priday, August 1, 1913. THE DAILY NEWS Ca LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. istrict—District of Coast, skeena Land piange v. that The Prince Rupert Co. Limited, of Prince intends to apply for permis- se 40 acres of land near the sall River, pounded as follows: stimencing at & post planted on the comma of Lake Madeleine near the out- norti end O° th 20 chains, thence west 20 rake notice Hiydre Electric nupert, B. Gy sion to pure na jet, then’ nce north 20 chains, thence east chalimjins to point of commencement, con- 99 cht ‘res more or 1e88, twinine ce M(UPERT HYDRO-ELECTRIC ( AMITED. CO Ue Per George H. Kohl, Agent, 16th, 1913 pated May jrrigia—duly 21, 1913. pub, May ‘ Land District—District of Skeena, ske notice that Samuel KR. Brown Jr., ; prince Rupert, B. G., occupation engi over, intends to apply for permission to weer te the following described lands: purommencing at a post planted at the yineast corner Of Lot 2626, thence west Y hence south 40 chains, thence ains, ¢ 40 * ‘chains, thence north 40 chains to Cassiar font of commencement, containing 160 . re or 1688, acres NOT” MUEL ROLLINS BROWN JR. ated April 26th, 10138. paved vay 26, 1918—duly 24, 1013. Land District—District of Range V. Quinista, B. C., occupation farmer, titend Wu apply tor permission to purchase the following described jands; ’ commencing &t & post planted at’ the skeena Coast, eouuuwest corner Of Lot 4125, thence westerly along the shore line 20 chains ~» or less, thence following the shore gore OF line northerly #nd easterly tw northwest \% Lot 4125, thence svuth 6 chains e or less point of commenceinent, i2 acres more or less Pena LOUIES AURUOL, mor cont ted May 21st, 1913. pap. May 26, 1913—July 24, 1913, skeena Land District— District of Coast, c Hange V. notice James Jabour, of Rupert, . C., occupation mer chant, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described property; Commencing at @ post planted about mile east of Mile Post 49 on the G, T, PF. Hallway, east from Prince Kupert, on an in the Skeena Hiver, thence south ains, thence east 40 chains, thence sv chains, thence west 40 chains to of commencement, containing 320 Take that prince rT north point acres more or less. i JAMES JABOUR. Dated June 18th, 1013. pub. June 23, 1913—Aug. 18, 1913. Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range V Take notice that I, Lancelot Russel Wal youd Beavis, of Victoria, B, C,, occupation Huaster mariner, intend to apply for per- wissiogd to purchase the following de- ribed lands Columencing @t @ post planted on the Mortheast corner Of @ Day, @ littie to the astward of Skiakl Bay, Stephens Island, u the foreshore, thence east Bu chains, nence porth 20 Chains, thence west 20 haius, thence south 20 chains to point f commencement, containing 40 acres wore x i€58. ANCELOT RUSSEL WALROND Dated July ist, 1913. Pub, July 24, 1913-—Sept. BEAVIS. 15, 1913. District—District of Range V notice that I, of Vancouver, salesman, intend fission to purchase ed lands; uunencing @t & post planted on the wast corner Of @ bay, & Little to the ard of Skiakl Bay, Stephens Isiand, he foreshore, and adjacent to L. KR. W. vis lam, thence nomth 20 ehaips, if e west 20 Chains, thence south 2vU bains, hence east 20 Chains to point of wuunencement, Containing 40 acres more pri THOMAS PIERPONT BANKS. Dated July 1st, 1943. Pub. July 241, 1913—-Sept, 15, 1913. keena Land Coast, Thomas Pierpont . &., occupation to apply for per the [ullowing dé Take keena Land District—District of Coast, Ronge 5. Take notice that Martin Swanson, of rince Rupert, B. C., occupation painter, miiends to apply for permission to pur hase the following described lands: Commencing at @ post planted at the uthwest corner of Lot 38075, thence rth 20 chains, thence west 40 chains, Hence 40 chains in a southerly direction und the shore, thence 40 chains in an Sterly direction round the shore to the int of commencement, containing one uudred and twenty acres more or less MARTIN SWANSON, Dated June 24th, 1913. Pub, June 30, 1913—Aug. 25, 1913. eena Land District—District of Coast, Hange IV, ake notice that Frank B, St. Amour of . Prince Kupert, In the Provinces lumbia, prospector, intends to sion to lease the follow land ihencing @t @ post planted on the ast [ Banks Island, British Co Hh Whe shore of @ small unnamed abd being about five (5) miles in aa from End Hill, thence { chains, thence porth iy : cCuains, thence west eighty chains, thence south twenty (20) wins to point of commencement, and niaining one hundred and sixty (160 res more or less FRANK B, ST Dated the pr. Pub AMUUR, Locator ; 20th day of April, 1913. May 6, 1013-——June 30, 1013. cena Land District—District of Coast, Range 6, Take notice that Guy L. Yooker, of eo ince Kupert, B, C., occupation civil en- pucer, intends to apply for pertaissiun to irchase the following’ described jands: commencing &t & post planted at south- istric rher of Lot 907, Hange 6, Coust fel, thence north 40 chains more or ar ae south boundary of J. A. Kivk- tharty ‘pplication to” purchase, thence id Ra chains more or less following 1. oundary to borthwest corner of Lot a ‘ence south 40 chains to southwest Ra of Lot 31, thence east 20 chains Bou therly wag? Ligh water mark, thence t erly and westerly following high ater mark to point of commencement, itaining 200 acres more or less. Gl TOOK bated July oth, 124 & TOOKEN. Pub, July 14, 1918—-Sept. 8, 1943. WATER AOT. lotice of Application for the Approval of Works, and for Approval of Under-! taking by Minister of Lands. tke, notice that the PORT EDWARD VNSITE COMPANY, LIMITED, t Fine © Kupert, in the Province of British P umbla, Will apply to the Comptroller if ater Kights for the approval of the * 8 of the works to be eonstructed for ie Uulization of the water from Wolf ot ‘ Skeena District, for which applica- on has been made by the company, and Ti which application Permit No, 107 ston lea by the Comptroller Aid pe ghis anting permission to the PANY KT EI ARD TOWNSITE COM- ANY, LIMITED, to make surveys for 9 iruction of the works for diversion Volt by Cuble feet per second from said Creek for Municipal Purpoves. By, plans and particulars required by econ One of Section 70 of the ‘Water - 48 amended have been fled with the ne Perollor of Water Rights at Victoria, Bunent we the Water Recorder at Prince And’ take “notice that the PORT rey ARD TOWNSITE COMPANY, tM ens also intends to apply under Part nt of the “Water Act’ for approval by ae Iinister of Lands of the undertaking iy © company a8 Outlined in the plans os particulars now on fle with the wip roller of Water Rights and with the re Conmeeppeaee at Prince Rupert, B. ¢., cation on with the company's appli- Coples of the application, under ts the “Water Act” and of the pone ah unk ‘approval of the undertaking by le tn ner of Fands as aforesaid, are on Skee ater Recorder of tr na District at Prince Rupert, PB, C, : the ome Water’ Rights at Victoria, COMPUoller of issue Objections to th ed *CHOnS to ne ap Heations may be , Parliament gu) ings, Vie *r Bulldings, Victoria, tay vot suey tb Bupert, By C., tis isin LIMITED ABD TOWNSITE COMPANY, July 14, s9ap) 4 W: Agnew, Agent, GIGANTIC FLAGSTAFF Will Be Set Before Provin- cial Courthouse. Vancouver, July 28. will have within a few weeks what piece flagpole in the world. big flagstaff is 205 feet in length and was cut from a British Go- lumbia fir It has been brought to this eity-and will soon be erected in front of the Provin- cial courthouse, The immense pole will be set in ten feet of solid concrete, that it will tower 195 in the air. A huge Union Jack, 36 feet in length, will fly from the top of the pole and will be on a level with the of Vancouver's highest buildings. CANADIANS 80 top WOULD BUY United States Dept. Receives Re- quest from Those in Breed- ing Business, Washington, July 27.—A num- ber of Canadians have written to the department of seeking to buy some of the blue and silver foxes from the gov- ernment’s preserves in Alaska, but no citizen of the United States had made a similar re- quest, aithough the department anxious to get Americans to in for fox breeding, Assistant Secretary clared. today that good await those who take up dustry. The government, he said, a number of small islands off the Alaskan eoast which it will lease Lo anyone who desires them for fox farms, and at the lime the government will furnish biecding animals low commerce is £0 de- profits the in- Sweet has same at prices, IN AN INDIAN CEMETERY. The carven Christ I On looks down thes graves of redmen sleeping; The pine trees’ shadows lengthen; The tide up the beach is creeping, Driv'n from alien cities, A people swept from their place. Wait for their final departing Near the dead of their dying race, Fast bound in alien ways; From cradle till under the clod Then they go in an alien faith To be judged by the aliens’ God, MARTIN M. MULHALL The former lobbyist for the Man- Association of the evidence ufacturers’ United States, whose before a committee of the Sen- ate such a profound sensation, Last Wednesday he was formally placed under ar- rest by the action of the Attor- ney-General, created CHEAP ACREAGE i Thea ee Par Near Prince Rupert a, 6 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS Apply Harrison, Gamble & Company FINANCIAL AGENTS Third Ave. Prince Rupert TO BE AT VANCOUVER Biggest One Piece Pole in World This city is believed to be the biggest one The BLUE AND SILVER FOX: BEE es » Lp a — WH (1, Ny f = = a ka Ga BASS La ea i} yf Wei i Te 4 { VS NY i QA ty W/ Ves GY ‘ » 4 Wy | lf aes YG | ai 7 » H the is t if on Aug LOOKING INTO THE ECONOMIC ABYSS. Slightly changed viewpoint of the prices of the necessities of life in Canada and other price changes which have occurred dur- ing the year. RECORD RATE ROUND WORLD IS AMBITION OF NEWSPAPERMAN REPRESENTATIVE OF NEW YORK SUN IS NOW CROSSING THE PACIFIC IN AN ATTEMPT TO RIP AROUND THE GLOBE IN THIRTY-FIVE DAYS. Vancouver, B. C., July 28.—On|reach New York City, from which board the Canadian Pacific liner|he started, in 35 days 214 hours Empress of Russia, which is due|and 35 minutes, which is the to arrive here from Japan August|fastest time ever recorded for a 2nd is Mr. John Henry Mears, of}round the world trip. New York Evening Sun, who Mr. Mears was to board the rying to establish a new rec-j|liner at Yokohama and she should ord for the trip around the world.|now be well on her way across Everything depends upon the speed the vessel makes he can reath Canadian soil|/the Pacific. the morning of Saturday, ust 2nd, he estimates he can|in erossing. acg mer fror ane mer fro | fror secrecy with which the doings of public that NEW AIRSHIP FOR BRITISH NAVY MAKES TRIAL FLIGHT THE CRAFT OF THE CLOUDS CIRCLES ROUND THE HOUSE OF COMMONS TO SURPRISE OF MEMBERS—HAS A SPEED OF intimation to the the Parseval airship uired by the British Govern- it for the navy had = arrived n Germany, was its appear- e over the Houses of Parlia- it recently, on its trial flight n Aldershot. This “invasion n Germany” does credit to the ‘he first hours at mandant with Endurance, 15 Commander 42 MILES hours, or 30 33 miles per hour. Masteriman, com- of the naval wing of the Royal Flying corps, was on board sev the performance of the before she was finally taken over by the authorities from the con- structors, check airship eral officials to There was not the ithe country’s air fleet are envel-|slightest hitch in the preliminary | oped, arangements, and ‘the airship, | The new dreadnought of the|rising majestically, sailed off at lair was launched at Farnbor-ja rate of 40 miles an hour in the lough, The conditions were|direction of London. ideal, there being only a light Shortly afterwards she was easterly breeze. As the new Par-|sighted at Westminster traveling seval, which was in charge of alata high speed. She turned German pilot and a staff of Ger-|when opposite the Houses of man engineers, is some 300 feet|Parliament and made a complete in length, the filling of the en-j|circuit of the building. Mem- velope with hydrogen took some|bers of the House of Commons time, who were taking tea on the ter- The official dimensions given|race with their friends, had a of-the new airship are as fol-|good view of the airship, which lows: disappeared in a south-westerly hi hou of 180 horsepower each, Lift of crew, store, wireless apparatus, 2% tons. gun and ighest speed, 42% miles and an The airship reached Farnbor- ough safely, but some difficulty was experienced in berthing the Length of gas envelope, 290! direction. feet, Width, 46 feet. Displacement, 8% tons. Engines, two Mayback motors|vessel, t he shed being scarcely large enough and a tri@ky wind prevailing. ship was backed from ane Ultimately the air~- the shed Farnberough hored on Mil THE BEST AT penn, Te. SS PIONEER DRUG STORES wT Me Cn | PAGE & SHAW’S CHOCOLATES Shipped by Express from the Factory ——- DO YOU KNOW THEM? “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Excellent Cafe, 1142 Pender Street West Phone 8500, Hotel in Vancouver. Moderate Prices, Vancouver, B.C. THE PRICE oF HOMAGE NCE when King Edward VII. paid a visit to Sheffield, all the fires in factories and plants were allowed to die out. Not a wheel in Sheffield turned for twenty- four hours. @,The primary object of this was to lift the pall of smoke that hovers over that wonderful steel-produc- ing city, and to ensure, as far as man was able, a bright day and a blue sky for an auspicious occasion. @,It was Sheffield’s expression uf respect. UT the action was unique—it was unprecedented—it was unthought of that those hundreds of mighty furnaces, raging night and day, and those seethi boilers, with quivering valves, should ever be allowed to cool, @, This extinguishing of fires cost Sheffield hundreds of thousands of dollars—the price of the effort to get back again to high-power efficiency. OME business men in Canada pay an unwitting homage, not to a king, but to a superstition—the superstition that hot weather justifies letting the fires of business energy go out. They stop Advertising in the Summe | months. By paying homage to tradition, custom, supersti- i tion, they have allowed Summer to become their “dull” | season. @,You know how dull it can be when you don’t advertise. Do you know how brisk it can be made by Advertising? Do you realize how much momentum you now lose in the Summer that must be regained in the Fall ? DON’T LET YOUR ADVERTISING FIRES DIE OUT THIS SUMMER. Advice regarding your advertising problems is available through any recognised Can- 603 Lumsden B adian advertising agency, or the Secretary ot the Canadian Press Association, Room viding. T write, if interested. ‘oronto. Enquiry involves no obligation on your part—so OF APPLICATION FOR THE AP- NROVAL OF PLANS AND OF PETITION FOR APPROVAL OF UNDERTAKING. Take notice that the PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMPANK, LIMITED, of Montreal, areeer will apply to the Comp- troller of Water Rights for the approval of the plans of the works to be constructed for the utilization of the water from Falis River and Khtada River, which the appli- cant is by water records nee St Ee 36 and 50 authorized to e, store use for power purpeses and in respect to which further applications for 508 cubic feet per second from Falls River and 266 LAND LEASE NOTICES. ® e Skeena Land District—District of Cost Range V. @) ‘ake notice that 4, Hume Babington, of Prince Rupert, Bb. C., occupation master mariner, intend to apply for permission to lease the following described land: Commencing at &@ post planted at the northwest corner of H. . Babington’s lease application on a small island in the Skeena River opposite Mile 45, thence southwesterly along shore 40 chains to southwest point of island, thence north- gasterly along shore 40 chains to H. B. The Up-to-Date House Decora- tors of Prince Rupert sign Writing.. Babington’r southwest corner, thence| cubic feet per second from Khtada River ° north about 40 chains to point’ of com-| are now pending. The power plants 10°25 Pa r-Hanging mencement, containing 100 acres more hans on oe nie 695, respec iy, Pe ora H. B. BABINGTON, Petition for approval of the undertak- (Name of Locator.) ing will also be made to the Honorable ; Dated June iith, 1913. si aete pe Rae of Lands under Part 6 of the [eve ee eee : The plans and particulars required by sub-section one of Section 70 of the Water | Our Speoiaities p' rICE Act, as amended, and the petition, plans COAL NOTICES, and exhibits for the approval of under- taking as required by Section 89 and Part 6 have been filed with the Comptroller of Water Rights and with ater Re- corder at Prince Rupert. Objections to the application may be filed With the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. Dated at Prince Rupert, B, C., this 21st day of aur A. D. 1913. THE PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELEC- TRIC CO., LTD. Wkly j28-ai8 “Ye Olde Reliable” Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Islands. Take notice that 1, Luigi Astori, of ~ | Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation miner, in- tends to apply for a license to prospect 1836 THE BANK OF 1913 for coal and oil over the following de- BritishNorthAmerica scribed lands on the west coast of Graham TT YEans in Business Island: CAPITAL AND SURPLUS Oven $7,600,000 Commencing at a post planted at the Teach The Children 2nd Street Phone 156 Green northwest corner of Coal License 8206, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to ona, point of commencement, ntaining 640 acres rs . LUIGI ASTORI. Filippo Panvini, Agent, Located May 14th, 1913. Pub, July 7, 1913—Aug. 4, 1913 -Church Services- Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Islands. thas 1, W. E. Willi Ghuress Theatre at 130" p.m. sc . ££. ams, ress at 7.30 p.m. The Value of Money | ..rie tite Mor ine ug” ot Pines Bisset at 20 oe ae Rupert, Province of British Columbia, in- REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., Pastor tend to apply to the Chief Comm! or a license to prospect for troleum over the following on the west coast of Gra- If your children learn, while growing, not- only how to of Lands coal, oli and described lan THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MCINTYRE HALL, SRD AVE., NEAR 6TH 8ST. i ham Island: Sunday at 11 spend money wisely, but how, Momuneacing crm tne post planted one cere Ta ot ha -deni some- He south from the southe: 0) p.m. Baraca by self ial, to save » Toal Lease 7432, thence 80 chains south, Bible Clase 2.80 thing for the future, you will | thence. 80 chain’ west, thence 80 chains |] Rey. W.H. MeLEOD B.A B.D. Pastor ed th th d north, thence 80 onains #98}, 6 of y em on e roa the beginning, containing ° ne oy : W, E. WILLIAMS. THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH to financial success. Open a ne sae et Fanvini, Agent. eInTe AU. AMD MUSGRAVE #408 e : ocate 2 . Savings Account for each in Pub. July 7, 1913—Aug. 4, 1913 Besvicgs oveey Soin School at 2.30 p.m. the Bank of British North wae! "an. HaMeeee eck America, and encourage them to add to it regularly. Skeena Land District—District of Queen PASTOR Charlotte Islands. Take notite that I, Antonio Christiano, contractor, of the City of Prince Rupert, ST. ANDREW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Proyince of British Columbia, intend to Cor. Fifth Ave. and Dunsmuir Place apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands Morning prayer, 11. Even- for a@ license to spect for coal and oll ing prayer, 7:30, Sunday P CE RUPERT over the following described lands on the school, 2:30 p. m. Holy West aimencing ate post plahied one mile Communion ret Sunday ommenc P. MARGETTS, MANAGER south from the southeast corner of Coal | gn Gai * me Lease 7432, thence 80 chains north, thence rg 80 chains east, thence 80 chains south, od 80 chains west to the place of be- REV. E. C. BURCH ‘ Rector ennine, coma A) HiRtarino, |] = nt. THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL PRINCE RUPERT F EED C0. Located Ma i ei nin Granville Court Pub. July 7, 1913—Aug. 4, 1913 Sunday services et 14 908 Third Avenue Ste en a eae ee ea a 5m 0 eet ‘a p Week night services Mon- day, Wednesday, Thurs- Dealers in P Fd d day and Sat 5 FEED HAY OATS or [ war —- WHEAT CORN SEEDS we TIMOTHY CLOVER PRINCE RUPERT’S INDUS- ateaten tale oa FOR A TAXI ETC. ——— ee ~ A launch leaves the govern- ment slip for Port Edward P one 7 CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY every day, For particulars A i apply to Harrison, Gamble 7 & Co,, Phone 51, 3rd Ave. PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO. Mall orders promptly attended to ° -