f Every Boat bringing freight to Prince Rupert is likely to contain at this season some freight for us. Many new things have reached us lately, there being over a ton of shelf dry goods in one shipment alone, and from now until De- cember first we shall constantly be opening new goods. PENMAN’S SEAMLESS CASHMERE HOS- IERY for ladies at 45c, 560c and G6Oc a pair; in all sizes; have just been put into stock. ON OUR BARGAIN TABLES this week will be found a number of things in linen, all travellers’ samples and slightly soiled, for sale at twenty-five per cent. less than the regular prices. In the same lot of samples we bought a line of Turkish towels in linen and in linen and cotton, bath mats, etc., and several samples of linen table cloths, EVERY ONE A GENUINE BARGAIN AT THE 25% SAVING. H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Dry-Goods, Crockery, Wall-Paper, Etc. SWEET CLOVER Creamery Butter 3 lbs. for $1 / We deliver to all parts of the city Hart Block Everything in fresh fruits, Vegetables, Fish and Poultry. SHEPARD & JONES Phone 41 Summer Delight Coolness and comfort—deli- cious refreshment—are cork- ed up in every bottle of CAS- CADE BEER. Open a . bottle with your meals, and during the afternoon. It keeps you cool, even with the mercury away up in the glass. Keep a case handy in your ice box. Beaver Liquor Co., LIMITED Distributors, Prince Rupert, B.C. BACON'S CASH MARKET Phone 8 LIVE POULTRY FRESH EGGS FRESH CREAMERY BUTTER 50c LB. All Free, Phone O, D, All Poultry Killed and Dressed Sent ©, LOCAL VEGETABLES FRESH FRUITS Orders THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. H. P. Wilson returned last night from a fishing trip wp the Skeena, H. 8S. Wallace left for the south this morning on the Prince Geo- ree. He will return in about a week's time, kh. J. MeDonnell, of the Ingen- ica Hotel, Hazelton, was a pas- senger south this morning on the Prince George, A. H. Tomlinson, provincial government horticulturist, left jon the City of Seattle last even- ing for Skagway, A. J. Watson, the Presbyterian student at Terrace, came here yesterday to visit Rev, Mr. and Mrs. Kerr for a few days. H. S. Gamozzi, of Vancouver, who has been looking after his interests in this city, went south this morning on the ss. Prince George, Miss Blyth, who has been here for a week as the guest of Rev. Mr. and Mrs Kerr, returned south this morning on the steamer Prince George, Db. G, Stewart went south by the steamer Prince George this morning to meet Mrs. Stewart, who returning from = a two months’ trip to the east. is Dr. Stapleford, the secretary of the educational department of the Methodist church in British Columbia, returned south this morning on the steamer Prince George, Mrs. H. R. Harris . of Calgary, who came here last Saturday on a visit to her son KE. D. Harris, left for a trip to Vietoria this morning on the steamer Prince George, Mr. MeCubbin, who Was in the employ of J. W. Patterson, at Nicholl, was brought in to the Prince Rupert General Hospital, suffering from a severe attack of pneumonia. By the way, don’t fail to visit the exhibit of the British Colum- bia Breweries, Limited, in the Manufacturing Hall at the Van- couver Annual Exhibition, Aug- ust 30th to Sept. 6th, 1913. Bring along your friends and make the exhibit your headquarters for the week. A beautiful and interest- ing exhibit. The ladies are es- pecially welcome, 198 G,. A. Bryant returned last night from a week’s business trip in the interior as far as Telkwa. He reports business fairly active in the interior towns. At Smith- ers, the G, T, P. divisional point, a sawmill in operation and considerable business is done un- der canvas. The Union Bank in- tends opening up a branch there in the near future. Splendid progress is being made with the laying of steel which has reached mile 287, over thirty miles be- yond Telkwa, : is ; : ' & AN EARLY FALL COSTUME It is not too early. to be thinking of early fall clothes. The above costume is of white cashmere with a narrow black stripe, the salient feature of which is that the lower part of the coat is cul in one, with the semi- bell at the sides. n the Letter Box To the Editor of the News: Dear Sir,—In answer to your question in your paper of Thurs- day, August 21st, namely, to fig- ure out the amount you have re- ceived from the city for advertis- I wish to make clear that I financial ing. do not critize from a point but from a moral point as regards the duty of public offi- cials. When an official is elected he must realize that he repre- sents his political opponents as well as his supporters. If he uses his office to discriminate ag- ainst any citizen he is not fitted for his position when he is do- ing publie business what he may do regarding his private business is different. The may- high handed methods re- garding the city’s advertising by freezing out the Empire is to be regretted and is unworthy of any man holding such a_ position. Dollars and cents is not the right light to look at these ques- tions. ors Yours respectfully, W. H. MONTGOMERY. THE JAPS LEAVE Vessel is Likely to Sail This Af- ternoon The Japanese vessel, Kinkazan Maru, is, according to the latest reports, not likely to be delayed here any longer by the customs authorities. It is likely she will sail this evening. This afternoon she will probably come over from Digby Island to one of the Prince Rupert wharves. On the Prince George Anmong those who went south on the steamer Prince George this morning were: Miss Grey, H. P. Jones, W. 8S. Marshall, Mrs. Stuart, C, Mylius, H. Samuels, C. W. Herd, Dr. E. 8. Robertson, H. Peck, D. G. Stewart, Miss M. E. Rite, Miss Estrela Walley, Bus- ter Walley, Miss Charlotte Wal- ley, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. 8. C. Brin- ley, Mrs. Nevins, Mrs. Rivet, Mrs. T. E. Ellis, R. BE. MeDonald, T. Thomson, G. Pillsbury, Mrs, Bar- nes and child, Mrs. Morrison, Mr. Leggett, B. A. Trotter, C. H. Al- len, Miss Romans, T. E, Ellis, Mrs Sutherland, H. MeCandless, H. 8. Comozzi, Mrs. Stewart, W. F: Wakefield, W. J. Wakefield. W. S. Marshall, of the Prince Rupert Importing Company, left by this morning’s boat for Vic- toria where he will take part in tournament, Esquimalt a cricket with the team. playing Garrison H. Peck went south this morn- ing on the Prince George. LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. Skeena Land ag Ne Lala: of Coast, ange Take notice that The Prince Rupert Hydro-Electric Co., Limited, of Prince Rupert, B, C., intends to apply for permis- sion to purchase 40 acres of land near the Hocsall River, bounded as follows: Commencing at a post planted on the north end of Lake Madeleine near the out- let, thence south 20 chains, thence west 20 chains, thence north 20*chains, thence east 20 chains to point of commencement, con- taining 40 acres more or less. PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELECTRIC CO,, LIMITED. Per George H. Kohl, Agent. Dated May 16th, 1913. Pub, May 26, 1913—July 21, 1913. Cassiar Land District—District of Skeena. Take notice that Samuel R. Brown Jr., of Prince Rupert B. C., occupation engi- neer, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following deseribed lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner of Lot 2626, thence west 40 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence east 40 chains, thence north 40 chains to point of commencement, containing 160 acres more or less. SAMUEL ROLLINS BROWN JR, Dated April 25th, 1913. Pub, May 26, 1913—July 21, 1913, LET US HELP YOU TO A HOME OF YOUR OWN YEAR after year you've been paying out hard-earned money to your landlord for rent. You've promised yourself a thousand times that you'd make the start to own your own home but ou've found it diMcecult—you aven't been able to see your way clear. The C. H. I. OC. YOU THE WAY It is the most convenient and ractical home-owning plan be- ore the people of Canada. In all sections, our contract holders have been enabled to purchase homes of their own—free them- Selves of the landlord burden, Investigate the C. H. I. C. plan NOW. Call or phone our local oMce for particulars, You will be under no obligation, THE ° CANADIAN HOME INVESTMENT CO., Ltd. Head Office Pacific Building Second Floor Local Office Federal Bldg, PRINOE RUPERT, B. CO. PLAN SHOWS 5 CPTKE OBEN EVENINGS UNTIL UN” O'CLOCK Le “THE MERRY WIDOW WO Came in Smiling from Airship Wreck Mineola, L.I., Aug. 19—Mrs. Mary Simms, a wealthy young widow of New York, who has been taking flying lessons at the Hempstead aviation field, was saved from death Saturday by the fact that she was strapped in the seat of her monoplane when it turned turtle at a height of 290 feet. When the wrecked machine was lifted the woman aviator em- erged smiling and not much hurt. Pionic to Digby Island Under the Ruspices of the Skandinavian Society, a picnic to Digby Island will be held next Sunday, August 24th. Boats will leave the governinent wharf at 9 a.m. and 142 a.m. All welcome. Ladies bring your baskets. Gen- tlemen $1.00, Several = sport features for prizes. 197-198 BAYVIEW HOTEL BUSINESS FOR SALE The undersigned offers for sale the furnishings and lease of the Bayview Holel, corner of ist Ave. and 2nd 8t., Prince Rupert. Accommodation always taxed to full capacity. For particulars ap ply to MRS. E. EMMONS, Bayview Hotel, Prince Rupert 197-206 Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. Phone 4. tf — DEMAND Roya RESERVE WHISKY. AGE & YEARS GUARANTEED BY: THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA. RECOMMENDED FOR THe INVALID THe Home Tne Connoisseur THe PusBiic who nafurall want the besf. AGe, Purity AND MELLOWNESS UNSURPASSED. DISTRIBUTORS Prince Rupert Importing Co., Ltd PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Advertise in The Daily News ONE THOUSAND ACRES Of First Class Land Near town. Railway Passing meet Through it and Government Wagon Road Alongside. Offered at Very Low Figure and Terme to Suit Morice- CUTHBERT & COYNEY Specialists in Interior Lands Smith Building ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY HALL formerly Kaien Isd. Gymnasium To rent for Dances, Public Meet- ings, ete. Particulars at hall or Secretary, P. O. Box 268 RIGHTING AEROPLANE Army Officer Perfects Adjustment Which Makes Flying Safe In any Wind Villa Coublay, France, Aug, 18 The new self-righting flying apparatus invented by ° Lieut, J. W. Dunne, a retired British army officer, underwent most success- ful trials on the aerodrome here the of General Auguste Hierschauer, commander of the aerial corps of yesterday in presence the French army. Major Julian Relix, a French Friday, FOR A Ta : P hone 75 PRINCE RUPERT auto % ee eeroreooooooocesoeeeey, 7 BEST BARC) IN SECTION Typ a “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT TWO well furnished rooms for rent. Black 329, i FOR RENT—Flat in building Skating rink; all conveniences Tony Christian, 155 Sixth avenue eeu Phone oow opposite Apply west FOR SALE a three-room Mat for Flat also may be rented. Apply McRae & Co tart FURNISHINGS of sale, H. F. COWS fresh calved and coming tn always on hand, and tuberculosis tested, John Christy, cattle dealer, Collingwood West, corner Carleton and Westminster Road. Phone Collingwood 46 R Post office, Collingwood East, Box 20. 170-tf FOR SALE Rooming house in best loca tion Furnished Lease to be had on premises A sacrifice as party will have to leave For particulars see John Dyb havo, 319 Third Ave 10708 WANTED NURSE girl wanted Apply Mrs. L. W Patmore 196tf EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes posi- tion, Apply E. B. B., Box 1075 191-93 WANTED-—-Young woman for kitchen and housework; wages 830 per month with room, Apply Superintendent Prince Rupert General Hospital. 2u WANTED—Work a8 chambermaid or in kitchen, Apply Box 81, Daily News 192-04 YOUNG man wants to negotiate a loan of $400.00 to enter gold fNeld at Shushanna Is total abstatner, honest and industrious and willing to work. If successful net proceeds to be divided equally between party advancing loan and himself if unsuccessful, promissory note will be given for one year's time at 12% Inter est Address Box 33, News Office 194-95 WANTED Two bright boys about 10 years old, Apply at The News Office io5tr WANTED.—Second hand typewriter Un derwood preferred, Phone 131 1971f LOST AND FOUND LOST-—-A pocketbook containing some re cetpts for taxes paid on Prince Rupert property and some other papers which are of no value to finder Kindly re turn same to McAleenan’s cigar store and receive reward, 196-99 —_— CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MEETINGS. Held in Hays Bldg, 245 Ave. Sunday service 11 a. m. Sunday school meets after the morning service, Testimony meetings Wednesdays at 8 p. m, Reading room is open every day except Sundays and legal ho/idays from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. 192tf -Church Services FIRST PORSRYTERAy CHURCH ices every Sunday in th Chureh Hall at 11 an. and Empress Theatre at 7.30 p.m. Sunday School at 2.80 p. m. THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH McINTYRE HALL, 83RD AVE., NBAR 6TH BT. Bervides wer Bendey $f, ll am. @ 80 p. School 2.80 p. me larhes Bible Class 2.30 p.m. REV. W. J° SCOTT Acting Pastor THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE Services every Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7,80 p.m. Sunda: School at 2.30 p.m, oe REV, MR. DIMMICK - PASTOR ST. ANDREW'S ANGLICAN QHURCH Cor, Fifth Ave. and Dunsmuir Place Morning prayer, 11. Even- ing prayer, 7:30. Sunday school, 2:30 Pp: m. Holy ,communion rst Sunday of month, at 11 a m., nd third Sunday at & REV. E, C. BURCH - Rector THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL Granville Court Sunday services at 114 4m, 3 and 8 p.m. Ssun- day School, 1:30 p. m. Week night services Mon- day, Wednesday, Thurs- day and Saturday. a a a a EE Na ee pn ee FOR SALE Lots 7 and 8, block 9, Section 2, Atlin Avenue, $3,200; 84,000 + cash, balance arranged, Lots 16, Section Atlin 15 and block 4, 2, corner and Graham Avenues, $6,000; $2,000 eash balance arranged, Lots 15, 16, 47, block three, 18, Section 2, Graham Avenue, $2,000 each; 8800 each cash, arranged, Pattullo & Radford Phone 83 balance Second Avenue army aviator, was the pilot. He Lots 9 and 1 ascended in a high wind, consid. | cholcest resia : a ered too strong to face . by the ]8® located on tt t Orhan a other aviators present. that they afford ; ; a The apparatus displayed a de- }e8ds of the hart a gree of stability which drew ex- Lots 20 and " pressions of amazement from all] doupte aines A lange the expert witnesses. From time ]urai pasement ut to time, Major Felix removed his hands from the levers and held cee zat Rit Area ot opp them above his head to show the|%7°? 84 [| (ha Moresby Ave automatic equilibrium of the ‘an machine, which remained on a] OM Morse Crees perfect level, even when it en- Lot 10, Block i countered eddies, air pockets or]iem st. proba ; P squalls, will always be tht in Section Tw Bacon's Cash Market terms ‘made Live poultry, local vegetables, these offerings , ‘a fresh eggs, fresh fruits, fresh creamery butter 50c¢ per tb. .All poultry killed and dressed free, WESTEN All phone orders sent C, O. D, HAVER BROS, Phone 8, 197-98 Wan Mie for Loans ¢ ad —— = Third 8&t. Phone tm — GEORGE LEEK Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Brey Notary Public. Rents and Collections Albert Block 2nd Ave Prince Rupert Between HARRISON W. ROG Architect Sth ar 6th Streets Suite 1, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, B. ( Phone 300 P.O BOOKKEEPING - AUDIIN Bookkeeping Taught by Private Lena Terms Reasonable WENDELL R. JONES Phore 112 313 2nd in BROWN & BUTTERS MINING ENGINEERS METALLURGY AND MINING Res, Phone Black 413 Prince Rupert JEOLOGT Bor (4 P. 0. Box 203 Phone @ P. ROBERTSON INCORPORATED ACCOUNTANT (Eng) CHARTERED SEORETARY Audits, investigations, Adjustments, Li dations and Assignments Smith Block, 3rd Ave., Frince Rupert, ae a! THE MIDWAY LADIES’ AND GENTS’ GARMENT CLEANING PRESSING, DYEING REPAIRING Goods Called For 4 322 Bth Street AND 1 Delivered Phone Green al PACIFIC TRANSFER (0 Furniture, Baggage, Piano Mote ing and Genera! Cartag¢ REDUCE FUEL BILI Better :: Satisfaction has plumbing in his | 4 by improved instaliat let me explain how, ! can have * HOT WATER FOR THE BATH IN 20 init OR HOT DISHWATER IN 10 MINUTES 4ag ant : you system, J PI s wih a risfactiaa The reduction in for the cost of the 4 time and you will ha HARRY HANSON “The Reliable piumber” e SECOND aly PRINCE ure ee For Sale ed i with three Block 25, > PRICE $1,200 Lol 8 Gash Balance 6 and ! G. R. Naden Co, Lit ance Real Estate and insur Second Avenue