FRESH SHIPMENT of Fruits and Vegetables for poe anal? ‘omeoe oF Nima! 3 | : 2 ” EVERYTHING IN SEASON : 3 Piums Rk New Gravenstein Apples re Cherries New Potatoes ; = Strawberries Green Peas i Peaches Wax Beans . Apricots Cauliflower 4 Pears Summer Squash “ and All Staple Fruits. Also a Shipment of 4 FRESH SPRING CHICKENS BM Smoked Fish a Specialty i We Deliver to All Parts of the City & we bi SHEPARD & JONES 4 Hart Block Phone 41 y a HI « THE DAILY NEWS ~~ 1 “The News” Classified Ads. | LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Miss Clifton went south this morning on the Prince George. Rev. W. H. Vance, the princi- pal of Latimer Hall, Vancouver, returned to the south this morn- ing. Mr. Doig, who is in the employ of the Port Edward Townsite Company, went south this morn- ing on the Prince George. Miss Gamble, who has been visiting here as the guest of Mrs. Ward, left for the south this morning on the Prince George. Miss Gamble is going to London, England, for a couple of months. ==Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion= — eal THE LOCAL BOXER, KEGG, TRIUMPHS OVER SHANNON (Continued from page 1) of the round and did some ef. fective work with his right. In the second round the honors were more evenly divided, Shan- non started to assume the ag- gressive, while Kegg maintained a good defence. round opened well The third ; mermermarmsrmer eS El for Shannon, who sent good : punches to Kege’s head and body. ed ™ ae 1 an Toward the end of the rount ae diniltaaal For Sale Kegge was landing them on his ~ Br | I ainsi diladtiaipunetcpiomnernseiarlenly opponent's face without, how- lever visibly affecting him. JANTE irl at the Vienna|roR SALE—Piano, rugs and other house : dessa ata WANTED Dining room gir i7itf hold furniture, . 172i When the fourth round com woe anti am nth winks B onty pO menced they started to mix it up yANTED— y on’s mess.) tracts fifteen months ol Apply P.. 0. om WANTED=-A, Cool. for young mer 70-71 Box 94, City. 171-73 ‘lrast and furious. Ke ee teins fonnae VORE; f a three-room flat for|{ained his excellent defence, WANTED—Girl for general housework; FURNISHINGS o it fe . good home; fare paid. E Write to on pre thee ney be rented. seo y blocking and throwing off his J. L. Cosens, Mill Bay, Naas River, B. ©. . PF raed mt’s savage body blows, oe COWS fresh calved and coming in always) oppone i ’ open : s as on hand, and tuberculosis tested, John) hii, he for his part landed TWO Oanedie.: Wonen_cesire Pearce N Christy, cattle dealer, Collingwood West, . ; ies housekeepers for groups of men. Mae corner Carleton and Westminster Road Shannon a good one on ie fe : oreen oe nee Buvale, — Phone Collingwood 46 KR. Post office, tebe hie claret Morganfield, 525 Ivy St., Chico, Cal. Collingwood East, Box 20. pct uncorking : Sea In the fifth round Shannon for . a while pressed Kege hard, driv- 1 eee ing him against the ropes while eee TREN od he sent home heavy body blows. ers armer sree The weather report at 5 o clock hater however, Keeg. reached this morning read: Barometer, Sharon's. head. ahanwdn’ $9 FURNISHED room in modern apartmer Over old Bank of Commerce. i7i- "130.041; minimum temperature maximum 1 74 "| j ' lak [945 temperature, », 60. now was bleeding profusely from the hose, “ i 8 % 3 . a FOR RENT—Talbot House, furnished. Ap eatin anes ——-- She » Kege’s js cH : J. H. Randall, of Randall &| PY on premises. 17otr | Shannon went for Kegg's jaw c: a ] WS \ ie d ; . ‘taht cEnpiia FOR SALE. in the sixth round, while. Kegg a mare? yanne ao re ee oe “heck ses Pps ft TOP cee | aa ‘ later in the round landed a » architects employed in designing FOR RENT—Piat in the Clapp Bldg. Ap-| Equity in double corner, Sixth} cifnger in his opponent's face A the construction of the new Pre-| ply to Westenhaver Bros. 166tf | avenue and Mathews street, Port There were signs of unpleas Be mier Hotel building, went south!rorR RENT—Large front room in private) Edward, at a sacrifice. Address|aniness in the seventh round, b ‘ ‘ this morning after a short visit ko thee tee ae’ modern; close} Wm A, Butler, 2352 Post St.,|Shannon claimed that he had “e > expresse imself as : 7 ny jen ‘ 57.7 a . . referee ‘Has the Largest Guaranteed Circulation jie: te expressed imseit as} cnnisiien, soo for, rot, in_privae| 88M Francisco, Cal. 157-74 |poen fouled, but the | referes i well satisfied with the progress] family. Apply 221 7th Ave. W. — would not allow it. With a left iy ie being made on the hotel. 160-70 Daily News “ads.” get resulls.}for the jaw and a right for the # EY sali chi siilbaads 2 body Kegg forced his opponent i : Ra pa oe against the ropes and played a ee s, v, oT oT nr XW, 9 ° —— ¥ oW%; ® ¢ ae, , “es <9, v aitattoo on his kidneys. Shannon | GEES CRED SEIS ri ie wi a pes a as ” . NOP OY" SAL OY Ss Soe, “a7 Be), of the fight and claimed that he el Oy (4% had been fouled, but his claim ; 4| « 7; was not allowed. i] F a) . In the eighth round Kegg, who TE ao ——SATURDAY— SPECIAL At OReilly’s 2nd : AVENUE : STORE We are preparing for a record-breaker Saturday. Our offerings are sufficient to bring every fe. man to this store in a hurry, and if you are fair with your purse and bank account you will come THESE PRICES ARE FOR SATURDAY ONLY Men’s Suits Lot 1 $9.00 Sixty Suits in This Lot. Reg. Value $20 and $25 Men’s Suits Lot 2 $13.50 Regular Value $27.60 Men’s Suits Lot 3 $16.85 Regular Value $30.00 6 dozen odd Wool Shirts, regular prico 4 $1.60 each, Saturday Special, each..... 76c Our entire line of ‘Hogen Dress Shirts, regular value $1.50, Saturday Special ONS 6S ie e.0-3 0 ob hak Ee ERR ol 95c Imported Flannel Shirts, regular $3.60 value, Saturday Special fs Peee ss oS $2.20 regular $1.25 Extra Fine Cashmere Sox, all colors, regular 3 for $1.00, Saturday Special Lecke’s High Cut Shoes, reg. $9.00 value, Betrnday-.; jFyie ool jo eee ae ea $6.90 Dr. Vernon Cushion Sole, regular $6.00, Saturday special Railroad Men’s Shirts, value, Saturday Special, each......... 5c . $4.25 5 for NE Hees Pah op ce pi thae hk $1.00 Men’s Cotton Night Shirts (white), regu- lar value $1.50, Saturday Special, each. .65c Men's Working Pants, odd lot, values to $4.00, Saturday Special ............ $2.46 Men’s Hats Lot 1 $1.40 Regular Price $3,00 Pyjamas $1.35 Regular Value $2.50 Gauntlet Gloves $1.20 Regular Value $1.76 Cotton Underwear 60° Flesh or Sak a Value $1.00 CSEIO SIE Wea O’REILLY’ O’REILLY WILL CASH YOUR CHECK AES TE OES 2nd AVENUE STORE r . 2 started ~" non’s jaw were put in by Kegg at 4; This was a series of rushes and clinches, Kegg stopping Shan- non’s body blows well, while he continued his own effective work Aqjon the jaw. Toward the end Shannon came back with a hard was now easily the winner again LP POOLS EPL OI POEL OLE OP D+ DD by rey Friday, July 95. 1943 THE PERFECT SHOE for SUMMER SPORTS FOR EVERYBODY —— Made In Smart Styles, Suitable For Every Outdoor n YOUR DEALER HAS THEy You Might As Well Get THE BEST CANADIAN CONSOLIDATED RUBBER CO., Limite, 2 MONTREAL. FOR A TAXI Phone 75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO Co, POOPPIPPIOPLILALODPOLOCCI+ + DGG a gg Port Edward PRINCE RUPERT'S INDus. TRIAL ANNEX A launch leaves the govern- ment slip for Port Edward every day. For pa 4 apply to Harrison, Gamble & Co., Phone 51, 1 Ave in on the aggressive {Once more he drove Shannon to the ropes, administering stern |} punishment on the jaw. Some more fast ones to Shan |the beginning of the ninth round punch on Lem’s jaw. Things now ® littl. In the tenth round Kegg }, feuffed the Seattle man's jaw fast land vigorously with left lright, while Shannon seemed | somewhat dazed. Shannon recovered in the eleventh, however, and the fight livened up again, Eddie finding Lem's head with left and right After that honors were even, each putting in some solid body blows to his opponent, Kegg claimed that he had been fouled in a mixup in the twelfth round, but his claim was, Eddie Shannon's earlier clatm, not allowed by the referee. Kegg continued to more of his left for jthe thirteenth round. | noticeably much more jhis left than was | throughout the fight. ,| left appeared to from the effect of one punches. The fourteenth round was comparatively tame. The end of the fight was felt to be approach- mg and both men looked to be feeling its effects. Shannon put in a good one to |Kegg’s jaw and landed some on |his kidneys during the last round, which was fought much more vigorously. Kegg for his part tried to land a blow that would certainly settle the fight and Shannon, but did not find his opportunity. When the decision was given to Kegg both he and Mr. Jones, the referee, were heartily cheered. Kegge certainly deserved the deci- sion by the hard work he had done both during the fight and during the preparation for it. The preliminary bout between “Cyclone” Seott and Campbell, the local man, was rather slow, the former winning. Neither man was speedy, but Campbell evidently has good stuff. slowed down a and like give some the jaw He was able with Shannon Shannon's be closing of Lem’s itt eve Loo, Children’s Wari weather dresses, big variety, smartly éut, moderately priced. Wallace's, 173tf LABOR COMMISSION, Sittings of the Provincial labor commission will be held as fol- lows: Hazelton July, 8 p. m, Prince Rupert July, 10 a. m. The commission is empow- ered to inquire into all matters affecting the conditions of labor in British Columbia, All per- sons interested are invited to at- tend and give evidence. H, G, PARSON, Chairman, Wednesday, 28rd Saturday, 26th F, R, MeNAMARA, Secretary, 172 OSBORNE HOUSE 957 Third Ave. Large Single Rooms, W Without Table } Large Sitting Room, |! Priveleges, Moderate ( Wirs. G. A. Tessier THE MIDWAY LADIES’ AND GENTS’ GARMENT CLEANING PRESSING, DYEING AND ¥ Calle 1 For and I 322 Gth Street Phone Green 24 PRINCE RUPERT FEED (i 908 Third Avenue Dealers FEED HAY OATS WHEAT CORN _ SEEDS TIMOTHY CLOVER ALFALFA CORN ETC. CHICKEN FEED A’ § [ALTY Mail orders promptly attended @ PACIFIC TRANSFER (am Furniture, Baggage, Piano Mor ing and General Cartage Phone 1 Office: Suite 9, Federal Block HARRISON W. ROGES Architect Suite 1, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, B. C i Phone 300 Pp, O, Box 18 eens BOOKKEEPING - AUDITIN Bookkeeping Taught by Private Let Terme Reasonable WENDELL R. JONES Phone 112 gia and Me BROWN & BUTTERS MINING ENGINEERS yoy METALLURGY AND MINING Of sar Kes, Phone Biack 413 Prince Rupert ee ‘fo Have Sa. : Sale im A Fine Inside Lol Block 12, >e! $4500.00 G. R. Naden Co, ld Neal Estate and Insurarce Second Avenue