“American Lady’ :: CORSETS :. Among the different lities o f Corsets that we carry “Ameri- can Lady” is the one most fre- quently asked for by diserim- inating customers. We have a variety of styles in this pop- in price The one ular make, ranging from $1.75 to $7.50. ity. here shown is the $5.00 qual- SPECIAL BARGAINS In Stencilled Japanese Rugs of Stencilled and eer te ee tf ~ stock them To clear out the balance of our Mats and Matting we are going to sell tomorrow at the following prices: RS Be Sp NSS STUER Bt es ~~ — < ot pesos gs a ae today 3} Rugs, 9 by 9 feet; reg, price $2.90; special.......$2.16 Rugs, 9 by 10 feet; reg. price $3.40; special...... $2.70 Rugs, 9 by 12 feet; reg. price $3.90; special...... $3.10 pieces Japanese Matting, striped design; special 26c¢ a yard. 1 piece Japanese Matting, special 16e a yard. H. S. WALLACE C0., LTD. Drygoods, Crockery, Wallpaper, ‘Etc. NEW ZEALAND STARTS Battie Cruiser Commences Trip Around Horn to Join North Sea Fleet. Vancouver, Aug. 5.—After hav- ing been visited by over fifty thousand people during the week's stay in this port, the battle cruiser New Zealand left this morning for Victoria, where a stay of a week will be made. She will then proceed to Mazatalan, touching various South American ports on the way around the Horn to Halifax, after which she will join the home fleet in the North Sea, ACTION FOR DAMAGES MAY BE INSTITUTED Rev. W. H. McLeod Determined to Get Satisfaction in Alleged Slander Case. Some interesting developments are expected in the course of a few days in a case of alleged ma- licious slander against Rev. W. H. McLeod, the retiring pastor of the Baptist Chureh, Unless a publie apology or withdrawal is made by the citizen accused it seems likely that he will be the defendant in a suil for damages. A few days ago a meeting was arranged between Rev. M. Scott, the acting pastor, and the man in question, at which it is claimed some yery damaging statements were made by the latter concern- ing Mr. MeLeod. By arrange- ment with Mr. Seott, Rev. Mr, McLeod and other members of the Baptist Church were Jin an ad- joining room and at an opportune moment rushed in to the room, when an exciting scene was en- acted, in which strong language which could be plainly heard on the street was used. ON HER LONG VOYAGE THE DAILY NEWS RETIRING PASTOR IS GIVEN TESTIMONIAL Board of First Baptist Church Expresses Its Confidence in Rev. Mr. McLeod. A testimonial was presented on Sunday evening to Rey. Warren McLeod, the retiring pastor of the First Baptist Church, by the board of officers of that church, The testimonial expressed the ut- most confidence in Rev. Mr. Mc- Leod's integrity and uprightness of character. It runs, in part, as follows: “In view of the fact that dam- aging and malicious statements concerning the reputation of our retiring pastor, Rev. Warren H. McLeod, B. A,, B. D., have been circulated, covering not only his life in Prinee Rupert, but also previous to his coming amongst us; “And having carefully inquired into these accusations and seen the documents issued by the Baptist churches Bro. McLeod has previously served at Hutchin- son, Kansas; Elkhorn, Wiscon- sin; Humboldt Park, Chicago, Tilinojs, and the First Chureh, Woodstock, Ontario; “Having also heard a statement by Rev. H. G. Estabrook, B. A., the official representative of the Baptist Mission Board for British Columbia, expressing on behalf of the board their fullest confidence in our retiring pastor, as well as his own, he having known him from his youth up; “We, the members of the board of officers of the First Baptist Church, Prince Rupert, B. C., hereby unanimously place on record that our trust in him is not in the least weakened by these inquiries, but altogether strengthened thereby, and that he goes from us after three years’ labor amongst us possessing our absolute confidence, affection and good will.” The board then proceeded to compliment Mr. MeLeod, at some length, on the excellent which hé had rendered the church and the good work he had done in raising the moral tone of the community. The testimonial was signed on services behalf of the board by William John Seott, acting pastor; H. M. Daggett, church clerk; J. H. Rogers, trustee, R. J. Abbott, deacon and W. H. W. Murray, chairman of the finance commit- tee. THE WEATHER. The weather report at 5 o'clock this morning read: Barometer, 29.899; maximum temperature, 66; minimum temperature, 52; precipitation, .06 ineh, Advertising circulars descrip- tive of the great sale which starts tomorrow are now being dis- tributed from house to house. If you don’t get a copyeof this four page bill call up number nine and one will be you from Wal- lace’s. 182 sent Launch Alice B for hire. Tele- phone Green 391, Davis’ Float. 155-tf Big sale starts tomorrow— Wallace's. 182 _ pel —— — — — —_ = —_ te iii SS a \ NEARING PEACE W Gi th M t h § ' Balkan Peace Conference Does E ule (hE MOS! INOPOUgh JeWeIry obTVICe Good Work. on ‘the Pacific Coast Bucharest, Aug. 5.—The Bal- kan peace conference is making Through our mail service you may take advantage of yates ar rant tg - ae pris the fine quality and moderate prices we offer in the fol- Se Ree te oe ; lowing lines: preliminary peace treaty : or Ladies’ Bracelet Watches, in which we provide many wanoed 10:8 .elage a pals ni i styles and qualities. by the time ra five ae ee Bracelets in plain gold and gem set gold and plati- a meen oA Pt tai ree num designs at a great range of prices. pny eeiuttiell be init sa ih oe Signet Rings for either ladies or gentlemen, in 14 and aie ein authail , 18 carat gold, in newest and prettiest designs- I i i ; Fine Gem Rings set in clusters or solitaires in styles and prices to suit all buyers. Our catalogue tells it all. Write for it and select 6 e ” your jewellery wants from its illustrations. It will be The Daily News sent free to any address. CLASSIFIED ADS. e e e Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C For Rent iN Y i — a TWO well furnished rooms for rent. Phone Black 329. 166tf ib FOR RENT—Large front room in private oe family; suitable for two; mudern; close ie baye BUY in, Phone Green 258. ve FIVE roomed fiat with bath; all furnished; ae e@ e for rent, Beautiful view. Steam heat; rh an ’ all conveniences. Phone Red 337. i: ti 182-84 i _ For Sale od For Sale a. a “Snap” Price 1 Lot 1, Block A, Section 2 FOR SALE—-C. H. 1. C. contract; seventeen 417 ft. on Van Arsdol St., 34 ft. on Graham Ave. and nearly , ener Per, ots tl sated a 91 ft. on Rear Lane Foot rowboat, Can’ be -useo. with sal LOT LEVEL AND FINE WATER VIEW pee rn tee ee FOR SALE—Furnishings four roomed cot- tage, $100; used three months; cottage 3 200.00 tt eect gia famine $ 9 e Miller-Phillips Grocery. 174-77 ‘ Terms: Cash $1,200.00, balance arranged to suit FURNISHINGS of a three-room fat for sale. Flat also wheoaapmaganentelcignt? DESIRABLE OFFICE SUITE FOR RENT # Hays Building (2nd Floor) 4 3 Rooms, Stationary Washstand and Toilet. Heated’ by Hot 4 Water. Electric Fixtures Now in Rooms. 4 Will Paper to Suit Tenant. a Apply to it DAVID H. HAYS 2nd Ave. and 2nd 8t. ESS SRSSSSSS= Has the Largest Circulation in Northern British Columbia THE DAILY NEWS , Prince Rupert’s Artistic Job Printing Establishment | HUQNUOSQ000000U0UGGNEEEEREUAUUUTEAA may be, rented. H. F. MeRae & Co, Apply 1300F COWS fresh caived and coming in siyaye on hand, and tuberculosis tested. John Lost and Found LOST—Gold watch, photo on inside case. Reward if returned to Pacific qayanster GEORGE LEEK Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Broker Notary Public. Renta and Collections Albert Block 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert Between 5th and 6th Streets ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY HALL formerly Kaien isd. Gymnasium To rent for Dances, Public Meet- ings, etc. Particulars at hall or Secretary, P. O. Box 268 OSBORNE HOUSE e 957 Third Ave. Large Single Rooms, ‘With or Without Table Board. Large Sitting Room, Bath, Home Priveleges, Moderate Charges. Mrs. G. A. Tessier WATER ACT. Notice of Application for the Approval of Plans and Petition for the Approval of Undertaking. Take notice that the Port Essington Water Co., Ltd., will gpPly to the Comp- troller of Water Rights for the approval of plans of the works to be constructed for the utilization of water from Cupning- ham Lake, which the applicant is by Water Permit No, 125 authorized to take, store and use for municipal purposes. Aplication will also be made to the Hon- orable the Minister of Lands for the 4ap- proval of undertaking. ; The plans and particulars required by Christy, cattle dealer, Collingwood We8t,| sub-section 1 of Section 70 and the petl- corner Carleton and Westminster Road./tion for approval of undertaking, as re- Phone Collingwood 46 R. Post ofice,| quired by Section 89 of the Water Act as Collingwood East, Box 20. 170-tf amended have been nied with the comp. troller of Water Rights a ctoria anc COMPLETE furnishings for a five roomed | w 2 , ince Rupert, house, including oak sitting room | set, mien OO Ener Recorder at Prin P or sale. Furniture nearly new. u Objections to the application or petition be sold this week. Apply to Mrs. Shea, sane ochled with the Comptroller of Water Ambrose Ave. 181-84 Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C., within 20 days from the date hereof. Dated at Vancouver this 30th day of July, 1913. v PORT ESSINGTON ‘WATER CO.,, & Whealler, Agents. LTD., Applicant. Wilson W-Aug. 4-25 ” NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that meetings of the Provincial Agri- cultural Commission will be heid at the following places: Terrace, August 9th, 2:30 p, m.; Prince Rupert, August 41th and 12th, 10 a. m.; Hazelton, August 413th, 7:30 p. m.; Aldermere, August 45th, 10 a. m, The commission will hear evi- dence on all matters affecting agricultural conditions in the province, All persons interested are re- quested to be present. W. H. HAYWARD, M. L, A., Chairman, C, B, CHRISTENSEN, Secretary. 169.92 RULER OF VENEZUELA TAKES LEAD OF ARMY The President of That Republic Will Head Forces Against the Rebels. Caracas, Aug. 5—The Vene- zuelan President, Juan Vencente Gomez, intends to take personal lead of the Venezuelan army op- erating against Cipriano Castro, whose followers have risen in the and Tachia and also in the western districts of Venezuela, The army veterans and a thou- provinees of Falcon sand recruits are being mobilized at Maracay, tifty miles southwest of Capatio, to take the field against the insurgents. They plan to attack Coro and drive out Castro. The loyal troops will proceed in two divisions, by land and by sea. Another army is being or- ganized at Barquizimsto, the cap- ital of the State of Lara, which lies 165 miles southwest of Car- acas, which will endeavor to cut off Castro's into the in- terior. EVERY PROSPECT OF SUCCESS FOR FAIR The Local Manufacturers Have Taken Many Booths—Rush for Space. escape for space are al- ready pouring in to he manage- ment of the Prince Rupert ex- hibition, to be held September 24th to 26th. Local manufac- turers will be well represented and a number of business houses Applications will have attractive booths. An effective design for the big hall is being worked out, with the colors of the Northern British Columbia Agricultural and = In dustrial Association—purple and yellow predominating, The management -is desirous of ad vising all who intend to make business exhibits that formal ap plication must be made in writ- ing at once for the number of feet required. A rate of $1 per running foot is to be charged for this and the management will erect the booths and provide the outside decorative design. The following local business houses and firms have already signified their intention of putting in exhibits and are applying for space: viz., George Tite, Prinee Rupert Importing Company, Par- kin-Ward Eleetric Company, Kaien Hardware Company, Kaien Manufacturing Company, Prince Rupert Automobile Company, Prince Rupert Tent and Awning Company, McRae Bros., C. Orme, McKeen & Hunter, J. J. Walsh, Denny Allen, Fitz’ Cigar Store, Little’s News Ageney and others. The applications for allotments will be ‘entertained in the order of receipt. They must be in not later than Saturday of this week. space, TWO DAILY PAPERS Ketchikan Growing More Enter- prising Every Day. Martin 8. Perking, a former editor of the Ketchikan Miner, will shortly start the publication of the Daily Mail at Ketehikan. This will give Ketehikan the sec- ond daily paper, the Daily Miner being published by Richard Bu- shell Jr. Marriage and Crime. New York district attor- offiee shows that in nine 18,406 unmarried men and only 7,670 married men have been convicted, But it to be noted that 40 per cent. of the to- tal were under 20 years of age, and presumably some 10,000 of these were unmarried, This leaves only about 8,000 unmar- ried offenders of marrying age, so that marriage does not after all appear as such a deterrent, despite Stevenson's sad comment that marriage leaves nothing for aman but to be good. Paul Spintlum, sentenced at the last assizes to be hanged on Sep- tember 12th, has been reprieved by Mr. Justice Morrison until December 12th in order to allow the court of appeal to decide on a point of law raised at the last trial. The ney’s years is CHEAP ACREAGE mei iT Dine Tyee Park Near Prince Rupert ; om EM ocae 5 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS Apply Harrison, Gamble & Company FINANCIAL AGENTS Third Ave. Prince Rupert FTOCAL NEWS ITEMS. | Big sale starts tomorrow Wallace's. 182 The Chelohsin came in today at 10 a. m. from the south. There's true eeonomy for Wallace's 182 every householder at big sale. The Sheerwater, of the government vessels employed for the protection of fisheries, a. rived in the harbor this morning. one Mr. Hazen and party left for the north this morning on the Prin cess Sophia. They will visit Dawson and other northern points, Miss Froud left on the steamer State of California on Sunday evening on a week's holiday trip ‘to Skagway and other Alaskan points, F. Stanley Long, for some time manager of the local branch of the Bank of British North Amer- ica, and who was appointed to the Calgary branch, is expected on Saturday for a visit. In all departments geReral dry goods, ready-to-wear, house furnishings, wallpaper, china- ware, crockery, ete sweeping price reductions have been made for the big sale starting tomorrow at Wallace's. IRD Store, Granville in the cits for a big the Family Shoe street, Vancouver, making arrangements sale of the Renworth & Jefferson and shoe which the Family Shoe Store has taken over is boot stock, For Industrial Exhibits. Applications will be received by the British Columbia Agricultural and Industrial Asso ciation for in the industrial Northern space hall during the Prince Rupert ex hibition, September 24th to 26th, up to Saturday, August 9th A charge of one dollar per running foot will be made exhibitors of manufacturies and Industrie For further particulars apply L. Bullock-Webster, secretary Exhibition offiee 815 Third Ave. W. Telephone 498 182-86 THAT SHUSHANNA STRIKE Greater Than the Klondike and Every Bit as Rich. thal pros- Word comes from Juneau Ike Summers, an old time pector and miner of Southeastern Alaska, is at that place with first hanti information of the Shu- shanna strike. He says that in his opinion the available gold bearing gravel area greater than the Klondike and that it is every bit as rich. Is é ‘ Hurt His Foot. John Bashoff, a worker in the G. Ta P. yards, was brought to the hospital yesterday afternoon with a badly bruised While handling steel he dropped one of tool, the rails on his foot While the foot is badly hurt, no bones are broken. Rain or shine it will pay you to attend the big startling at Wallace's tomorrow. sale, 182 MISS OLIVE MeLEOD. With the Grifith Stock Company at the Westholme, IN upon Jackson, ; and the exhibits therein referred \ ment of of this order ister fendant a copy sald notice service Of the sald statement Frank Newton, proprietor of Audits, investigations, Adjustments, Liq BOOKKEEPING - AUDITING . Bookkeeping Taught by Private Lessor Phone 112 oLoay METALLURGY AND MINING CEO! ‘al Res. Phone Black 413 n0s ert Prinoe Rup |e For : Sale G. R. Naden Co., Lid. Tuesday, Augus} 5, 1943 THE PERFECT sy FOR SUMMER SPORTS ! IN THE KING'S BENOH, MBERS THI He WILLIAM N. LING, Defendant CHA OSEP L REPE 10 WRAY EMI El Upon application of reading the alt) and L. W. Pa Pian and u WW 4 herein, It is ordered that Claim herein by mail toge ther thereto post at Uf Of Manitoba, a ! b) this order a by oh the 26th da { 2nd day of Augus I News,” 4 new Rupert in the | shall be ¢ Province of the “Dally Prince Columbia, pa the said Defendant. it is further ordered that wu fendant file his statemen defe in before the Sist day « August ivi3 And it is further ordered that the of this application cause. Dated at July, A. D shai L Costs Winnipeg tt 12th 4 1913 GEOKGE PATTERSON NOTICE. To the Above Named Take notice that the | this action js for deciarat tain agreement for sale mad Plainuit and the Defendant Defendant Nini al the 27th day of July, celle or in the alternative that a tain day b lixed for the payment b fendap the Plainufl of the sun $1,3824 gether with interest there 20th day of March, A. D. 1912, at the of six per cen per annum and that default of paytvent thereof, t sald agree. ment may be cancelied a tune paid by the Defendant 4 clared to be forfeited, ment of defence, If the office of the 4 vt house in the City of Win ‘ of Manitoba, on or before the 41 August, 1913, and that! lefau judgment will be signed aga a prayed for in the Said stateme aun. Dated Unis 12th day J Uv. H LAKK j26-a2 ti rrr rrr LANL PURCHASI NOTICES Char Ht inte apt notice that | free miner Commissioner lands @ yorks purcha t wing Take cupation the Hon for permission to described land Commencitig at a post pla northeast corner I and Post 2232-3535, ther direction along We shore Hasting 80 chains more or less Ww t 4 4 indian reservation ! westerly direction 4 h t southeriy direction & cha eas erly 40 chains wl the p ment, containing 320 acl I CHAHKLES. | June 27th, 191 duly 28, 1913 Sel Dated Pub Take notice that I, W in = Ma: Anyox, B. C., occupation cat le apply to the Hon, Comumiss and Works for permission to | nas following described lands Commencing wt @ post plant tt southeast corner of 5. T. L. | and Pas 35280-9530, thence southerly 2? hains along the shore of Goose bay Ww § Lot and Post reading 3 2 direction 20 cha in a westerly th in a northerly direction all t east 20 chains to the point nme ment, containing 160 acre more ess WILLIAM MACY Cc. i. Fi Agent Dated June 27th, 191 Pub. July 28, 1913-—-Sept 19 THE MIDWAY LADIES’ AND GENTS’ GARMENT CLEANING PRESSING, DYEING AND REPAIRING Goods Called For and Delivered 322 Bth Street Phone Green 241 PACIFIC TRANSFER C0. Furniture, Baggage, Piano Mov- ing and Genera! Cartage Phone 1 Suite 9, ck Bi ae Office: Federal P. 0. Box 203 Phone 47 P. ROBERTSON INCORPORATED ACCOUNTANT (End) CHARTERED SECRETARY dations and Assignments ‘ Smith Block, 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. HARRISON W. ROGERS Architect Suite i, Federal Bi ck PRINCE RUPERT, B. ! 198 Phone 300 PO, Box 169 Terms Reasonable WENDELL R. JONES 913 2nd Ave BROWN & BUTTERS MINING ENGINEERS — We Hav: ili A Fine Inside Lol Block 12, See. ¥ $4500.0 Real Estate and Insurance Second Avenue.