osday, August 12, 1943, ND pURCHASE NOTICES. 1 Lane Range V notice that The Prince Rupert e e Elec intends to apyly for permis a Becta 2 1 wear the m purchase 40 acres of land ne | Hi fiver ‘pounded as follows: ; ‘ a post planted on the y at aN t Lake Madeleine near the out- t f Li » south 20 chains, thence west 2u ence moe north 20 chains, thence east : = to poimt of commencement, con a ) acres more or less, NCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELECTHIC ©),, LIMITED. ‘ he y per George H. Kohl, Agent. » t i6th, 19138, ‘ d May J, 1918—duly 21, 1913. y 96, 106 tiene and District-—District of Skeena. « notice that Samuel KR. Brown Jr., e Rupert B. C,, occupation engi pends lo apply for permission to miene following described lands ; nmencine at & post planted at the r L thence south 40 Chains, thence chains, thence north 40 chains to r commencement, containing 160 e or 1e88. : OE MUEL ROLLINS BROWN JR. d April goth, 1913. i b May 26, 19138—July 21, 1913. , y 96, 3992 ee " Land District—District of Coast, Range V. Bb. C.. oceupation farmer, intend ’ jor permission to purehase the deserved lands; icing at @ post planted at the corner Of Lot 4125, thence iong the shore line 20 chains ess, thence following the shore porweriy afd easterly w borthwest 4125, thence suuth 5 chains or less to polmt of commencement, ne 12 acres more or 1ess, LUUIES AURIOL, { May 218t, 1043. bh. May 26, 1913—July 21, 1913. 4 Land bDistrict—District of Coast, fhange V e notice that James Jabour, of hKupert, B, C., vccupation mer itiends to apply for permission to the followmg deseribed property: uciug at & pust planted abuut 4% ist of Mile Post 49 on the G, T, P. my, east from Prince Rupert, on an “iy the Skeena River, thence south sins, thence east 40 chains, thence 80 chains, thence west 40 chains to of commencement, containing 320 more or lesa. JAMES JABOUR. ed June 18th, 1013, June 23, 19138-——-Aug. 18, 1013. jut a Land District——District of Coast, Range Vv. © notice that 1, Lancelot Kussel Wal- Beavis, of Victoria, B, C,, occupation r mariner, intend to apply for per- yo to purchase the following de- d lands minencing at & post planted on the ast corner Of a bay, @ little to the ard of Skiaki Bay, Stephens Island, « foreshore, thence east 20 chains, a Land District-—District of Coast, Hange IV, e novice Ubat Frank B, St, Amour of ity of Prince Kupert, in the Province tish Columuis, prospector, intends to lor permission tw tease the follow Jescribed land; mmencing at @ post planted on the ast of Banks island, British Co la, on the shore of @ small unnamed Bod belug about tive (5) miles in an riy direction from End Hill, thence eighty (80) chains, thence north : coains, thence west eighty ns, thence south twenty (20) to polmt of commencement, and ining one hundred and sixty (160) { tore Or less, FRANK B, 8ST. AMOUR, Locator. ed the 20th day of April, 1913 b. May 5, 191%—June 3, 10913. Land District—District of Coast, Kange 5&. ke police that Guy L. fooker, of « Kupert, b. &., occupation civil cu 7, iukends to apply for periwissiun to hase the following described lands; Th cing at @ post planted at south iming 200 acres more or less. GUY L, TOOKER, 1 July 6th, 1943, July 14, 1913—-Sept. 8 1913 rhoer OF Lot 907, HKange 6, Coast t, thence north 40 chains more ol suuth boundary of J. A. hirk- ck s application to purchase, thence 40 chains more or less following undary to borthwest corner of Lot hence south 40 chains to southwest of Lot $1, thence east 20 chains s to high water mark, thence erly and Westerly following high r ark to point of commencement, ijorth 20 chains, thence west 2U thence south 20 chains to point iamencement, containing 40 acres I RUSSEL WALROND BEAVIS. July 1st, 10438, y 21, 1913—Sept. 15, 1913. bistrict——District of Coast, Range V that 1, Thomas Pierpout Va iver, .B, &,, occupation utend to apply for per I hase the following de- ing 4f @ post planted on the her of @ bay, &@ little to the ! Skiakl Bay, Stephens Island, hore, and adjacent to L. R. W. laun, thence north 20 chains, col 20 chains, thence south 20 5, thenige east 20 chains to point of welcement, containing 40 acres more THUMAS PIERPONT BANKS. Bled July 1st, 1043, wb, July 21, 1913—-Sept. 15, 1943. Pha Land Distriet—District of Coast, Range 5 ake notice that Martin Swanson, of bee Rupert, B, C., occupation painter, ids to apply for permission to pur: © the following deseribed lands: olmmencing at @ post planted at the thwest corner of Lot 3075, thence th 20 chains, thence west 40 chains, ace 40 Chains in a southerly direction nd the shore, thence 40 chains in ap erly direction round the shore to the mt of commencement, containing one bdred and twenty acres more or less. MARTIN SWANSON, ated June 24th, 10148. Pub. June 30, 1013—Aug, 25, 1013. TD WATER ACT. ‘ce of Application for the Approval of Works, and for Approval of Under- taking by Minister of Lands. Take notice that the PORT EDWARD WNSITE COMPANY, LIMITED, of Hnce Rupert, in the Province of British umbia, Will apply to the Comptroller Water Hig&ts for the approval of the Us of the works to be eonstructed for uUlization of the water from Wolf peek, Skeena District, for which applica- has been made by the company, and r which appileation Permit No, 107 bee issued by the Comptroller of ’ Kights, granting permission to the PORT EDWARD TOWNSITE COM- ‘, LIMITED, to make surveys for ‘struction of the works for diversion ‘Wo cuble feet per second from said | Creek for Munielpal Purposes, I plans und particulars required by One of Section 70 of the “Water yo te Minended have been fled with th ps roller of Water Rights at Victoria, : ven he Water Recorder at Prince LANG take ‘notice that the said PORT WARD TOWNSITE COMPANY, IM ED, also intends to apply under Part | of the “Water Act” for approval by e Miittster of Lands of the undertaking : 5th company a8 outlined in the plans voy ehteulars now on file with the np toler of Water Rights and with the rele Recorder at Prince Rupert, B, C., igoanection with the company's appll- opi 8 of the application, under Section i } the Water Act’ and of the petl- mn or approval of the undertaking by ne Minister of Lands as aforesaid, are on i the office of the Water Recorder of nd in pistes at Prince Rupert, B. C,, @e oMece of the C Vater Righte et Vincosne Comptroller of raqections fo the applications may be re with the Comptroller of Water Datea ay dament a Idings, Victoria, rince Rupe Boy ‘ot Tehe. thea: ipert, B. C,, this 13th * EDW. i LIMITED. ARD TOWNSITE COMPANY, y A. W. Agnew, Agent” B July 44, 1948, pistrict District of Coast, Limited, of Prince corner Of Lot 2626, thence west | ta, the sea, pe ie | i obstructions from the Great THE DAILY NEWS TO CLEAN UP AND DEEPEN PO RTIONS OF THE GREAT LAKES. Launching of one of the big new dredges being built at the yards of the Collingwood Shipbuild- ing Company for the Dominion government to deepen the channels and generally clear up Lakes and facilitate the handling of grain from Fort William many Zeppelins overtook the first army airship Schutte-Lanz, which is apparently a worthless ruin of rags, matehwood and_= tangled wire, The vessel started from Ko- nigsberge for Berlin, but was muhl, a littlhe garrison town on province of Posen, to replenish hydrogen and effect repairs to the envelope. Here it was moored to an anchor sunk six feet in the ground and a force of 250 to 300 soldiers was told off to help to hold it down in case the wind rose On the afternoon of the day it was intended to resume the jour- the two cars was upset, with the result that the motor was dam- aged and some of the instru- ments smashed To put things to rights again it was found necessary to telegraph to Mann- heim for an engineer, who ar- rived on the scene and was busy in the car at the moment when the vessel broke loose. A violent gust suddenly seized the stern of the vessel and hoisted it nearly a hundred feet up in the air. The complete unexpected- ness of the incident appears to have taken the soldiers off their guard, and the majority of them, losing their presence of mind, let go the mooring ropes. The ten- sion thus placed on the anchor was so greal that it was torn out of the ground, which had been softened by rain, and the airship soared aloft at a vapid speed. promptly realized the danger and sprang out, bul two soldiers, Tracy, Minn., Aug. 07s woman was killed and woman, a mana boy and a girl were injured here al & o'clock last night when an engine struck an automobile on the main crossing of the Northwestern were Mr, and Mrs. ‘Tom Conners and daughter of Seaforth, son of Minneapolis. Mrs. Conners was killed stantly, her body being by the wheels of the engine, inh VAGRANT AIRSHIP CAUSES TERRACE NOTES. ERMAN SOLDIER SUDDEN GUST OF WIND TAKES SHIP FROM ITS MOORINGS— SOLDIER, ENTANGLED IN ROPES, FALLS FROM THE CLOUDS. DEATH OF G Berlin, Aug. 7.—-A fate similar | to that which has befallen so}ropes of their rigid rivals, the German | ithan thirty feet from the ground and was carried away lwill prove fatal. compelled to halt at Sehneide-| | feet and was killed on the spot. the northern boundary of the} airship seems there was but little current in the lair, for it is said to have hovered r Schneidemuhl It then gradually descend- jcountry quite close to the earth, | lknocking down the trees which it eneountered ney the airship was much shaken | n ‘legral ires. by a thunder storm and one of} nd telegraph wires crown of a plantation, but a puff peasants made a gallant attempt its career and, clutching then a strong carried up into the air. the airship collapsed, a wreck on the top on a planta- places, its pointed. ends, having and the neighborhood is strewn with splinters of wood and frag- ments of balloon cloth. The workmen in the car had| Lanz struction, having been ordered for GIRL HOLDS ON TO ASHPAN OF LOCOMOTIVE AND CHEATS DEATH WOMAN IS KILLED AND MAN AND BOY INJURED WHEN ENGINE STRIKES AUTOMOBILE AT IN MINNESOTA. RAILROAD CROSSING One, Comstock was injured seriously another | Gomstock, 16 years old, is un- iMr. Connors was shaken up and has a scalp wound, | ‘had a miraculous escape, 4 . ‘The occupants of the ear road le Oct feospect Bhs Min., ‘ . ‘ 1 Mrs. Wallace Comsto k and ; Sa) Bee. W's under the engine, bul managed to vet hold of the ashpan and held on until the engine was stopped, cut im two Mrs. Terrace, Aug. 9.—J. K,. Gordon returned from Prince Rupert on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Williams and Miss Rowley of Prince Rupert are the guests of Mrs. W. J. H. Petter here. Mr. Doyen is rapidly complet- ing his arrangements for a stage from the hotel on the Lakelse shore to meet incoming trains. This will open up a_ splendid tourist district. The hot springs and facilities for hunting and fishing are some of the induce- ments to intending visitors. D. B. Kenney is building a new house on his ranch, Already the structure shows evidence of good work upon it. “Dad” Weeks, one of the pio- neers of Kilsumkalum, returned from a prolonged trip with a sur- vey party on Wednesday. Mrs. Davis was taken down to Kupert on Thursday. She has the sincerest wishes of Terrace friends for a rapid recovery. Mr. MeDougall, William Man- son and A. H. Tomlinson were among the arrivals on Saturday's ttain. The Terrace band will give an instrumental concert on Satur- day evening, the 16th inst., in the Progress Club Hall, The musical program will be followed by a dance. The commission of agricul- tural interests held a splendid meeting here last night. It was largely attended. Local farmers greatly appreciated the visit of the members. Mrs. Petter entertained a large number of friends at her first re- ception on Wednesday afternoon and evening, ‘The hostess re- ceived in her wedding gown of white chiffon over white silk, and Was assisted by Mrs, W. E. Wil- liams of Prince Rupert, who wore a very pretty sown of Nile green silk, The reception room was decorated with pink carnations and a profusion of home flowers, while the dining room was bright and fragrant with sweet peas and eandytuft, Mrs, Marsh, Mrs, Lazell and Mrs. Munro did the honors of the tea table in the af- lernoon; in the evening Mrs, Little and Mrs. Kenny, Refresh- ments were passed by Miss Dea- con, Miss Etanda Marsh, Miss Morrison and Miss Sparks. The guests were very numerous and included Mrs, Donald, Mrs. Howe, Miss Donald, Mr, and Mrs, Gig- wey, Clay Giggey, Mr, Little, Mr, Lazell, Sam Eby, Mr, and Mrs, LeLond, Rey. A. J. Wilson, Mr. MePherson, Mr. and Miss Hag- erty, Mrs, D, B. Kenney and many others from both Kitsumkalum and Terrace, The street paved with good in- \ tentions is slippery. THE PRICE oF HOMAGE NCE when King Edward VIL. paid a visit to Sheffield, all the fires in factories and plants were allowed to die out. Nota wheel in Sheffield turned for twenty- four hours. @,The primary object of this was to lift the pall of smoke that hovers over that wonderful steel-produc- ing city, and to ensure, as far as man was able, a bright day and a blue sky for an auspicious occasion, @,It was Sheffield’s expression uf respect. UT the action was unique—it was unprecedented—it was unthought of that those hundreds of mighty furnaces, raging night and day, and those seethi boilers, with quivering valves, should ever be allowed to cool. @, This extinguishing of fires cost Sheffield hundreds of thousands of dollars—the price of the effort to get back again to high-power efficiency. OME business men in Canada pay an unwitting homage, not to a king, but to a superstition—the superstition that hot weather justifies letting the fires of business energy go out. They stop Advertising in the Summer months. By paying homage to tradition, custom, supersti- tion, they have allowed Summer to become their “dull” season. @,You know hoy dull it can be when you don’t advertise. Do you know how brisk it can be made by Advertising? Do you realize how much momentum you now lose in the Summer that must be regained in the Fall ? DON’T LET YOUR ADVERTISING FIRES DIE OUT THIS SUMMER. Advice regarding your advertising problems is available through any recognised Can- adian advertising agency, or the Secretary of the Canadjan Press Association, Room 603 Lumsden Building, Toronto. Enquiry invoives no obligation om your part—se write, if interested. Same rower eo eee: % Noitesions parenmet creer ane FRED STORK’S HARDWARE Established 1908 ———_——_———_—— mariner, intend to apply for permission to lease the following described land: Commencing at @ post porthwest corner of lease application on &@ Skeena River opposi southwesterly along shore 4 southwest point of island, thence 40 chains Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery LAND LEASE NOTICES. Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle Pipe Fittings Rilles & Shotguns easterly along shore Hose Paint or less. Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V. Take notice that 1, Hume Babington, of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation master Babington’r southwest Valves Ammunition north “about 40 chains r mencement, containing H. B. BABINGTON. i ‘ (Name of Locator.) Stoves & Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron Dated June 11th, 1913. Pub. July 7, 1913—Sept. 2, 1913. ce to int of com- “We Sell Nothing But the Best” COAL NOTICES. The Up-to-Date House Decora- tors of Prince Rupert ax ~ tends to apply for NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR THE AP- |isian | PROVAL OF PLANS AND OF PETITION| Commencing at a post planted at the FOR APPROVAL OF UNDERTAKING.|Dorthwest corper of Coal License 82 ° ° Silversides Bros Sine ce stn Shaan lo| Take notice that the PRINCE RUPERT | $e chbne te the nolnt of columencemente LUIGI ‘TORI. Panvil, Agent. HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMPANK, LIMITED, of | containing 640 acres Montreal, Quebec, will apply to the Comp- F troller of Water Rights for the approval Located of the plans of the works to be constructed Pub. ay +o for the utilization of the water from Falls Skeepna Land District—District of Queen ; Charlotte Islands, Take notice that I, Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation miner, in- @ license prospec! = for coal and oil over the following de- scribed lands on the west coast of Graham River and Khtada River, which the appli- use for power purposes and in respect to|, Take notice that J which turther poplications for 508 cubic | Darrister of * feet per second from Falls River and 266 Paper-Hanging — iii.'sirccet Team, HS, Migs aut | ta, tpg fo dn ahi are now pending. aoe pee plants to 1, oil and eee, mae Ath described lands on the west coast of Gra- situate on Lots 635 anc 695, respectively, ange 5, Coas rict. a Our Speciaities Petition for approval of the undertak- | 2am ee : ing will also be made to the Honorable neing from Comme! the Minister of Lands under Part 6 of the nit south from the Water Act. The plans and particulars required by Act, as amended, and the petition, plans and exhibits for the approval of under- Phone 156 Green| taking as required by Section 89 and Part vu o1 6 have been fled with the Comptroller of Located May { Water Rights and with the ater Re- Pub, July 7, corder at Prince Rupert Skeena Land _Distric M ous cant is by water records numbers 21, 27, ign Writing.. 36 and 50 authorized to take, store and Charloyte District of Queen Islands, t planted one corner of Lease 7432, thence 80 chains south, chains v al pa north, ohare 80 east to place of “ -8ec rth, e Olde Reliable sub-section one of Section 70 of the Water : are ; chu AR v Hayed eit the Seamene tpplontton Righte, | Sk Land District—District of Queen filed wit e Comptroller 0 ater . eena : . ae Charlotte’ Tslands. AP Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 21st Tyee Park Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B day of July, A. D. 194 Take ‘notice tha THE PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELEC- | p TRIC CO., LTD TD, oqenr penmeas waiy! Hat TEP, Hee Gpeaigeet far ea anda lands on the ————$——_———————— «over the following described west ‘coast of Graham island Commencing et a south: from sou Apply Harrison, Gamble & Company . FINANCIAL AGENTS TRY A “NEWS” WANT AD The Daily News Third Ave. Near Prince Rupert aS. ANTONIO CHRI oo Ph 5 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS one PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO. Prince Rupert FOR A TAXI } hai sts.aiean me & Located M 75 Pub. July %, 1018—Aug. 4, 1048 —a—vn— eee een ——ass—— Advertise in