tees ne lease the follow preference, " — boat, to tune up alone. Paper-Hanging north about 46 chains to point of com- cratentane an Eee ait Bs oe neing at a post planted on the Wireless to Saturn or bridge t 3 ae ah Stace SUR eh re oe ma containing 100 acres more f And. notice is hereby given that @ meet- tor 3b s Island, British Co : : "5 ELS PSS. ng 0 e creditors 0 said William S the anere ai'e mail soaneted the moon? BSE Another New Townsite. Our Specialties H. B, BABINGTON. Hyde will be held at the office of Williams poids about. ive. (5) mites in an piles sens Dated June 11th “ie ieee Prince huneee a ee a bi peor the direcUon from End Hill, thenve : 1 { “ aE a ‘i Tee Tre * ° r ce ° . u hty (80) chains, thence north} Don’t send us back to a life that fad . , { Word has been received from “Ye Olde Reliable” Pub, July 7, 1913—Sept. 2, 1913. 47th day of uly, “A. ib. Atte, at the’ hour Bing, hones south’ twenty (20; is fat aoe : : the Natural Resourees Securily COAL NOTICES And notice is hereby (given that all per- 0) > pnceme and e o have shattered a con- : ; ’ ¢ ~ affan ¢ . , > sons ving claims agains - = polnt Os. commeavecmren | £0 We wh have satle ‘ co Company to the effect that the 2nd Street Phone 156 Green liam Hyde are required to forward - more or less. tinent’s spine; | ‘ 4 ; 7 name of their new townsite, three i Skeena Land Dio es of Queen ticulars of same, duly verified by statutory FRANK B, ST. AMOUR, Locator, | ()Jjee work—Lord, but we couldnt | : name of a static i i : thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 . D. . e the following described lands; Got any mountains that can't ‘rattats : ; point and that the consent of the eT eARe et ee chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west} 4Ssignee will distribute the as- Mmencing at a4 post planted at south- ’ - te B ‘ a CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OveR $7,600,000. 80 chains to the point of commencement, | Sets of the estate among prner of Lot 907, Range 6, Coust be cut through? “ ’ post office department for a post containing 640 acres are entitled thereto, hav: » thence north 46 chains more or sialige in the wholly im ‘ ne ‘ia haadsies poe LUIGI ASTORI, e claims south boundary of. J. A. kirk-] We specialize in the wiolls - : office there hac een secured, Filippo Panvini, Agent. “8 application to purchase, thence possible, : ea i He also stated that the G, T. P. Located May 14th, i 0 chains more or less following : a ; 4 Pub. July 7, 1913—Aug. 4, 1913 ndary to northwest corner of Lot Doing things “nobody ever! = ; had also chosen the name Bulk- The Convenience of a 4 a | yc ” n . . § Ng ioe Fe alee val? ak eetod could do! ie ley and had it accepted for an- i Skeena Lands mastic eaeries of Queen] Dated this 8th day A July, A. D. 1913, br less to high water mark, thence . Be as tther point farther east, haz “— rly and westerly following high], cad ‘hole! | ae ‘ os Peper ee ae Joint Account teks’ netics het 1. W. B. Williemes Solicitors for’ the Assignee, Frederick mark io point of commencement,|'Take a good look at the whole) , , - —_—_———— barrister at law, of the City of Prince eorge Dawson. ing 200 aches, more or less, husky crew of us, , When Frank Stockton started A Joint Account may 5 Rupert, ree of Baieh polaabi ae L, TOOKER, cos ’ : : da July 6th, Engineers, doctors, and steam Si out with his Rudder Grange ex- of Lands for a license to prospect for e following 1913. » July 14, 1913—-Sept, 8, 1915. ns ‘ : smionce ; on ‘ ais i coal, ofl and petrcieum over t . shovel men; ’ ee : periences he undertook to keep opened in the names of two or — | Goal, 041 and peter west coast of Oran th Chur } S rvic s commencement, containing one . and twenty acres more or less. South to Balboa and north to 3 sta MARTIN SWANSON, Colon denly he went down and was not une th, 1913. Sa aw: Shan ara June 30, 1913—Aug. 25, 1913. Yes, the cana! is our letter of | 5e@ Magan. Sharks are known ae as . jto be numerous in the vicinity reference; at Culebra and glance at |?! the accident. the 29th day of April, 1913. Taken together you'll find quite a aed chickens, One old motherly more persons. Whichever one ye from the post planted one arr ne few of us P| th Rock brought out f Application for the Approval of es ae . -s ’ ager Wp ry can most conveniently reach moat eee 7432 a pe FIRST P! Y ° jon fo : » ree for tr | 4k oF ae Rs , late » fall, ¢ Stock- | 0 . RESBYTERIAN CHURCH rhe, and tor Approval of Under Soon to be ready for trouble ia brood tate in the fall, and Sloe k : coat ee 80 chains west, thence 80 chains, es Ta es ee taking by Minister of Lands. again. ; ton gave her a good deal of at- the bank can then deposit the north, thence 80 chaina cass to place of Chureh Hall at il am. and Ake notice that the PORT EDWARD] Bronzed by the tropical sun thal moe : . a 4 tention, He named each of the| joint funds or withdraw the an DOERR: con. E WILLIAMS. : Sunciay, School et 2.00 pm, SITE COMPANY, LIMITED, of is blistery, Q : : ; chicks after some literary friend, | Filippo Panvint, Agent, REV. F, W. KERR, M.A., Pastor e Rupert, in the Province of British sh ie ocated May 11th, 1913. m has will ap) ly to the Comptroller Chockful of energy, vigor and among the rest Mary Mapes cash needed. It saves time Lo July 7, 1913—Aug. 4, 1913 ater Rights ie the approval of the Dodge Mrs Dodge risiting THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Bs of the works to be eonstructed for tang, Rye ; oage. mrs. Be, visiting and trouble. MCINTYRE HALL, 8D AVS., NEAR 6TH 8T. Billisation Of the water, [rm pica, | Trained by a task that's the big- - Rss a | [the farm some time later, and, seene, 00 DU Se Tel eae tees bas been made by the company, and rest in history, age ‘ — iiappening to think of her name- School 2.90 p. een which ap) ileation Rarmite NG. 107 . Be " ; yanami hos” ° : SES ; : \ ake . ; ‘ “Re i RE Take notice that I, Antonio Christiano, Bible Class Pos as t his Panam ‘ sake, she said: By the way 2.30 been issued by the Comptroller of Who has a job for this Panama . orm Ae ’ ; : » contractor, of the City of Prince Rupert, REV. W.H.McLEODB.ABD. P t Rights, granting permission to the rang? : Frank, how does little Mary Mapes Province ‘of British Columbia, intend to ° asTOR SRM re ete eet | Dodge gel along?” PY fee Ge conmrar eta aad alll eae peas > gel alone? or a licen 0 pro: P. MARGETTS, MANAGER over the following described lands on the METHODIST CHURCH ’ LIMITED, to make surveys sine 0 c | a Rg Ag stom aid Farmer Killed by Lightning SA Phe funny thing abont little west coast of Graham Is: : if Creek for Municipal Purposes. i oad oy y Mary Mapes Dodge,” said he, “is Commenetny Of 8 Bost plasied one mile ; re y ; mn ‘ si m Ben One of Benton 10 of re Water Powhasson, July 18, Dur- she turned out to be Thomas ° Tease 7432, thence 80 chains north, thenve * a8 amended have been fled with the) io an electrical storm here this Bailey Aldrich,”” —- Everybody's ° 80 chains east, thence 80 chains south, REV. C. R. SING, B.D, pptrolier of Water Rights at Victoria, |!"5 . m LADY EDWARD FTZGERALD thence 80 chains west to the place of be with the Water Recorder at Prince] afternoon Thomas Stillar, a far- * |Magazine. one vi , je ginning, containing 640 acres. : pert = ane a — ANTONIO CHRISTIANO. ST. ANDREW’S ANGLICAN CHURCH a” take ‘notice that the sald PORT|mer, was killed, He was sithing | Pormerly Miss May Etheridge, ee ene ee ee Filippo Panvini, Agent. P b ts V TE . : i ‘ is ‘at mn ‘ ss o ‘eacher icka e 4 , : Sa TOMNEITS oan ihe ee. in his home with a baby on his ihe Gaiety Theatre star, now in A ry NE pr schol picked up 7 Days’ Outing peo suis 7, 118—Aug, 4, 1043 Ot the “Water Act” for approval by knee when the fatal bolt came, Canada with her husband, Lord Bishop Pierce's hat and put it on ae hhe “company randmatined tn the. plans The child was uninjured, Edward Filzgerald. Her hus-|his own head and it was exactly . ; mseasieaie! particulars, now on fle, with, the ——__——— band had to resign his com-| ft. 18 angtaamere “erate, of Salltonnien eee ; Banksy “as tor ‘Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C., Reporter—And we understand mission in the Irish Guards “Why, Bishop,” said he, “your Prince Rupert at © p. im. of tollese Estate of .Wyllitlons Sivde: Teheconnt and - > : . wmnds og » Are eyAC ; > $ . ' a ere With she “company’s app that you are a self-taught as well after the marriage by reason of |head and -MIN@ APO -OxaE tly the 10th, 16th, 22nd ues Notice is hereby given that tenders will REY. B. C, BURCH Rector Copies of the appliagtion, under Section] |.) cif made ? a ruling of the late King Ed-|Same size, 8rd, Oth, 15th, 21st, and 27th for be received for the purchase of the Of the “Water Act’ ad of the pett-|as a self-made man? : om = aR 1 a] ' - ‘ all ports of call, Ketchekan, Wran- credits, assets and effects of the above THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL n for approval of the undertaking by] The Personage—lI am, sir, Al ward, Lady Wilzgerald) may Yes,” replied the Bishop, “on el, Taku Glacier, Killisnoo, Sitka, named William Hyde, whieh tatd credits, ranville Court Ministen of rar the Weien necordel of twenty-one I knew nothing, Then become a duchess should Lord} {he outside.” way in Thevierina’ where epestel cremises formery occupied by" tne said ii Oca ti Shae kine eG. ring treine take exoursionists to summit Wiam LYS? 607 Third avenue, Prince e ena District at Prince Rupert, B. Col?) cot to work, and at twenty-lbwo Edward sueceed to his broth- ay <7 ’ , of White Pass and return in time Rupert, The assets of the assigned inclide er’s estates in Treland, The FOR SALE. the good will and effects of the — City d in the office of the Comptroller of ; : ; 1 ter Rights at Victoria, — I'd taught meself all 1 know. for steamer’s departure In even- te wood will ene, ett oe Uo Objections fo the applications may he ptt tae ea couple have been on a fishing Equity in double corner, Sixth ne. ound, We ‘$32.00. see must be in the hands ‘of Le aan 6 ren hts, Parliament Buildings, Victoria. °5 Suits and Coats, this week] trip in Guebec, and will yisit, avenue and Mathews street, Port Feservations early. ia a7? en }5° tot ee aS pele 6: rea + C,, this 13th anise for $15.75; regular price Winnipeg and the west. Lord|Edward, at a sacrifice. Address ROGERS’ STEAMSHIP AGENCY jany vender bet necessarily accepted. i Pi iavepy An TOWNSITE COMPANY, $18.00 to $27.00. See window al Edward may take up fox ranch-}Wm, A, Butler, 2352 Post Bt., 1913. 2 eae ef 005 , su 46. s0ane fame Asemt | Demers, 170tf ing: San Francisco, Cal. 457-74 FREDERICK GEORGE DAWSON, | ‘ ¥ K SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS