7 LARGEST CIROULATION : NEXT MAILS = —* In THE OITY AND NORTHERN ; or oe ; 4 i Princess Sophia..... Monday, 12 m. : For Gouw : Princess Mary..... Sunday, 6 p.m. ws ye + — — - _ — a _ — —__—_—___—— SS - — — = — — - ———— IV, NO. 180. RINCE ? 1, SATU . JGUST 2, 191% VOL. : PRINCE RUPE RT, B. C., SATI RDAY, AUGUST 2, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS ——— - ——- ~ —__—— en — — ———. — ——— EE — = ee —————EES — — a _ TO ¢ ASSIST AMERICANS ouT OF MEXICO-DR. SEN ISINESS MEN ARE URGE ) 10 ASSIST FAIR TO: THE UTMOST ERCY GODENRATH, PUBLICITY AGENT OF THE EXHIBITION, EXPLAINS WHAT HAS ALREADY BEEN DONE AND WHAT REMAINS TO DO. Before the meeting of the oard of Trade was formally yesterday evening, Perey pened wdenrath spoke to its members oy a few minutes on the work f the Northern British Columbia gricultural Association. Mr. odenrath said that he had been urprised al the ignorance dis- layed by many as to the dates f the fair and as to the fair it- If. He was anxious to give this mowledge and to let the business ben know that he would visit} xem all shortly to raise further nds for the fair. In the neigh- yrhood of $8,000 was needed al- Deether, He had found in the course of hs canvass thal people were ask- ¢ when the fair would be held he dates were September 24th 6th People were also ask gy where the fair would take ace It would be in the skal - ILA Ii was purposed to display hiefly exhibits of fisheries, min- }would second their }would really and vegetables. Thi first fair of any size or in Northern British ¢ erals the Lion bia, Rupert to make the The officers of the splendid work. that the cess, fa It was business efforts. of the association open. The furniture in on Saturday, when th commence, done hoped offices now be The Licensed Vintners’ ciation had already $1,000. Mr. Godenrath that from $2,500 Lo $3,000 be raised from the of the city. As the duplicate every dollar this would of $6,000 to city thus ! mean a contril the funds. private individuals forward well. Prudhomme had given a cup valued at $65, some coming I Continued on as well as s was dura- ;wlum- It was therefore up to Prince fair a suc- ir had to be ten The were would e fair Asso- contributed bel ieved could business men would aised ution were Alex silver $75 Page 4.) A scout tragdys active of service, he a corner a an unusu on was the ace toy Scouts was climbing large the rounding It rolled down, in the B¢ carrying the clay at base al character, tion of fhe probably the first death that befell Victor Plant, Searboro Cliffs on the the cliff boy with it, breaking cliff. ident the his neck aged north shore to which young Plant was clinging FIRST BOY SCOUT TO BE KILLED WHILE IN ACTION. while Scout With other of a Canadian Boy 14, of Toronto. of Lake While away. Ontario. broke and almost burying him head first HINESE REVOLUTIONISTS ARE RESTING FOR REORGANIZATION UTHERNERS PLANNING LONG, METHODICAL WAR—DR. SUN YAT SEN PETITIONS POWERS TO REFUSE FINAN- CIAL AID TO YUAN SHI KAI. Ry government forces is only (Special to The Daily News.) tem- BPekin, Aug, 2 An announce-|Pperary and that they will soon be mit from Canton that three di-}ousted, The spirit of the south- y s of Cantonese troops are! e@rners, he affirms, is undaunted, ring march against the|and they hope to renew the rihern army is welcomed in|Strugele as soon as _ arrange- } the government oficials|ments with Kwang Tong and hey will anticipate the other southern provinees are these rebel troops and completed, s | able to defeat them TT | \ g¢ the sacking, and London Aug 2 A despatch aps | x, of Canton City}(o the Daily Telegraph from Pe- Bir sorganization of the|kin savs that admitting their , iilure in the present attempt to r defeat the government, the south- shangha Aug. 2.—Dr. Sunjerners have reverted to a slower Sen, one of the leaders of} plan and have organized all the southern revolution, declares | southern provinces for a long, t the reoccupation of Nanking | methodical war. PECULIAR DROWNING BASEBALL. Farmer Slipped in While Filling Water Barrel. ican Nee ee : (Special to The Datly News.) 5 game post- hed; rain, Belleville, Ont., Aug. 2.—J. A. Cleveland 6, Boston 2, Rutter, a farmer of Rossmore, St. Louis 5, Philadelphia 2. was accidentally drowned in a Detroit 9, Washington 3.. peculiar manner yesterday, He National League. had driven to a ledge of rock in Brooklyn 2, Pittsburg 3. the Bay of Quinte to get a barrel Philadelphia 4, Gineinnati 4. filled with water and the horse New York 5, Chicago 2. turned into deep water, ‘Rutter Boston 8, St. Louis 0, was unable to swim and his body Northwestern League. was found in five and a half feet Ti coma 6, Portland 4. of water. Seattle 3, Spokane 6, — ——--—- ULSTER WILL FIGHT Good 4 Shoes that re a vear and| To the Last Ditch Rather Than ® perfect comfort, now $3.90 Accept Catholic Rule. m~ olt, ee Froud & Co.’s shoe sale. TO-NIGHT Westholme Opera House THE Griffith Stock Co. Presents mm ‘Thorns and Orange Blossoms’ Special Reha Matinee at 3 o’clock Prices, 15¢ and 25e mercy of a Catholic major! It was announced that ter of Marine the invitation of the Gal however, to accept ow now found, will be unable is made and the itinerary of b to the Yukon, for which he on the Sophia on Monday. Hazen had aecce Glub to luncheon on Monday. that the arrangements that have (Special to T he Daily News.) Brandon, Man., Aug. 2. Dr. William Patterson, Belfast, Ire- land, addressed a big gathering last night on “Why Ulster Op- posed Home Rule.” He declared that loyal Ulstermen would die in the last ditch rather than ac cept home’ rule and be al the ty. LUNCHEON POSTPONED Minis- pled radian It he ing to been is trip leaves ALLURING BIDS FOR PEACE CONFERENCE. Russian Government Denies That | It Proposed to Take Warlike - | Steps Against Turkey. (Special to The Daily News. de- the | Alluring al London, Aug. 2. mands will be peace presented | conference to the pro- | boundary, extending from] Svrums River, running midway to | | | | posed Rumelia, and reaching the Aegean Sea, miles from Dedeagatich. This leaves the Bulgaria boundary line the | Aegean Sea less than thirty miles. If these accepted, Bul- | garia’s the two ake’ will be Httle larger than on tering, but she has abandoned a} large territory to Rou and| in addition the allies their demand for sixteen on terms are issue from ene mania maintain | indemnity. | | St. Pelersburg, Aug. 2.—An of-} ficial denial is given to the sen- sational rumor spread abroad that the Russian government had decided to take warlike steps against Turkey. It is stated thal Russia has determined to avoid | any action owing to the present} trend of events in favor of an| spproashinent with Austria. INHUMAN ‘STEPMOTHER Made Girl Strip and Lashed Her With a Whip. (Special to The Daily News.) Ont., Aug. 2.—Mrs. found guilty of eruel treatment to 42-year-old Lillie Worth, her stepdaughter, ad- mitted making the girl strip and London, Hattie Tail, | Lathe VICTOR PLANT. Boy Scout who met rible a death at Scarboro Cliffs, near Toronto. so ter- St. Peter's Church, Seal Cove. Sunday Evening service t 7:30 o'clock. every giving her twenty-five tashes) 2 with a whip, The doctor testified], that the child suffered terribly. The excuse was that the girl stole money and in other ways} misbehaved, Lillie disappeared from home and was found wan- dering around the grounds at Port Stanley, feeding on the seraps left by picnickers. CURRENCY BILL ENDED After Five Weeks of Constant, Stormy Discussion. (Special to The Daily News.) Aug. 2.-—The cur- hill was practically con- last night by the Demo- erats of the house banking and currency committee, after five weeks of constant stormy discus- sion. ‘The bill was ordered to be printed and on Monday the Demo- crats will take a formal vole ree- ommending the measure to the Democratic caucus, Washington, reney cluded MASONIC FUNERAL. A Masonic service will Sunday, Aug. p. m, sharp, at the Ma- sonic Temple for the re- mains of the late Brother James G, Crombie, Visit- ing and sojourning brethren — invited, The public desiring to attend the funeral will meet the cortege at 2430 p. m,, corner of 3rd Ave. and 5th St, J. M. Tyee Lodge No. A. F. & A.M, funeral on be held 3rd, at 2 2 CARMICHAEL, Secy. 66, (Special to The Daily News.) NOT EXHIBIT (Special to The Daily News) St. Petersburg, Aug. 2—The Russian Government has decided nol to participate in the San Francisco Exposition officially, and yesterday notified the Unit- ed States to that effect. London, Aug. 2—Great Britain has definitely decided against participation in the Panama Pa- cific exposition at San Francisco in 1915. Notification of this de- termination on the part of the British Government was convey- ed oflicially to Washington this week, the despatch merely stat- ing that Great Britain is not in a APPEALS TO nic sate i BILL READY TWO LEADING NATIONS WILL AT PANAMA FAIR RUSSIA AND GREAT BRITAIN HAVE HAVE BOTH NOTIFIED THE U. 8. GOVERNMENT THAT THEY WILL CIALLY REPRESENTED NOT BE OFFI- position to participate. sons were given. Both the British foreign oflice and Walter Hines Page, United States ambassador, decline to discuss the matter or to reveal the cause of this reversal of an- nouncement made some time ago that Great Britain had decided to participate in the exposition. It has been suggested for some time, however, that in regard to the Panama Canal tolls might possibly lead to this result and the present notifica- tion of nonparticipation is attri-, buted to that cause. No rea- The Camosun, which came from COURT MARTIAL FOR © ACCEPTING BRIBES Seven Officers of German Ord- nance Corps Are on Trial for Giving Information. (Special to The Daily News.) . Berlin, Aug. 2.—The_ greater part of the day of the feourt martial which is trying the | | second four lieutenants, the chief clerk and two non-commissioned offi- cers of the ordnance corps on a charge of accepting bribes for giving information of pending government contracts for arms jand ammunition was spent in |hearing the testimony of a for- jmer Berlin agent of the Krupp ‘Works named Brandt. The wit- ness is io be detained in prison to appear later in the civil court on a charge of bribing. | GREAT WATERWAY From the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. 2.—The service be- and the Chieago, Aug. first waterway the Great Lakes of Mexieo will be inaugur- before September tst, ac- to the plans announced Chicago Transportation The service to be passenger and freight. jregular iween Gull ated cording the Company, both Dy is SPOILED CRICKET MATCH Heavy Thunder Storm Interrupted the Great Game. ‘Special to The Daily News. York, Aug. 2.—A thunder storm interrupted the first innings of the match be- tween the All-New York fifteen and the Australian ericketers. The local players scored 148 and New violent the Australians 118 in six wickets. Rain stopped the play at that stage, REDUCED EXPRESS (Special to The Daily News.) San Franciseo, Aug. 2.--The State Railroad Commission has ordered reductions in the express rates of the Wells, Fargo Com- pany amounting to $750,000 from the present annual revenues of that company. Every rate of the company in this state has been commission on a basis, to be effect- time, devised by the ten mile zone ive al the same Launch Alice B for hire. Tele- phone Green 391, Davis’ Float. 155-tf Vancouver yesterday and returned trip, the * of nine captured Orientals These ported on Wednesday on the Em- of India. On _ the trip south the officers of the Camosun received news that a hot chase was in progress after the tmys- terious Japanese junk which had landed the nine men, who were afterward captured, at Bella Bella. After successfully elud- ing its pursuers for nearly a week, the junk was at last sighted. today was, on its last beare! Vancouver. de- to were press The Japanese boat, which came all the way from Japan with twenty-six persons aboard with the intention of landing in Wash- ington state, was seen the other afternoon in the vicinity of Dean NINE JAPANESE CAPTURED FROM A MYSTERIOUS JUNK OFFICERS OF CAMOSUN REPORT HOT CHASE AFTER VESSEL WHICH LANDED ORIENTALS AT BELLA BELLA A FEW DAYS AGO. Channel, near Bella Coola. Pros- pectors, returning along the coast, brought the word, and fast gasoline launches loaded with white men at once set out in pur- suit, but returned empty handed as the junk had again gone into some sequestered retreat. As the junk was so near the coast it is thought she must be provi- sioned again and may have set out for the open sea, intent on getting southward and into Wash- ington. It was thought for a few days that the junk had sunk in the heavy storm just about the time it was believed she had scurried away and without the three mile limit, where she would be im- mune. However, this evidently was incorrect, according. to the word the Camosun brought. HOPEFUL FEELING FOR THE PEACE OF MEXICO Washington Officials Regard the. Situation More Hopefully— | Aid for Americans. Special to The Daily News. Washington, Aug. 2.—The de- velopments in the Mexican situa- tion are confined to efforts on the part of the administration to pre- vent unnecessary agitation over THE TUG CARRUTHERS SMASHES INTO WHARF When Towing the Albert Meyer the Tug Ran Into Wharf at Digby Island. The Albert Meyer seems to have some difficulty in starting for the Behring Sea. When that vessel started on its trip again last night, in tow of the Car- ruthers, it met with another mis- over the revolution so far as the United States is concerned. The government is informed that} both federals and constitutional. | ists are complying with the desire of the American government for protection to foreigners and their property. A more hopeful feeling is manifested in ofliciad. circles that the efforts of influential Mexicans will bring about peace by a successful combination of administration, nenioreennneemunsionnaninnmeaiere DETECTIVE DISCOVERS LONG SOUGHT ‘FENCE’ Over a Quarter of a Million in Stolen Jewellery Recovered by the Police. (Special to The Daily News.) Narragansett, R. I, Aug. 2. Private detectives watching a residence in a suburb of Provi- dence, found it to be the long sought fence for a gang of thieves. They obtained a quar- ter of a million dollars’ worth of jewellery during twenty - four hours ending today. According to the theory of one of the four detective agencies engaged on the case, the man, or “fence,”’ escaped surveillance, as the police had no positive evidence to proceed hap. In the darkness and fog the Carruthers. crashed into the wharf at Digby Island, doing considerable damage to the ‘wharf and to the Albert Meyer, Methodist Church. be held at the usual hours in the Methodist Church Sunday. Morning service at 11 o'clock. The subject of the Services will sermon will be “The Gospel Door.’ Sabbath school al 2:30 p.m, An adult Bible class is be- ing formed and a hearty invita- tion is extended to all who may desire to come, Evéning service at 7:30; subject of the sermon, “Heroes of Faith.” At the even- ing service Miss Elsie Nauman of Vancouver will sing. rns Sel GRAND OPENING SOCIAL DANCE OMecial Opening of Society's New Hall and Rooms, 2nd Ave, (Pormerly Kaien Island Hall) WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6TH Dancing, Whist Drive Refreshments, Etc. Tickets $1, Ladies Free Commencing 8:30 against him, the dispute ~ i oabiamgi