4 r [SE Ladies’ Black Gauze Lisle Hose, sizes 8 1-2 to 10; regular price, pair, 35c. Saturday Special, pair.:......... 25c ’ Ladies’ Long White Lisle Gloves, sizes ‘ 6 to 7 4-2; regular price, pair, 50c. ; Saturday Special, pair...........36c : Children’s 4-4 RibHose, black cetton, sizes 5 to 10; regular price, paid, 35c. Saturday Special, paii........ ...26ce Taffeta Hair Ribbon, 4 inches wide, colors pink, sky, black, green, helio; regular SE wes * +E ‘ price 20c yard. Saturday Special, he VOLO i Sr iasi hs a. p04 8 cécve cue i SB YEPES ASE is ores 6 CRP IANbaR OA cs ee i sia 7 § Other Saturday Specials in Hiar Combs, if Barettes, Gotton Gloves, Etc., and a big i table full of Remnants of many different if kinds of goods, all to go at under cost. if H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Corner Fulton Street and 3rd Ave. PRINCE RUPERT of Fruits and Vegetables Just Received EVERYTHING IN SEASON New Gravenstein Apples New Potatoes Green Peas Wax Beans Cauliflower Summer Squash Plums Cherries Strawberries Peaches Apricots Pears once est THE DAILY NEWS t “The News” Classified Ads. ==(ne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== > ON WEDDING TRIP Rev. Mr. and Mrs. R. Tomlinson Jr. Left for Victoria. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tomlinson left on the Prince George this morning for Victoria on their wedding trip. They were mar- ried at Port Simpson on Wednes- day evening by Rev. G. H. Raley. Mrs. Tomlinson was formerly Miss Ethel Collins, late of the Methodist Deaconess’ Training Home at Toronto, and more re- cently sewing teacher at the Crosbie Girls’ Home at Port Simpson. Mr. Tomlinson was formerly the assistant to Rev. Mr Rush- brook on the Northern Cross, the Anglican mission boat. He has decided to enter the Methodist Church and will on his feturn from Victoria take charge of the Indian mission at Kispiox, near Hazelton. The father and mother of the groom, Rev. and Mrs. Robert Tomlinson Sr. of Meaniskinisht, who attended the ceremony, are al present in town. DYNAMITED GOLD DREDGE Sentenced to Twenty Years in the Penitentiary. Dawson, July 28.—After four- teen hours’ deliberation, the jury found Jacob Neilson guilty of dynamiting the Yukon Gold Com- pany’s dredge. Neilson was at sentenced by Judge Mac- auley to twenty years’ imprison- ment. The trial was one of the long- in dhe Yukon history. Neil- son will be removed to the peni- tentiary at New Westminster. RAINING Somes French Aviator Drops Missiles on Mexican Gunboat. Hermosillo, July 28.—Dedier Masson succeeded yesterday in making a bomb dropping flight over Guaymas harbor, according to advices received here today. It reported here that the French aviator dropped bombs near the Guerro, forcing the fed- eral gunboat to change its an- chorage. Many of the crew were is and All Staple Fruits. Also a Shipment of reported as fleeing to the shore y FRESH SPRING CHICKENS in fear of another visit of the y Smoked Fish a Specialty aeroplane. f We Deliver to All Parts of the City ! Canadian Club Luncheon. 4 ‘a SHEPARD & JONES A wire has been sent by the 2 Hart Block Phone 41 Canadian Club to the C. P. R. i agent at Victoria requesting that arrangements be made so that BUY _ | A Beautiful Home Site For Sale at a “Snap” Price Lot 4, Block 1, Section 2 117 ft. on yan Arsdol St., 34 ft. on Graham Ave. and nearly 91 ft. on Rear Lane LOT LEVEL AND FINE WATER VIEW $3,200.00 Cash’ $1,200.00, balance arranged to’ suit _ || DESIRABLE OFFICE SUITE FOR RENT Hays Building (2nd Floor) 3 Rooms, Stationary Washstand and Toilet. Water. Terms: Heated by Hot Electric Fixtures Now in Rooms. Will Paper to Suit Tenant, Apply to DAVID H. HAYS 2nd Ave. and 2nd St. KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1624 PHONE No. 8 Builders’ Supplies Sheet and Plate Glass Plumbers’ supplies Plate Glass Mirrors Paints HARDWARE Stoves, Ranges Oils Tinware Varnishes Graniteware ‘Stay Satisfactory Range.”’ MONARCH MALLEABLE the Princess Sophia will not leave here till 3 p. m. on Monday. This delay will thereby enable Hon. Mr. Hazen to address the Canadian Club at a luncheon on Monday before he starts for the north, Board of Trade. Perey Godenrath, the publicity agent for the exhibition, will ad- dress the Board of Trade at their meeting this evening. J. Y. Rochester, of the Empress Hotel, and Mrs. Rochester, went south this morning on the Prince George. —— __——_—_—— LET US HELP You TO A HOME OF YOUR OWN YEAR after year you’ve been paying out hard-earned money oO your landlord for rent. You've promised yourself a thousand times that you'd make the start to own your own /home but eS. found if dimeult—you ’ een able to se way clear, St baad The ©. H. I. ©. PLAN shows YOU THE WAY It is the most convenient practical home-owning pian 4 fore the people of Cenada, In all sections, our contract holders have been enabled to purchase homes of their own—free them- Selves of the landlord burden, Investigate the C. H. I. €, plan NOW. Call or phone our local oMece for particulars, You will be under no obligation, THE CANADIAN HOME INVESTMENT CO., Lita. Head Office Pacific Building Second Floor VANCOUVER, B. oc. Local OMce Federal Bldg. PRINCE RUPERT, B. ©. For Rent ~~ TWO well furnished rooms for rent. Phone Black 629. 166tf FOR RENT—Large front room in private an suitable for two; modern; close in. Phone Green 258. FURNISHED room, with bath toilet. 132 7th Ave. hill, torium. FOR RENT—Two rooms over our $17.50 per month. McCaffery & bons, 178-79 BEACH PLACE apartments for rent; $18 and $20 per mo. See McCaffery_& Gib- bons, 178-79 and inside near Audi- 178-79 omce; For Sale FOR SALE—Piano, rugs and other house- hold furniture. Apply Rev. E. C. Burch, corner 5th and Tallow. 175 FOR SALE—Furnishings four roomed cot- tage, $100; used three months; cottage can be rented $16 month. Enquire Miller-Phillips Grocery. 174-77 FURNISHINGS of a three-room fat for sale. Flat also may be rented. Apply H. F. McRae & Co. 139t COWS fresh calved and coming in always on. hand, and tuberculosis tested, John Christy, cattle dealer, Collingwood West, corner Carleton and Westminster Road. Phone Collingwood 46 R. Post aan Collingwood East, Box 20. 170-t FOR SALE—Cruiser, 28x8, Palmer engine, compass, life preservers, stove, cooking utensils, sails, anchors, cushions; will Sleep four; $450. Box 903. 177-80 FOR SALE—Lot 54, Block 3, Sec. 7; price $1,600, 1-2 cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months. C. Nicholls, Coquitlam, B. C. 177-81 Lost and Found LOST—Gold watch, photo on inside case. Reward if returned to Pacific Transfer Omcee. 175-77 LOST—Gold fangle between telephone ~of- fice and Fraser St., also city hall. Find er please phone Red 331. 179-80 POULTRY & LIVE STOCK If you are wanting any kind of POULTRY, PIGEONS, GUINEA FOWL, RABBITS or ANGORA GOATS, write direct to H. WILLIAMSON COMPANY, LTD. 357 Cordova St. E., Vancouver, B.C. The Largest Bealers in Live Poultry in Western Canada ST ANDREW'S SOCIETY HALL formerly Kaien Isd. Gymnasium To rent for Dances, Public Meet- ings, etc. Particulars at hall or Secretary, P. O. Box 268 Notice is hereby given that meetings of the Provincial Agri- cultural Commission will be held at the following places: Terrace, August 9th, 2:30 p. m.; Prince Rupert, August tith and 12th, 10 a. m.; Hazelton, August 13th, 7:30 p. m.; Aldermere, August 15th, 10 a. m. The commission will hear evi- dence on all matters affecting agricultural conditions in the province, All persons interested are re- quested to be present. W. H. HAYWARD, M. L. A,, Chairman, C. B. CHRISTENSEN, Secretary. 169-92 LAND PURCHASE NOTICES, Take notice that I, Charles H. Flood, oc- cupation free miner, intend to apply to the Hon, Commissioner of lands and works for permission to purchase the following described land; Commencing at a post planted at the northeast corner of A, P. L, reading Lot and Post 2232-3535, thence in 4 northerly direction along the shore of Hasf‘ngs Arm 80 chains more or less to ‘Ne /ac-U-An Indian reservation No, 26, thence in a westerly direction 40 chains, thence in a southerly direction 80 chains, thence east- erly 40 chains to the point of commence- ment, containing 320 acres more or jess CHARLES. H, FLOOD, Dated June 27th, 1943. 13-—Sept. 22, 1913. Pub. July 28, 19 I, William Macy, Take notice that of C,, occupation caterer, intend to Anyox, B. apply to the Hon, Commissioner of Lands and Works for perm scien to purchase the folloying described lands: Commencing at a post planted southeast corner of 8. T. L. Lot and Post 45280-9530, thence southerly 20 chains along the shore of Goose Bay to 8, T, L. Lot and Post reading 35280-9529, thence in a wenierly. direction 20 chains, thence in a northerly direction 20 chains, thence east 20 chains to the point of commence- ment, containing 160 acres more or less. WILLIAM MACY on the C, i. Flood, Agent. 1913. 1$—Sept. 22, 1043. Advertise in Dated June 27th Pub. July 28, 19 The Daily News =~ {LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. advertise- tf Read Jabour Bros.’ ment, page 2. Bainter returned yester- trip Cc, E, day afternoon from a short to Kitselas, returned yesterday He is delight- Coola country of the de- H. Irwin from Bella Coola. ed with the Bella and has much to licious berries there. say A. H. Tomlinson returned yes- terday from Terrace. A.M. Tyson, inspector of In- dian agencies, left for Vancouver this morning. Mr. and Mrs, C, H. left this morning on George for Victoria. Handasyde the Prince Miss E, Stewart of Toronto, who has been visiting Prince Ru- pert as the guest of Mrs. Robert McIntosh, returned south on the Prince George this morning. After visiting friends in the lower part of the province she wiil re- turn ta Toronto. George D. Tite left for Victoria this morning on the’ Prince George, He will join his family at Shawnigan Lake. to Van- accom. Cc. D, Rand returned couver this morning, panied by his son. Rey. H. G, Estabrook, superin- tendent of Baptist missions, went south on the Prince this morning, George Mrs. Davis of have been Professor and Portland, Ore., who here visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McLennan, returned south this morning on the Prince George. R. Braby, of the well known firm of London solicitors, Braby & Whaller, left this morning af- ter a week’s visit at this point. He is the solicitor for Sir George Doughty and the B. C. Fisheries Company, Miss Bella MeLeod has return- ed to the city after a short vaca- tion spent with friends at Por- cher Island. Mrs. Clyde have gone to week's vacation, accompanied by Mrs. LaVelle. Rogers and family Porcher Island for Mrs. Rogers her mother, a Rev. Mr. Field of Hazelton and Mrs. Field are in town as the guests of Bishop and Mrs. Du Vernet. Rey. Mr. Field, who has been twenty-seven years at Hazelton, is now on his way to England for a well earned holi- day. He is on a year’s furlough, On the occasion of leaving Hazel- ton he was presented with a purse of $450 by his parishion- ers. He will leave for the south tomorrow on the Princess May, ee IN THE KING'S BENCH. IN CHAMBERS THE REFEREE, between JOSEPH WILLIAM GRAY, Plaintiff, and EMIL N, LING, Defendant. application of the upon reading the affidavits of C, Jackson, and L, W. Patmore, fled herein, and the exhibits therein referred to, It is ordered that service of the state- ment of claim herein by mailing a copy of this order together with the notice at- tached thereto and a copy of the said Statement of claim in a prepaid and reg- istered post letter addressed to the de- fendant at “Winnipeg Post Office, in the Province of Manitoba, and by publishing 4 copy of this order and a copy of the said notice on the 26th day of July and the 2nd day of August, A, D. 1913, In the “Daily News,” @ newspapér published at Prince Rupert in the Province of British Columbia, shall be good and suMcient service of the said statement of claim upon the said Defendant. It is further ordered that the sald De- fendant file his statement of defence here- sn hefore the 31st day of August, A. D. Upon Plainu and And it is further ordered that the costs of this application shall be costs in the cause, Dated at Winnipeg this 12th 4 0) July, A. D, 1913 per f me GEORGE PATTERSON, Referee. NOTICE. FO the Above Named Defendant. Take notice that the Plaintif’s claim in this action is for declaration that a cer tain agreement for sale made between the Plaintiff and the Defendant, bearing date the 27th day of July, 1900. be cancelled, or in the alternative that a certain day be fixed for the payment by the Defendant to the Plaintiff of the sum of $1,382.46 to- gether with interest thereon from the 29th day of March, A. D, 1912, at the rate of six per cent, per annum and that in default of payment thereof, the sald agree- ment may be cancelled and the monies pald by the Defendant thereunder ; de- clared to be forfeited, and that your state- ment of defence, if any, is to be 2 the office of the Prothonotar at Ano soust house in the City of Winnipeg, Province of Manitoba, on or before the 31st day of August, 1913, and that in default thereof Judgment will be Signed against you as prayed for in the said statement of claim Dated this 12th day of July, A. D. 1913. 0, H, CLARK, j26-a2 Plaintift’s Solicitor, THE GOLD ROLLED Twenty Dollar Pieces Tinkle Down Steps. Seattle, July 26—Two hun- dred and fifty $20 gold pieces rolled merrily down Yesler Way from the city hall steps to the Smith building this morning when a sack, carried by a clerk in the treasurer's office, broke. The money was pay for cily em- ployees. It had been brought to the city hall in the police patrol wagon. In unloading, one of the clerks tossed a sack a little too hard and the thirty-seven pounds of gold hole in it. The coins all over the city hall lore a splashed steps. While some of the clerks head- ed off the coins near the cable slot, others tore after the money going down hill. When it was all over, clerks gathered round, mopped sweaty foreheads, puffed, laughed, swore and gave thanks that they were not compelled to stand for the loss on any part of that agile $5,000. MORE STRAY MAIL Report Shows Number of Dead Letters to Be Increasing Ottawa, 28.—Mr. J. Binks, superintendent of the dead letter branch of the post office department, will hand in his re- port of that branch on Thursday of next week. The report will show a tremen- dous increase in the way of let- ters being returned. This is due, no doubt, to the many foreigners July G, who, after arriving in Canada, move about from place to place without leaving any address, with the result that the letters are re- turned to the dead letter branch, which in turn notifies the senders that the letters have turned, been re- A Record Halibut. O. Hanson, an independent fisherman who has been en- gaged in the business for eigh- teen years, this afternoon sold to Shepard & Jones a halibut weigh- ing 225 pounds. Mr. fused to divulge the locality where it was caught, but it safe to say that it was within a very few hours’ sail from Prince Rupert. This is probably the largest hali- Hanson re- Is but brought into the city this season., although the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Company claim to have received one a few days ago weighing between 225 and 230 pounds. The average weight for halibut is about 70 pounds, Funeral. The funeral of the late James G. Crombie will take place on Sunday at 2 p.m. The body will be removed at 140 o'clock on Sunday morning from E. L Fisher's funeral chapel and will be placed in the Masonie Hall, where it will lie until 2 p. m. The interment will take place at Fairview cemetery, under the auspices of the Masonic Order. Rey. F. W. Kerr will perform the burial services, | LOCAL NEWS ITEMS | G. J. Frizzell returned yester- day from a trip to Morieetown, Mr. E. H. Mortimer, who has just returned from a trip up the line, says that the track laying machine has crossed the Telkwa bridge, Mr. Van Arsdol, divisional en- gineer on the G. 'T. P., came down the line yesterday to see Mr, Kelliher, the chief engineer of the G. T. P. Word has been received here that during a drunken brawl be- tween two men at Burns Lake one man shot the other, killing him instantly, B. B. Kelliher, chief engineer of the G, 'T. P., and Superintend- ent &. C. Mehan left by special train for the interior early this morning, Couldn't Be Age. The old sailor was complaining that he was a little deaf in his left ear, “Well, responded his acquaint- ance, “you're no longer young, you know, and” “It’s not my age,” interrupted the old sailor, “sure me right ear’s as old as the left one, and I can hear in that.” ” in Vancouver the police have closed nearly all the Ghinese gambling houses, but a few real estate offices are still running, Friday, August 1, 1943 for SUMMER sPoRry FOR EVERYBODY Styles, Suitable For Every Outdoor n YOUR DEALER Has THEY You Might As Well Ge THE BEST CANADIAN CONSoLID RUBBER Co., uMiTEo MONTREAL. j PPPS CSOD ~ DD; DCCL LL Les Se oroooens Ay NSE E The Following LOTS Lot 54, $1,500 months, Block 27, cash, bal 12 and Lot 90, Block 20, Sec. 2, $1,312 $562 cash, bal. G. T. | Lots 19 and 20, Block 20, See 4 $1,200; 1-3 cash, bal. to arra Por exchange, an 8-acre apple ranch at North Yakima f Rupert property I a fin ehance for the right 1 George Leck PRINCE RUPERT in All Cities in the Unite Kingdom omees Agent for Fort Fraser Lot OSBORNE HOUSE 957 Third Ave. Large Single Rooms, With a@ Without Table Board Large Sitting Room, Bath, Hom Charges Priveleges, Moderat« Mrs. G. A. Tessier THE MIDWAY LADIES' AND GENTS’ GARMENT CLEANIM PRESSING, DYEING EPAIRING Goods Called For ar 322 Bth Street PACIFIC TRANSFER C0. Furniture, Baggage, Piano Mor ing and Genera! Cartage Phone 1 ANL 1 De Phone Green 2 Office: Suite 9, Federal Block P. O. Box 203 Phone @ J P. ROBERTSON INCORPORATED ACCOUNTANT (Eng) CHARTERED SECRETARY Audits, Investigations, Adjustments, Lie dations and Assignments Smith Block, 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert, & 6 HARRISON W. ROGER Architect Suite 4, Federal! Block PRINCE RUPERT, B. C a Phone 300 p. O, Box 16 Phone 300. 0. Ball BOOKKEEPING - AUDITIN Bookkeeping Taught by Private Lesson Terms Reasonable WENDELL R. JONES a 4 Ave Phone 112 10 BROWN & BUTTERS MINING ENGINEERS . aroLoat METALLURGY AND MINING OF pos 1 Res, Phone Black 413 Prince Rupert — ’ Ve Have F ae : Sale : it A Fine | Insiu: Block 12, >e! 6 $4500.00 G. R. Naden Co. ls guranve Real Estate and Insv Second Avenue: