THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. All Other Countries: Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. $2.00 per year. York City. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New Seattle—Puget Sound News Co. London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers. Weekly, Daily, $8.00 per year. DAILY EDITION PRESIDENT WILSON AND. MEXICO. WHAT'S IN THE DAY'S WORK. THE DAILY NEWS COUNCIL OF SEVEN SHERLOCKS ASSEMBLES IN SCOTLAND YARD SEVEN GREAT DETECTIVES HOLD FREQUENT MEETINGS FOR THE SOLUTION OF KNOTTY PROBLEMS PRESENTED BY LONDON’S Scotland Yard is like an enor- mous spider’s web, with threads stretching to every part of the metropolis, and to every corner of the world, ready to enmesh the pickpockets in’ Hyde Park = or bring back the murderer who has fied to the uttermost limit of civilization. The middle of this web is a large, barely furnished room, in which, at regular intervals, sit the mysterious Council of Seven. From this room every quiver of -jevery thread of the police web is atgge> Saturday, August 9, 1913: fell and responded to immediate- ly, and from it the most efficient detective force in the world controlled, Supposing a mysterious murder Is CRIMINALS. gether by him to solve such uif- ficult mysteries the Moat Farm, the Merstham Tunnel murder, Crippen and the murder of Miss Barrow by Seddon. His right hand man, when the Council of Seven meets, is Super- intendent McCarty, who has risen from a uniformed constable pa- trolling his beat in Islington to second in command of the most famous detective force in the world, John MeCarty joined the force when he was 20, and a few years later he was sent to Havre on special service work, where he was one of those invisible watch- dogs that are set all round the ports of Rurope to keep a lookout ——_— TO KILL ROTHSCILD Nobleman Arrested for Threats Against Millionaire. Threats to kilt! Lord Rothschild unless he paid $150,000 led to the arrest today of a German clerk, Heinrich Kremerskoten, who wrote to Lord Rothschild at his Piccadilly resi- dence demanding the money un- der penalty of death, The Seot- land Yard authorities laid a bail by leaving a large sum of-money in a West End cafe, where Kremerstoken stipulated it should be left, \When he appeared there he fell into the hands of detec- tives, London, Aug. 5. 1836 THE BANK ofr 1913 BritishNorthAmerica TT YEARS IN Business. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OveER $7,600,000. Our Travellers’ Cheques are issued in denominations of $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200, with the exact value in the leading foreign currencies stated plainly on the face. They are payable without discount, so that you can realize their full value without trouble. Hotels and Trans- portation Companies accept them as cash. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCE P. MARGETTS, MANAGER RELIEVE NEURALGIA MATHIEU S NERVINE POWDERS. 18 POWDERS FOR 25 CENTS If your dealer.cannot supply you, box postpaid on receipt of price. Hotel ; Directory eee Members P.R.L. Vintners Association PRINCE RUPERT INN AND ANNEX Owned and Operated by the Grand Trunk Pacific Ry. Geo. A. Sweet, Manager WINDSOR HOTEL Corner of First Ave, and Eighth St. W. H. Wright, Prop. HOTEL CENTRAL First Avenue and Seventh St. European and American Plan Peter Biack, Prop. KNOX HOTEL First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth European Plan, Rates 50c to #1 Per Day Besner & Besner, Props. J. Y. Rochester Vv. D. Casley EMPRESS HOTEL Third Ave., Between Sixth and Seventh Streets European Plan, 60c to $1 Per Day PREMIER HOTEL American and European Plan F. W. Henning, Manager ROYAL HOTEL Corley & Burgess, Props. Third Ave, and Sixth St. European Pian Steam Heated BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR Co., LIMITED Second Ave, and Sixth St. Phone 102 PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING CO., LIMITED Fraser and Sixth Sts, Phone 7 the | J. L. Mathieu Co., Sherbrooke, P. Q., sends | TO THE For Stewart on Th veen Charlotte Islands, Calling at Wa ound Saturdays at 8 Harbor, leaving Prince Rupert on RAILWAY 28th to Sept. 40th. Returninglimit Office 3rd Avenue Prince by the splendid steamers PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, Victoria Mondays and Fridays at © a. For Granby Bay on Gaturdays at 12 p. m Steamers Prince John and Prince Aiber Maintain Weekly Service Between Victoria, Vancouver P.M, Also Weekly Service to \ Train No, 2 leaves Prince Rupert, eastbound, Saturdays SPECIAL LOW EXCURSION RATES to ai) points y routes in connection with the @RAND TRUNK RaAILWay ever m For through tickets, reservation, etc., apy A._ DAVIDSON 8 “de Saturday, August 9, tv ASL) aA ea SOUTH 8nd Beatt M. © on ursdays at 8 A. mw. and Pr nee Leave py 7 n Rr ert & ASSEL uth wm, “Md Naden Ports, Rupert %h ! Wednesdays at ¢ | SERVICE 10 a.m. Woda, Mesdays ang east Oct, Bist, » May ly to Rupert Phong ry CANADIAN PACIFICO RAILWAY ARE YOU GOING EAST THIS SUMMER? Special Excursions May 28th to Sep- tember 80th. Returning Pena — S$ ist. Vancouver to Toronto anc ¥y return he ER ie: $02.00 ‘ancouver to Montrea i return IFPRI ATE Vancouver to New York anc ¥ return ...+, bier * aah 40? $108.50 ancouver to Chicago @ PORN Ci cc'ds s upsscioggsouns $72.60 Vancouver to St, Paul and | FOUN on cccccsscnseegreses .00 | Other Points Correspondingly Low. J. @. MoNAB General Agent Cor. 3rd Ave & 6th St Princess Sophia, south, Sat. 89 A. M. LUMBER ‘COAL —and— Complete Line of BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES || WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited | Phone 186 UNION S.S. COMPANY OF 8.0, Li S.S. ‘Chelohsin’ FOR VANCOUVER Wednesdays at 2 S.S. ‘Camosun’ FOR VANCOUVER p.m. Saturdays at 10 a.m, FOR GRANBY BAY Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 a.m. Rogers Steamship Agency Phone 116 Georgetown Sawmill Co. Lid. Lumber Mouldings A large stock of dry finish- ing lumber on hand. Boat lumber a specialty. Delivery made at short notice, Our prices are as low as any. Call on us before ordering. OFFICE: EMPRESS THEATRE BLDQ. Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. 9 “ DYER APARTMENTS and 3 New, Clean Partly Furnis 1029 3rd Ave. : Phong Black FT Little’s NEWS Aen Magazines :; Periodicals Newspapen CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: ppp #nd Ave. Below Kalen Island Avenue next to | 1 On 8d ty Empress Bowling Alle AND POOL ROOM 4 ALLEYS TAGLES 4. & ROBB, Prop. 8rd An. Prince Rupert Employment *. ©. Box z : *Pheee Ba LICENSED AGENTS re New Wellington Coal. Best on thy Coast Phone 116 Rogers & Bld SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE Plumbing, Heating, Steamfittingad Sheet Meta! Work Office: 3rd Ave. Phone 174 Worksbay 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and % iy ‘‘Valhalla’’ of S.H. & Ef. (SCAN DINANIAN SoctETY Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday ai p.m. in the hall at 319 3rd An D. C. STUART Accountant 308 2nd Ave. Phom 2% PRINCE RUPERT. B. ©. Alex, @. Manson, B. A. W. E. Williams, B.A, LEE WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Et. Heigereon Block Prince Rupert, & & HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS anv EMBALMERS funera! Directors 8rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. # E, L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embaime CHARGES REASONABLE 2nd &t., cor. 2nd Ave. Phone 956 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Advertise in i President Wilson seems to This is the task appointed:|has taken place. As soon as it is}|for criminals on the “wanted” i be mixing things merrily up in To hold the vision of a final|/discovered the news is at once] list. i his dealing with the Mexican! arrival at some fitting destina- |S"! to Scotland Yard from the}. In 1903 he became chief lieu- situation. As a successor to| tion; to maintain undiminished] @!Vision in which the body has}tenant to Superintendent Quinn, rar - : a sense of personal worthiness;}2een found, and in a few min-|who is head of the special serv- Henry Lane Wilson he has op to be defeated in each foolish|U'es @ motor car moves swiftly}ice branch of Scotland Yard. At pointed the governor of Minne- ‘ out of the Yard bearing i he i t vith Indis se : ’ e e, ant i a tall, i i 8C~ a aainbassatot 10 Makicé, and dream of the younger life, and|© ti ar earing a tall,|that time he dealt with Ine ian s¢ fi oe . ‘ or so to be disciplined into grey faced, grey haired man. I] ditionits, high political offenders ip yet he has refused to recognize iplined into ayes. mae De ear a Tk i TN sg ch : larger vision, made more sure|iS Sir Melville Macnaghten, head|ditionists, high political offenders fs ie the Huerta government. To roe f the f, 1 , f ecu eta an ‘ ; fai h th ite ty A ate by adversity; to be delayed for|° te famous C. I, D., and leader}|of kings, princes and well known t Mf re tent See ‘ Sie ae most of a lifetime—and yet to}! the Council of Seven. people. He was at Madrid when br Bee > eee eR aaa ey ee ne? believe in the strength of the Sir Melville Macnaghten keeps|the bomb was thrown at the King ra Pe dentials when he arrives’ in as , in close ‘ 4% ‘ : > Ben} a f ; ; human spirit to surmount pain, |!" Glose touch with the develop-]/and Queen of Spain on the oeca- Mexico? President Huerta also Doh Shira vg el Ls a oe i outlive sin, and defeat malice|™ents of the mystery, and if il|sion of their marriage. adds to the gaiety of the na- ‘ A : aaa : hia tevin w - eg tekedie ae ; 7 : ’ : and envy: to’ believe in the|Presents unusual -diMficulties he The most recently appointed tions by declaring that if his = ing|Calls in Superjntendent McCarty |of the Council of Seven is Williar a Say dx SUNG: debowniaad gradual but all-conquering | ©@!!: Superjntendent McCarty |of the Council of Seven is William by the Unit d St tes bef the power of good will; to be sad-}@"4 the five chief inspectors at|Gough, who: sueceeded Chief In- y the United States before the) ened but not. embittered: to|the Yard, thus forming the fa-|spector Divall at the beginning new ambassador arrives there, ; mous Council of Seve PAoril:: Te wae) sotor. Gougt the sald ambassador will not be beaten but not conquered. ae or seven. of April, was Inspector Gough : as That is the stern business set Such a council was held when}|who worked up the case against be granted audience. Rather ete, tt 7 the dismembered remains of Mra.|Goudie, the f: aaa ine souliar situation. dent. it? before us.—Collier’s Weekly. Siete ered remains of Mrs.|Goudie, the famous absconding pecu $ ’ ; Crippan were discovered in Hill. tbank cashier, —_————9——___—_+ ‘ ‘ . 4 Victoria, B. C., is to have a drop Crescent. From that time At the moment of writing, the A DROP IN GERMANY’S statue of the Queen who was until Inspector Dew arrested} Council of Seven is really only a BIRTH RATE. named after the city made fa-|Crippen in Canada, the seven|{council of six, owing to the ap- It has become a sort of ax- mous by Sir Richard McBride.| Were Sending out their threads in}pointinent of Chief Inspector iom that Germany’s population —Toronto Star. ail directions, picking up the}|Bower to be chief inspector of is increasing at a very rapid Sac oe clues here and tracking down the|the criminal investigation depart- rate, and that this gives her A Stratford machinist at-|™Ovements there, which finally|ment of the Port of London. In- an immense advantage over} tempted to cut the throat of landed Crippen on the scaffold. |spector Bower's most recent big France. But it now appears the lady who refused to marry The council deals with every-}case was the arrest and convic- that the German birth rate is him. What says the old pro- thing which presents unusualjtion of Williams, the ‘hooded declining. In the years between verb? Love will find a way. difficulties, deep mysteries of al)}man,” for the murder of Inspec- 4874 and 1875 there were 43 ae eee kinds, from that of the Dublin|tor Walls at Eastbourne last Oc- births to a thousand inhabit- Making the auto masher’s|Jewels to the disappearance of| tober. ants. In 1910 there were less punishment fit the crime, why Mr. Martin. In five short min- a — than thirty. The decrease oc-| not puncture the tires or con-|Ules they can, by means of an AFTER RADIUM curred chiefly between 1905] fiscate the spark plug, and thus|!"enious tape machine, circulate and 1910. In Berlin there were deprive him of wings? orders, news or descriptions to |Search After That Metal Starts in 20.83 births per thousand. in nS the chief divisional stations Australia. 1910, as compared with 46.9 It cost Columbus $8,000 to simultaneously, Sydney, N.S, W., Aug. 5.—Four in 1876. discover America, a sum of| Sit Melville Macnaghten, who|years ago a party of scientists The theory generally accept- money which wouldn't go far has been the chief of the C. I. D.fleft London in a world tour in ed by economists is that the toward discovering Broadway for about ten years, looks very|search of radium. Mr. Keith birth rate depends upon the] ‘in these lobster palace days. little like a Sherlock Holmes. Al-| Bushell, one of the party, is now supply of food. The more food, onde cia AAA ealiciikdiae together, however, he has been|in Sydney with the intention of the more births. But this is The Marquis of Waterford is over twenty-three years at the}organizing an expedition with offset by the tendency of pros- taking legal action against Yard, and has been one of the} the object of ascertaining whether perous communities to regard] George Tooth, who claims to}Chief movers in solving hundreds|the radium which is confidently large families as unfashion- be the rea] heir. The marquis of criminal mysteries, While he | believed to exist in Australia is of able. Perhaps Germany has] naturally wants a troublesome has been head of the Council of|suflicient importance to science been affected in the latter way. tooth like that pulled. Seven they have been calied to-|to warrant it being worked. fp ms) ARIZ Efficient Service---Solid Values Ee so oo a RANCHERIS © Every year our mail service grows in efficiency as the servant of the out-of-town buyer. Every year our illus- ; trated catalogue increases in circulation, and this not be- Sea fi cause of the extensive increases in the population of the : : ; : a ENGINEERS ARE. O fie province, but because the honest methods we employ in PRISONERS Fr 4 merchandising, and the solid values we give, have won the MEXICO entire confidence of every buyer who sought our service. MEXICO ais PACIFIC t i 4 REGARDING JEWELLERY OCEAN MEXICO CITY } t . . > ” a $ sd rel In every line of JEWELLERY we have paid strict at- \ HEADQUARTERS tention to fashion, and everything from the least to the i greatest in the matter of price is made after select styles. Wn Our catalogue gives a faithful representation of all lines CANADA'S OWN TROUBLE IN MEXICO. hi : pmb atte o By Cees ie Sg are fair and Added interest is given to the latest Mexican troubles by the fact hl 14 moderate. rite for our catalogue today. that a Canadian engineer, Bernard Macdonald, is among those Oe aa se 7" * held captive by Mexican troops. He was born in Pietou, Nova ; Henry Birks o Sons, | imited ce 55 years ago, spent much of his life in mining in } a P ossland, but has recently been employed principally in Chi- , e JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS huahua City, Mexico. President Wilson has demanded his re- i Geo. E. Trerey, M D VANCOUVER, B.C lease, with some United States citizens. It is said that they : were captured so as to force the United States to show her ant NN oe |. hand in the affair. | S ’sH T T i coop’s Humor Is Too Strong For The Event c S$ SEZ ARENT YOu AFRAID WHY 2 }( SOME MIGHT IF NEWS (6 Dut YO CARRY Har TAKE \T AWAY ALWEANS MAIKE (TA “ou, MY FRIEND? my) OFF AND MAKE OU |; POINT TO BRING iM. petcbuiian : Ear REST OF IT, i A STORY - ahs — Fp —- ian) G eh i is 4 A Lerner er ae er eee. med Lape Feast oer aa a a See REMI ETE NO LIT Drawn for The Daily News )Y a? @) 1419 - rr- SxO BACTO The Daily Nevs “Hop” Ia waite vey OWN MURDER, ——— =>