fe eee raeee THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN THE DAILY NEWS Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, Daily, 50c per month, or $5. + $2.00 per year. All Other Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. HEaD Daily News Building, Third Ave., TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. rates on application. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper York City. Seattle—Puget Sound News Co. London, England—The Clougher Trafalgar Square. Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers. United States and Mexico: 00 per year, in advance. Weekly, Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. OFFICE ’ Prince Rupert, B. GC, Telephone 98. Contract Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, . DAILY EDITION ENTIRE DISREGARD FOR WELFARE OF CITY. In a letter from “Advocate of Progress,’ published in this isshe, the editor of the Evening Empire is shown up in his true light as one who is ever ready to sacrifice the welfare of the city in order to satisfy his own vindictive animosity. His hypo- eritical campaign throughout has been waged for no- other purpose than a desire .to see those who are now in office turned out in the vain hope that the administration of civic affairs may be placed in his own hands once.more. A most glaring example of his abso- lute disregard for the fair name and welfare of the city his recent attack upon the purity of the city’s water supply. No greater harm can be done to a young city looking forward to rapid growth and development 1s an to advertise broadcast that disease and death await those who select it as their place of residence. Yet that is what the Empire has been do- ing, even without the slightest foundation in fact. How zeal- ous it is of the welfare of the citizens, yet at the same time » how ineonsistent. Every per- son of intelligence in the city knows that sewers are a most urgent necessity as a means of safeguarding the public health; nevertheless, the Empire is leaving no stone unturned to cause delay in securing them, Does the Empire think for one moment that an_ intelligent publi¢ can be gulled into be- lieving its policy sincere with such inconsistencies as out- standing features? While in- telligent residents of Prince Rupert no longer take the Em- pire seriously, yet incalculable so Friday, August 29, 1913. by its frfpiunitioa! attacks made for the purpose of fur- thering the personal aspira- tions of its editor, ’ —_——_—_0—_——_ EQUAL IN THE LIGHT OF THE LAWYERS. There is something radical- Iv wrong with a system of jus- tice that sends a healthy, if ignorant, brute to the gatlows for a murder committed under the influence of drink or the equally overpowering influence of anger, while it merely sends a degenerate like Thaw, who happens to be a millionaire, to the asylum for the’ insane. Something might be made of the mere brute by proper train- ing, while nothing can be made of the degenerate. A house of industry would be the proper place for the one, and a lethal chamber for the other. It justice that is wrong, system of society that allows such a man as Thaw, a dis- grace to the civilized world, to employ the ablest brains of the continent in devising argu- ments that may save him from the treatment which after all, but a tithe of what he de- serves. Talent is not so plenti- ful that the nation can afford to allow it to go to waste in wrangling interminably over the proper treatment for a de- generate millionaire. It would not be so wasted over the fate of a degenerate pauper, fortu- nately, for paupers of all kinds we can count by hundreds of thousands while we can count the millionaires by tens. But all men will not be the same in the sight of the lawyers, ¢ state of things which will be slow in coming to pass in our the system of but. the is not only is, injury is done the city outside S=SSSSS—SSSSS SS Has the Largest Circulation in Northern British Columbia present order of society. | THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert's Artistic Job Printing Establishment Read The Daily News ee ERE T™ MET ON HERE'S MY AND GET | “TO BREAK THE ICEL Vancouver, Aug. 25. a good deal on this side of hear the water about it being the pol- of both political parties Great Britain to remain neutral in the Canadian naval contro versy and allow Canadians to settie the question for themselves. But on the other side of the water we see the other side of the shield.” Hon. Joseph Martin, M. P. for East St. Pancras, who is in the city for a visit which will last un- til after Christmas Owing to the long recess atl Westminster, which does not end until Febru- ary, is not one of those men who believe in disguising the truth for sake of party allegiance, and he made it clear to the Sun last night that he, for one, and a good many Radicals also were of the opinion that Rt. Hon, Winston Churchill, first lord of the admir- iey in the Canadian people. ticians to say that they want this question in her own way, pected to be in sympathy with Jab JINGOES ORGANIZED ATTEMPT — TO HELP BORDEN NAVAL PLAN “FIGHTING JOE” MARTIN DECLARES THAT THERE WAS SE- CRET INTERFERENCE IN CANADIAN POLITICS BY ENGLISH POLITICIANS. — “We alty, had made a fool of himself}" ' : in his efforts to help Premier|like to anes penly if they jie are ie Borden push his naval contribu. dared, and who, elieve, are in tion policy down the throats of | terfering Segiis. “It is all very well for the poli- | to|/ never has been on: stand aloof and let Canada settle| sign of one. } It is all talk of the but|shipbuilders and the armament who naturally want to pro- the facts all go to prove that there | men, was an organized attempt by the | vide as much work for their en- jingoes in both parties to aid/terprises as they can and who Borden in every way possible. }will not stop at anything which “Not .only was this the case/will make for war expenditure with the Tories, who might be ex-|and the wasting of millions in THE DAILY NEWS centralization policy, but it was the ease with not only Churchill but other men high in the ranks of the Liberal party. It was nothing short of disgraceful. “Ohurechill’s memorandum was il] advised: it was fool- not only ish; but it was nol so foolish as was his intention of coming to Canada and stump the coun- try from end to end in favor of the Borden policy, He really had that in mind. He had all his plans prepared to leave Westmin- ster and come to Canada, but luckily he was prevented by the of sensible advice his more friends, “So far as_the rank and file of the Liberals in Great Britain are concerned, we recognize that this naval question is one for the people of Canada to settle for themselves, and themselves alone. But there a very formidable element in the political and busi- ness circles of England who would Is “What about eo emergency?’ ” “There is no emergency; there and IT see no armaments.” ; EE DURING CHANCELLOR HALDANE’S ABSENCE Great Seal of State Is Placed Under Express Charge of a Commission. Aug. 23.—While Vis- count Haldane is in Montreal de- London, livering the principal address at the annual meeting of the Ameri- Bar famous can Association, unlike his predecessor, Cardinal Wolsey, as lord chancellor, he left the great seal of state at home in charge of a commission. The viscount the first lord chancellor to leave the shores of England since Wolsey went his noted embassy to France. Both had to secure the express permission of the Sovereign to make the trip, but instead of leaving the great sea! at home Lord Wolsey carried it with him and his use of it while abroad was one of the contributing causes of his ultimate downfall. is on ROOSEVELT BACK From Long Trip Into the Arizona Desert. Chicago, Aug. 25. Colonel! Roosevelt( burned almost as red as the desert Indians, among whom he has been sojourning, arrived here today. He spent less than two hours in the city before departing for Oyster Bay. He was met at the Santa Fe station by Thgmas Db. Knight, president of the Chicago Progres- sive Club, and a delegation of members, and later took a “‘stand- ing” luneb conducted on a help yourselves basis at the club, The colonel said he had en- joyed his vacation and *had pro- filed by his studies of Indian character and customs. It is surprising how much news that not intended for publication people can give a re- is GRL THE TRAIN - CHANCEL N STRONG Hn CARRY NOU ACROSS THE CREEMK-= IT WILI_ SAVE NOU 4 MILE_ WaLIC AND Won Tai BUT A eae porter. ONE - LET \ — > fie 7 Z “TRIUMPH OVER BONY | Sovereigns Join to Commemorate Napoleon’s Downfall. | | 25-—All the tier- | man including Em- ! peror William, and the heads of} the cily republics of Hamburg, Bremen and Lubeck have assem-| bled here the of the} Prince Regent of Bavaria to com- memorate in the great Hall of} Liberation the defeat of Napoleon | in 1813, Besides the rulers, this | little town of only 4,000 inhabit- | Aug. sovereigns, Kelheim, guests as ants is entertaining nearly 70,000 Visitors who have travelled by automobiles from all parts of Germany. Find it through a Daily News “Want Ad.” TO MARRY BRITISH SOLDIER. Miss Helen Goudy, an American woman, considered one of the great beauties of the Republic, | has been won by a British sol- dier, Gerald Leigh, of the First Life Guards, England's crack regiment. Miss Goudy is the daughter of the late William Goudy of Chicago and London. A NEW FALL MODEL. Designed by Bernard, Paris. model of blue of blue moire, made with wide sash effect and trimmed with collar and cuffs of civet. WEATHER REPORT. Furnished by F. w. Dowling, A satin with jacket St Th Double Weekly Servic TO THE SOUTH by the splendid steamers PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE crogce Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, Victor Mondays and Friduys at 9 a. For Stewart on Thursdays at g Am For Granby Bay on Saturdays at 42 Pp, Steamers Prince John and Prince Aine Maintain Weekly Service Between Victoria, Vane, bi ques Ss Charlotte Islands, Calling at Way Ports 6 Prince p und Saturdays at 8 P. M. Also Weekly Seryice yO Rupee tt Harbor, leaving Prince Rupert on Wednesday “580% ang ‘yaitt ‘ RAILWAY SERVICE : ’ Train No, 2 leaves Prince Rupert, eastbound, ; Saturdays Wednesdays Py SPECIAL LOW EXCURSION RATES io 4): routes in connection with the @RAND TRUNK pq) 5 pth L Ohal 28th to Sept. 30th. Returninglimit Oct. 3146: way ‘overen For through tickets, reservation, etc, apy), { A._DAVIDSON ee Office Srd Avenue Prince Rupert Phone ty rem la and a Beattie on CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ARE YOU GOING EAST THIS SUMMER? Specia) mine May 28th to Sep ember 80th. Returning Limit October 81st, Vancouver to Toronto and POCUER See sidinsoecesetenss $82.00 Vancouver to Montreal and POUT nc ears ce dkeseevigss $106.00 Vancouver to New York and FOUMID bec cdsewecsceesecss $108.50 Vancouver to Chicago and FOCI cw ccccccccsmeacaceres $72.60 to St. Paul and ower Points Correspondingly Vv io, Low. 4. @. MoNAB General Agent Cor. 3rd Ave & 6th St .Princess May, south, Saturday 9 a.m. LUMBER COAL —and- Complete Line of BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited Phone 186 j i | | | | Observer. For 24 hours ending 5 a. m, August 29, 1913. Barometer, reduced to sea MOWOL 53°86 cals whe bh Ries ent 30.270 | Highest temperature..... 67.0 Lowest temperature...... 54.0 | wait iia a EE Hotel ; Directory eee Members P.R.L. Vintners Association PRINCE RUPERT INN AND ANNEX Owned -— . Oe by the Grand Pacifne Ry. Sweet, Manager WINDSOR HOTEL Corner of First Ave. and Eighth St. W. H. Wright, Prop. HOTEL CENTRAL First Avenue and Seventh St. European and American Plan Peter Black, Prop. KNOX HOTEL First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth European Plan, Rates 50c to $1 Per Day Besner & Besner, Props. 4. Y. Rochester Vv. D. Casley EMPRESS HOTEL Third Ave., Between Sixth and Seventh Streets European Pian, 500 to $1 Per Day PREMIER HOTEL American and European Plan F. W. Henning, Manager ROYAL HOTEL Corley & Burgess, Props. Third Ave, and Sixth St. European Pian Steam Heated BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR Co., LIMITED Second Ave, and Sixth &t, Phone 102 PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING CO., LIMITED Fraser and Sixth Sts. Phone 7 | i } | | | | FEN DEAR- I Wish THIS WAS THE OCEAN AND IL COULD CARRY Nou A THOUSAND MILES- uae Lh a Hilt thi OH GEE- MY FOooT SuUPPED! | DSSS i Empress Bowing “UNION $$. COMPANY OF 6.0., Ltd §.S. ‘Chelohsin’ FOR VANCOUVER Wednesdays at 2 p.m. §.S. ‘Camosun’ FOR VANCOUVER Saturdays at 10 a.m. FOR GRANBY BAY Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 a.m. Rogers Steamship Agency Phone 116 Georgetown Sawmill Co. Ltd. Lumber Mouldings A large stock of dry finish- ing lumber on hand. Boat lumber a specialty. Delivery made at short notice. Our prices are as low as any. Call on us before ordering. OFFICE: EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. | me CIGARS POBACC( Si Ff 12nd Ave. Below Kalen | and ¢ ‘any | Avenur t to Post omenm — DYE APART 2 and (NISHRD Free | i \ Giher \ Pe~ 3rd Ave Phone Bi Little's NEWS Agen Magazines —= AND POOL a Ae a ee cra, | pert Eloy tm LICENSED AGENTS New Wellington Coal. Phone 116 Best on Rogers & Bad Coast SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE Plumbing, Heating, Steamfittingnd Sheet Metal Work Office: rd Ave. Phone 174 Wortstg 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and iy ‘Valhalla’ of S.H. &ER SCAN DIN ANIAN SocteTY Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday ai p.m. in the hall at 319 3rd Aw D. C. STUART Accountant 308 2nd Ave. nt Prone PRINCE RUPERT. B. Oo } } | Barristers, j j | M. Manso! I A W.t \ $, BD. A, & WILLIAMS & MANSON Solicitors, Ete. MONEY TO LOAN HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS an! EMBALMERS funera! Directors Phose Ne # Urd Ave. near 6th St E. L. FISHER Funeral Director end emnelaet CHARGES KEAS' )NABLE 2nd 8t., cor, 2nd Are phone OPEN DAY AND NIGHT a Avertise in Where Did Scoop Get The Idea That He Was A Fairy Ferry ? oho Draw n for News DY “Hop The Da = OF A\ \ THY LITTLE ol SYOu TAKE’ FIRST PRI C1413 - In SAND - BAL