THE DAILY NEWS . Wednesday, August 9» 1 Ao, rey | BUFFALO BILL TO GET 7 err, morc HT “H] | HiS OLD CHARGER BACK Me CCR Service Gen THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA r : q at by the splendid steamer, aU BLIS : ka M d Indian Com . LTD., , B.C. - Nebraska Man an - THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C | om! lore sale for Privilege of Return= PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE Byeatie ing the Horse. Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, Victor; a Mondays and Fridays at 9 a, Sy Beattie on SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: a ree We : wee ane areas one Pri Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly, ' oa 4 ad Denver, Golo., Aug. 238,—Col- For . by @ay on Suereaye ws , d aa. @ran' . $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. - s : : onel C. J. Bills of Lincoln, Neb., Steamers Prince John and Prince Alb | ee Maintain Weekly Service Between Victoria, Vancouver a, 5 Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. : _ } Oe a 2 y, $ per year, y ; ; ‘ a \ today paid $150 for Isham, the ueen Charlotte Islands, Calling at Way Ports. |, Ss © Rupert $ ; : " c tay apt ; ¥ : i : ; ound Saturdays at 8 P. M. Also Weekly § ; nce | t HEsaD OFFICE , i] oe Pe ‘ al Ses : x famous white horse ridden for Harbor, leaving Prince Rupert on SPIY Service Me g Masset and ‘yaa ; ahah ak twenty-five years by Golonel W. F. ! ree , RAILWAY 8ERViCE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. GC. Telephone 98. a : Cody (Buffalo Bill Colonel Train No. 8 leaves, Primes Mupers, sesMound, 10 ..; . ; . " ods ( . Saturdays , : ¢ Bills came by automobile from SPECIAL LOW EXCURSION RATES & 4) , TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract aa NS. Fa fs hon Lincoln for the auction sale of routes in connection with the @RAND TRUNK RaiLWay- Optiongy rates on application. ' a i the bankrupt Buffalo Bill Wild 28th to Sept. 30th, Returninglimit Oct. 349: everen May BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES . a 4 f = : West Show, held today at the or- For through won penaen ete., apply : Ss 5 § der of the United States District Office Srd Avenue Prince Rupert Phone ayy New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219° East 23rd St., New . 4 4 F Court. York City, : ‘ ‘ : rh , The Nebraska man opened the Seattle—Puget Sound News Co. : Ene <6 bidding with $10. Garlo Miles, an DYE London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Buildi , ceed Indian, competed with Bills, and R APARTERS - “s :. : oe did not withdraw until the price CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY 2 and 3 Rh MENTS Trafalgar Square. went to $150, which was more|]| ARE YOU GOING EAST Per Month om IN SEMI-FINALS FOR WALKER TROPHY. than the sum he had raised by THIS SUMMER? PARTLY FI NISHEY case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers. The Montreal A. A, A, rink. From left to right; A, G, R. Darling, eolling: ie Syn shame war abe Special Excursions May 28th to Sep- Free | f} Wast . ‘ : ; rs t {Tee The £ t r Asher Platt, and D. J. H. Murdock. personal effects. The Indian hac Returning Lint October Sist. ro et A. Warden, G. T. H. ’ ~d. plann dt pI Sot the hot’ td ; " ve e 0 rese ? orse fancouver to Toronto anc FOCUIM cc cisscncrcvccvccces $02.00 || 1029 3rd Ave y/ Wednesday, August 27, 1913 Indy DAILY EDITION or Poa —— Cody, ae eet car at eee See Ave__Phone Bi Bi aoesn give Boat vetocin ante Te OE Pp eT ee “Tf that man sn’ FOOETO sos iss eee teas . PRESIDENT WILSON’S ment fairly is entitled to ask ay Isham back to Buffalo Bill, TUT “"peturn ...... aie ace are ee $108.50 ° ’ MEXICAN POLICY. the world to exercise patience steal the horse and give it to him a Pe See See $72.60 Little S NEWS Ay In an editorial dealing with until the unusual procedure myself,” he threatened. He was Vancouver to St. Paul and Be ea) the mission of Mr: John Ling} ®40Pted to meet an unusual appeased when informed by his |] other Points’ Correspondingly Soe || Magazines :: Periodicals ;; Newspay c : ; emergency has proved either rival bidder that he had the same 4. @. MoNAB CIGARS :: TOBACCOS « p to Mexico, the London Times : eis re ’ aig General Agent Cor, 3rd Ave & 6th St . So FRU that it has succeeded or failed.” — intention. Princess May, south, Saturday 9 a.m. || 2! Ave. Below | Island Chun points out that the United . pe KLONDIKER ON WAY ‘TO HAMMOND RIVER DIGGINGS CON- Nia iets : : Avenue next to Post rete States had no inducements to|A TALE OF FUSED HIS BEARINGS—RAFT WAS WRECKED AND a offer that would be likely to] TAMMANY, ~ OUTFIT DUMPED IN RIVER DEMAND ee ais tempt President Huert t Tammany is a private or- Sree et ere pits ae a aed acaeh aa izati i Lost for nearly a week in the;the river. He escaped with his RovAL RESERVE Empress Bowling Ale strive for the crown of a self- ganization which for more than : sacrificing patriot half a century has been run-|Wwilderness of the Chandlar dis-|life and managed to gain the Wi AND POOL 8, “He might be willing to ac- ning the public affairs of the|trict of Alaska with nothing to | shore, without matches or pro- HISKY. 4 ALLEYVe 1 Ty cept the good offices of an|* City of New York, and for]eat but raw porcupine and some jvisions of any kind. ‘ H. E. ROBE, Prop. American commission to medi more than a quarter of a cen-|poisoned ‘moose meat was the} He continued to travel down | aAcGeE® YEARS Ii §rince -— Employment bs tol bei 3 tury the public affairs of the|experience recéntly of “Kid An-|stream, growing more and more } “ win . Phone 264 ate between himself and the 3 : : ' GUARANTEED BY CENSED AGENTS revolutionary leaders,” the edi- State of New York, for private|derson, known to Klondikers as}famished and weary day by day : torial says, ‘but he would profit. Joe Anderson, The story of An-/and utterly fagged out by scram- THE GOVERNMENT surely require in return the re-| | Sulzer was elected under oe 8 Were nity Nts teks ai aie 8 the brush along OF CANADA. Complete Line of moval of the embargo on his} Tammany auspices to a public] @! lite Horse recently by Wm.|the shore of the river. RECOMMENDED FOR ’ candidacy. office in the state. Yanert, who was on_ his way | He ran across a porcupine and) THe INVALID BUILDERS SUPPLIES _ “President Wilson, however, After Sulzer had been elected | from ie i) Mae al eer i a Ried it ate « ee ne af THe Home WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited is clearly entitled to take his to the office he refused to per-|the Yukon flats, to the outside. |eaten raw, served to keep him for | Tne C : ro ; i Fr Yanert’s story it t sarsta few days more, when he hap-| G NE CONNOISSEUR New Wellington Coal. Bett af own line, allhough that line be form according to the schedule rom Yanerl's story 1l appears/a lew days more, ap- Tue PusBiic Caiak opposed to the whole of the laid down by Tammany. that Anderson started overland | pened to run into a deserted pro- | ie Aatuhel Pho 116 foreign diplomatic opinion, When Sulzer refused to per-|from Fort Yukon soon after the/spector’s or trapper’s cabin, On| want tos Coa? ——-———__—— - —— ne Rogers & Bad ‘because American action in form Tatamany accused him of | break-up, intending to make his|the roof of the cabin he evra "8 ate Rimi ea z Mexico carries with it greater corrupt actions, all of which|Way to the Hammond river dig-|piece of moose meat, evidently { e implications and __ liabilities had been committed before|sings of the Koyukuk, the “far-|left from the winter. He ale the | Ano MELLOWNESS UNION $5. COMPANY OF B.C., Ltd SMITH & MALLETT than the action of any other} Sulzer left Tammany. thest north’ gold camp in the/meat, and soon became seriously UNSURPASSED. eneenaciespainn power. Foreign crilics who So long ag Sulzer stayed with | world, there to engage in mining, ill. He thought he was going to DISTRIBUTORS ‘ . 9 Liens “Tapooondgest ; : s 3 : , ij oY fond rive sidie ing anaged to ‘pe | umbing, Heating, Steamfittin disclaim against * the seeming Tammany nothing was heard of Hither ae direc tions given we die, but finally spannge d e ba totisen. eek: batkaeaen n.-tadl S.S. Chelohsin 2 o, iae mee a ng we ineffectiveness of the: Ameri- corruption on his part. musher were not of the best or|his system of the meat, which he : , can attitude may be invited to Tammany does not want to|conditions conspired to befuddle|thinks was poisoned. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. of direction. Finally he turned up at Yan- remember that a false stey get Sulzer for the crimes he is|Anderson’s sense : ; But at any rate he lost his bear-|ert’s cabin, on the right limit of Wednesdays at 2 p.m, i might commit the United States alleged to have committed, but ’ i ings when nearing the Chandlar|the Yukon, some distance below | [7 _ i _ ees lis ie to a greater struggle than any for his failure to conduct pub- P “ since the civil war and to sub- lic affairs entrusted to his|camp. Try as he might he was!the settlement of Beaver, Yan- ‘Valhalla’ of S.H. &Ef. Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in \ Office: Srd Ave ¥ FOR VANCOUVER Phone 174" tnd Ave. bet. thadae | i | my a ee | | } Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesdapal end of which no man ean fore- Tammany. FOR VANCOUVER p.m. in the hall at 319 rd Aw see, There is no, moral to this;]eral days. out from his diet of roots, berries “The Washington govern- none is necessary. Coming to a river he built ajand raw meat, but after a week's raft and endeavored to cross the}rest with Yanert he improved . aad ! . oe Saturdays at 10 a.m. stream. The craft struck a rock|sufliciently to proceed down the Members P.R. L. Vintners Association . sc ? D. C. STUART and dumped his whole outfit into}river to Tanana. PRINCE RUPERT INN AND ANNEX eas — —- —- ; : = Owned and oO ecit by the Grand FOR GRANBY BAY dition to the dry dock and,ship Geo. 7 eae t, Mane 308 2nd Ave. “ Phone 2 add ene ¥ - ' mr Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 a.m. repair plant. The item reads: PRINCE RUPERT, 6. © In the Letter ae | “Tt will probably take ten years freaks a Fiat hve be eos St. Ct et a ane ie Te to complete the whole works W. H. Wright, Prop. . ° SIRE Ee banaon B.A : ee heath Pogers Steamship Agency Das : ‘1 ' ‘ planned, which inelude berths for L The following letter from Ar- bi HOTEL CENTRAL ANSON sig ocean liners, ship yards, lum- i. ‘ WILLIAMS & M thur Cuthbert concerning a very ‘ Bak ; ve preane | SE Stern ny Phone 116 a *Tber yards, finishing plants, saw ropean ani erican Pian Barristers, Solicitors, Et Peter Black, Prop. . sequent responsibilities, thé hand for the private profil of {unable to find the trail and waslert says Anderson was nearly all 8 4 a Me forced to wander about for sev-|in, thin and emaciated and worn 0 p "| reg Ory amosun’ SCAN DINANIAN SocuTT ‘ Has the Largest Circulation in Northern British Columbia THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert’s Artistic Job Printing Establishment star i z SLa 5 3 whie 3 startling statement hich he mills, ore dock elevators, ware- ade ¢ . c A yr as : oe made at the public meeting last hivess and-other iméuatries. . The stone. shorted. Wednesday should set matters to First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth ( , ; ) Ss are sufliciently ) "e- r t plans ’ sulticientl; Comp ts European Plan, Rates 50c to 81 eo ge own P dD i rights. He then gave MAaNY/nensive to command all the re- people to understand that there ; . ait . : r ® quirements of a city of several | 2 had appeared a statement in the : s é | a HAYNER BROS. 7. Y¥. Rochester Vv. D. Casley e UNDERTAKEKS ano EMBALMERS Canadia M 3 i voy lt thousand people. zanadian Municipa Journa 0 F EMPRESS HOTEL | . : aragr: , . f ral Directors the effect that it would take ten] Ths paragraph, which T quoted Third Ave., Between Sixth and a Phone No # } . s : ‘ Srd Ave. near 6th St years to complete the building of at the meeting, I submit should Seventh Streets | Lumber the dry dock. It now appears|cause our people to consider and on oe ear Oe | that this refers to all the works!devise a plan upon which Prince PREMIER HOTEL connected with the dry dock. R ; striv , Amert dE Pl M uldi ee ¥ : upert should strive to advance, merican. Abc Buropesn Pian The pees is Mr. Cuthbert’s| ang not to follow a policy of F. W. Henning, Manager Oo ngs EL FISHER letter: ’ reaching out to the different ROYAL HOTEL fA and Embaine Seg . To the Editor The News: parts of the municipality with Corley & Burgess, Props. A large stock of dry finish Deen nce ni ASONABLE J and “FROM HOME TO HOME.” I would like to correct the mis-|i™provements, as that policy Third Ave. and Sixth St. ing lumber on hand. Boat 2nd Bt., cor. 2nd Ave. Phone TEL FI Y apprehension which appears to|™ight readily be termed a tem- European Plan Steam Heated lumber a specialty. Delivery OPEN DAY AND NIGHT HO SIUM held regarding the statement 1|POrary disadvantage to the de- FEntt Shaner ROTO se made at the reiodin’ public meet.|Velopment of the port of Prince SaAyER eee, LIQYOR OD., Ody oricen due ‘ab ib Onn ‘ a Ss rf M r ci oo . nam penne a é ing coneerning the period for| Rupert. Second Ave, und Sixth St. Call y The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. completion of the dry dock. In Yours truly, Phone 102 all on us before ordering. ° in Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices, ' this connection it will be well to A. CUTHBERT, eee nee ane: Adver tise quote the item from the Can- Ge EPORTINR, CR, ~ = : a ; tim hades 1142 Pender Street West Vancouver, B.C. adian Municipal Journal, which! Wise is the man who puts his Fraser od Sixte Sts. OFFICE: . Phone 8500, shows that the plan includes ears on the job and gives his Phone 7 EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. e eu general harbor improvements in| tongue a vacation. Cor. 6th 8t. and 2nd Ave. Like Navigating A Ballroom Floor With A Bun On-Eh, Scoop? TU SAW A LUMBER JACIC RUN (AND KEEP I(T ROLL-\| (\T LOOKS So EASY THAT ACROSS s , HIS BUNCH OF gp \o WITH His Feet ||| BET WHE Boss A DOLLAR ; \(NOPE): Ms LOGS AND THEN UMP ON ZY) W\WoOUT & SHAT LOG THERE — f IN'rO THE hen WAT I COULD Do IT Yo! b “fof” Drawn for The Daily News » ———n \v AINT~ 2) 14\9- mm snd ~ pace me,