Wednesday, July 30, 1913. LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. skeens nd District—District of Coast, Land Piange V Rupert Prince permis- near the notice that The Prince pydro-Electric Cow Limited, of pupert, B. CG. intends to apply for sion to purchase 40 acres o ion Hocsall Hiver, bounded as follows: cmmencing at & post planted on the orth end of Lake Madeleine near the out- pee qnence south 20 chains, thence west 20 B ‘ins, thenco north 20 chains, thence east ce pains to point of Commencement, con- Take g0 chalt ) acres more or less. wine ee RUPERT HYDRO-ELECTRIC CO., LIMITED, per George H. Kohl, Agent, ated May 16th, 1913, pared fay 26, 1913—duly 21, 1013. ON cassiar Land District—District of Skeena, rake notice that Samuel K. Brown Jr., of Prince Rupert B, &,, occupation engi peer, invends tu apply for permission w nurchase the following described lands; , commencing at 8 post planted at the yrner Of Lot 2626, thence west utheast ce een thence south 40 Chains, thence 4u0 chains, east 40 chains, thence north 40 chains w point of commencement, containing 160 cres re or 1e88, acres MON” MUEL ROLLINS BROWN Jn. ated April 26th, 1913. Pab. May 26, 1918—July 21, 1913. a skeens Land District—District of Coast, Range V. occupation farmer, intend ista, B. C., Quin to purchase the ) apply for periuission he rd) described lands; Commencing @t & post planted at the souumwest corner Of Lot 4425, thence westerly along the shore line 20 chains more or less, thence following the shore ine northerly and easterly to northwest % Lot 4iz5, thence svulh § chains more or less bo age os ocpmencemens, ing 12 acres mo ess. containing Louies Ps yated May 21st, 1943, Pub. May 26, 1913—July 21, 1913. skeena Land District-——District of Coast, Range V. Take notice that James Jabour, of prince Rupert, B, C., occupation mer- chant, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following descrived property: Commencing at @ post planted about % mile east of Mile Post 49 on the G, T, P, Kallway, east from Prince Rupert, on an island in the Skeena Hiver, thence south sy chains, thence east 40 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 40 chains wo point of commencement, containing 320 ps more or less, ed JAMES JABOUR. Dated June 18th, 1013. pub. June 23, 1913—-Aug. 18, 1913. Skeena Land Di Ree ee of Coast, 4uge é Jake notice that I, Lancelot Russel Wal- rond Beavis, Of Victoria, Bb, C,, occupation waster manner, intend to apply for per- missin to purchase the following de- scribed lands; Commencing @t & post planted on the northeast corner Of @ bay, @ littie to the eastward of Skiakl Bay, Stephens Isiand, foreshore, thence @a@st 20 chains, imence borth 20 chains, thence west 2u chains, thence south 20 chains to point of commencement, containing 40 acres Bmore oF Jess, LANCELOT RUSSEL WALROND BEAVIS. bated July ist, 19143. vb the THE DAILY NEWS HUERTA NELSON O'SHAUNE SSY PROMINENT FIGURES IN THE LATEST MEXICAN SITUATION. ANSWER T0 PANAMA NOTE IS AWAITED WITH MUCH ANXIETY VITAL INTEREST IS FELT BY DOMINION GOVERNMENT AND | | CANADIAN SHIPPING INTERESTS IN ACTION OF UNITED STATES. } Pub, July 21, 1013—Sept. 15, 1913. re : nei Ottawa, July 26.—The Domin-jcussion in the United States and] Skeena Land oe ee of Coast,}ion government and the shipping|congress. It is now being real-| jange Take notice that J, Thomas Pierpont|interesis of Canada are awaiting] ized, it is believed, that the grant-| Banks, Of Vancouver, » UU, Occupation 1 j alesman, intend to apply for per-| with considerable anxiely the ace} ing of free tolls to American | jon 4b urchase We followit. de- ‘ ‘ j scribed lands mers . tion of the United States in re-j.essels would tend to strengthen uumencing @t & post planted on the ‘ northeast corner of a bay,’ 8 little to the ply to Sir Edward Grey's last lonly what is alleged to be a yi- castward of Skiuki Bay, Stephens Island, , a: : s ou the foreshore, and L. K. W.{ protest in granting free tolls to|gantic shipping monopoly in the Beavis’ claim, thence north 20 chains, apics »ssels passing oug I > States i , "i thence west 20 chains, thence south 90 American yé el passing through nited tates, and under the chains, Whence east 20 chains to point of{the Panama Canal. jr sent economic political policy CORRE DOC Ay “CONIANRE Ee verte ee While no official advices have|of the Democratic, party such a Dated uly ton ibe Per been received here, it is gener-|plan as free tolls would neces- r % ; . Pub, July 21, 1913 —-Sept. 15, 1913. ally believed that President Wil- | sarily be not likely to find much son will favor the repealing of | favor. Skeena Land aa dt of Coast} this clause, whith would in time, } Sir Edward Grey's reply to} Take notice that Martin Sw ofjit is believed, be a considerable|Secretary Knox's defence of the | Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation painter, intends to apply for permission to pur- chase the following described lands: Commencing at & DOSt planted at the southwest corner of Lot $075, thence horth 20 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence 40 chains in a southerly direction round the shore, thence 40 chains in an easterly direction round the shore to the point of commencement, containing one hundred and twenty acres more or less. MARTIN SWANSON, Dated June 24th, 1913. trade. injury to the Uanadian shipping|tolls clause is lred tape at the state department A marked change seems to] have come over the United States | here that political opinion since the ques-|have the matter dealt with this tion of tolls was last under dis- | coming session of congress. ’ _ Pub, June 30, 1913—Aug. 25, 1013. Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Hange IV, { fake notice that Frank B. St. Amour of the City of Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columpia, prospector, intends to Spply for permission to lease the follow- ibg described land: Commencing at a post planted on the east cont st sansa isiand, British Co » Ob the shore of @ small unnamed], , ac ‘Ss , 7” Cronin ae five (5) miles in anj@ ™onth’s vacation Will ees ey direction from Epd Hill, thence 4 od s { » ? ] Bui eighty (80) chains, thence norin| White at Spokane, Mr. \ hite tt vohalnd thenes “et phen bet: elghtyfis receiving congratulations on ¥ 5, ence sou ‘went 20 { = to point of commenrement, ‘and his being father of a handsome ‘wining one hundred and sixty (160) baby girl. acres more or less. PRANK Dated the seth B. ST, AMOUR, Locator. day of April, 1913 ! tub May 8, 1913—June 30, 1913. Gordon Runkle is back from a : <8 ° ar ‘ea xr Skeena Land District—pistrict of coast,|PUSiNess trip to Prince Rupert tai Range 5. and is now over in the Naas ar- © botice that Guy L. fooker, of ranging for the survey of ex- rinee Rupert, B. C., eccupation civil en- Putt, Wwiends tO apply for permission to Conse the following described fands: nas bencing at & post planted at south- District, ti of Lot 907, Range 5, Coast ese at ‘hence north 40 chains more or tiricks (uth boundary of J, A, Kirk- ast ay AbPication to” purchase, thence sald a chains more or less following a. plundary to northwest corner of Lot , thence south 40 chains to southwest corer of Lot 31 thence all ae east 20 chains , : ‘ . ar ats less to High water mark, thence} tHe last boat. The baron is Water ‘hark ak pegeteriy, following high}heavily interested in Prince Ru- . i wint Of commenc ; su Bar Containing 200 acres more or less, | pert real estate, and is making Dated GUY L, TOOKER. himself familiar with the towns ated July Oth, 41943. Pub. July 14, 1913—Sept, 8, 1913. WATER ACT. Notice of Application for the Approval of Works, and for Approval of Under- taking by Minister of Lande. fake notice that the PORT E ; DWARD POW ASITE COMPANY, LIMITED, of © Kupert, in the Province of British Columbia, ~ will appl . of Water Pply to the Comptroller Dlans ‘ot! fights for the approval of the}ien men to survey the land hold- the utiige®, Works to be eonstructed for my , Bia Creek Skene’ Dig the water from Wolf}ings of Gordon Runkle and Bos- ion has been made by ‘the Ceecea es ton associates in the Naas val- Nas ber Ge, Application Permit No. 107] Jey, G, Davis, who was with the Water Right’ by the Comptroller of} ,.* ‘ ‘n the sald PORT ein ane Permission to tho} firm last season, is over in Bao LIMITED, io” make “ateare. ter valley in charge of the commis~ of two ible’ fear” ‘orks for diverston| sary department. yj : ‘ per second from sai , Wolf Creek for Municipal Purposes. BS ee CEP: ee ‘22 plans and particul Sec oD One of Sertion 70 of ‘he Water Comptroimended have been fled with the cr of Water Rights at Victoria, and w Rupert. ty, "Be Water Recorder at Prince} six weeks’ visit with their sis- And take ‘noth .o. ’ Faleoner Port- EDW ce that the said ponT}ter, Mrs. T, W. Fale: ‘ ITED wD. TOWNSITE COMPANY, LIM: anna’ Miner Six ot (no {mtends to apply under Part} /and Canal Miner, a tk te | 0 - A ae ie under n and’ pa cittPany “as ‘outlined inthe plans| THE SADDEST TALE OF ALL. . Particulars now Comptroller of W 10 on file with the . a Water Recorder oe Pragats, and with the Do 0 Be. Oop cation ection with the company's appli- Coples of the 59 «the application, uni tion’ tow? water ot and of ine pet the MinfgnoProval of the undertaking by file {4 ter of Lands as aforesaid, are on Skeena Diswice of the nea ar, nocorder of n the om roller ‘0 Wor, Rights at victor? COPPERAS Of nie wine i Spplications may be its. Parliament Bu dings. ve at Prince Rupert, B, ¢,, this 19th LIMITEpYARD 'TOWNSITE COMPANY, July 14, soap) & We Asnew, Agent, fps errs rs Ps rns Ft rs re EE Portland Canal Tunnels Ltd., has returned to camp after spending tensive land holdings in the vic- inity of the White river. Rupert, accompanied by the bar- oness were visitors to Stewart on adjacent to the coming northern metropolis. firm of Gray & surveyors here this week with a kirk of Vancouver are here for a Nothing to do but work, Nothing to wear but clothes, Nothing to breathe but air, Nowhere to fall but off, Nothing to see but sights, DOINGS AT STEWART Supt. Lloyd C. White, of — the Baron A, De Bernis, of Prince W. Myerstein, representing the Milligan Bros., of Victoria, arrived party of Mrs. Lougheed and Miss Sel- Nothing to eat but food: To keep»one from going nude, Quick as a “lash ‘tis gon; Nowhere to stand bul on, Nothing to quench bul thirst; still enclosed in in Washington, but it is expected President Wilson will Nothing to have but what we've got Thus through lie we're cursed, Nothing to sing but Ah, well, alack! | Nowhere to go but out, | Nowhere to but back. songs, alas! come Nothing Everything moves that goes; Nothing at all but common sense | Can ever wilhstand these woes.| to strike bul a gait; | Daily News ‘‘ads."’ get resulis. SO WE ARE INFORMED. bank with You may one concern Till they’ve nothing more to learn Of your income and the story of your life; You may pay your bills on time, And may owe no man a dime, And your eredit may resemble Caesar’s wife; You may keep your balance true, And what business you may do, May be open, like your counte- nance, and frank; And you'll get the icy eye, Peradventure, if you try To borrow fifty dollars your bank. from The president looks solemn As the day’s financial column, And his manner indifferent or cold; Have perhaps misunderstood, And thought you wanted fifty thou in gold. You feel a trifle silly, For he couldn't be more chilly If accosted by a conman or a crank; you murmur, “Never For it’s difficult, you find, To borrow fifty dollars your bank, is So mind,” from Employer (to his clerk)—Is it true that when the clock strikes 6 you put down your pen and go, jeven if you are in the middle of a word? Clerk—Certainly not, sir. If it gets so near 6 as that I never be- gin the word at all. It’s easy to save money at Seott, Froud & Co.’s great shoe sale. Hundreds of working boots at cost. i76-77 as : = — A HONEYMOON THAT IS TO LAST FOR SEVEN YEARS Rey, Percy Howard and his brode was Miss Ethel Blanche Le treal on the Naseobie and do of three weeks, who formerly Ber of Toronto. They left Mon- not expect to return to civiliva. tion for seven years, Their headquarters will be at Pupert's House, James Bay. 2nd Street cool. ener, mon season. | advertise. adian advertising 503 Lumsden Bui write, if interested. Silversides Bros. The Up-to-Date House Decora- tors of Prince Rupert Sign Writing.. Paper-Hanging “Ye Olde Reliable” Phone 156 Green 1836 THE BANK OF 1913 BritishNorthAmerica 77 Years in Business CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OveER $7,600,000 Teach The Children The Value of Money If your children learn, while growing, not only how to spend money wisely, but how, by self-denial, to save some- thing for the future, you will have started them on the road to financial success. ° Open a Savings Account for each in the Bank of British North America, and encourage them to add to it regularly. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, MANAGER 7 Days’ Outing Steamers “Ziate of California” and “City of Seattie’ sail from Prince Rupert at op m. on follow= Ing dates:—June nd, duly 4th, 22nd, and 28th, August Srd, Oth, 16th, Bist, and 27th for all ‘ports of call, Ketchckan, Wran= ol, Taku Glacier, Killisnoo, Sitka, uneau, Treadwell, arriving at okes: wey in the morning where special trcing take excursionists to summit of White Pass and return in time for steamer’s departure in vven~ Ing. Round trip tlokets Including meale and berths $32.00. ure reservations early. Alaska : Excursions | ROGERS’ STEAMSHIP AGENCY of thousands of dollars—the p again to high-power efficiency. go out. Advice regarding your advertising problems is available through gency, or the Secretary ot the Canadian Press Association, Room THE PRICE or HOMAGE | | NCE when King Edward VII. paid a visit to Sheffield, all the fires in factories and plants were allowed to die out. Not a wheel in Sheffield turned for twenty- four hours. @,The primary object of this was to lift the pall of smoke that hovers over that wonderful steel-produc- ing city, and to ensure, as far as man was able, a bright day and a blue sky for an auspicious occasion. Sheffield’s expression uf respect. UT the action was unique—it was unprecedented—it was unthought of that those hundreds of mighty ; furnaces, raging night and day, and those seething boilers, with quivering valves, should ever be allowed to @, This extinguishing of fires cost Sheffield hundreds rice of the effort to get back OME business men in Canada pay an unwitting homage, not to a king, but to a superstition—the superstition that hot weather justifies letting the fires of business They stop Advertising in the Summer u . By paying homage to tradition, custom, supersti- tion, they have allowed Summer to become their “dull” @,You know how dull it can be when you don’t se. Do you know how brisk it can be made by Advertising? Do you realize how much momentum you now lose in the Summer that must be regained in the Fall ? DON’T LET YOUR ADVERTISING FIRES DIE OUT THIS SUMMER. Toronto. Enquiry invoives no obli any GiIt was recognized Can- on your part—so Gale a as LAND LEASE NOTICES. Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V,. Take Dulice tuat 4, Hume Babington, of Prince Hupert, bB. u., UeCUpalion muster mariner, iuienu ty apply ivr periissiou to fease the iuliowing uescribeu iaud: Commencing at & post pilanied at the northwest corner of H. #6. Babingtons jease application on @ small isiand in tne Skeena Hiver opposite Mile 45, thence Southwesterly divng shore 40 chains to southwest puint ol island, thence north- easterly alung shure 40 chains to H. B. Babington’s southwest corner, thence north about 40 chains to poimt of com- mencement, containing 100 acres more or less, H. B. BABINGTON. (Name of Locator.) Dated June 11th, 1913. Pub. July 7, 1913—Sept. 2, 1913. COAL NOTICES, Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Islands, Take notice that 1, Luigi Astori, of Prince Rupert, B. U., occupation miner, in- tends to appiy for a license to prospect for coal and oll over the following de- scribed lands on the west coast of Gra Island: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Coal License 8296, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR THE AP- PROVAL OF PLANS AND OF PETITION FOR APPROVAL OF UNDERTAKING. Take notice that the PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMPANK, LIMITED, of Montreal, Quebec, will apply to the Comp- troller of Water Rights for the approval of the plans of the works to be constructed for the utilization of he water from Falls River and Khtada River, which the appli- cant is by water records numbers 21, 27. 36 and 50 authorized to take, store and use for power purposes and in respect to which further applications for 508 cubic feet per second from Falls River and 266 cubic feet per second from Khtada River are now pending. The poner plants to be situate 0 Lots 635 and 695, respectively, Range 5, Coast District, Petition for approval of the undertak- ing will also be made to the Honorable the Minister of Lands under Part 6 of the Water Act. The plans and _ particulars required by sub-section one of Section 70 of the Water Act, as amended, and the petition, plans and exhibits for the approval of under- taking as required by Section 89 and Part 6 have been filed with the Comptroller of Water Rights and with the ater Re- corder at Prince Rupert. Objections to the application may be filed with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 2ist day of ay. A. D. 1913. THE PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELEC- TRIC CO., LTD. Wkly j28-a18 80 chains to the point of cement, containing 640 acres LUIGI ASTORI. Filippo Panvini, Agent. Located May 14th, 1913. Prb. July 7, 1913-——Aug. 4, 1913 Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Islands, Take notice that 1, W. E. Williams, barrister at law, of the City of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia, in- tend to apply to the Chief Commissione): of Lands for a license to prospect for coal, cil and petroleum over the following described lands on the west coast of Gra- ham Isiand; Commencing from the post planted one mlie south from the southeast corner of Coal Lease 7432, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains east to place of the beginning, containing 640 acres, W. E. WILLIAMS. Filippo Panvini, Agent. 1ith, 1913. Located Ma , 1013-—Aug. 4, 1913 Pub, July Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Islands, Take notice that I, Antonio Christiano, contractor, of the City of Prince Rupert, Proyince of British .Columbia, apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands for a license to prospect for coal and oil over the following described lands on the west coast of Graham Island: Commencing at a post planted one mile south from the southeast corner of Coal Lease 7432, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains east, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains west to the place of be- ginning, containing 640 ares, ANTONIO CHRISTIANS. Filippo fenvanl Agent. Located May 1ith, 1913 Pub, July 7, 1913-—-Aug. 4, 1913 _ Port Edward -Church Services - FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH McINTYRE HALL, 38RD AVE., NEAR 6TH 8ST. Services avery Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday School 2,80 p. m. Baraca Bible Class 2.30 p.m, REV. W. H. McLEOD B.A B.D. Pastor THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE Services every Sunday at 11 am. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday School at 2.30 at p.m. REV. MR. DIMMICK - PASTOR ST. ANDREW’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Cor, Fifth Ave. and Dunsmuir Place Morning prayer, 11. Even- ing prayer, 7:30. Sunday school, 2:30 p. m. Holy Communion rst Sunday of mon at if a m., and Sunday at 8 a. m, REV. E. C. BURCH * Hector THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL Granville Court Sunday services at it a.m, 3 and 8 p.m. Sun- day School, 1:30 p. m. Week night services Mon- day, Wednesdsy, Tburs- day and Saturday, PRINCE RUPERT'S INDUS- TRIAL ANNEX A launch leaves the govern- ment slip for Port Edward every day. For particulars apply to Harrison, Gamble & Co., Phone 51, 3rd Ave. FOR A TAXI Phone 16 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO. I oo R sey thy Santos aA eee ECR CL A NAT ENT TATE a Le - ie 2 Y we aes hen Ay i; wag ie ae M pa § eee 5 yy ; oh ag i. “5 iz 4% A ‘ fe 2 i shee aL ‘ f & + ¥ ; & fag Li * BPE 7 aioe Rt Fe if BAe