1919, Moday, July 28. THE DAILY NEWS bone out of a piece costing $1.50; there were only 2 1-2 pounds left. The men who were willing to i FRESH SHIPMENT |! «The News” Classified Ads. {lic Asked by the chairman if $100 a month were paid if the troubles would be settled, witness said that the difficulty was that when wages went up the cost of sup- of Fruits and Vegetables Just Received The Following =Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== $3,200.00 Cash $1,200.00, balance arranged to suit Terms: ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY HALL All persons interested are re- quested to be present. W. H- HAYWARD, M., L. A., land there, which was a violatio: of all the principals of freedom Afternoon Session. and farm prospects are excellent, L. Rauk of Hazelton look Mr. K, came down to over his land — lies went up. The only way =|” would be for the government to EVERYTHING IN SEASON os re F FAAS i sply ‘ther it. In reply to further DEDICATORY SERVICES OF EVIDENCE OF WORKERS control r hail Plume New Gravenstein Apples BA s H Wanted GIVEN BEFORE COMMISSION questions from the chairman Cherries New Potatoes THe EW PTisT OHURO s witness said he thought it was Strawberries Green Peas ; ak ih ; the storekeepers who put up the ee i ‘ Continued from page 1) ; , Peaches Wax Beans (Continued from page 1) WANTED—Dining room girl at the Vienna \ pag price. The storekeeper was the i cots Cafe. ; ae See rrewer sall, he declared, had always been topics affecting the worker were mad oe nehaia ; geo F4 oe 97, Sec. 1, 84,000 + Pears Summer Squash ~ the forward ls ; es This last statement caused con $1,500 cash, bal. 19 ang 4, i for the forward movement of expressed by William Denning,} .i4, apie amusement, as Mr Par- months. . oi and All Stapie Fruits. Also a Shipment of mankind since the earliest re- For Rent the representative of the long- tade. ih “ohattivan of the Com C ~ 7 7, > ‘ : ‘ s Ss, e che " ‘ » ; rm i FRESH SPRING CHICKENS corded days. Now that we had Silt RI i ces shoremen. The Workmen's Com- aaa stb te hineol? a storekeeper Lot 90, Block 20, Sec. 2, $1,349 4 Smoked Fish a Specialty ‘ reached ‘the last ‘west and pressed | pywo well furnished rooms for rent. far pensation Act, the Election Act, When informed ot this, - witribas $562 cash, bal. G. T, p 4 We Deliver to All Parts of the City toward the horizon of advance-| Black 399. 100" | the immigration question were all] ° lied “Y ay learn a lesson Lots 19 and 20, Block 20, se 4 ment we were face to face with|ron RENT—Flat in the Clapp Bldg. AP-| qiceyssed by him repriec ou may learn B 106 : $1,900; 1-8 cash, bal. to arn... { yras tagian . nj § ply to Westenhaver Bros. 166tf eves ‘ : This may make you an_ honest , , ‘© arrange a} great issues—moral, social and He thought the Workmen's ena ; political. Above all things, we|FOR RENT—Large front room in private) %' a at 4, jan! For exchange, an 8-acre app), Hd were confronted with the great in. Phone Green $58. mopera; shee? | Compensation Act was) not ade- Ex, Ald. Montgomery returned. ranch at North Yakima for pring, oy wath Preec problem of the fusion of races. . quate, The $50 and $100 allowed| 16 quoted the prices of supplies. Rupert property. This is a fin i The ‘ereatest product of the west for certain accidents was not suf- He also referred to the Compen- chance for the right man : I ; ; For Sale ficent. The act was not specific} cation Ac as almost useless f would be the composite man, in cafail ‘etter, 28.4 gation Act as almost u , 4 whom all the nationalities were enough in detail pie ets "i while he liked the Washington — d “E , f st ¢ ; reme . re : . , - 4 blended. The creation of sueh a]FoR SALE—Piavo, rugs and other house- | C&M 0 a test it CREE ald MNT Act. He favored more govern- ra ’ type should, it was hoped, mark hold furniture, ohbply Rev. E. C. Bureh, hurt while on a ship wes not} ment assistance {0 farmers as : fi ’ uM Cl o 1 OW. we 3 38 , W an oe Sean bee get his compensation. € COM-|heing the backbone of the nation eor e e a FRED STORK § HARD ARE a step forward in the develop- FOR SALE—Furnishings four roomed Cot-| niajned of the fee allowed the ‘ on “ae : ment of humanity. tage, $100; used three months; cottage er shale (a wale he ted Geit Instead of spending $35,000,000 4 music was exe ee can be rented §16 month. Enquire arp or. © st for a navy a bank for the assist- ee ee b dn tcbeatng ahd Matias sire. Miller-Phillips Grocery. 174-77 the county court judge might sit/anes of Side een should be op ca werent ‘ ze j serv- oer h i ‘ armers she : : : ‘ fat for}as arbitrator in an ordinary case.],,,, ted by the gover ont Offices in All Cities in the | ices the choir was under the di-|FURNISHINGS of a three-room 2 by ees*-Terated by the government. Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery rection of Mr. J. E. Davey. Miss ee eke tee rented. | Apply, ‘Another defect ae act be BN tee} ta itis Kingdom Ge ns ae Se WA No that it did not cover diseases such Agent for Fort Fraser Lots Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle Froud, A, L, C. M., of the Pres- COWS fresh calved and coming in alyeytlas went with various callings.|@ , byterian Church, presided at the| QP Band, and tuberculosis testec. ty : ee a hevorcccccooroooooocooe. i itti i : ¥ r Christy, cattle dealer, Collingwood West, . me ‘ . » state ” Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles & Shotguns organ. In the evening the choir corner Carleton and’ Westminster Road: . Mid favor of ay A ca TERRACE NEWS. eerrooones Rope Valves Ammunition rendered a cantata, “The Rolling} Collingwood East. ; RR eee ee en ae ’ wwood East, Box 20. 170-t Pumps H Paint Seasons,” by Caleb Simper. The In reply to Mr, Harper, the|® —~ SRUnRY RPOEAGE ¥ re ae soloists were Mrs. Jarvis McLeod, witness said he was not in favor Terrace, July 26.—Among to- —AT— Stoves & Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron Mrs. C. H. Munro, Messrs. Derry, Lost and Found of the men paying any part of o day's arrivals were Mr. 8. Eby and Clapperton, Davis and Davey. The b pesrmrmermeg | HSurance, It should be paid by|Dr, Traynor, both of whom have or a " ir were the industry, as it would make]|been away on business. other members of the choir were], og7_Gola watch, photo on inside case.| 5) | Naa Soe aca oa { 6 e 99 Mrs. Hampton, Miss Macleod,| Reward if returned to Pacific Transfer the employer more anxious to oh all We Sell Nothing But the Best Mrs. Carmichael, Mrs. Hambiin,| °™° 175-77 | provide protection. He approved} Mr. Bohler reports a splendid monies Miss Wark, Messrs. W. Barker, - — as =iof the Washington Compensation] growth of garden vegetables on ee aie a Walford, A. Bain and R. MeIn- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Act, only he would make thefhis ranch. He is obtaining ready Near Prince Rup: tosh. od compensation higher. sales both locally and outside. IN— A fraternal platform meeting] PORT EDWARD TOWNSITE CO., LTD. The Election Act was unfair in ie 7 i hi will be held in the church at 8 |that it fixed an amount to he put Dull weather and the probabil- 5 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS ‘ o'clock this evening, Rev. Mr. teste Rijcliey hanew hk Go. st thelr dy | up. Instead of putting up &8100]ity of rain reduces somewhat the Apply THE BEST A THE McLeoac "aS , The ress} fice, McBride Street, Prince Rupert, up to}/the candidate should get a peti.|danger from several points in the Ariat McLeod presiding The address i - of the evening will be even hy ocatvanton Gath tolLiwing: works oes tion with 100 names. Three] vicinity where timber is being 7 > . var: , . Rev. W. J. Scott, the new pastor Por, Bawaras |. ides oxintatal months’ residence in an electoral] burned, H G bl & | cushe ; as : ; y 10,440 PIONEER DRUG S ORES pro tem. Addresses of greeting |!imeal feet of trenches; delivery (of ape district was objected to. He did oniagiiconii arrison, ambie ompany will be delivered by Rev. H. G. Stata tube’ tick theamepenys hike’ ne not believe in a property quali- Mr. Franks has an excellent FINANCIAL AGENTS ae at eo Pes ‘ scow to the trenches; backfilling the above | fj; . T° sho . shaprian. 4 ae - . ae | 9 Estabrook, representing the Bap-|{renches; and the clearing of approximately | @Cation either. howing of cherries and other! Third Ave. Prince Rupert ae PAGE & SHAW S CHOCOLATES tists of British Columbia; by Sour soon ens anne een amy Immigration. small fruit, ; ; f. - eas f e 5 < #4 Bishop Du Vernet and Rey. FE. © bidders, form of tender and plans and Canada was suffering from a nomen ‘ ‘ . g ~ ; of c y 2 pa » ye wv a . ie bp | Shipped by Express from the Factory Burch, representing St. Andrew's [Smee MAY De Seen at Hie Seve deluge of European immigration,| TWO More new buildings start- wet } be i Anglican Church; by Rey. F. W. brought out under false repre- ed this week. This quiet but FOR A TAX “ae DO YOU KNOW THEM? ——— Kerr, hs a AE eg al TICE sentations. He objected to such| Steady growth bodes well for the ; A 4 terian Church; by Rev. J. F. Dim- . NO ° men as Collingwood Schreiber| future. = Bad cif mick, representing the Methodist saying men were wanted for the een, } Ai! Church, and by Captain Eva Notice is hereby given that|“rand Trunk Pacific. He was aos ae lo Terrace this one q ° Stride, representing the Salvation] * : 7 : ; sed to all Oriental migra-|¥eexX were Rt, Rev. Bishop Du i a " : : x ‘ meetings of the Provincial Agri- opposet oa riental immigra- yee / : ete is ef BUY Army. Solos, duets and other ahitiwen Commission will be held|tion. The government. should Vernet, D, D., and Principal ‘‘ - special music will be rendered at the iuliowlig laées: . take over employment agencies.| ¥4@Ce of Latimer Hall, Van- PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO. during the evening. Terrace, August 9th, 2:30 p. m.;|!t might be better out of polities, mons } fomorrow evening at 8 o'clock et ee Re 14 h too, and put in the civil service. Coe ee. _ a reoepti and ye eek Prince Rupert, August th : Messrs. A. McDougall and 3 a reception and social evening en death a0 la. ch.) He objected to the time check Messrs. A. McDougall and J. will be given by the ladies of the ae AT ves 2 ste Me > DE Manson were also among ar- E : ‘ Hazelton, August 13th, 7:30]5ySstem. Men should be paid s j For Sale at a “Snap” Price a hd the Baptist Brother- mi ’ F : weekly and in legal tender. rivals on Wednesday's train, . ss ores hood. There will be a formal|*’ jee as made : — Ave. Lot 1, Block 4, Section 2 : , cnnial ranma noa{ Aldermere, August 15th, 10] An objection was made by Mr. Mr. Y of ta 957 Third Ave opening of the social rooms and Denning to the way Granby was Mr, Young's land is showing Large 8i ' th 117 ft. on Van Arsdol St., 34 ft. on Graham Ave. and nearly a farewell to Rev. and Mrs. Mc-| ™: Bi ot Tha o 7 wa fevidences of hard work, His| Large Single Rooms, With et s a. ..; |Deing run. The company there|* , iy a 94 ft. on Rear Lane Leod. The evening will be en-] The commission will hear evi- aes a : ne | House is almost ready for occu- Without Table Board. . dence on all matters affecting owned: all the tend: and no-one I Sitti R Bath, | . 7 — ramiw Tru ive rames ¢ specie ence é atters 2c Pi 4 : ot : ancy, sarge Sitting Room, Bath, Home L0 EVEL AND FINE WATER VIEW livened by games and_ special ; Be oko as aNd yy could build a store or anything]? LOT L music by a quartette, and re-|@gricultural conditions in the sinecainoul’ its: Garnilesian i cae eee Priveleges, Moderate Charges freshments will be served. province, would not allow. an organizer 10 Weather has been fine all week Mrs. G. A. Tessier ‘THE MIDWAY Chairman, Khvidence was given in the af- interests at Kitselas. He re : LADIES’ AND GENTS’ GARMENT CLEANING formerly Kaien Isd. Gymnasium C. B, CHRISTENSEN, ternoon by ex-Alderman Mont Tatas Panes te See : : E , Aes ‘ : . splendid soil and prospects, PRESSING, DYEING AND REPAIRIN To rent for Dances, Public Meet- Secretary. 169-92} gomery, Alderman Thomas Mait- Nets Bee eae ee Gable Atian Wok and Delivered ings, ete. Particulars at t and ¢ ’, Sherman. : FOR RENT tie Mage a Ay ee a VAL] OT | eee | | ee ee ad th@t be LIBERAL ORGANIZER WELL 322 Bth Street Phone Green 241 : sgt Oy eneite 1 es RECEIVED AT TERRACE Hays Building (2nd Floor) NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR THE AP.- PROVAL OF PLANS AND OF PETITION was working for 45 cents an hour PACIFIC TRANSFER C0. d Toil H i by Hot ee ey ee Pere | 80m ARPBOVAL OF URDSRTAUING.| 11, covarnment ‘eteavation 3 Rooms, Stationary Washstand and Toilet. eated by Ho tae mt excavé ; ea eiees : ‘Water. Electric Fixtures Now in Rooms. DEMAND Take notice that the PRINCE RUPERT|earning this month $3 a day. I] Terrace, July 27. Under the 3 ver, R \/ RES RVE Serer Pimp COMDAU Es emir aD. of was possible to live on this. He]®USPIces: of the Terrace Liberal Furniture, Baggage, Piano Mor Will Paper to Suit Tenant, 0 ‘AL E troller of Water’ Rights for the approval|t{hought a man could not do jus-|8S80ciation, Mr, Baer,/the Lib- * Cartage & d nga enera 9g WHISKY. Apply to 2nd Ave. and 2nd St. GUARANTEED BY of the plans of the works to be constructed for the utilization of the water from Falls River and Khtada River, which the .appli- cant is by water records numbers 21, 27, cubic feet per second from Khtada River tice to himself and his work if he worked more than eight hours a day. As to the cost of living eral organizer for British Golum- bia, addressed a large and repre- sentative meeting of the citizens tion and also the land poliey of Phone 1 Office: Suite 9, Federa | Blocks DAVID H HAYS AGES YEARS 36 an 50 authorized to BT store ae ' use for power purposes and in respect to sie sabia eGo oa ‘re las x bre caf —= e which further app leations for 508 cubic| Wen wages went up 40 per cent.{ "ere last night. He spoke at feet per second from Falls River and 266/the cost of living went up 15 or |Some length on the naval ques- OGERS are now pending. The power plants to be} 20 per cent. Under present con- THE GOVERNMENT Fitnate Oe Lots 635 and 695, respectively, | 4 Sa wont : r the B. C, government, and ade OF CANADA, _|Hange 5, Coast bistrict, ditions a married man _needec ae ose? eae: ee Architect . ing “ution for approval of the undertak- 18100 a month. A single man had |# Very favorable impression upon ° - rag RECOMMENDED FOR | {he Minister of Lands under Part 6 of the|little left on $65 a month, He|is audience. He was vocifer- Suite 1, Federal Blot : HO THe INVALID Wane plans and particulars requirea by|thought 23 or 24 days was an ously cheered at the end of the PRINCE RUPERT, B. My a Tne Home sub section one of Section 70 of the Water average number on which one] meeting. Phone 300 P, O. Box 1699 ben ct, a8 amended, an ye petition, plans |, , T Tne Connoisseur one exhibits a approval of under: could work here, The rate of — i i taking as required by Section 89 and Part] ,; ; AMIE ce a rae soe. , i y THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1624 PHONE No. 8 Tne Pusuic Soaene been Tiled we the RTE er OF pay should be $5 per day, B00 ( yater Rights and with the ater Re- r KKEEPING AUD K Sh 4 Plate Gl who natural corder at Prince Rupert. Alderman Maitland. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS , Builders’ Supplies eet and Pla’ ass want the best. Objections to the application may be Alderman Maitland was next filed With the Comptroller of Water Rights,| — * ‘ ‘ s nex ee | Bookkeeping Taught by Private Lesson Plumbers’ supplics Plate Glass Mirrors Paints - Stoves, Ranges AGE, Purity HARDWARE Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B 5 a Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 2ist called. He said that-when wages with a family a man should’ be J. Sidney Smith, of the Atlin Bob Switzer, Terms Reasonable ' Tinware AND MELLOWNESS § [day of July, A.D. 1913. were 37 1-2 cents it was impos-],,. : 5 y, I ; arn tubes Graniteware UNSURPASSED. THE PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELEC-| sible to make a living, At 45 cine Ltd., left this morn- WENDELL R. JONES 5 Wkly j28-a18" ; cents he thought that city men|!"® for Victoria, and Ate 2 The ‘Stay Satisfactory DISTRIBUTORS SS] 0.0014 not make 1 wa as Ais fa einai 2 Phone 112 313 | “ ee ake ‘eo the 6( . Andrew D. Tyson, inspector a) MONARCH MALLEABLE Range.”’ Prince Rupert Importing Co., Ltd Take notice that I, Charles H. Flood, oc-| $65 a month Pan i Pe Indic snejyes cera ee Al : , 6 “3 ; ta | eee ith, It cost him about in agen®es, left for the 4 fe PRINCE RUPERT, B.C cupation free miner, intend to apply to 240 ? RS wae { cee the Hon. Commissioner of lands an works $32 a month to maintain himself|S0Uth this morning on the BROWN & BUTTE ef =— ———=—=—=——= ; ss ee | Or eaaission to purchase the following/and his wife. He believed that|8teamer Prince Rupert, MINING ENGINEERS He Commencing at @ Dost lanted at he representing P Se northeast corner of A. P. L. reading Lot : ep ; ‘ , 4 . . G GEOLOG and Post 2232-3535, thence in a northerly|P4id $4 a day at the least, He|Pither & Leiser of Victoria, re_| METALLURGY AND MININ ae ti Ehones 187 and 430 50c per bottle Phones 187 and 430 Shirriff’s Lime Juice lirection along the shore of Hastings Arm 0 chains more or less to the Tac-U-An Indian reservation No, 26, thence in a westerly direction 40 chains, thence in a southerly direction 80 "chains, thence east- erly 40 chains to the .point of commence- ment, containing 320 acres more or less CHARLES. H. FLOOD, believed that the men for the city averaged about 19 days a month. He was in favor of a universal eight hour day, He never found that men pre- trip to Hazelton and the Bulkley Valley. last night from a week's Charles Haynes, who has been Res, Phone Black 413 Prince Rupert We Have er: ‘ Dated June 27th, 1943. sin spotck conducting Martin O'Reilley's sale . R b Vi 50 Pub, July 28, 1913—Sept. 22, 1913. M4 reg to work more than eight] for some weeks, left on the Prinee a Ge 9 asp erry inegar ¢ 9” ” Take notice that I, Willlam Macy, of ours, There was a class that Rupert this morning, en route to e a e ; Anyox, B. C,, occupation caterer, intend to}COUld not talk English, They had] his at S e a apply to the Hon. Commissioner of Lands Fee is home at Spokane. pr ; 2 ine | 0 take what they got. In the 50c 50c 99 99 9? Blackberry Wine - Port Wine - and Works for permission to purchase the following described lands: _Commencing at a post planted on the southeast corner of 8. T, L. Lot and Post mines it was proved that a man did as much in eight hours as in ‘ The Misses Jackson of Winni- peg, weekend guests at the home ~ Mr, and Mrs, Thomas MecCly- A Fine Inside Lol ! Block 12, Se 6 F - - 35280-9530, thence southerly 20 chainsjlonger. An cigt anaes 9 9 ”? along the shore of Goose Bay to 8. T. L. be ‘ = : ght hour day would mont, left for the south. o the : ‘ c Lot and Post reading 35980-0520, thence ye more satisfactory, eine Pri R n Une nh a westerly direction 20 chains, thence steamer rince uper ‘ Imported Black Cherry Wine 75¢ 9” 9 in a northerly direction 20 chains, thenc: Against Storekeepers. morning pens this Aast 90 chaine to the point of Comnmence- W Sherman end 1 eA} Wl : i ° ment, containing 160 acres \nore or less, ee i ndorser 1e 1e1 ’ , ‘1 Pe E WILLIAM MACY. 1 the late tocal manager a STALKER & WELLS FIRST CLASS GROCERS €, H, Flood, Agent, Dated June 27th, 1913. Pub. July 28, 1913-—-Sept, 22, 1913. _—_—_—_—— The steamer City of Seattle is expected to arrive here from the south at 8 o'clock this evening. statoment that $100 w month was |« none too much on which ‘to keep a family. One ton of coal at $44, $9 for shoes, $20 a month rent, groceries $40 a month, meat $45, clothing $410, total $105, On the score of meat, he had cut all the f the Bank of Camnmerce and his wife, Mr, and Mrs. J, M. Christie, left pert this morning titey were bade farewell by a large crowd of their friends, who had congregated at the wharf to see the moff, by the steamer Prinee Ru. Real Estate end Insuré Second Avenue. G. R. Naden Co., Lit nce