et ee, ¥ WE e lees etl 1 he: i x Hid eae ewes! aes 2 ase eeipaale MANY ARRIVING BY THE PRINCE RUPERT Had Splendid Passage Steamer from South—Fine Weather All the Way. “We had a splendid passage,” said one of the officers of the Prince Rupert when that vessel docked this morning. “The weather was perfectly glorious all the way from Vancouver.” 103 passengers, of whom 92 were first passengers, and 270 tons of freight. Among the pas- sengers were the following: D. Brown, K. Stride, J. GCamp- bell, Mr. Wooster, J. Wilson, Mr. Lesley, R. M. Benson, W. Brown, F. P. Cowley, A. T. Cowley. T. Barrow, F. Hankin, Mr. Gorgens, F. Weir, C. Stier, M. Downs, Cap- tain Todd, R. Buchanan, Mr. Chaplain, Mr. Cole, F. M. Dock- rell, Mr. and Mrs. Knight and children, Mrs. J. S. Pierce, Miss Pierce, Mr. Jollinson, Mr. and Mrs. Kearney, Miss Rawley, Rey. J. Wright, Mrs. Chisholm, Mrs, Rowley, H. L. Gibbs, Mr. Tweedie, class J. K. Wright, Mrs. Brunston, J. Gray, E. Hart, Grace Hart, Mr. Vogt, Mrs. Strayer, G. Berman, Mr. Kasseroller, S. MeCagne, J. S. Ballard, N. Maclean, E. Maclean, Mrs. H. Francis, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McIntosh, Miss Adams, J. E. Doyen, C. D. Macklin, 8. Macklin, Mrs. Dickens, Mr. Bruchard, G, P. Houston, L. A. Gillis, Mr. Turner, CHIEF VICKERS WILL Something More Than Warnings Will Be Handed to Those Who Ride on Walks. . Douglas Campbell, the boy whe, when bicycling on the side- walk on Third avenue, knocked down George Russell yesterday afternoon, injuring him severely, was brought up in the police court this morning. Chief Viek- ers says that+an example must be made to teach the bicyclists to keep off the sidewalk, The police have given warnings fer a long time, but since they have not had much effect they will in future bring all bicyclists who persist in riding on sidewalks before the magistrate. The case was adjourned til! Monday in order that news might be received of the injured man's condition. Presbyterian Services. On Sunday evening in the Em- press Theatre Rev. F. W. Kerr will preach on “The Deadly Ef- fect of Envious Slander.” Every- one cordially “invited to be present. On Sunday morning services will be resumed in the hall on Fourth avenue. The Lord’s Supper will be dispensed. Miss Elsie Nauman _ wil lalso render a solo. The morning ser- mon will be preached by Rey. J. is Mr. Dickson, R. F. Arnett, Dr.|K. Wright of Vancouver. Barrett, Miss Bagley, Joshua wa ee —— Mathews, E. E. Rhodes, R. Rhodes, Working Boots at Cost. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnston, —_—— C. Gibson, T. Frean, Evelyn Dia- Men’s working boots, of the mond, J. C. Nation, F. L. Freitag,| best makes, now selling at cost J. 8S. Coyle, G. Lareschelle, Mrs.|price at Seott, Froud & Co.'s Gardner, Mrs. Boos, Mrs. D. Me-|great shoe sale. These are un- Tavish. usual bargains. 180 BUY , 117 ft. Terms: A Beautiful Home Sit For Sale at a “Snap” Price Lot 1, Block 1, Section 2 on Van Arsdol St., 34 ft. on Graham Ave. and nearly 91 ft. on Rear Lane LOT LEVEL AND FINE WATER VIEW $3,200.00 Cash $1,200.00, balance arranged to suit DESIRABLE OFFICE SUITE FOR RENT Hays Building (2nd Floor) 3 Rooins, Stafionary Washstand and Toilet. Heated by Hot water. Electric Fixtures Now in Rooms. Will Paper to Suit Tenant. Apply to DAVID H. HAYS 2nd Ave. and 2nd St. . “FROM HOME TO HOME.” Excellent (Cafe, 1142 Pender Street West HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Phone 8500, Moderate Prices, Vancouver, B.C. x THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert's Artistic Job Printing Establishment” aan torent THIRD ANENUE Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies Paints Oils Varnishes KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY P.O. DRAWER 1524 HARDWARE MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ . PHONE No. 3 Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges Tinware Graniteware ‘Stay Satisfactory Range.’’ WATCH THE CYCLISTS BUSINESS MEN URGED TO ASSIST THE FAIR (Continued from page 1) cash, and the P. Burns Company had given 850. The balance of the money for the fair, above that coming from the business men and the munici- pality, would come from the rentals and from the Provincial government. So far all the work for the fair had been performed without any expense in the way of salaries. Mr. Godenrath said that he himself was the only one at present to receive any remun- eration for his services, He spoke further of the special rates which the railways were making during fair time. An ef- fort was now being made to get the G. T. P. to run a special ex- cursion from Vancouver for the first day of the fair. The excur- sion should arrive on Wednes- day and proceed to Stewart the same day, returning in time to spend all Thursday at Prince Rupert. Mr. Godenrath added that he would like to see the merchants of the city decorate their win- dows with the colors adopted for the fair, which were purple and vellow. In conclusion, he urged the business men of the city to make the fair a success as this would materially strengthen all fairs in the future. If this proved a failure it would be a poor ad- vertisement for Prince Rupert. Several members of the Board of Trade endorsed Mr. Goden- rath’s remarks during the even- ing. ’ Was Elected. S. E. Parker, of the Pacifie Transfer Company, was admitted as a member of the Board of Trade when that body held its meeting yesterday evening. —s__sss POULTRY & LIVE STOCK If you are wanting any kind of POULTRY, PIGEONS, GUINEA FOWL, RABBITS or ANGORA GOATS, write direct to H. WILLIAMSON COMPANY, LTD. 357 Cordova St. E., Vancouver, B.C. The Largest Dealers in Live Poultry in Western Canada FOR TEETHING CHILDREN NERVINE. POWDERS. ) For Headache end Newalga ‘ te Maced > tas ecko ee ome: : 18 POWDERS FOR 25 CENTS If your dealer cannot supply you, the 4. L. Mathieu Co., Sherbrooke, P. Q., sends box postpaid on receipt of price. CHEAP ACREAGE SEEN, ee Tyee Park Near Prince Rupert ae 6 AND 10 AORE TRACTS Apply Harrison, Gamble & Company FINANCIAL AGENTS Third Ave. Prince Rupert LET US HELP you TO A HOME OF YOUR OWN YEAR after year you've been paying out hard-earned money to your landlord for rent. You've promised yourself a thousand times that you'd make the start found tt dimcult—you aven't been abl waa lace e€ to see your The ©. H. I. C. PLAN shows YOU THE WAY It is the most convenient ractical home-owning Plan ore the people of Canada In all sections, Our contract holders have been enabled to purchase homes of their own——free them- Selves of the landlord burden. Investigate the C. H. I. Cc. plan OW, Call or phone our local omce for particulars, You will be under no obligation. THE CANADIAN HOME INVESTMENT CO., Ltd. Head Office Pacife Building Second Floor Local OMce Federal Bldg. PRINCE RUPERT, B. Cc. THE DAILY NEWS BOARD OF TRADE TO PETITION MINISTER Wants the Geveren to Grant Licenses Only to Unattached Fishermen. The Board of Trade decided at its meeting yesterday evening to present a resolution in favor of amending the administration of the fishing business on this coast to the minister of marine, Hon. J. D. Hazen while he is here. This decision was the outcome of the presentation of the report of the fisheries committee, of which G, W. Nickerson is president: It had been found that there was no opportunity of presenting it to Hon. Mr. Hazen, as was first in- tended, before his visit to the Queen Charlotte Islands. The opportunity was therefore taken of letting the whole board pass upon it before it was again pre- sented. The resolution dealt largely with the question of licenses for independent fishermen. It urged that the government should only grant licenses to independent fishermen and should do away with the practice of attaching licenses to canneries. Licenses should be issued at a small figure to independent fish- ermen, In the case of licenses issued to naturatiged subjects there should be the greatest care taken to see that no fraud was perpetrated. For this reason the naturalization papers should re- main on file. It was also urged that there should be provision made in the matter of licenses by which immigrants from coun- tries where fishing was followed very extensively and who went on the land as bona fide settlers might have a chance to get li- censes to fish during the season. In order to protect the industry the extension of the closed sea- son should be the means that were adopted whenever this was found to be essential. The petition was strongly op- posed to purse seines, which, it was advised, should be done away with. It represented that the holder of a license to fish should have the right for all kinds of fish. If it was necessary to tax the industry, that tax should be on the canneries according to the output. In this way the matter could be equallized all around. In reply to a question from A. Morris as to why seine fishing should be abandoned, Mr. Nicker- son said that on the Atlantic coast it was found thal seining broke up the schools and played havoc in time with the quantity of fish. The herring were taken in large quantities now and shipped to the Orient at a very low rate. To cut down the sup- ply of herring would wipe out the business here. The report was adopted and its presentation to the minister was put in the hands of the commit- tee. 22 - ——~ “The Daily News” CLASSIFIED ADS. For Rent TWO well furnished rooms for rent. Phone Black 329. 166tf FOR RENT—Large front room in private fama suitable for two; modern; close in hone Green 258. For Sale jer FOR SALE—C, H, 1. C, contract; seventeen months paid. Phone Red 337. 180-82 FOR SALE.or will exchange for canoe 16 foot rowboat, Can be used with sail. Apply Box 1680. 180-82 FOR SALE—Piano, rugs and other house- hold furniture. Apply Rev, E, C, Burch, corner 5th and Tatlow. 175 FOR SALE—Furnishings four roomed cot- tage, $100; used three months; cottage can be rented $16 month. Enquire Miller-Phillips Grocery. 174-77 FURNISHINGS of a three-room Mat for sale. Flat also may be rented. Apply H. F. McRae & Co, 139 COWS fresh calved and coming in always on hand, and tuberculosis tested. John Christy, cattle dealer, Collingwood West, corner Carleton and Westminster Road. Phene Collingwood 46 R. Post office Collingwood East, Box 20. 170-tf FOR SALE—-Cruiser, 28x8, Palmer engine, compass, life preservers, stove, cooking utensils, sails, anchors, cushions; will Sleep four; $450. Box 903. 177-8 FOR .SALE—Lot 54, Block 3, Sec. 7; pride $1,600, 1-2 cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months, C, Nicholls, Cogutitam, B. C, 177-81 Lost and Found LOST—-Gold watch, photo on inside case. Reward if returned to Pacific Transfer Omcee, 175-77 LOST—Gold fangle between telephone of- fice and Fraser 8t., also city hall, Find- er please phone Red 331. 179-80 ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY HALL formerly Kaien isd. Gymnasium To rent for Dances, Public Meet- ings, etc, Partidulars at hall or Secretary, P, 0, Box 268 BICYCLING ON WALK CAUSE OF ACCIDENT Lad on Bicycle Knocked Down George Russe! With Quite Serious Results A nasty accident happened last night to George Russell, of the News mechanical staff, as he was leaving the office at five o'clock in the afternoon. He had barely stepped out of the door on to the sidewalk when he was hit by a bioyclist who was coming at full speed down the slope’ on Third Avenue. Mr. Russell was im- mediately knocked to the ground falling on the back of his head so heavily that he was uncon- scious for nearly an hour after the accident. He was brought in to the office and given such first aid as was available until the ar- rival of a doctor. He was then conveyed to his home in a taxi. His friends were very anxious about Mr. Russell's condition, for he did not entirely come to him- self till about 10.30 in the even- ing. Doctor L. W. Kergin, who is attending him, states that he is recovering rapidly today and will be quite well again ‘by Monday. The lad who was riding the bi- cycle was Douglas Campbell, who employed at. Orme’s Drug store. He received a bad shaking up but was all right within a few minutes after the accident. In view of this accident it likely that the most stringent measures will be resorted to, by the police to prevent cyclists from riding on sidewalks. While this habit may be pleasant en- ough for the cyclists it is a con- stant source of danger to the rest of the community and it is surprising that more aecidents have not resulted from it. Is Is Greene Was Drowned. An inquest was held this morn- ing into the cause of the death of Robert Greene, a pre-emptor on the Queen Charlotte Islands, who was found in a dying condition on the beach of Porcher Island, near Refuge Bay. It was con- cluded that Greene, who was mentally deranged, had fallen on the rocks and stunned himself, so fallirfg a prey to the tide. Baptist Services. The Baptist services will be held at 14 a. m. and 7:30 p,. m. tomorrow in the new building, the First Baptist Church. Rev. W. J. Scott, the acting pastor, will preach at both” services. His subject in the morning will be “The Preciousness of Jesus.” Notice to Eagles Memorial Service of P. Hall 4 o'clock. The annual will be held in the K. on Sunday afternoon at All Eagles are requested to be present. Public Invited—J. J. Keefe, Secy. 178-80 Rev. Mr, McLeod will not leave on Monday owing to important business. He will announce his departure later. Notice is hereby given that meetings of the Provincial Agri- cultural Commission will be held at the following places: Terrace, August 9th, 2:30 p. m.; Prince Rupert, August 41th and 12th, 10 a. m.; Hazelton, August 13th, 7:30 p. m.; Aldermere, August 15th, 10 a. m. The commission will hear evi- dence on all matters affecting agricultural condilions in the province, All persons interested are re- quested to be present. W. H. HAYWARD, M, L. A., ‘Chairman, C, B. CHRISTENSEN, Secretary, 169-92 LAND PURCHASE NOTICES, Take notice that I, Charles H. Flood, oc- cupation free miner, intend to apply to the Hon, Commissioner of lands and works for permission to purchase the following described land: Commencing ata post planted at the northeast corner of A. P. L, reading Lot and Post 2232-3535, thence in a northerly direction along the shore of Hastings Arm 80 chains more or less to the Tac-U-An Indian reservation No, 26, thence in a@ westerly direction 40 chains, thence in a Southerly direction 80 chains, thence east- erly 40 chains to the point of commence- ment, containing 820 acres more or less, CHARLES, H, FLOOD, Dated June 27th, 1913, Pub, July 28, 1913—Sept. 29, Take notice that 1913. I, William Macy, of Anyox, B, C., occupation caterer, intend to apply ‘to the Hon. Co I 4 ee mumissioner of Lands ermission to following described lands: vn Commencing at a post plante B southeast corner of st Tot a‘? Post 35280-9530, thenve southerly 20 chains along the shore of Goose Bay to 8, TL Lot and Post readin 95280-9529, thence ina wesiecly direction 20 chains, thence in @ northerly direction 20 chains, thence east 20 chaing to the point of commence- ment, containing 160 acres more or less. WILLIAM MACY Cc. , Dated June 27th 1013. Viood, Agent, Pub, July 28, 1913—Sept, 99, 1949. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. | Mr. John R. Morgan is the pos- sessor of a fawn, which he re- cently captured. Mr. Tweedie, the well known lawyer of Vancouver, arrived this morning by the Prince Rupert. Harold P. Wilson, manager of the Royal Bank, went to Victoria yesterday for a week's vacation. Miss Katie Stride of Vancouver, sister of Captain Eva Stride of the Salvation Army, arrived here this morning for a few weeks’ visit. W. O. Wooster, secrelary- treasurer of the Granby Smelting by the Prince from the arrived morning Company, Rupert this south. D. Brown, of the Earl Grey's Own Rifles, has returned from Vancouver, where he went to at- tend the provincial rifle shoot. Mrs. J. J. who been in California the ginning of the year, returned here has be- Chisholm, since this morning by the Prince Ru- pert, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. MelIntosh of Toronto arrived by the Prince Rupert this morning to visit their son, Mr. Robert MeIntosh. It is five or six years since Mr. and Mrs. MelIntosh Sr. were last in Prinee Rupert. Dr. Macklem, provost of Trin- ity College, Toronto, is in the city, the guest of his niece, Mrs. A. E. Wright. Dr. Macklem will preach in St. Andrew's Church at the morning service tomorrow. Mrs. D. MeTavish of Victoria, accompanied by her child, ar- rived by the steamer Prince Ru- pert this, morning. Mrs. Mc- Tavish will visit her father, Mr. Morte Craig, Mr. Bullock-Webster, gressive secretary of the North- ern B. C. Agricultural and In- dustrial Association, has opened a temporary office for the fall fair in the new block built by the Prince Rupert Tent and Awning Company On Third avenue. Rev. J. K. Wright of couver, one of the best clergymen of the by the Prince Rupert this morn- ing. His visit will include a trip up the Skeena as far as Hazelton Arrangements have been made for him to preach in the Presby- terian Hall on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Knight and chil- dren arrived this morning by the Prince Rupert. Mr. Knight is a member of the firm of Driscoll & Knight, civil engineers of Edmon- ton. He has come here to pay a visit to his brother, J. GC. Knight, who is 4 traveller for W. J. Me- Millan & Co. To relieve Rev. Mr. Field, Bishop Du Vernet left for Hazel- ton by this morning's train. He will return a week from Thurs- day. He is accompanied by his daughter, Miss Du Vernet, and her friend, Miss L. Myer Ellett. H. L. Bodwell returned from Vancouver this morning, aceom- panied by his bride. Mrs. Ji 8. Pierce who the ag- Van- known coast, arrived of Mr. for wife engineer Pierce, the 18 the Wineland Construction Com- pany, arrived this morning by the Prince Rupert. WILL GIVE A DANCE St. Andrew's Society’s Formal Opening of New Quarters. The* members of the St. An- drew’s Society are felicitating themselves. on having the best club rooms of any similar or- ganization in town, They have reftted the gym of the Kaien Island Club, put the shower bath in shape and made of the large room used by the Kaien Island Club as a lumber room a very commodious and at the same time reading room with « selection of current literature. Next to this are the and ecard rooms. good cosy chess The club is fortunate in hay- ing in its membership expert carpenters, plumbers, painters and so on, so the new quarters have been tastefully fitted up without drawing on the ex. chequer except for material. To show how well the work has been done the society proudly an- nounces a-formal opening of the new hall and rooms next Wednes- day evening, when there will be dancing on one of the finest floors in the city, a whist drive and so on, Death. Herbert Haldane, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Peter Haldane of Metlakatla, died on Thursday at 6 p., m. in the general hospi- tal. The child was seventeen months of* age. The body has been shipped to BE. L. Fisher for interment at Metlakatla, Don't Miss It! High grade shoes, just your style. You'll need them soon. Buy them now at $3.90.,. Seott, Froud & Co,’s shoe sale, A480 Saturday, August 9 THE PERFECT SHOE for SUMMER SPORTS FOR EVERYBODY Made In Smart Styles, Suitable For Every Outdoor Occasion YOUR DEALER HAS Try You Might As Well Get THE BEST CANADIAN CONSoLIDA RUBBER Co., mires 2 MONTREAL. —_—_—— IN THE KING'S BENCH IN CHAMBERS THE RErFEnEyY bet JOSEPH WILLIAM GRAY, Piginnn EMIL N. LING, Defendant ™ Upon application of 1 I upon reading the = affiday Jackson, and L. W. Patmn and the exhibits therein ref; It is ordered that service ment of claim herein } ma of this order together w tached thereto and a | Statement of claim in a | istered post letter addres fendant at “Winnipeg | Province of Manitoba, and | a copy of this order and said notice on the 26th da the 2nd day of August, A “Daily News," a new Prince Rupert in the | Columbia, shall be good Service of the said stateme pay publist the said Defendant. It is further ordered that the said pe fendant file his statement é in before the 3ist day of Augus 1913. And it is further ordered that the st of this application shall pb. sts in the cause, Dated at Winnipeg this tow day of July, A. D. 1913 ’ GEORGE PATTERSON, Referee NOTICE. To the Above Named Defendant Take notice that the Pla T's claim this action is for declarat that a tain agreement for sale ma t Plaintiff and the Defenda bearing date the 27th day of July, 1 t or in the allernative that fixed for the payment ? . the Plaintify of the sum of ¢ 824 gether with interest t f 29th day of March, A. D : a of six per cent. per ar 1 tha default of payment thers ment may be ] paid by the clared to be fort aT ment of defence, if an the office of the Proth house in the City of W of Manitoba, on or befor August, 1913, and that judgment will be signed aga u Prayed for {ph the said statement of claim Dated thif 12th day of \ Oo. H ARK j26-a2 Pla OSBORNE HOUSE 957 Third Ave. Single Rooms, With » Without Table Board Large Sitting Room, Bath, Hom Priveleges, Moderate Charges Mrs. G. A. Tessier ‘THE MIDWAY LADIES’ AND GENTS’ GARMENT CLEANIM PRESSING, DYEING AND REPAIRING Goods Called For and Delivered 322 Bth Straet PACIFIC TRANSFER C0. Furniture, Baggage, Piano Mov ing and General Cartage Phone 1! Suite 9, Fe Large Phone Green 24 Office: jeral Block P. 0. Box 203 Phone P. ROBERTSON INCORPORATED ACCOUNTANT (Eng) CHARTERED SECRETARY Audits, Investigations, Adjustments, Lid dations and Assignments Smith Block, 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert, BE HARRISON W, ROG Suite 1, Federal! Block PRINCE RUPERT, B. © ‘ Phone 300 p, 0, Box 168 eererarnenne etna errr BOOKKEEPING - AUDITIN Cad Bookkeeping Taught by Private enone Terms Reasonable WENDELL R. JONES Phone 112 313 and An BROWN & BUTTERS MINING ENGINEERS sEOLOOY METALLURGY AND MINING GE Ke a Res, Phone Black 413 7 Prince Rupert ae eemernenerapeennteeeinen——— We Have F or: Sale e A Fine Inside Lot ™ Block 12, See. ° $4500.00 G. R. Naden Co, li id Insurance Real Estate a! Second Avenue