Legislative Library — LARGEST CIRCULATION 1n THE OIT 'Y AND NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Sso< vol. IV, NO. 176. CHINESE REY, PRINCE RUPERT, B. U., TUESDAY, JULY 29, 1913. — — —— NEXT MAILS From South Chelohsin....... Wednesday, 2 p.m, For Goutn Prince George. .. Wednesday, 9 a.m, PRICE FIVE CENTS ONISTS FIRE ON BRITISH BOAT UNKN OWN TRAMP SAV FAST PASSENGER TRAIN — GREAT NORTHERN LIMITED WRECKED WATER, BUT NEVER A DROP OF DRINK A BOLD RUSSIAN SAILOR RISKS LIFE IN HONOR OF BACCHUS WATER EVERYWHERE AND SWIMS ACROSS THE HARBOR TO HIS BEER. teander swam the Hellespont/oficers saw that all the men were ee his fair love Hero, andjaboard twenty-four hours before Lord Byron performed the same|the vesse) was ready to. start. « feat to add fresh laurels]This condition of affairs was his wreath of fame. But there |most ‘irritating’ to some thirsty . a Russian sailor aboard the Al-|members of the crew, notably to bert Meyer who accomplished anjfone son of. the land of Seotch wiventure last night fraught with | whiskies, Ginrickies and Tossem- almost as much danger, whic hjoffs, This daring sailor would va idertaken not in honor of}not be daunted by the thought of \ «s but of Bacchus. cold water so long as he did not fhe ship of whose erew this|have to drink it. Last night, hyecian is a member, the Albert] therefore, he slipped over the Movs is starting today for the]|side of the vessel in the darkness, 2 heries of the Behring Sea.|swam the long way to shore, for | ler, therefore, to have the|the vessel is three-quarters of , shape for the trip and to|the way across the harbor, and ike sure that none of thefhad his refreshments. The re- vould be balf seas over|turn journey, however, he per- bef they got to sea at all, the} formed i na boat. NEW RAI h LROAD PROJECT WITH BEI /A COOLA AS THE TERMINUS A NEW ROAD IS PLANNED FROM BELLA COOLA TO ALEXIS CREE K, CHILCOTIN, AND THENCE TO CONNECT WITH C. P. R. AT BEAVER. the Bellaj waterways to Beaver, at which ly ist week's issue if rier announced the visit} point i} will connect with the C, Mr. Ki. Bath, Ms Avy B.Se., lo) p R, line al present under con- nn ee are struction from Red Deer, Alberta, j ndings with a view ¢ its suitability for| Which latter line is completed id terminal purposes. [practically two-thirds of the dis- Mr. Bath expressed himself as|tance. the steel reaching to a greeably surprised and intimated | point in the vicinity of Coldwater hat there was litthe doubt that | Lake. Bella ( i would be utilized for Mr. Bath spoke highly of the i tioned purpose at|productive nature of the coun- tant date. try which this projected line is It ha been ascertained | intended to open up, of which he lat Mr. Bath's visit was in con-|has a thorough knowledge, and e h a railroad project|further intimated his belief that f s the building of a/the information he had person- I Bella Coola to Alexisjally acquired during his visit to { thence crossing | Bella Coola would add consider- id at a point be-lably to the already favorable h 10 and 4105 Mile/prospects of early railroad con- | following the struction at Bella Coola, various AY SEL RUST DEED OFFER lhat i loans the nglish del Fal security le Ocean Mw company 100,100 vou is the by M solicitor pany of ¢ Who is the lay olpany lade ii { pent of $20,330 Mr Arnold Tl lrustee = f¢ miders has re ‘el as a BHds only 1 S100,400, the ANY Can buy 4! amount, 'se, go the Mr, Arnold's ‘CL his moon asec for acres of With the “11s the ho ber mill, aC., lor 81004 rhlure roperty, ulp wood nd mae eLhey sucl an hinery Naming $3,3 Such a proy » be Mit of the eer Miller ig thr he 'Bistry trus of $3,500,000 made thicagoa Clients can acquire the -— pulp mill, holders only the personal contested important law w L THE TIMBER LANDS OF OCEAN FALLS COMPANY TO SECURE LOANS OF $3,500,000 IS SAID TO SECURITY ON LANDS OF COMPANY ONLY TO EXTENT OF Reem 100. | deed in this way be brought before the privy gouncil. In the meantime the debenture lholders of the Ocean Falls Com- pany are going on their ordinary and are said lo’be arrang- of the entire assets to responsible concern, to secure by venture holders to Is Company the the of startling discov- r Charles 8, Ar- for the Crane and Van- taking steps of the Ocean to satisfy a judg- only on lands of to course ing the sale of the company parties as a going extent FAST ‘TRAIN WRECKED (Special to The Daily News) White Fish, Mont., contends that as Northern fast ” the debenture | was wrecked near Rock Hill last Histered the trust) jnight, The engineer and fire- urity against the| man were both killed and the ex- A specifie amount| press manager badly injured, it the Crane Gom-|The cause of the accident 1s not the lands in for | yet known. The engine left the With the lands, of|/rails and turned over, the mail buildings, so thal | car piling on top Some of the contention is cor-|mail is said to be missing. how 1ds July 29 ! ® mail train Greal Northbound. who lef! night on timber leases, to- townsite of Ocean lel, power plant, wharves, leaving the de- here for the the City of Seatlle were: W. Waldron, J, Frondeville, Frank Egan, N. Kersting, William PD, Coppernoll, Tony Busniteh, Alec, Pruss!ng, W. T. Koch, John Starr, H. ¢ MeCGool, pe Labb Darby King, osition is certian|J. H. MeCoy, 8. Paloza, M. Zadvek. to the utmost RE i ints, and before the Smart American shoes ry new- ough will involve/est models now $3.90, for men points of land|and women, at Scott, Froud & Co.'s s40e sale. 176-77 Those north last 00, ' as cut timber, d moveable plant 48 security for the}, 99,900, hieh will probably AN UNKNOWN TRAMP PROVES LIFE SAVER Flagged Train Before it Reached Burning Bridge and thus Prevented Disastrous Wreck (Special to The Daily News.) Ashland, Ove. July An unknown tramp saved the south- bound Shasta Limited from dis- aster by flagging it before it reached a burning bridge near Oakland, The train was behind time and running at an unusually high speed in order to make up. A distance ahead the engineer saw a flare and later a man be- side the track waving a firebrand. The train stopped and the tramp told the engineer that the bridge ahead of him was on fire. 29- The train proceeded slowly un- til the bridge was reached. The train was found to be already badly damaged a ndhad the train gone on Lye it at the speed it was going when signalled there is no doubt the bridge must have col- lapsed. FAREWELL MEETING FOR REV. MR. M’LEOD Fellow Workers of the Retiring Pastor Express Their Regret at His Departure. The Church was new Baptist of a fraternal platform yesterday evening. The retiring Rey. Warren H. McLeod, The of the evening was given by Rey. W. J. Scott of Vancouver, who will occupy the pulpit unti) a suc- to Mr. MeLeod has been appointed. Expressions of greet- ing to the new pastor, commingled with expressions of regret at the departure of the popular and much liked minister, Mr. McLeod, were made by the clergy of the other churches. Rey, F. W. Kerr, of the Presbyterian Church, spoke feelingly of his regret for the loss of his fellow worker, Mr. McLeod, the ranks of the church in Prinee Rupert. Rev. John F. Dimmick extended fare- well greetings on behalf of the Methodist Church, and Captain Eva Stride spoke on behalf of the Salvation Army. Rev. H. G., Estabrook spoke as representa- tive of the Baptists of British Co- lumbia. In reply, Rev. Mr. Me- Leod delivered a short but fine address, in which he spoke in high terms of the work being done by his fellow ministers and assured them that though no longer a pastor he would still be a worker in the cause of Christianity. This evening there will be a reception for Rey. and Mrs. Mc- Leod given by the ladies of the ehurch and the Baptist Brother- hood, It will also be the occéa- sion of the formal opening of the scene meeting pastor, presided. address cessor from workers social rooms of the church. Af- ter the delivery of farewell ad- dresses there will be games, spe- cial musie and refreshments. HIS, PROUDEST DAY When He Leads United States Fleet Through Panama Canal. (Special to The Daily News.) Portland, Ore., July 29.—See- retary of the Navy Daniels, in the course of his speech at a ban- quet given in his honor last night, said that the proudest day of his life would be when ite came through the Panama Canal on the bridge of the battleship Ore- gon, followed by every ship of the United States navy, and took this fleet into every harbor on the Pa- cifie coast, James Conmee, ex-M. P., Dies. Port Arthur, Ont, July 24,—A message last evening from Pres- cott, Ariz, announces the death of Mr. James Conmee, ex-M, P., who had been ill for about five years. His illness became serious while at Ottawa during the term of 1910, SAM HUGHES CABLES HIS FELICITATIONS Sends Message to Canadian Team at Bisley 0g Winning Most Coveted of Prizes (Special to The Daily News.) July 29—An official congratulation has of Mi- Ottawa, government been sent by the Minister COL, SAM HUGHES. litia to the winner of the King’s Prize at Bisley, which reads as follows: “Commander Canadian Team, “Bisley, England. Congratulations to Hawkins, the team and yourself on win- ning the most coveted of all pri- zes at Bisley, the King’s Prize. SAM HUGHES.” BASEBALL. National League. Philadelphia 6, Pittsburg 2. Brooklyn 5, Cincinnati 7. Boston 5, Chicago 10. New York 4, St. Louis 0. American League. Washington 1. Chicago 4, ANARCHISTS STILL ACTIVE Attempt to Assassinate Premier of Portugal. (Special to The Daily News.) Lisbon, July 29.—A delayed re- port shows that Saturday a determined attempt was made to assassinate Premier De Costa by a man named Cunha Novas. The man was arrested but no particu- tars are obtainable for the reason that a strict censorship on all messages has since been rigor- ously maintained. on TO RECEIVE MR. HAZEN Acting Mayor Dybhavn to Repre- sent the Municipality. Acting Mayor Dybhayvn was ap- pointed by the city council last evening to represent the munici- pality in the reception which will be extended to the minister of marine and fisheries, Hon. J. Douglas Hazen, who arrives here tomorrow. TO-NIGHT Westholme Opera house Griffith Stock Co. “The Wolf” Popular Prices 25c, 85¢ and 50c at Orme's Phone 200 Reserved Seats Drug Store TARIFF REVISION TO BE LONG DRAWN OUT Progressive Republicans Wil! Perfect Substitute Sche- dules to those of Democrats (Special to The Daily News.) Washington, July 29—That there is a wide division in the Re- publican ranks over the tariff re- vision bill became apparent when a dozen of the Progressive Re- publican senators began to hold serious conferences to perfect a of ‘substitute sehedules. These will be offered as amend- ments to the proposed tariff bill under the leadership of Senators LaFollette and Cummings. This move of the Proressive Republicans originated in a be- lief that the leading senators of their faction will be unable to support the substitute schedules to be offered by Senator Smoot of the Republican party. “THE WOLF” PLEASES A LARGE AUDIENCE Strong Play Well Presented by the Griflith Stock Co.—Same Bill Tonight. set The Griffith Stock Company ap- peared night well filled house in one of the strong- last before a est bills of their present engage- “The Wolf” is a splendid of life and character in the frontier wilderness of Canada. The action takes place at the home of a Scotch settler, Andrew McTavish, and his daugh- ter Hilda. An American engineer and his assistant, engaged on survey work for a proposed rail- way, visit the home and the former plans to add the girl to his already large list of victims. A young French-Canadian in love with Hilda gets wise to the trap that is being laid for her and at- tempts to frustrate the plans. The play full of .action and easily holds the attention of the audience. To offset the side a good deal of humor worked in through the good na- tured fun poked at the old Scotch settler by the engineer's ant, who ever ready to tease the staid old man. Mr. Griffith made a splendid MeTavish and Fred Stein has never appeared to better advantage here than he did as the French-Canadian. The final scene, a night camp on the trail, is very touching. The bill will be repeated tonight. ment. portrayal is serious is assist- is SEVENTY THOUSAND FIRE Factory of Kilbury Medicine Com- pany Destroyed. Special to The Daily News.) Toronto, July 29,—The of the Kilbury Medicine broke out in a blaze yesterday while twenty girls were working on the upper floors. Fortunately a quick alarm-was given of the outbreak and the girls managed to escape down the narrow stairs through the thick smoke, faclory Company THE BAGOTS RECONCILED Five Years’ Disagreement as to Family Religion. (Special to The Daily News.) Baltimore, July 29.—Afler a separation of five years Lady Bagot has become reconciled with Lord Bagot. The disagreement which brought about the separa- tion was as to whether the daugh- ter should be educated as a Cath- olic or a Protestant. The broth- ers and sisters of Lord and Lady Bagot are greatly pleased at the reconciliation, THE WEATHER. The weather report at 5 o’clock this morning read: Barometer, 30.010; maximum temperature, 61; minimum temperature, 50; precipitation, 06 inch, BRITISH BOAT AND STANDARD (Special to The Daily News.) Shanghai, July 29.—After two nights of quiet firing was re- sumed at 9 o'clock last night, the shells bursting over the band stand and the foreign settlement. The Portuguese consul received mortal injuries and other for- eigners had narrow escapes. It is suspected that the rebels are deliberately training their guns upon the foreign settlement in re- venge for the Shanghai volun- teers having disarmed three hun- dred rebel soldiers and twelve officers at Chapei on Saturday. There is a panic among the Chi- nese crowds, owing to the large number of foreigners flocking in from the native cities to take refuge in the embassies and con- sulates, Rebels Are Dispersed. Hankow, July 29.—The rebels were dispersed yesterday from REBELS SHELLING FOREIGN SETTLEMENTS OF SHANGHAI OIL STEAMER FIRED UPON BY REBELLIOUS PROVINCE OF HANKOW—HALF THE CABINET OFFICES VACANT. Pukow, the northerners in close pursuit. ; British Boat Fired Upon. Peking, July 29.—The Ameri- can consul al Hankow reports that the Standard Oil boat and a British boat were fired on yes- terday near Yechewhunan, indi- cating that the troops of that re- bellious province are still con- tinuing their murderous work. The government is in a state of chaos. Half the cabinet offices are vacant and there are no ap- plicants for the vacancies. Fierce Attack on Arsenal. Shanghai, July 29.—Rebels to the number of two thousand started another fierce attack on the arsenal yesterday and main- tained a brisk fire. The govern- ment warship shelled the rebels’ position and the firing on both sides was intermittent for three hours. Many shells from the rebels fell into the foreign settle- the forts on both sides of Lake ments. Cordova, July the Shushanna who made the aeroplane flights | in Fairbanks, July 4, and who is} itement|press for passengers AERIAL EXPRESS MAY BE RUN TO REACH THE GOLD DIGGINGS CAPT. MARTIN, WHO HAS BEE BEEN MAKING FLIGHTS IK NORTH, IS ASKED TO RUN PASSENGER EXPRESS TO SHU- HANNA PLACER FIELDS from that oven strike con [point to Shushanna. The dis- tinues at fever heat, and stam- tance is about 100 hundred miles peders are exhausting every , Y i means to reach the new strike at|#%4 it is believed that many the earliest possible moment. stampeders would avail them- A movement is on feot to se-/Selves of this means of travel. cure Captain Martin, the aviator Last evening a party of thirty eet a special train, which left at 7 o'clock yesterday morn- expected in Juneau in a day or ling ror McCarthy, the point at two, to prevail upon him to go to |which the trail to Seolia Pass McCarthy and run an aerial ex-|leaves the railway line. —_——_—_—— a ROYAL BRIDE MISSES A MOST ROYAL GIFT That Stolen Sixty-Seven Thou- sand Necklace Intended as Wedding Gift to Duchess of Fife (Special to The Daily News.) London, July 29—The Morning Observer prints without reserve that the $67,500 necklace, which was in transit from Paris jewel- lers to London and was stolen from the registered mail, was to be submitted to the Princess Ro- yal and probably purchased by her, for presentation to her daughter, the Duchess of Fife, when she became the bride of Prince Arthur of Connaught, CANADA SHIPPING ACT Is to Be Revised and Very Prob- ably Amended. (Special to The Daily News.) Ottawa, July 29.—The Canada Shipping Act is to be revised and consolidated and very probably amended, W. W. Henry, bar- rister of Halifax, has been ap- pointed by the government to at- tend to the work, DROWNINGS AT OTTAWA Kilmartin of Forestry Department One of the Victims. (Special to The Daily News.) Ottawa, July 29.-Twe drown- ing accidents occurred during the week end, the victims being Thomas F. Kilmartin of the for- MINISTER OF MARINE TO ARRIVE TOMORROW Hon. J. Douglas Hazen Is Expect-- ed—He Will Address Canadian Club While in the City. Hon. J. Douglas Hazen, minis- of marine and fisheries, will arrive here tomorrow. He will address a mass meeting in the Empreu: Theatre tomorrow even- ing. While here he will also ad- dress the Canadian Club at a luncheon, the date of whieh will be fixed after his arrival. He in- tends to visil the Queen Char- lolte Islands and other parts of the district before he leaves for Dawson on Monday next. H. S. Clements, the member for Comox-Atlin in the house of commons, is expected here today. He has come here to go about the riding with Mr, Hazen and dis- cuss any questions which may arise. ter KING WAS GRACIOUS Suffragette Tried to Present a Petition to Him (Spe ial to The Daily News.) London, July 29——-While King George was inspecting the guard of honor at the Sandringham railway station yesterday, a suf- | fragette rushed forward and tried to present a petition to His Royal Highness. The police seized the woman and rushed her from the station to jail. Very shortly af- terwards she was released at the King’s special request. Launch Alice B for hire. Tele- esiry department and Claude Walsh, a boy of 9. Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, Phone 4. tf phone Green 391, Davis’ Float. 155-tf ME Se ee nei Sie ee ater nermremcr eo “ os ~ ree SHARE he tun ~ s ie (eS es fei ae ie Wht oe: ; ‘e} i ; a ae AY is tote hed EL * oa : ‘ es a he Af i ty iM be