USt 8, {949 Friday, Aug af 6 THE DAILY NEWS —_—— — - = eee nee I Continued from Page 5.) | Rhode Island Reds. ( fy : Sec. 37—Cocks .....eeeeeeeeeers Coa os oUe DS ONE ’ 6 i i} BGG; SSAHENG Wasi ccc eee etc casters seeeerece ie 50 3 Sec, 39—One Pair, Cockere! and Pullet......+.++. 2.00 00 ® ' | Fe ‘ ; ae ‘ Bantams. i ) if ~ so Tea STOEL ane Phase ko ae 7 COMPLETE HOME FURNISHERs eec, 4 PEEMEENE 1 Ee bc 0 0 eb 6 06 6 0 6 6 66H 00 CC HU OF Ua ‘ e Sec, 42—One Pair, Cockerel and Pullet......+..6. 2.00 ‘ | . ° roe tee . “Buff Orpingtons. Always at Reasonable prices—Furniture, Stove ie — 1.00 a WAU MNIP RGD, «4 6) vee coeesdd eases bene ess 4.00 50 | PP ee, is a ee uid 1.00 50 Ranges, Carpets and Linoleums re) sec, B=——=-BIGNB ci ce cers esteasvesssesesessresers é rm + | Sec, 45—One Pair, Cockerel and Pullet.........+- 2.00 1.00 i ; : White Orpingtons. EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME dal om ete ote u Seo, 4O-—COOKE vo... cece cee ee eeewecenes os aa 50 o% 9 3 OO) Ree FROMM se Gs. s 6 8599 6.0 90°F 84 0:0 5 0 Re HF CP MARIE. t 1.00 50 Pianos and Players, ineluding terms to suit every pype) 1.00 Chasey se , Sec. 48—One Pair, Cockerel and Pullet.......+... 2.00 Black Orpingtons. d H 1 n mM r ’ Jer, 4 eR ae Vea See Re eel vis 50 : Sec. 49 BOM AG pcos ck ee evetuee te 1.00 5 Also Bargains in Singer Sewing Machinos a O e ur his e eg | NI ELS Viata cit ih 1.00 508 —_——— - — ———— Sole Agent for the Edison Phonograph and joo, da te) Sec. 51—One Pair, Cockerel and Pullet........... 2.00 1.00 Full Line of Red Cross Chemical Closets Black Minorcas. The Largest Stock of Furniture in All Grades Carried in Northern British Columbia oat pease” Dy. . 04 64 bo blemernwe.b Ge Meme Hew % 43 - MANUFACTURER OF FUNERAL FURNISHINGS BOC. GSOHONS sii. cee eee eevee eee sete then ‘ a ; Di e R F e hi Sec, 54—One Pair, Cockerel and Pullet........... 2.00 1.00 m rn White Minorcas. aes ining oo u 1S ings BOC; GO--CHOGHR: Cai e c re cee h ee bese tues eee es 1.00 .50 Tee od a oe a Buffets, Dining Tables, Chairs, China Cabinets BAU, DOTA fink)... 0o6 8 65.4.0:0.0's Opinio sowss we8 1.00 501, a Sec. 57—One Pair, Cockerel and Pullet........... 2.00 1.00 eeeeoroooons, Bed Room F urnishings See. Seon scence en oo Who's 9 ~% e@ The F. Button Co. « Dressers, Chiffioniers, Brass and Iron Beds, Springs and Mattresses Sec. 60—One Pair, Cockerel and Pullet........... 2.00 1 Sec. 61—Best Incubator in Operation, Diploma and Medal. s Oh, pioneers who came to Prince Rupert before thy Floor Coverings a... ee : site of lots, 1000 Guinea Fowl (one pair)... ..ccesevevevcserseees 2.00 1.00 For reliable information in the Linoleums, Oilcloths and Cork Carpets, Carpet Squares in Wiltons, Brussels and Tapestries, CLASS VilII—DUCKS. E $ I i Coco Mattings and Hearth Rugs Sec. 1—White Pekin, Duck or Drake............. 1.00 50 Real tate ne Sec. 2—Indian Runners, Duck or Drake.......... 1.00 50 See or write them. Best of references Ta Bui. 2S ! ar «Variety 0 50 . . Bli ds Sec. 3—Best of Any Other Variety.........0.006. 1,00 ’ Genuine Snap on 2nd Ave., 26 Foot L In A CLASS IX—GEESE. se im Only $15,000 Cash All sizes of Blinds made to fit any window ee zs rene testes livid a eli hi Aidan ER mg aM ° 1.00 In the next block to the 5-storey new Premier } Sec. 2—Best of Any Other Variety....,........-- 2.00 . and only one block between site of the new G. T. P 000,000 hotel. Will be worth $25,000 when the CLASS X—PIGEONS. For The Kitchen nok eat 1.00 .50 wae Snap on 3rd Ave., between the post Sec. 1—Jacobins, White, Black or Red............ Kitet rab ; 1 Cat ' a1 BEG; P——=BlUS ANEWOID: soso ces sete dereaeaveceee 1.00 50 McBride St. Fine basement, : j Tg ; 3 P OLASS a hh lg a [ANSEN-BRANDT 0 LIMITED Drapery Materisl, Scrims, Madras, Muslins and Tapestry Curtains, Brass Poles and Fittings. Sec. 1—Rabbits (any breed), Buck or Doe........ 1.00 50 rT) : All sizes. See, 2—Belgian Hares (any breed), Buck or Doe.. 1.00 50 CLASS XIII—CATS. e e ° ist. 2nd. 3rd, Best Cat (any breed), Male or Female... $2.00 $1.00 8 .50 pecl S S in In Classes VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XI and XIII all birds, ete., to be exhibited in the name of owners. Entrance Fee, 25¢ each exhibit. jl - ° Bi De CLASS XIV—DAIRY PRODUCTS, ETC. 0 onization an ul 1VISION ist. 2nd. 3rd e ea Sec. 1—Cheese, Five Pounds........... $5.00 83.00 a. : fae Best Five rounds in Bulk 5.00 3.00 We have more than 100,000 acres of the best Fa g rere tens marae meat Five Pounds in One i ; Land in the famous Naas River Valley and tril THE QU A LITY HOME FURNISHER ‘“ s oe ey sitoud oO, $10.) ieee. a me Prince Rupert for sub-division into 160 acre lots ' Sec, 4—tiggs, 12 Hen OBO) 65 suis «.s 5.0( 3.0 2.00 to suit purchaser, ’ Sec. 5—Eggs, 6 Duck (fresh octet ** 3.00 2.00 We also have exceptional opportunities for sia 1 read. stors 5 acre tracts or more o e very choices mh 3RD AVE., Sec. 6—Four Loaves, Made to Sell. bh ne patat ae oe Pere eee ° aie PHONE 20 ° PRINCE RUPERT Diploma with First Prize).... 3.00 2.00 For further information, descriptive litera i Sec. 7—One Loaf Home Made, White... 3.00 2.00 terms. write us : Sec. 8—One Loaf Home Made, Brown... 3.00 2.00 : i oe} Sec. 9—One Pan Buns (not less than P. O. BOX 1624 PRINCE RUPERT, 6. C. ONG- NOLEN). Soal ans oid a thes. 3.00 2.00 we k Sec, 10—One Home Made Cake........ 3.00 2.00 a ’ a Sections 7, 8, 9 and 10 open to ladies or bachelors not profes- _ aan es “ a sionals. NOW IS THE TIME TO Honey. T s Sec. 11—One Pint Jar, Extracted...... 2.00 1.00 he INVEST : Sec. 12—Three Sections, in Comb...... 2.00 1.00 ioe Preserves, Sauces, Pickles, Fruits, Etc. ™ an WE OFFER FOR SALE gg| svc. 13—Tomato Catsup ............. "4.00 50 E E Cc f : Ree Sec, 44—Tomato Chutney ............ 1.00 50 on ec lonery a ae ;1Sec. 15—Ketchups, Sauces ............ 1.00 50 e e 5 Cae ea nn, Seema es on Sec. 16—Pickled Onions .........:.... 1.00 50 hie ee es es a ance 6-12-18-24 months. Sec, 17—Pickled Gherkins ............ 1.00 -50 (Nearly Opposite the Post Office) . Sec, 18—Pickled Cabbage ............. 1.00 50 fF Lote 1 2 yy i Five Years of Stead Pro S$ “with bulldings, $8,800; 1-8 cash, Sec. 19—Mixed Pickles ......-..+..+5- 1.00 50 Is the Best Place in Prince Rupert to Buy a y gre. balance 6-12-18-24 months. Sec. 20—-Raspberry Vinegar ........... 1.00 -50 : . Lot 11, Block 22, Section 6, $2,250; Sec. 21—Apple Jelly 2. sesersesveves 1.00 -50 Ch i et baa ee , p $1,000 cash, balance 6-12-18 Sec. 22—StrawherrieS ....++erereveece 1.00 -50 0cOo a es an on ons a ee eee ee penn Sec. 23—Raspberries .......... hy ehh wes 1.00 -50 / hardware in Northern B.C. A fine line of Rt 96, Block 7, Section 7, 951805 Sec. 24—Best Made Pot of Jam (any , atts . " , Pans $450 cash, balance arranged. Variaty) . Gsaaen Diploma and 5.00 3.00 2.00 We Make a Specialty of Game Traps, Rifles and Sporting Goods. Lot 64, Block 27, Section 8, $600 Sec. 25—Best Home Made Candy....... ee Ie, 20 Se a teeter npie dee Diploma and 3.00 2.00 1.00 Sec. 26— Tots OM 54 cles Wise ene obese 00 .5b0 “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” Ge ae nae ceo a? rr Home-made Can y 7 ’ in . pec, 2i SSC Lee Ua eek tthe eras 3 +t : Fifth street, jon 1; ly fur- Pay <4 itive 5 | Mlghed arid will have steam heat pe|SCC- 28-—Pears .....eeeee sere eeeeeees 1.00 50, ; ? ene we romonered to evle'venany Sec. 29—Marmalade ..++++++++++++++% 1.00 750 Be Sure to Get Some When You Are in for the Fat! re tork s Hardware See. 30—Pickled Pears ...---.+-++++++ 1.00 50 | B gam mouse and bath, on, Borges M[Sec. G1 —Best Collection of Not Less — a per month. Than Three Varieties......... y a PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SORT: ONONOE 2 Te hE el eee ‘',,.Diploma and 5.00 3.00 2.00 RYGeorge, We have WERY 00D CLASS XV—FLOWERS ° | jeorge. le ve i BARGAINS to offer in busi : roperty. This fe the time t9 eet : e ist. 2nd. 3rd, RUPERT in before tne Dig advance in prices MiSec. 1 Six Pots of Assorted Plants, THIRD AVENUE PRINCE tice cate, ALL INFORMATION Under 7 Inches High.......... $5.00 $3.00 Sec. 2—Six Pots of Assorted Plants . pangs " : ee . 7 COLLART & REYNOLDS Over 7 Inches High........... 5.00 3.00 asc seers —— : Sec. 3—Flowering Begonia (one pot).. 1.00 50 h oa PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Sec. 4—Foliage Begonia (one pot)..... 1.00 50 mt Phone 381 P. O. Box 806 Sec. 5—Fuchsia (one pot).......c...- 1.00 50 BOUT } ? : Sec, 6—Geranium (one pol)........... 1.00 50 WHEN YOU ARE AT THE FAIR CALL AND SEE US A ; Sec, 7—Best Pot Dwarf Nasturtiums... 1.00 50 ' Sec, 8—Pansy (pots or box), 3 Plants... 1.50 70 ° d ci Sec, 9-—Hanging Basket .............. 3.00 2.00 mea state Ines an iy Sec. 10—Verandah Box, 4 Feet Long ’ Em ef OF TOG chia ssa hw oe hiseaaie ee 5.00 3.00 2.00 ] tan Cut Flowers, nsurance is The AW Fd e Com an Sec. 114—Sweet Peas, Best Collection (six ty Bs receptacles with six spikes in : : h WHAT'S THE GOOD OF FITZ ADVERTISING We A.W. COgE LOMpany : each, arranged with any foli- We Also Want to List Your im 1 EVERYBODY KNOWS FITZ FROM ATLIN TO ALDERMERE Importers and Dealers : ore ‘ “? ‘ ore ‘ teeee : ‘ + reeee 5,00 3.00 2.00 Far nds } Sec, 12 Sest Twelve nnua 2oppies mM I ‘ae i Ge We are only doing this to help make a success of Prince WALLPAPERS BURLAPS (in 4 receptacles, with any 4 Rupert’s First Annual Fair | MOULDINGS eee) : Pit ES 1! 7 Nanda? perce 4,00 ‘50 , Sec. 13-——Best 6 Perennia soppies in , You know already that we have the very best in Cigars and PAINTS OILS VARNISHES Receptacle screen eeerceeees 1.00 .50 : Tobacco ~ and Pipes and so forth GLass BRUSHES Sec, 14—-Best Collection of Annuals (six : ’ varieties, 3 of each)........- 5.00 3.00 el ETC. Sec. 15—Best Collection Perennials.... 5.00 3.00 , / A 2 m Sec, 16-—Twelve Dahlias (arrange in 4 G R NADEN O L ° ii Fitzmaurice & McMillan PRINCE RUPERT, BO receptacles, with Dahlia foliage 3.00 2,0 7 IN CO., y 0 9 Sec. 17—Twelve French Marigolds (in 4 324 SECOND AVENUE PRINCE RUPERT | s receptacles, with Marigold foli- oo EeEeEO—EO—EOOE OO eemmPrO2onmma—09>E=EREI=X=mmDEDmE=EDE—EBEQODENT=E=" ESS “ ” OSG). een taeonndeeee keer, se 1.00 50 i 1 aN NEARER NESBA FANS ON I ANTS Tt SU BBE TS SIE A