LARGERT CIRCULATION in THE CITY AND NORTHERN BRITIGH COLUMBIA THE DAILY NEWS sv ie woe a NO, 179. —————— PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., FRIDAY, ———_—____——_ AUGUST 4, 1913, NEXT MAILS — From Gouth Princess Mary...... Friday, 8 p.m, For Gouw Princess May..... Saturday, 9 a.m. PRICE FIVE CENTS pr KS VICTORIOUS AFTER WORST B — SIMULTANEOUS UPRISING IN SEVERAL STATES OF VENEZUELA—CHIN :S iA “REBELS DEFEATED Her» ‘DOMINION CUSTOMS RECEIPTS ‘SHOW SUBSTANTIAL INCREASE FALLING OFF IN NUMBER oF DROWNINGS AND WRECKS OWING TO STRICTER ENNFORCEMENT OF MARI- TIME REGULATIONS special to The Dally News.) } On the Grand Trunk system Oltawa, Aug. 1—-In the de-/there is a general demand for an | ent of eustoms the reven- | increase of wages in the main- ected for the year ending | tonance of ways department. An with last month amounted to} 28 906.807, dh Inordies over application has been made to the last year of $2,656,788. For the|4epartment of labor for a board month just closed the receipts of conciliation, ‘The dispute af- a ¢10,033,208, an increase fects three thousand men. The over July of Jast year of $347, Grand Trunk Pacific is not af- bag fected, mai | The half of the navigation sea- | An application from the clerks iw over stows tat the. toll freight and baggage handlers eaths by accidentae on’ the and others of the Intercolonial snd rivers has been lighter railway, asking the department for several years This |Of labor to appoint a board of ¢ off in the number of ac- | Conciliation, has been received by ts is believed to be largely |the Department of Railways. to the stricter enforcement No decision has yel been an- yf the marine regulations nounced. THREE PRESENTATIONS AT BAPTIST CHURCH LAST NIGHT VARIOUS BRANCHES OF CHURCH EXPRESSED THEIR REGRET AT THE DEPARTURE OF REV. AND MRS. McLEOD I he social parlors of the new,;sented to Mr. and Mrs. McLeod a st Church last night. there|purse of $58.50. Robert McIn- quite a large gathering of|tosh, on behalf of the Baptist members and adherents for|Brotherhood presented to Mr. he purpose of conveying in a|McLeod a purse of $54 and on gible form to Rev. and Mrs.|behalf of the Ladies’ Aid Mrs. W cLeod an expression of the re~|H. Murray presented to Mrs. Mc- et felt at their departur@ from|Leod a purse of $20. Rey. Mr. Bi \ preliminary address|McLeod on behalf of himself and is give b Rev. W. J. Seott,|wife suitably acknowledged — the ! s temporarily taking charge | presentations. W that has been giver An address by Rev. H, G, Es- M McLeod, Following |tabrook, Supt. of Missions for B hree presentations were|C., a solo by Mrs. Jarvis McLeod () ehalf of the members|and refreshments filled a pleas- i, J. H. Rogers pre-jant social evening IPWRECKED MARINERS FROM THE WEEDIN ARE IN RUPERT EY WERE WRECKED DURING FOG ON ROCK NEAR FRED- ERICKS ISLAND—ACCIDENT WAS DUE TO AN ERROR IN THE CHART. € Piy embers of the crew of fof the latest and was four or five Weedin, which was;miles out so far as this point ecked recently during a fog On|was concerned. hite Point, are now in town. “We stayed by the boat for tapi skipper H. Qlstrom; live days, hoping that some Ves- ‘ thief mate, Hugh Daiy; the sel might come which would en- tohman, Olaf Jacobson, and stiles nn to take away the cargo and Joe Deete aae baa of tish which we had caught, this bre this : being 95,000 pounds. It was fine boil nee by -the. Prince weather and we did not suffer The wreek a 2 ‘ Me from exposure. We rescued our « oooured at 4:50) ejothing and grub and all the on Jy ae ae Skipper thirty-three members of the crew ln, When interviewed — fov were safe. We saved eight of le News. “There was a heavy the twelve dories. The other ; ee crashed nty the four were smashed on the rocks. railed White Point, some We turned over the dories and ad en eet 208 Proderions slept under them*at night. euros ae fog ihe might “As no vessel hove in sight, we ae ners Bae . pul to sea in the dories on the 00 Saree eee sixth day and rowed to Naden ee! Harbor. The trip took us about thirty hours, but this includes a stop for some hours on land on TO-NIGHT the way. At Naden Harbor we were most hospitably treated. MW Twenty-eight members of the estholme Opera House crew went south on the Prince —_—_—_—_—_—_—— John. The rest of us came to 7 Prince Rupert on the Prince Al. G