§ £ ? ‘; ‘ ‘ : : : : : ; PS Ee TE Ry CRRA STS THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NOR BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ‘eekly by THE DAILY NEWS — ———— SUBSCRIPTION AATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. All Other Countries: $2.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City. Seattle—Puget Sound News Co. London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers. Weekly, Daily, $8.00 per year. DAILY EDITION atagga> Friday, August 4, 1913. THE ERECTION OF not be properly separated THE POST OFFICE from the adjoining buildings. The announcement by Mr. As for its boasted view, that Clements that work will soon] Will disappear soon enough be started on the erection of the permanent post the Third Avenue to recall the regrets of an ear- lier day that the Conservative Government had not exercised as much ingenuity in chogsing the site as it did in furnish- ing an opportunity for money- making to its adherents. It is still to be regretted the $95,- 000 which was paid for the site had not been expended in purchasing a lot in a more favorable locality. But it is yet possible to do more’ than express regret. The govern- ment must be forced to change the site or to acknowledge it- self a crew of bunglers and boodlers. On the present site the gov- ernment, it is announced, pro- poses to erect a_ building of from $175,000 to $200,000 value. If it puts that money into a building on that site it will erect a monument to its own incompetence. The build- ing will be in the middle of a block, backing up against the office on site serves hill. Only by its front will the quality of its architecture be shown. It will lack light, be- ing shut in at the back and at the sides, and it will have no facilities for the arriva! of mail carriers from the trains unless an alleyway is cut out of the cliff at the rear. It will be erected on a_ skimpy littfe lot of 100 by 100 feet and will when some five story buildings are erected on the opposite side of the street. The best thing the govern- ment can do is delay the erec- tion of the permanent post of- fice until it can dispose of the present site and purchase a new one on some corner that is likely to be in the heart of the city of the future. it is likely to be some time before it will be possible to sell the pre- sent site for such a high fig- ure as was. paid for it, but it would be better to wait and erect the building in ‘some such place as will give the architect an opportunity to display his powers and the public a chance to admire them. 1) Last month the City of Bal- timore sold nearly a million dollars’ worth of municipal bonds in small blocks to people of small means. St. Paul suc- cessfully marketed an issue of bonds in this way, and shortly the State of Minnesota will at- tempt the same method of dis- posing of $700,000 worth of educational building certifi- cates. ——— Nearly everybody is willing to concede that the earth re- volves around the sun, but when the astronomeis insist that the sun is farther from the earth in summer than in winter, they pursue a perspir- ing populace too far! A Great Opportunity FOR MEN TO SAVE MONEY As we intend going out of Men’s Suits, Men’s Underwear, Men’s Shirts and Boots and Shoes we are offering the balance of our stock at a tremendous sacrifice. You will easily be convinced when you see the ‘wonderful :: bargains we are offering :: Third Avenue JABOUR BROS. THE HOUSE OF GOOD VALUES. Frince Hupert , SCooP GOT AJOBAS ae MANAGER OF THE Bay! NMEAM-AND Gave ME 4 OOB 45 LEFT F \ELDER_- Sone ae aie ne MANAGE, SO WELL! MANUFACTURERS’ first of what threatens to be a series of suits against metropol- itan newspapers for caustic com ment on officfals of the National Manufacturers’ Association, as a direct result of Martin M. Mul- hall’s testimony before the Sen- ate “insidious lobby” probers, was promised here today by At- torney Parker Nevin. ‘ Stung by editorial criticism appearing in the North Ameri- can, a Philadelphia newspaper, HALF MILLION DOLLAR LIBEL SUIT AGAINST NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUE THE PHILADELPHIA NORTH AMERICAN FOR THIS SUM — OTHER JOUR- NALS THREATENED WITH SUITS Washington, July 26 — The officials of the National Associa- tion of Manufacturers, through Nevin, announced here today, that suit for $500,000'° would be brought against the Philadelphia publication tomorrow. Nevin as- serted that the North American on Monday referred editorially to officials of the N. A. M. as “crim- inal conspirators.” He also threatened to institute proceed- ings which he declared were ex- ceeding the latitude of freedom,” press a Hamilton, Ont., July 28—Like a strange story of fiction is the life story of Mrs. ity, who has engaged a lawyer to try and substantiate her claim to a large fortune in Dundee, Scot- land, The woman’s husband died re- cently leaving her with seven small children. During his life she shrank from the _ publicity that would follow her .fight for the fortune. Left to her own re- sources she took the step. This is her story: Her mother’s father was Thos. Kinnear, a wealthy man in Scot- land. Before she was eighteen years Thomas Gar- old, the mother eloped with J. Whyte Thompson and | came to Canada. When the daughter, Mrs. Garity, was born, her mo- ther gave her to a family named Jaggard. Shortiy after Thomson died and the mother married a man named MeWhirrel, who was sen- tenced to be hanged, twenty years ago, for the murder of MceWil- liam’s family on the Dundas WIDOW WHO CLAIMS FORTUNE HAS STRANGE STORY 10 TELL EE MRS. THOMAS GARITY OF HAMILTON, IS A CLAIMANT FOR A LARGE ESTATE IN DUNDEE, SCOTLAND—SHE HAS REMARKABLE HISTORY road. The sentence com- muted, but MeWhirre} prison, and the woman then mar- ried Truman. Both now dead. Ten years ago, Mrs. Gar- ity’s mother, hunted her up and told her the story. She also said she had been in receipt ofa re- mittance from the estate, and that her father’s will provided that the fortune was to go to her children, or if she had none was to be divided between charities in Dundee, was died in are NEW WALK A Two Mile Addition to Prince Rupert’s Promenades. The new board walk on Atlin avenue is well under way. Half a mile of the walk has been al- ready constructed, though work was only commenced on it ten days ago. There remains to be constructed another mile and a half. The walk will be completed, it is expected, within another thirty days. ing house of’Germany. The EX-KING MANUEL, HIS BRIDE AND HER PARENTS. Kurope is all agog over the anticipated marriage of the deposed King Manuel of Portugal with the daughter of the Prince and Princess of Hohenzollern, who are of the family of the reign- picture shows Marruel's father- in-law and mother-in-law, the bride-to-be and the bridegroom. VANCOUVER NEEDS CASH About to Borrow Two and a Half Millions in London. London, July 27.—The City of Vancouver,“ probably encouraged by the readiness with which the Winnipeg loan was taken up this week, today invites application for $2,500,000 at 4&4 4-2 consoli- dated stock at 95. This munici- pality has five loans now out- standing, all carrying 4 per cent. Launch Alice B for hire. Tele- phone Green 391, Davis’ Float. 155-tf Hotel ; Directory ee Members P.R.L. Vintners Association PRINCE RUPERT INN AND ANNEX Owned and Operated by the Grand Trunk Pacific Ry. Geo. A. Sweet, Manager WINDSOR HOTEL Corner of First Ave. and Eighth St. W. H. Wright, Prop. HOTEL CENTRAL First Avenue and Seventh St. European and American Plan Peter Biack, Prop. TRUNK Vo Nala veen Charlotte Islands, Calling at Wa Sound Saturdays at 8 P. M. Also Prince Rupert on RAILWAY Harbor, leaving 28th to Sept. 30th. Office 3rd Avenue Prince by the splendid steamers PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, Victoria ang Mondays and Fridays at 9 A. m. For Stewart on Thursdays at 8 A. m. For Granby Bay on Saturdays at 12 Pp. wy. Steamers Prince John and Prince Albert Maintain Weekly Service Between Victoria, Vancouver and prin, Train No. 2 leaves Prince Rupert, eastbound, Saturdays SPECIAL LOW EXCURSION RATES to a1) points cas: routes in connection with the GRAND TRUNK RAILWay Returninglimit Oct. For through tickets, reservation, etc., apply to DAVIDSON Friday, August 4 UL SOUTH Beattie on Ports. Leave Pring; Nupert vig eekly Service to Masse !