August 8, 1913. . THE DAILY NEWS
enon i SSS SSS
‘oi NRE | Sec. 18—Twelve African Marigolds (in Tomatoes.
= 4 receplacles, with Marigold Sec. 33—Best Dish of 5 Ripe.......... 2.00 1.00
TOHIAMTOE) cc ccc cc csv ssvecevees 1.00 50 sec. 34—Green (5 specimens)......+-. 1.00 50 *
Sec. 19-—Asters, Six of Any Kind...... 1.u0 50 Sec, 35—Collection of Three Named
FOR THE BEST THAT THE WORLD CAN PRODUCE IN Sec, 20-—Carnations, Best Twelve...... 3.00 2.00 Varieties (5 of each)......+.- 3.00 2.00 1.00
Bl sec, 21—Lilies, Best Six Any Variety... 3.00 2,00 Lettuce. ee.
Bisec, 22—Roses, Best Six Any Variety... 5.00 3.00 2,00]}Sec. 36—Cabbage ...... Hots baes ePeoes 1.00 50
BisSec, 23—Wallflowers, Best Bunch 12 Sec, 37—Dwarf .....cecereeeccssacees 1.00 .50
: BUMTE 0.0 5 i0.0'b by CURE Gee <6 2.00 4.00 Sec, 38—Head ~........ceeeee SieRes ee eee 50
Sec, 24—Twelve Stalks of Phlox Drum- Herbs.
— mondi (in 4 receptacles...... 1.00 .50 Sec, 39—Parsley (12 sprays or one
=iSec. 25—Mignonette, Best 12 Stalks ClUMP) scsesevereeses vib 69:6 1.00 .50
Go to * (in 4 receptacles).....+- ° 1.00 50 Sec. —Mint (12 sprays or one clump) 4.00 50
Sec, 26—Gladioli, 12 Stalks (in 4 re- Sec. \4—_Thyme (12 sprays or one
: ceptacies) ......- see terre 2.00 4.00 clump) ...-essee yap obs pee ee 50
S B|Sec. 27—Best Bunch Mixed “Virginia Salsify.
cott, rou O . E.'s isn eS CER 4.00 50 Sec, 42—Salsify or Vegetable Oyster (5
® =lsec, 28—Giant Nasturliums, Best Stalk, specimens) .-+-+seeeeeees e+. 1-00 50
a 2 Greatest Number Blooms..... 2.00 1.00 Sec. 43—-Swiss Chard (5 plants)......- 1.00 50
" Bisec, 29-——Best exhibit of Everlasting Sec, 44—Vegetable Marrow (2 speci-
: : OREIAER. ooo eo cccsenweseaeaee 3.00 2.00 MENS) cvepeccsesssovsessive 2.00 1.00
FUR ASARING GHSE Sree _ B.—All flowers must have been grown by exhibitor. Sec, 45—Beets, Long (6 specimens).... 2.00 1.00
Sec, 46—Beets, Turnip Root (6 speci-
CLASS XVI—TABLE DECORATION, MENS). cies kde Sve se bd 6be MU 1.00
° Agents For ist. 2nd. 3rd.J Sec. 47—Parsnips, Any Variety (2 speci-
=] For the Most Attractive Table Decoration$10.00 $5.00 $2.50 MOUS) HSS KE Te ove 9.8 + oe ee ee 1.00 50
“WALK OVER” . Each competitor will be allotted a numbered table 4 feet by 3]Sec. 48—Cup presented by the Secretary for the best district col-
“INVICTUS” elfeet, with plain cover, and may provide any fancy cover, table lection of Vegetables, to be won twice in succession or
2 i bowls, vases, ornaments, flowers, ferns, etc. Half an hour will be any three times.
“QUEEN QUALITY” allowed for arranging the tables on Wednesday morning, Se ptember] Sec. 48a—Diploma for best district collection of Garden Vegetables.
ee The judging will be done by the visitors to the exhibition.| Sec. 49—Diploma and medal for the best individual collection of
And Other High Grade Lines of American and Canadian Footwear Sach visitor will be provided with a card for the purpose of record- 25 Vegetables.
\ VERY COMPLETE AND UP-TO-DATE STOCK ENABLES US TO GIVE ABSOLUTE SATIS- ing his or her vole. The voting will close on the evening of Sep-}Sec. 50—Seeds to the value of $3.00 for the best Vegetables grown
et a Ca aa : ee : : tember 25th. from Rennie’s seeds. Secund prize, seeds to the value of
WITH STYLE AND DURABILITY. . Apples (Five. Spesimene). Sec. 51—Bpee ial prize given by an A. J. Sean oa the see
ei. ond. ard Jegetables grown from utton’s seeds (packets to be
Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention Sad, MR is CRG ap $2.00 $1.00 eee ae ee an ae
S86; Sa hoc oben duvipahens 2.00 0 :
Sec, 3—Baldwin ...5...-.seseescssers 2.00 100 visas cel acre apart
Sec. 4—Northern Spy .....0cdsccccons 2.00 1.00 : ist. 2nd. 3rd.
SCOTT F Seo, SoLaN Matt +s beh. dou deweek ve 2.00 4.00 Sec. ‘trish Cobbler ...+++eerees -.. $3.00 $2.00 $1.00
’ ROUD & CO. Sec. 6—Russet (any kind)............ 2.00 1.00 ie oe toe, A CR EARP See 3.00 2.00 1.00
Bec, TAMPUAENDETE .. 6.040.500 c0000 8 2.00 1.00 el Ae rh as cage aes ah Fath s+ eo ee
P, O. Box 342 Prince Rupert, B. C. Bec, SHaDUCMONe. 64s che T Ei eae weyeak 2.00 1.00 roy een ae Cire. Creed y LoS ean ts Tee ae ae Sec. 20—-Six RoOotS .eceeeererecces nian 1.00 50 ’
$20 00 to $32 00 Sec. 24—Best Head ...neerereeeerecece 4.00 50
IE ° ? Beans.
Sec. 22—Rough Skin (12 pods)..-...++- 1.00 +50
Sec, 23-—Smooth Skin (42 pods)...---- 4.00 50
Sec, 24—Twelve Pods ...+-++eeeeereee 1.00 50
“ P. Buns & Co, Lid |
' Sec. 25——-White Flat (5 specimens). 1.00 50 i. 9
; Sec. 26—White Globe (5 specimens) «: ..» 1,00 a
Sec. 27—Yellow Denver (5 specimens).. 1.00 a :
Sec. 28—Red Flat (5 specimens).....- 1,00 50 Phone 48 Prince Rupert, B.C.
Look for the Electric Sign Sec. 29-—Réed Globe (5 specimens)....- 1.00 50
Sec. 30—Largest Unblemished (ripe or
The Clothes Shop for Men Ooh Chpent UNPIDG cere e cece eee eeereeete 1.00 -50
Sec. 24—One Pint Pickling Onions,
} White or Yellow......eeee+++ 1,00 50
| Sec, 32—Best Bunch of Spring Onions... «1:00 50 i