ssi oy eae at Wallace’s Sale 125 Children’s Summer Dresses; well made, goed materials, good values at regular prices, _ , ‘ . HALF PRICE oe limbroideries and Insertions; values up to 20c + ae is ®yvard. Saturday, Mara... ...... wer Te Bo: or All to go Saturday at Ohildren’s Black Cotton Hose, sizes frist blue “6 1-2; values up to 35c. Saturday, pair, 20e H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Dry-Goods, Crockery, Wall-Paper, Etc. A FEW ‘GODET PERFUMES ROSE AMBREE SONS BOIS TRESOR DE VIOLETTES AUBEPINE BLANCHE AT THE : REXALL STORES C. H. ORME THE PIONEER DRUGGIST FRESH SHIPMENT a of Fruits and Vegetables © ° Just Received EVERYTHING IN SEASON Plums New Gravenstein Apples Cherries New Potatoes ¥ Strawberries Green Peas Peaches Wax Beans Apricots Cauliflower “" [/* } Pears Summer Squash and All Staple Fruits. Also a Shipment of FRESH SPRING CHICKENS Smoked Fish a Specialty SHEPRAD. & JONES oo A Beautiful Home Site For Sale at a “Snap” Price Lot 1, Block 4, Section 2 117 ft. on Van Arsdol St., 34 ft. on Graham Ave, and nearly 91 ft. on Rear Lane LOT LEVEL AND FINE WATER ViBW/.~ $3,200.00. Terms: Cash $1,200.00, balance arranged to suit DESIRABLE OFFICE SUITE FOR RENT Hays Building (2nd Floor) 3 Rooms, Stationary Washstand and Toilet. Hedtéd by Hot Water. Electric Fixtures Now in Rooms. Will Paper to Suit Tenant, Apply to DAVID H. HAYS — 2nd Ave. and 2nd &t. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. See Wallace's advt. of Satur- day specials for the big sale, 185 D. G, Whiteford went to Granby Bay this morning on the Camo- sun. Mrs. F. W. Renworth and child left for the south this morning on the steamer Prince George, Mrs, Hamblin went south this morning on the steamer Prince George, Bargains in Crockery, Wall- paper and Dry Goods at Wallace's big sale, 185 The City of Seattle will touch here on her way to Alaska at 8& p.m. on Saturday. Charged with being drunk and disorderly, James McGinley was sentenced this morning to fifteen days’ hard labor. Lem, Kegge is expected to ar- rive here tomorrow from Van- couver,. The members of the agricul- tural commission will arrive here tomorrow from Vancouver. They will proceed to Terrace to hold a session there, Frank Wardell was brought up in the police court this morning on the charge of supplying liquor to Indians. The case was ad- journed till this afternoon. Mrs. Maahs appeared in court this morning on the charge of keeping a vicious dog. The mag- istrate ordered that the dog be kept properly tied up, in default of which the animal will bé de- stroyed. W. J. Alder, owner of the Al- der Block, was recently in Smithers making a selection of lots. Before leaving Smithers Mr. Alder gave a contract to Mr. Schuler, a Smithers éontractor, to erect a building on his lob. Mrs. McCaffery went south on the steamer Prince George this morning to meet her husband, Alderman McCaffery, at Seattle. They will return to Prince Rupert next week. Baron and Baroness De Bernis left this morning on the steamer Prince George. They will spend the winter in Paris. For the period of their absence their home has been taken by Mr. and Mrs. De Musset. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Durant left this morning for New York. Charles Williams, who has been superintending the con- struction of the new Premier Ho- tel building, left this morning for Vancouver. He wil! return in about ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Bodwell went south this morning on the steamer Prince George, They will proceed by way of Ashcroft to Fort George, where Mr. Bod- well will superintend the bridge construction for the G. T. P,. -The monthly business meeting of the St. Andrew's Society will be held at 8 o’clock this evening in the society’s new rooms. B. F. Jacobsen of Bella Coola and Edgar Ashton of Lawn Hill are in town. They are two of the representatives of the farmers who will give evidence before the agricultural commission, which is to sit here next Tuesday. For Industrial Exhibits. Applications will be received by the Northern British Columbia Agricultural and Industrial Asso- ciation for space in the industrial hall during the Prince Rupert ex- hibition, Septgmber 24th to 26th, up to Saturday, August 9th. A charge of one dollar per running foot will be made exhibitors of manufacturies and_ industries. For further particulars apply L. Bullock-Webster, secretary. Exhibition office 315 Third Ave. W. Telephone 498. 182-86 LINDSAY'S “’storace G. T. P. Transfer Agents Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable. OF FICE—H. B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone 6 POULTRY & LIVE STOCK If you are wanting any kind of POULTRY, PIGEONS, GUINEA FOWL, RABBITS or ANGORA GOATS, write direct to H. WILLIAMSON COMPANY, LTD. 357 Cordova St. E., Vancouver, B.C. The Largest Dealers in Live Poultry in. Western Canada RN ee ee eee eee Tay. me pay tee ae ol Ll Se eG —— THE DAILY NEWS ——_— THRILLING ESCAPE NOTICE. eT — BY RIDING A MOOSE Notice is hereby given that meetings of the Provincial Agri- Prince Rupert Inn. Near to Swirl of Rapids When He | cultural persia ia be held { , y eS! G, Se aeeer, paure eks' es: mes Caught Swimming Moose Y Kercon Atimiit oth 2:30 p. m.; and Mrs, EB. Dewdney, Vernon; by Antlers. , sd ust Oth, 2: . % W. 8, Rothwell, Vancouver; A. H. y Prince Rupert, August 11th 4 and 12th, 10 a. m.; chur 3 Te cuiiicharip, vans : International Falls, Minn., any. Hazelton, August 43th, 7:30 couver; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Forbes, !5.—A | thrilling escape from |), m,; J. BE. Risi®Vancouver; Frank E. drowning - Rainy River, near Aldermere, August 15th, 140 Groffman, Vancouver; E. W. Har-| Fort Francis, Ontario, by catch-}a. m, ris, San Francisco; Captain Todd, war hold an is entlors of a Bie The commission will hear evi- Mr, Downes, George La Rochelle, rull moose whic h was swimming dence on all matters affecting across the river, was the experl- agricultural conditions in the TV OnOOUNNes ence Sunday of Clyde W. Buell of province Hotel Premier. Minneapolis, a student of the All persons Interested are rec A. Belsland, J. B, Wayles, J. phe fines ke r 1 quested to be present. Bunyan, J. Hastie, R. Hastie, Wil- SJuell was on a raft of logs. : ry liam Johnston, 8. C. Stewart, J.JAfter striking a jam, the raft W. H- HAYWARD, M. Ly A,, Hart, C. Coomless, J. Bloomfield,}!oosened and Buell, clinging to a Chairman, A. Bunyan, K. Wilson, A. Mat- single piece of timber, was car- GC. B. CHRISTENSEN, thews, J. 8S. Hardman, E. B.]ried down the river toward the Secretary. 169-92 Riley, Victoria; Mrs. O'Keefe, rapids. Telkwa; J. 8S. Kennedy, Telkwa;| Buell had given up, when he CHEAP ACREAGE . Q. Nash, F. M. Hickey, Hazelton;]saw the moose, with its head and Charles Durham, E. M. Jacobs. antlers above water, swimming —AT— safely from the rapids, Bueli let Hotel Central. go his log and grabbed the ant- ar H. Thompson, 0. Hammer, G.}lers and shifted himself to the Christophe,-Noel J, Ogilvie, Ot-]/animal's back and rode it into tawa; J. L. O’Brien, Terrace; 8.jshallow water. i P. Stimson, H. W. Ruddock, ©. 8. Near Prince Rupert Uplin, -Ascermeres: Bert Liitiis, o-o.-we ee ee ah tag IN— Vancouver; J. McAuley, Alder- 6 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS ee “The Daily News ” Apply Windsor Hotel. Thomas Foran, H. Williams, CLASSIFIED ADS. Sharles Sterns, A. Bnellman, 8. Harrison, Gamble & Company Stensland, Joe Melsaac, FINANCIAL AGENTS Royal Hotel. : ; E. F. Jaksoben, Miss West, For Rent Third Ave. Prince Rupert Misses M. and FE. West, ©. Bruce, James E. Gibson, W. P. Lynch, : f W. W. Keech. Globe, Ariz.; H. F.] TWO well furnished rooms for rent. Phone x : Black 329; 166tf Ht. Lowell, Terrace; O, H. St. Al- vs FOR A TAXI FOR RENT—Large front room in private ole monde, Vancouver; ©, Ness, Van-]" ‘family; suitable for two; modern; close saicaianall couver: Fred Castell, Aldermere;: in. Phone Green 258. J. L. Vuk, John L. Carskadon, G, e Ph 7 H. Selig. Sal { one For Sale AOA ee eas Bt Savoy Hotel. olaceeataatly | SE ie Ga Boe " PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO. J. Harris, J. Johnson, G. R, FOR SALE—Furnishings four roomed cot Russell, H. Pentz, H. Large, K. tage, $100; used three months; cottage Hannstad, A. J. Williams, John can be rented $16 month, Enquire Ee . a < Miller-Phillips Grocery. 174-77 McEImon, George Duncan, | P. 0, Box 203 Phone 47 tiie FURNISHINGS of a three-room fat for sale. Flat also may be rented. Apply| P ROBERTSON On the Prince George. H. F. McRae & Co. 130tf | | . Among those leaving for the COWS fresh calved and coming in always INCORPORATED ACCOUNTANT (Eng.) south this morning on the} QF hand, and tuberculosis tested. youn CHARTERED SECRETARY o Christy, cattle dealer, Collingwood West, | rs steamer Prince George were: corner ‘Carleton and’ Westminster Road’ | A¥dits, Investigations, Adjustments, Liqui , . ew! Phone Collingwood 46 R. Post ofmee, dations and Assignments Mr. Moore, W. EH. Tay lor, L..] Collingwood East, Box 20. 170-1f Smith Block, 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Campbell, C. Alexander, Captain] compere tobiishings: for-b five: roomed | Todd, Mr. Downes, Mr. and Mrs. house, including oak sitting room set, | , . . Dm for sale, Furniture nearly new. Must| ’ Forbes, J. E. Rice, E. B. Tatchell,] be sold ‘this week. Apply to Mrs. Shea, Cc. W. Tahany, J. P. Mooney, M.| Ambrose Ave. 181-84 ert A, Olson, Mr, and Mrs, Bodwell,]FOR SALE" new piano; used a. few) fopmerly Kaien Isd. Gymnasium S. E. Stewart, A. Binsland, J er eee nee ee eel Bina iy pa es Nene ae. Beck ates ee ~~ aw.g | TO rent for Dances, Public Meet- Smith, Mr. Hornsby, Mr. and Mrs. PEE DS rreht. pene : > i ‘ . ings, ete. Particulars at hall or Mrs. GC. Durant, N. McIntosh, Mr. J. A, Smith and child, Mr. ,and | Wanted Secretary, P. O, Box 268 ae —~h Hardman, Mr. Matthews, T. An- se T Cab ‘Tos ‘ WANTED—Young man for dining car de de rson, Tr. Carlson, J. O'Dea, G, H. partment. Apply W. J. McLean, G. T. P. Selig, T. Riece, B. Lewis, E. B. News Stand. 183-85 Riley, Mrs. E. M. West, Mr. De|wanrep—Boy about sixteen years. Apply Bernis, E. Evanson, J. Johnson,| Né!son, Alder Block, 184-85 Mr. Swanson, Mr. Hewitt, Miss WANTED Chambermaid at Windsor tel. 184 Lynch, Mrs. Kirkpatrick, Miss TEAMSTERS PICNIC 10 PORCHER ISLAND Ho ir Kate Smith, Mrs. MeCaffery, N. M.| @— em ; SUNDAY, AUG. 10TH Shaw, Mr. Rothwell, Mr. and Mrs, TICKETS 83.50 J. W. MeFarlane, Mrs, Renworth, Lost and Found 1| Including Fare, Lunch, Ete. Mrs. De Bernis, Mrs. Cret, Mrs. Ric whist a nipdane ie aencrecaeiniall On Sale at Empress Hotel L. Sonkwood, LOST—Gold watch, photo on inside case. | Cigar Store and Cole's po Os Sethe et ce Reward if returned to Pacific Transfer Cigar Store ; F Ome. 175-77 gant Launch Alice B for hire. Tele- Sal Z ‘ | Launches Leave Government De ate OUND } ro » a i | phone Green 391, Davis’ Float. |) green, between pont, painted tent | Dock at 8 A. M. i 155-tf Islands, Apply Ed Johansen, Oona River, Porcher Island. 184-86 a ea NTN A RR RRR RRR . =F Over 2,500 Copies Of this issue of The Daily News were printed for circulation among settlers in Northern British Columbia, many of whom will exhibit at the fair in Prince Rupert in September. Are YOU One of the Regular Readers of the ‘News’ If not, you owe it to yourself to become one in order that you may keep in close touch with your natura! market and trading centre. The Weekly News is an eight page paper brimming over with local and general news. The regular price is Two Dollars per annum, but if you send along $1.00 and the coupon below your name will be entered for a full year, The Weekly News, Prince Rupert, B. C, Enclosed find 8........... for which enter my name as a sub- SOMIOU IOP i, , 4. bs 60 oi 000 months, Name The Daily News is a four page edition, printed every evening (except Sundays and holidays). The regular price is 60 cents per month or $5.00 per annum. The coupon below will entitle you to half price; 25 cents for one month or $2.60 for one year. The Daily News, Prince Rupert, B, C, Enclosed find $8........... for which enter my name as a sub- BOPINER TORE 3 Bi ici sc vee months, PUR ied Ai 4 bnid:d bia dielt ¢14'8'0 49’ G0 0 9 hie BETO a ee NM area 161) 1 4 oe d0i'e vninne 6 oc A oad ok Order Now & Save Money Friday, August 8 1919 i. IN THE KING'S. IN CHAMBERS 1) JOSEPH WILLIAM. (hehehe / bet EMIL N. LING, Defendant Plain oa application the py) upon reading th ' lainuit 9.4 Jackson, and L. W, jraynv!ts orc, and the exhibits ther: } It 18 ordered that sory. 884 ment of Claim herein py p07! the of this order togethe; With aling tached thereto and qa popy ®, ho Statement of claim in q pedo We sy istered post letter addres Bald and nop fendant at “Winnipeg post yt? the a Province of Manitot and ences & Copy of this order’ ang a’), Put sald notice on the 26th the 2nd day of August. 4. “Dally News,” a news Prince Rupert in ihe } Columbia, shall be goo service of the sald statement 4 the said Defendant, It ts further ordered y nt fendant file his statement of 4 in before the 81st day 0 1913. And it is further ordered y of this application sha be iat the Coty Pattnore file In referres cause wOMtS IN the Dated at Winnipeg tu 190 July, A. D. 1913. a GEORGE PATTERSON, jor NOTICE To thé Above Name Take notice that the metal oetendant, this action is for declaration qe i tain agreement for sale ade peat,’ PlainuM and the Defendant, po, \e4 Me the 27th day of July, { be tomas or in the alternative | fixed for the payment | the Plaintilt of the gether with interest 20th day of March, A, Db of six per cent. per annun s default of payment th ment may be cancelled paid by the Defendant clared to be forfeited, a ment of defence, if an the office of the Proth house in the City of W of Manitoba, on or August, 1913, and tt judgment will be i“ prayed for in the said st Dated this 12th day ily, U. H. CLARK j26-a2 Plainuf’s rrr, bef 1 A. | LAND PURCHASE NOTICES Take notice that I, Charte cupation free miner, int the Hon, Commissioner for permission to pure! described land: Commencing @| & post northeast corner of A and Post 2232-5535, thence direction along the s 80 chains more or indian reservation N 2 thence westerly direction 40 chains, thence jy southerly direction 80 cha thence ew erly 40 chains to the point of coms ment, containing res 1 t Dated June 27th, 191 Pub, July 28, 191 ey Take notice that I, W am Macy Anyox, B, C., occupatior at tend 1 apply to the Hon, Commu { Lands and Works for permis to pur et following described lands Commencing at a | southeast corner of 8 $5280-0530, thence t along the shore of G e Ba Lot and Post reading in @ westerly direction ¢ ains, t in a northerly direction east 20 chains to the [ ment, containing 160 a Dated June 27th, 101 Pub. July 28, 1913—Sept THE MIDWAY LADIES’ ANC GENTS’ GARMENT CLEANIN PRESSING, DYEING AND REPAIRING Goods Called For and Delivered 322 Bth Street Phone Green 24 PACIFIC TRANSFER C0. Furniture, Baggage, Piano Mov. ing and General Cartage Phone 1 Office: Suite 9, Federal! Block OSBORNE HOUSE 957 Third Ave. Large Single Rooms, Will Without Table Board Large Sitting Room, Bath, = Priveleges, Moderate Charges Mra. G. A, Tessier ~ GEORGE LEEK Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Broker Notary Public. Rents and Collections Albert Block 2nd A Prince Rupert Between 5th and 6th TT HARRISON W. ROGERS Architect Suite 1, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, BO Phone 300 P, 0. Box 1699 _ BOOKKEEPING - AUDITIN ne Bookkeeping Taught by Private Lesso Terms Reasonable WENDELL R. JONES ‘Phone 142 sta and Ave BROWN & BUTTERS oLooY METALLURGY AND MINING GEOL a Box te Res, Phone Black 413 : Prince Rupert ———— Je Have F “a Sale A Fine Inside Lot !! Block 12, See. 6 $4500.00 G. R. Naden Co., Lit Real Estate and Insurance Second Avenue.