—_—— THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, July 3¢ , 1949. THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES operations of whaling steamers clear, ag at present, and give the Train No, 2 leaves Prince ee nteaae 10 @& mM. Wednesdays and New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New|W°'kine in conjunction with the} vnaiars a chance to follow the SPECIAL LOW EXCURSION RATES to ai) points cast y; York City. Naden Harbor and Rose Harbor|)ig game the totals might be in- routes in connection with the GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY sysTem, \,.. Seattle—Puget Sound News Co stations. Very few whales have|ereased considerably As long 6 Por ‘eee da Mains releareh,, x 1 . , : or! rou ckets, re on, ete., London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, |e" taken at these stations injas southeasters continue to how! 4 A. DAVIDSON apt ie comparison with last year’s|the catches will grow very slow. Office Srd Avenue Prince Rupert Phone 260 Trafalgar Square. Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers. Bad weather in northern waters continues to interfere with the catches, At Rose Harbor the whalers are runing down as far as Triangle Island in pursuit of the whales. WHALING SEASON HAS BEEN SPOILT BY ROUGH WEATHER FEW WHALES HAVE BEEN TAKEN IN NORTHERN WATERS THIS YEAR AS AGAINST LAST YEAR'S CATCH—TOO MANY SOUTHEASTERS. that this will be the poorest sea- son sinees its inception. If the weather would keep Whales in Pacific coast waters are not nearly so plentiful at the present time as they were a few years ago. Big, hauls made by ni TO THE PACIE \C cL 6 V t nd Saturdays at 8 P. M. Tava leaving Prince Rupert on RAILWAY by the splendid steamers PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE Leave Prince Rupert for Vanocuver, Victoria and Seattic on Mondays and Fridays at © A. w, For Stewart on Thuredayes at 6 A. m. For Granby Bay on Gaturdays at 12 P. m. Steamers Prince John and Prince Albert Maintain Weekly Service Between Victoria, Vancouver and Prince Ru “n Charlotte Islands, Calling at Way Ports, ant Also Weekly Service to SOUTH Leave mance Rupert. souyt! a8set ar : Wednesdays at 8 Pp, yo! Naden SERVICE 4 optional THE NEW POET LAUREATE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY MENTS DYER APARTMENTS TE DAILY EDITION — a Wednesday, July 30, 1913. aaa. Gas na piled up ajthe whalers in ‘the ae in Dr. Robert Bridges, of Oxford,|{ ARE YOU GOING EAST 2 and 3 Ro jl e q : smi ‘ale f ’ Prospects ' , c siderably. a4 re _ EM, sma catch and the prospects |thinned apne Oy considerab}) England, who was recently ap- THIS SUMMER? New, Clean and Ch. ‘ a — $$ EE ’ > t eeate Te. ? ° , -! ||) TRANSIENT FAVORITES and put an end to his savage|~ LE ee ee ee Partly Furnished : is AMONG THE BALKANS. and barbaric rule. mier Asquital. vant eturning Limit October Bist, 1029 3rd Avo. .Phone B ih There has been a constant] “"tyen the nations that nod DISGUISED AS A MAN, GIRL: $$ | rr cre Oe i oe 2 shifting to and fro of public hawk a peat ; WEE .. cop dasteariatanaie $108.00 || af opinion on the knotty prob- beaten the Turk to the grounc mre PREVENTS SLEEPLESSNESS Vancouver to New York and ° ’ al lems which have from time to| began to fight each other. WINS LOVE OF HE n RIVAL - Veraata te thicsee dal) N ree Little S NEWS Age oI Lime been presented by the| ‘There were more Bulgarian 4 RTOS Vatcouver’Yo°Bi Pail wha’ "" "P2000 Hl a ssines +: Petiodien My a Balkan states. Now one state| atrocities, this time committer $$$ NERVINE POWDERS. PORUID oes ee ea eee gas se Nor es +: Feriodicals :: Newspapen 4 and now another has been the| by Bulgarians. Presently we|WHEN SHE WAS JILTED BY HER FIANCEE THIS WILY DAMSEL ete et oe oan WT CIGARS =: TOBACCOS :: PROM ae popular hero of Christendom.| shall hear that the Turk is not UNDERTOOK THE DESPERATE ADVENTURE OF General Agent Cor. 3rd Ave & 6th Sth) og ave Below Kalen Island ciuy an 5 5 e Nearly a century ago Byron's such a bad fellow after all. CAPTURING HER RIVAL’S HEART. Princess May, scuth, Saturday 9 a.m. Avenue next to Post tt : tart ik championship of the Greeks The only way to think clearly ett dint . Pi till dcice i Bra against the Turks showed the} on these questions is to keep Theali ro yy , 96 gash ars tive ssie was cer wi sentiment of the Englishmen} your mind free from all racial, Wheeling, W. Va., July 26.— lize her. i hen Desste bad ates SSS | f of the day. Sixty years ago national and religious preju-|Harry Pendleton refuses to say Seat cie ipa 7 aa uty 46 ik. L U M B E R Empress Bo li All | f the hero was gallant little dices, and think of men, women|whether Hearietta Aiken, a belle nein, a) oaks “and 2 re Wing Cys i Turkey, fighting against the} and children as you would/of Bridgeport, Ohio, has per- eented' Wheeling re i 18 POWDERS FOR 25 CENTS AND POOL ROOM i tyranny. of Russia. Thirty Adit, them if they were all/jiitted him to resume his court- : eae ; z ier ne cae s ea ( O A L x. « Ross, Prop. nora de 5 t ans. ; ‘ i i ,P. Qs 4 years ago half of England si ebe g ing. For more than two years FAIR PUBLICITY box postpaid on recetpt of price. Rouen a oor sided with the Turk, while the other half was stirred by Glad- stone’s eloquent description of The Balkan region seems to be full of savagery, which can- not be laid at the door of any Harry was engaged to Dessie Mc- Intyre, of this city. Recently he Godenrath to Interest the Board = —and— Complete Line of LICENSED AGENTS YOU THE WAY It is the most convenient and practical home-owning plan be- fore the people of Canada. In all sections, our contract holders have been enabled to purchase homes of their own—free them- Selves of the landlord burden. Investigate the C. H. I, C. plan : the Bulgarian atrocities—atro race or any religion. It repre-|changed his affections to Miss of Trade. B ar S—— ~ e ry any religion. re 2 1che re a : ac s Miss i » a i as ; . : 4 At the regular meeting of the ’ j cities committed by Turks in sents one of the failures oOf]Aiken. Angered by the tricks of board of eos on die evening BUILDERS SUPPLIES a Bulgaria. Suropean civilization. The] Gupia Miiae sc Moatatens. (haual Sibi tags om tas oe ( O A L f ; : 4 » Miss yre ght} there will be an address by Percy a In the recent war in the| powers which have made some].)_ .’ : : ; a pobey eae WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited a id Ral : af) : aro : she would go the little love god|Godenrath, he having been invit- Pheue 168 i a kans the public opinion of progress in civilization woul one better. She went to Bridge-|ed to lay before the board par- LET US HELP YOU Christendom at first was with have no difficulty in policing port, cut her hair short and|!ticulars in regard to the Septem- _ |New Wellington Coal. Best on the bi - the so-called Christian races,| this region if they were not SO] qonned the attire of a modern ber fair and the progress being TO A HOME OF Coast ' mee had at last swooped mortally afraid and jealous Of/Reay Brummel. Dessie lost no|made in regard thereto. Mr. YOUR OWN UNION $s COMPANY OF BC Ltd Phone 116 Rogers & Black ' own on the unspeakable Turk) each other. time in making the acquaintance, Godenrath, who was recently ap- : SN 10, Vy a 1 = of Miss Aiken, and immediately} pointed publicity agent of the ex- paying, out, hard-earned ‘money Vide oe : f began a rapid fire courtship that| hibition association, is a good Sctiaed seater Se taseaaee ‘ fai? CARTAGE and ni swept Pendleton completely out|speaker and able to make any times that you'd make the start eWe e 0 sin STORAGE oy of the running. Henrietta dis-| subject interesting. He has al- Saiite {OOM inn anon oa a e missed Harry and allowed the|ready met with good success in mere able to see your FOR VANCOUVER G, T. P. Tramsfer Agents ad masquerading Dessie to monopo-| his work. whe. A ts GPa Shows Wednesdays at 2 p.m. Orders promptly filled. Prices - = | OFFICE—H. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phone ® | SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and S.S. ‘ Cais : FOR VANCOUVER eso ES, SSS Er ae Steer Saturdays at 10 a.m. Dee tor paler Ste, eal Sheet Metal Work > fe yarticulars fou wi be under no obligation. re Gaon Bon eee er 2nd Ave. bet. 7b onan ~ FOR MENTO SAVE MONEY Zz As we intend going out of Men’s Suits, Men’s Underwear, Men’s Shirts and Boots and Shoes we are offering the balance of our stock at a tremendous sacrifice. $ You will easily be convinced when you see the wonderful :: bargains we are offering JABOUR BROS. THE HOUSE OF GOOD VALUES. Third Avenue Prince Rupert } THE CANADIAN HOME INVESTMENT CO., Ltd. Head OMce Pacife Building Second Floor FOR GRANBY BAY | Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 a.m. ‘Valhalla’ of S.H. & Ef. (ScanpmNaniaN Society) Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday ati p.m. in the hall at 319 3rd Ave. Phone 116 5 Cc. C. STUART VANCOUVER, B. Cc. Local Office Federal Bldg. PRINCE RUPERT, B. c. POON Georgetown | wm PRINCE RUPERT. 6. ©. Phone 200 RovatReserve Sawmill Co. Lid. Wrisky, AGE ®& YEARS GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT Rogers Steamship Agency | | | Alex. M@. Manson, B. A. W. E. Williams, 8. A, bb ‘ L r WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Ets. Mouldings + Box 285 Helgersen Biook Prince Rupert, && OF CANADA. ——__—_—__— 4 BRIDE WHOSE LIFE WAS THREATENED FRECOMMENDED FOR A large stock of dry finish- THe INVALID ing er id Nan wont Sir Joseph and Lady Tichborne on their way from church after umber a specialty. elivery ERS : , rs } , DERTAKERS EMBALM “FROM HOME TO HOME.” their marriage. The day before this event, Lady Tichborne, 1s Zoe made at short notice. ON ee Coane then Miss Greville, received a letter threatening her life if The ONNOISSEUR Gus btiecs tos es liernaeiy. Sis deinen ain wk, Phone Natl C she married Sir Joseph. The writer was Miss Theresa Dou- ne Pusuic (il dn aaa sa HOTEL EI YSIUM ghty-Tichborne, daughter of the famous “claimant” for the who naturally 6 ore ordering. Tichborne estates 50 years ago, when the trial of the suit want the best. Sid. Syh Manager was the sensation of England for several months. The father AGE, Purity of the present Sir Joseph was then an infant, and the claim- AND MELLOWNESS OFFICE; The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. ant represented himself as the uncle whom everyone thought UNSURPASSED. EMPRES E. L. FISHER Excellent Caf Moderate Prices, E88 THEATRE BLDG. er cellen 2. er e had been lost at sea. He served a term of 14 years for per- Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. Papers) Director snd Oa jury after the trial was over. His daughter Miss Theresa, DISTRIBUTORS CHARGES MEASONADLS 2nd 8t., ocr. 2nd Ave. Vancouver, B.C. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 1142 Pender Street West = - Phone 8500, Prince Rupert Importing Co., Ltd PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. was this week sentenced to. six months’ imprisonment for sending threatening letters to Miss Greville, the bride-to-be. TRY A “NEWS” WANT AD Now The Boss Knows How A fe Likes It ——~ — a Drawn for The Daily News by “HO? ———J NIX Now - DONT GET SO PARN ' REALIS THC, ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS You WOULD Litce> (SCOOP-THE FOREMAN OF WHE RANCH EXPECTrs MEO Do Some_ ROPING— - GET ON “OvR HORSE AND SHoOw ME How THATS I T=Your IMITATION OF A MAVERKCK First © GET A RUNNING— START AND SWING MY LARIAT AT You Litre You WERE A COW ~ You BEAT \1\ As FAST AS “POU CAN With ME IM Hor PURSUIT AND - aalth — ra