jay, August 11, 1913. THE DAILY NEWS Hori S = aT . ” Fe MER OTN ee at nee me nee AND pURCHASE NOTICES, 4 Land pistrict—District of Coast, | err: Range V . that The Prince Rupert Ke, oo co, Limited, of Prince oe ee ee intends to apply for permis prt, B. Ge» ogy acres of land near tue 0 ure Lase 7 ail hive r, bounded as follows: m at a post planted on the mimenent ake Matteleine hear the out pene Oouth 20 chains, thence west 20 thier’ ence north 20 chains, thence east oye aes point of commencement, con hains "acres, More OF 188, 5 De A) AUPERT HYDRO-BLECTRIC MITED. , ‘ CO, Ll Na George H. Kobl, Agent | a ioth, 10138, tod MY 96, 1019—duly 24, 1913. jar Land District —District of Skeena, ke notice that Samuel KR. Brown Jr., nee Rupert B. G., occupation engi- rintends wo apply for permission to the following deseribed lands; ~ at & post planted at the De Orher of Lot 2626. thence west hains, thence south 40 ah thence 40 chains, thence north 40 chains to h of commencement, containing 160 yore or 1e88. Oke MUEL ROLLINS BROWN JR. ted April 25th, 1913. bp, May 26, 1913—July 21, 1913. $$$ Tb Bann District—District of Coast, Range V. occupation farmer, intend to purchase the pa Land ista, B. C., pply for permission wing described Jands: bumencing at @ post planted at the nwest corner Of Lot 4125, thence rly along the shore line 20 chains or less, thence following the shore northerly snd easterly to northwest pot 4125, thence south 6 chains less to point of commencement, 12 acres more or less, LOUIES AURIOL. 4S ining ted May 218t, 1913, b. May 26, 1013—July 21, 19143. ya Land District—District of Coast, Range V i ke notice that James Jabour, of IM ce Rupert, B, C., occupation mer- 3 i, Intends to apply for permission to base the following described property: nunencing at @ post planted about % east of Mile Post 49 on the G, T. P, way, east from Prince Rupert, on an hd in the Skeena River, thence south hains, thence east 40 chains, thence h 80 chains, thence west 40 chains to t of commencement, containing 320 s more or less. JAMES JABOUR. ted June 18th, 10913, bb. June 23, 19013-—-Aug. 18, ‘ 1913. District—District of Coast, Kange V. na Land a eee ke notice that 1, Lancelot Russel Wal- HD Beavis, of Victoria, B, C., Occupation ter mariner, intend to apply for per- jon to purchase the following de- ed lands; yumencing at @ post planted on the heast corner Of a bay, 4 little to the ward of Skiakl Bay, Stephens Island, the foreshore, theuce east 20 chains, District——District of Coast, ange IV, { Make votice that Frank B, St. Amour of city of Prince Kupert, in the Province British Columbia, prospector, intends to y for permission to lease the follow , described land; “ munencing at a post planted on the coast of Banks Island, British Co- ia, on the shore of @ small unnamed and being about five (5) miles in an erly direction from End Hill, thence elghty’ (80) Chains, thence north nity 20) coains, thence west elghty chains, thence south twenty (20) ns to point of commencement, and aining one hundred and sixty (160) S more or less, FRANK B, ST, AMOUR, Locator. ated the 29th day of April, 1913. ub. May 5, 1913-——June 30, 1913. bia =Land ha Land District—District of Coast, Range 5, ake nolice that Guy L. Tooker, of e Kupert, B. C., occupation civil en- er, intends to apply for permission to chase the following described iands: inmencing 4t @ post planted at south faining 200 acres more or less, GUY L, TOOKER. ated July 6th, July 14, her of sept. 8 1913. it 907, Hange 5, Coust trict, thence north 40 chains more of t south boundary of J. A, Kirk- ck Ss application to purchase, thepce 40 chains more or tess following B boundary to northwest corner of Lot sence south 40 chains to southwest of Lot 31, thence east 20 chains e or less to high water mark, thence herly and westerly following high r mark to point of commencement, north 20 chains, thence west 20 , thence south 20 chains to point tumnencement, containing 40 acres CELOT RUSSEL WALROND BEAVIS. ted July 1st, 10438. July 21, 10913—Sept. 15, 1913. ia Land District—District of Coast, Range V that I, puver, ntend rehbase Thomas Pierpont » &, occupation to apply for per- the following de- post planted on ihe a bay, 4 little to the Bay, Stephens Island, and adjacent to L. Rh. W. thence horth 20 chains, West 20 chains, thence south 20 » Hence east 20 chains to point of tuencement, containing 40 acres more THOMAS PIERPONT BANKS, dated July ist, 1043, ub, July 24, 1913—-Sept. 15, 1913. uunenCIUg at @ hiveast corner of ward of Skiakl ahe foreshore, Vis claim, eena Land District—District of Coast, ange 5, Take notice that Martin Swanson, of hee Rupert, B. C., occupation painter, ends to apply for permission to pur- se the following described lands: Commencing at @ post planted at the ithwest corner of Lot $075, thence rth 20 chains, thence west 40 chains, hee 40 chains in a sdutherly direction und the shore, thence 40 chains in an terly direction round the shore to the ‘nt of commencement, containing one bdred and sige? acres more or less. ARTIN SWANSON, Dated June 24th, 1913, Pub. June 80, 1013——"Aug. 26, 1913. WATER ACT. otlce of Application for the Approval of Works, and for Approval of Under- taking by Minister of Lands. lake notice that the PORT EDWARD OWNSITE COMPANY, LIMITED, of yince Kupert, in the Province of British lumbia, will apply to the Comptroller : Water Rights for the approval of the aus Of the works to be eonstructed for fe utilization of the water from Wolf preck, Skeena District, for. which applica- ' bas been made by the company, and hder which application Permit No, 107 a been issued by the Comptroller of iter Nights, granting permission to the PANY. on EDWARD TOWNSITE COM- ; » LIMITED, to make surveys for pr struction of the works for diversion , 'wo cubic feet per second from said iH Creek for Municipal Purposes, one plans and particulars required by , lh One of Section 70 of the “Water » 4&8 atnended have been filed with the lUptroller Of Water Rights at Victoria, hupert the Water Recorder at Prince snd take ‘nottee that the said PORT FDOWARD TOWNSITE COMPANY LIM 'ED, also intends é under Part or approval by the undertaking to appl i} of the “Water Ace t : oe Minister of Lands of and’ Company as outlined in the plans Cor particulars now on file with the nN “ptrolier of Water Rights and with the nee Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C., cation nection with the company’s appli- Coples of the application, unde 59 a S : r Section ; n' the “Water Act” and of the peti- the MinigfbProval of the undertaking by Ne in nister of Lands as aforesaid, are on Shean 16 oMee of the Water Recorder of ; in eae at ence Rupert, B. C., ; D ce 0 1 W ater Nights at Victoria nneeroller oF neg ectons to the applications may be Rights with, the Comptrolier of ater Hin Parliament Bunaings. Victoria, ed at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 18th PORT. & 3 “ay of June, 1943. LIMITED YY 48D TOWNSITE COMPANY, July 44, sore” A. W. Agnew, Agent, LABOR AND ARISTOCRACY. Ottawa, Aug. 7,-Investigations carried on by the forestry branch of the Dominion government have proven conclusively that several large herds of wild buffalo are still to be found in the hilly coun- try on the northern boundary of Alberta, in the neighborhood of Stave River. 2 Y ea. i ae 3 * ‘ : Ney aS 3 Be So . GOES a ° ws te wae att ln IM TTT TTT UUIUUULUALEEALLUL TT HE cool lunch for hot days. Serve it in the country. Take the motor car, the family, a friend or two, some sandwiches—and Budweiser 7,500 Employes to Make It The Anheuser-Busch main plant and branches give employment to 7,500 people. The main plant covers 142 acres, equal to 70 city blocks. There are 110 separate buildings, a city in themselves. Anheuser-Busch, St. Louis The Largest Plant of Its Kind ys Distributors MTT HUN } WA Hundreds of visitors every day go through with guides to inspect this immaculate in- Stitution. One cannot see it without the convic- tion that quality is an Anheuser-Busch rule. PRINCE RUPERT IMP. CO. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Some of the Principal AA rT MAL FRED STORK’S HARDWARE Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable Iron Pipe Rope Pumps Stoves & Ranges Steel Blocks Pipe Fittings Rifles Valves lose Paint Rubberoid Roofing Established 1908 ——— Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Fishing Tackle & Shotguns Ammunition Corrugated Iron “We Sell Nothing But the Best” NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR THE AP. | PROVAL OF PLANS AND OF PETITION FOR APPROVAL OF UNDERTAKING, the PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMPANK, LIMITED, of uebec, will apply to the Comp- troller of Water Rightssfor the approval of the plans of the works to be constructed for the utilization of the water from Falls River and Khtada River, which the appli- water records nu 36 and 50 authorized to take, store and use for power purposes and in resi Cc rs 21, 27, ct to ations for 508 cubic feet per second from Falls River and 266 feet per scone from Khtada River e wer plants to be and 695, respectively, Petition for approval of the undertak- to the Honorable the Minister of Lands under Part 6 of the | | Take notice that 0 War | Montreal, ‘ ——— PRINCE RUPERT'S INDUS- cant is by TRIAL ANNEX | wien further app A launch leaves the govern- cubic ‘ . y are now pending. ment slip for Port Edward iaraae Rrrscu ty every day. For particulars 2) Range 5, Coast District. . . | apply to Harrison, Gamble $} ing will also be made ” 5 ard A & Co., Phone 54, 3rd Ave, Water hen The | sub-section one of and exhibits for plans and parkcutars required by ection 70 of the Water | Act, as amended, and the petition, plans z the approval of under- taking as required by Section 89 and Part 6 have been fled with the Comptroller of ater Re- to the application may be —AT— Water Rights and with corder at Prince Rupert, Objections CHEAP ACREAGE Tyee Park nic CO., Wkly j28-a18 filed with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. Dated at Prince Rupert, B, C,, this 2ist day of July, A. D. 1913. THE PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELEC- T 0., LTD, 1 and energy. 2nd Ave. E=SUOOF OO OGCHC OCHO OD GOHHOODDOOOOOOHOOOOCOODOODDOED 65 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS Near Prince Rupert Harrison, Gamble & Company FINANCIAL AGENTS Third Ave. wc Nice Apply FOR A TAXI Phone 75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO. Prince Rupert ; West coast of LAND LEASE NOTICES. Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V. Take notice that 1, Hume Babington, of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation master | mariner, intend to apply for permission to lease the following described land: Commencing at @ post planted at the northwest corner of H. B. Babington’s lease application on 4@ small island in the Skeena River opposite Mile 45, thence southwesterly along shore 40 chains to southwest point of island, ene north- easterly along shore 4 . B Babington’s southwest corner, thence north about 40 chains to ps of com- mencement, containing 100 acres more or less. H, B. BABINGTON, (Name of Locator.) Dated June 11th, 1913. Pub, July 7, 1913—Sept. 2, 1913. COAL NOTICES. Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Islands, Take notice that I, Latg éstori, of Prince Rupert, B, C., occupation winer, in- tends to apply for a@ license to prospect for coal onB oll over the following de- scribed Jands on the west coast of Graham sland Commencing at post planted st the northwest corner or Coal License 8296, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 \ ce West ‘80 chains to the point of commencement, containing 640 acres LUIGI ASTORI. Filippo Panvini, Agent. 14m, 1913 Sica Located M f° » 1913—Aug. 4, 1913 Pub. July Skeena Land District—District of Queen Take notice iat’ 1 WwW. E. W barrister at law, of the city of Rupert, Province of British Columb: tend to api of Lan la ham Island; Commencing from the post planted one mile south from the southeast corner of C chains south, thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains east to place of the beginning, containing 640 acres. W. E LLIA . . WI MS. Pub se ey Wa 4, 1913 Pub, July Skeena Land District—-District of Queen Charlotte Islands. Take notice that I, Antonio Christiano, contractor, of the Chey of Prince Supers, Proyince of British Col ia, in’ to apply to the Chief C f Lands for @ license to prospect over the following descri Graham ner oO for coal and oll a. lands on the Commencing at a oat planted one mile south from the southeast corner of Coal Lease 7432, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains west to the place of be- ginning, content 640 acres. “Alp, Panis At. Located May 11th, 1043. : Pub, July 7, 1013-—-Aug. 4, 1943 TRY A “NEWS” WANT AD