tuesday, July 29, 1943, AND PURCHASE NOTICES. Land District—~District: of Coast, Range V skeena . notice that The Prince Rupert rake, vone. Go, Limited, of Prince Hydro’ Bb. G, intends to apply for permis- hupe to purchase 40 acres of land near the sion River, bounded as follows: Hocs#mencing at & post planted on the vomod of Lake Madeleine near the out- nor thence south 20 chains, thence west 20 jet, inence north 20 chains, thence east chains, to point of commencement, con- 20 chain ‘acres more OF less, alnlng a "RUPERT HYDRO-ELECTRIC PRIN iF CO IMITED. Ee per George H, Kobl, Agent. pated May 16th, 1943. pub, May 26, 1913—July 24, 10943. OL veasiar Land District—District of Skeena. Take notice that Samuel RK. Brown Jr., » prince Rupert, B. G., occupation engi- of intends wo apply for permission to neers ase the following described Sands: puremmencing at @ post planted at the uteast corner of Lot 2626, thence west soutimans, thence south 40 chains, thence 4) ci) chains, thence north 40 chains to coe, of ©6commencement, containing 160 yrees more or Jess. acres HOL"\MUEL ROLLINS BROWN JR. ated April 26th, 1013. Pa May 26, 1919—July 24, 1943. wn iacitegellltaiphaithaties titania skeena Land District—District of Coast, F Range V. Quinista, B, C., occupation farmer, intend apply for permission to purchase the Powe described lands: ‘Commencing at &@ post planted at the eouwwest corner Of Lot 4425, thence westerly along the shore line 20 chains inore oF less, thence following the shore i northerly aud easterly to horthwest Lot 4125, thence south 6 chains gore or less to point of commencement, containing 12 acres more or 1¢88. LOUIES AURIOL, Dated May 248t, 1913. pub. May 26, 1913—July 21, 1913, ine skeena Laud District Disiriet of Coast, 7 ange V, Take notice that James Jébour, of prince Kupert, B. C., occupation mer- nant, intends to apply for permission to incase te following described property: Commencing at & post planted about mile east of Mile Post 49 on the G. T, P. alway, east from Prince Rupert, on ap island in the Skeena River, thence south sy chains, thence east 40 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 40 chains to point of commencement, containing 32¢ acres more Or 1e38, JAMES JABOUR. Dated June 18th, 1013, pub, June 23, 1913-—-Aug. 18, 1913. skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range V luke nolice that I, Lancelot Russel Wal roud Beavis, Of Victoria, B, C,, occupation waster mariner, iutend to apply for per- wissjon tw purchase the following de- d lands; ( encing at @ post planted on the northeast corner Of a bay, @ little to the stward of Skiakl Bay, stephens Island, foreshore, thence east 20 clitains, t north 20 chains, thence west 2U ains, thence south 20 chains to point muencement, containing 40 acres more r i035, LANCELOT RUSSEL WALROND BEAVIS. Dated July 18t, 19138. Pub, July 21, 1913—Sept. 15, 1913. skeena Land District—-District of Coast, Range V lake notice that I, Thomas Pierpont Banks, of Vancouver, B, C., Uccupation siesta, intend to apply for per lo purchase the following de 1 lands uunencing @t @ post planted on the northeast corner of @ bay, @ little io the castward of Skiakl Bay, Stepbens Isiand, reshore, aid adjacent to L. Rh. W. Beavis laun, thence north 20 chains, thence West 20 chains, Whence south 2vU chains, ibence east 20 chains to point of Bcolummencement, containing 40 acres more or jess THOMAS PIERPONT BANKS. Dated July 1st, 1013, Pub, July 21, 1913—-Sept. 15, 1913. Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range 5& Take notice that Martin Swanson, of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation painter, intends to apply for permission to pur- hase the following described lands: Commencing 4 @ post planted at the julbwest corner of Lot 3076, thence chains, thence west 40 chains, 40 chains in @ southerly direction ound the shore, thence 40 chains in an asterly direction round the shore to the olnt of cotumencement, containing one unbdred and twenty acres more or less, MAKTIN SWANSON, Dated June 24th, 1943, Pub, June 30, 1913—Aug. 25, 1013. Keeha Land District—District of Coast, ange IV, fake botice that Frank B, $t. Amour of he ily of Prince Kupert, in the Province ; Srilish Columbia, prospector, intends to ply luission to lease the follow ed land ing at @ post planted on the of Banks Island, British Co “4, Ob the shore of @ small unnamed pay abd being about five (5) miles in an secrly direction from End Hill, thence ~, cleaty §=(80) chains, thence porth Wenty (2 caains, thence west eighty ; chains, thence south twenty (20) alas to point of commencement, and Dining one hundred and sixty (160) Cres mor 33, D FAANK B, 8ST, AMOUR, Locator. pate a the 29th day of April, 1913. ub, May 6, 1913-—June 30, 1013. Pkeeha Land District—District of Coast, Range 6. rr tke notice that Guy L, Pooker, of ince Rupert, B, &., occupation civil en- Urcigse tls 8 apply for permission to ( ee tie following described jands: ast THCMCIDg Ot &@ post planted at south lateiny eh of Lot 907, Hange 5, Coast *, thence north 40 chains more or ‘0 south boundary of J. A. Kirk- : Xs pplication to” purchase, thence ioe chains more or less following qoundary to Horthwest corner of Lot onan oo south 40 chains to southwest Brat sot St, thence east 20 chains GUiberly ae to high water mark, thence aia aren Westerly following high Dn tainine 5 fo point of commencement, ‘Dig 200 acres more or less. GUY : 7p Dated July oth, 1GG% bs TOOKER. Pub. July 14, 1913— Sept, 8, 1913. ineer, inte 4 a al Bi WATER AOT. otlce of Application for the Approval of Works, and for Approval of Under- ws taking by Minister of Lands. Ake hotice that the PORT EDWARD pr ASITE COMPANY, LIMITED, _ of Olney tuber ts in the Province of British Pyne, will Apply to the Comptroller an ater Hights for the approval of the i 0 the works to be eonstructed for reo zation of the water from Wolf Rin K, Skeena District, for which applica- oh has been made by the company, and oe ' Which application Permit No, 107 meee issued by the Comptroller of bald’ p \ights, | granting permission to the PANY Ot EDWARD TOWNSITE COM- Beate LIMITED, to make surveys for + ye etOn of the works for diversion Wolt 9 Cubic feet per second from sald The reek for Municipal Purposes, Bent plans and particulars required by ee on Une of Section 70 of the “Water Ne ee ‘mended have been fled with the and Pekin of Water Rights at Victoria, Nip rh, he Water Recorder at Prince nd take notice that th , A le HAV ARD TOWNSITE COMPANY. a Sir ote leg Intends to apply under Part ie ah the Water Act” for approval by Pt en Ster of Lands of the undertaking Bhd Company 4&8 Outlined in the plans Compeantlculara now on file with the Water net Of Water Rights and with the y conneegpnaee at Prince Rupert, B. C., cation” on with the company's appli- Coples of the a b bo 2 Of PPlication, unde ana Fane Water Act” and ager, Reosion the Mini SPproval of the undertaking by file in nator of Lands as aforesaid, are on keaee 1 aaiice of the Water Recorder of ind in the 2 nee Rupert, B, C., W ater Rights at Viton Comptroller of Objections to the ite f : applt 2 Noi ts y i sar teas Comptrotien or Water Dated at p Uildings, Victoria, day ‘of A, ne Rupert, B, C., this 1th PORT ED 3 + LIMITED "2 TOWNSITE COMPANY, July 44, son A. W. Agnew, Agent. Knight of the Garter and a G,. C, V. O., a P.C., a D. L., of Mecklenburg of Connaught. She is the daughter of the late THE DAILY NEWS WEDDING OF LEADING BRITISH ROYALTIES engaged Prince Arthur of Connaught and his financee, Princess Victoria, the Duchess of Fife, who are to be married in the Chapel Royal, St. James’ Palace, Prince Arthur is a cousin of King George, and eventually he will inherit the Connaught and of Strathearn and Earl of Essex, Prince of the United Duke of Saxony and Prince of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Just at present he is a and a personal aide to the king . He is also an elder brother of Trinity House and a knight of Justice of St. John of Jerusalem. As Captain of the Second Dragoons he served in South ago as a special envoy of the King. Africa. He was sent to Japan some years He was 30 years of age in January. One of his sisters is the wife of Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, and the other, Prineess “Pat,” is reported engaged Princess Alexandra, Duchess of Fife, is to marry the Duke of Fife and of the Princess Louise. She was born in May, Just now she is engaged in a lawsuit with her mother concerning the estate left by her HAZELTON MINING NOTES A new silver-lead strike has|Mr. Steele has asked Frank Brown * ; to give him a price on a 500 foot crosscut tunnel, to be driven next the old trail new prospector and a stranger in the country was the lucky fellow the deposit. headed for the Babine and pitched his tent for the night on a small have practically completed their work, both on the claims and on the new road. Some fine samples of ore have just been received from the High- land Boy group by Colin Munro, The Highland Boy group is oper- ated by P. J. Jennings. stuff very much and caused quite a little excitement with the result that about a dozen hiked to the A second tunnel! 150 feet below the first has been started and the men have already broken into the in the district, and Colin says it is-widening out. received from McDonald that the W. Hart have se- cent. copper and when Slavin and McKay staked it they got as high as $15 in gold and silver. fields he and J. are turning out very satisfactor- spending three weeks on the prop- are also getting ore,—Omineca Herald. the several seams. O none seam they have a tunnel in thirty feet May Erect Statues. work will be allowed to stand as there are fifteen other showings Permission was granted by the All the seams show a width of from two to five feet. Mr. McDonald states that he has found another two another part of their land about Skeena Lodge, Knights of Pythias, to erect four statues in the ceme- opening up. foot seam on The country between these nothing on earth that can get so two creeks is very level and un- completely stuck on sheet of postage stamps. all ready for the surveyors lo get busy and it is expeeted that they will go up this week. interested in the Kitseguekla coal property with William McDonald, week end and has now gone on a Joseph Trethewey was a visitor at the Harris mine on Tuesday of last week and his impressions of the workings and of the property istied that it will make a mine, manager for the Hudson Moun. | Wednesday night from Vancouver LIPTLE JULIA FEHR and was accompanied by H, Ga ley of Montreal, one of the direc- tors of the company. this morhing for The Popular child holme Opera House . THE GARBAGE QUESTION How the Citizens of Stewart, Are Handling It. At a recent meeting of the Stewart Citizens’ Association the question of sanitation in the iown was taken up and as a re- sult, a health district was form- ed in accordance with the regul- ations of the Health Act, and a board consisting of three mem- bers, namely, B, E, Badger, G. W. Bruggy and H. B. Birch was ap- pointed to act, and te arrive at some means for the removal of garbage, etc. The board inter- viewed the various transfer com- panies in the town and _ wish to acquaint everyone as to the pri- ces that will be charged for this work. These charges were sub- mitted in the only tender receiv- ed: “4 monthly charge of $2.00 will be made for the removal of the toilet can of each family of three members or over; stores, shops or places whose toilet is liable to be used by the public. “A monthly charge of $1.50 will be made for the remoyal of the toilet ean of each family or others of less than three mem- bers. “Garbage will be charged ai the rate of 25¢ per can over and above the above charges.” Townspeople are requested to advise the Board immediately as to their acceptance or otherwise, of these charges. This is the on- ly tender received and the work cannot be performed for any less. Owing to no official instruc- tions having been’ received by the Board a contract could not be entered into immediately but The Miner has been advised that the contractor is now willing to per- form the services required, so as to avoid further delay and pre- vent the possibility of any illness arising by reason of the night soil and garbage not being re- moved for a period of over six weeks,—Portland Ganal Miner. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Whale Rock extends fully 100 yards south of the position shown on the admiralty charts. It has two heads, the one shown on the chart and another 100° yards south of it, The buoy marking the rock will, without further no- lice, be moved about 50 vards 69 degrees 20 minutes (N, 45 de- grees EK, Mag.) from its present position so as to mark the east side of the shoal. The buoy will be black, sraeienrteviesiaanmisidineieh tdi 2 Hew many men do you know who let their religion interfere wilh their business. O all the fires in factories and Sheffield’s expression of respect. UT the action was unique—it was unprecedented—it was unthought of that those hundreds of mighty furnaces, raging night and day, and those i boilers, with quivering valves, should ever be allowed to cool, @, This extinguishing of fires cost Sheffield hundreds of thousands of dollars—the price of the effort to get back again to high-power efficiency. OME business men in Canada pay an unwitting homage, not to a king, but to a superstition—the superstition that hot weather justifies letting the fires of business ene go out. They stop Advertising in the Summer months. By paying homage to tradition, custom, supersti- tion, they have allowed Summer to become their “dull” season. @,You know how dull it can be when you don’t advertise. Do you know how brisk it can be made by Advertising? Do you realize how much momentum you now lose in the Summer that must be regained in the Fall ? DON’T LET YOUR ADVERTISING FIRES DIE OUT THIS SUMMER. Advice regarding your advertising problems is available adian advertising , or the Secretary of the Canadiah Press Association, Room ‘ilding.” Toronto. Enquiry involves no obligation on your part—so 508 Lumsden B: write, if interested. tors of Prince Rupert “Ye Olde Reliable” Phone 156 Groen —— ————— LAND LEASE NOTICES. THE PRICE or HOMAGE NCE when King Edward VII. paid a visit to Sheffield, l lants were allowed to die out. Not a wheel in Sheffield turned for twenty- four hours. @,The primary object of this,was to lift the pall of smoke that hovers over that wonderful steel-produc- ing city, and to ensure, as far as man was able, a bright day and a blue sky for an auspicious occasion. @,It was any recognized Can- Silversides Bros. js sasarpocu ome Th Up-to-Date H D & Take hee es 4, Hume Babington, of -to- c -| Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation muster * Pp a Ouse eOORs mariner, intend to apply for permission to lease the following described land: Commencing at a post planted northwest corner of H. 8. Babington’s e ab lease application on @ small island in the S W: Skeena River opposite Mile 45, ee ign ri ee southwesterly along shore 40 southwest point of island, thence north- e easterly along shore 40 chains to H Pa r-H Babington's southwest corner, pe anging nerth about 40 chains to point of mencement, containing 10 acres more or less. Our Specialties H. B. BABINGTON, (Name of Locator.) Dated June iith, 191 3. Pub, July 7, 1913—Sept. 2, 1913. COAL NOTICES. 1836 THE BANK OF 1913 TT Years i Buniness CAPITAL AND SyuRPLUS Oven $7,600,000 growing, not only how to Rupert, Province of British spend money wisely, but how, by self-denial, to save some- thing for the future, you will Coominencing trom the post, planted one . je sou e southes: corne havestarted them on tieroad [fai Lease 7432, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 ensing Onis, to piace or inning, containin ere W. E. WILLIAMS to financial success." Open a Savings Account for each in to add to it regularly. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH | ..7242.3°3? dc, Aap ctu P. MARGETTS, MANAGER harlotte Is!ands. containing 640 acres Skeena Land District—District of Cc declaration, to the said Freder| Dawson, addressed to him at the said Cit of Prince Rupe™t, on or before the 30 day of July, A. D. 1913, and that all per- sons indebted to the said William ‘de are required to Take notice that 1, Luigi Astori, Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation miner, 1 tends to apply for a license to prospect for coal and oil over the following de- scribed lands on the wesi coast of Graham i BritishNorthAmerica encased at a post planted at the northwest corner of Coal License 8296, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to the point of commencement, LUIGI ASTORI. Filippo Panvini, Agent. Teach The Childrem | risus), (S7s208. «, 1018 The Value of Money Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Islands. If your children learn, while Take notice that 1, W, E. Williams, fumbia, tend to apply to the Chief Commiss! Lands for a license to prospect for barrister at jaw, of the vy o of coal, oll and troleum over the ham Island iti Filippo Panvini, Agent. the Bank of British North Vimeted Se eee ge America, and encourage them Pub, July 7, 1913—Aug. 4, 1913 described Jands on the west coast of Gra- harlotte Islands. Province of British lumbia, west coast of Graham Islan y it from ——- Prince aa mn follow- Estate of William Hyde, Tobacconist and Ing dates:—June ’ el, Taku Glacier, Killisnoo, Sitka, , eli, arriving at Skag- reservations early. ROGERS’ STEAMSHIP AGENCY nning, containin . . AN tO of California” NOTICE. nd, July 4th, Frult Merchant, Assigned. and 28th, Auguet Notice is hereby given that tenders will et, and 27th for be received for the purchase of Ketchekan, Wran- credits, assets and effects of named William Hyde, which #aid credits, assets and effects are situate at In the morning where special remises formeriy occupied by tecine take excursionists to summit ‘itliam Hyde, 607 Third aveoue, of White Pase and return in time Rupert, The assets of the assigned! inclide for steamer's departure in even- good will and effects of th Cit: en: trip tlokete including essenger Service. All tenders he $32.00. Secure Skeena Land, District—District of Queen apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands for a license to prospect for coal and oli over the following Cascribed. lands on the Commencing at a post planted one mile south from the southeast corner of Coal : sSoaine “ehtt'foencs 0" chine uth ns » thence . Alaska : Excursions thence 80 chains west, of the: place of be- acres. NIO CHRISTIANO, po Panvini, Agent. Filip) 7 Days’ Outing pee july.’ {oht--aus. 4, 1043 — === must be in the hands of the undersigne: not later than 12 o'clock noon of the 17‘h day of July, A.D. 1913. The any tender not necessarily accepted, Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., {uly Uy 13, . FREDERICK GEORGE DAWSON Assign The Creditors’ Trust Deeds Act, and Amending Acts. Notice is hereby given that William Hyde, carrying on business as a merchant at Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columbia, has by deed dated the 5th day of ,July, A. D. 1913, as- signed all his credits and effects, which may be seized and sold under execution, and all his real estate to Frederick George Dawson, of the said City of Prince Rupert, merchant, for the purpose of logit ee rateably and proportionate. aud without preference or priority all creditors; And notice is hereby given that a meeét- ing of the creditors of the said William Hyde will be held at the office of Williams & Manson, barristers, Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B. C., on Thursday, 17th day of July, A. D. 1913, at the hour of 2:15 o’clock in the afternoon; sons having claims against the sal liam Hyde are required to forward And notice is hereby given that all Si: da : par- ticulars of same, duly verified by ae eoeeh pay the amount due by them to the said Frederick George Dawson ith And notice is hereby given that after the said 30th day of July, A. D. 1913, the assignee will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the estate among those parties who are entitled thereto, having regard to the claims duly verified, of which he shall then have received notice, and will not be responsible for the assets or any part thereof, so distributed, to any person or persons of whose duly verified claim he shall not then have received notice. Dated this 8th wy, of July, A. D. 1913. WILLIAMS & MANSON. Solicitors for the Assignee, Frederick George Dawson. -Church Services- REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., Pastor THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH McINTYRE HALL, 38RD AVE., NEAR 6TH ST. Services every Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday School 5m p.m Baraca Bible Class p.m. REV. W. H. McLEOD B.A B.D. Paston FIRST METHODIST CHURCH SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE Services every Sufiday at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. REV. MR, DIMMICK - PASTOR ST. ANDREW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Cor, Fifth Ave, and Dunsmuir Place Roraing prayer, 1, oe: ng prayer, 7:30, Sunday school, 9:30 p.m. Holy Communion it Sunday of mon at if & mM. and third Sunday at & bl a. m. REV. E, C, BURCH . Rector THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL Granville Court Sunday services at ti a.m, 3 and 8 p.m Sun- 8 0p. ©. Waex night’ services Mon day, ednesday, Thurs- wi day and Saturday. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS