urday, August 30, 1913, D pURCHASE NOTICES. District— District of Coast, band mange V: bork The Prince Rupert ee og Limi tee, of Prince ' © ntonas to ap) for permis- ase 40 acres pe Yand near the B. puch ounded as follows: iver, b at a post planted on the eet Lake } Madeleine near the out- ce south 20 chains, thence west 20 Bhence north 20 chains, thence east s to point of comimencement, con- more or les: oA UPERT. HY DRO -ELECTRIC : BUIMITED. per Ge ne H. Kohl, Agent May 16th, 1943, ; Mey. 26, 1913—duly 21, 1013, Land District—District of Skeena, notice that Samuel R. Brown Jr., ~ Rupert B. C., occupation engi niends to apply for permission to the following described lands; pencing at s post planted at the st corner of Lot 2626, thence west ins, thence south 40 chains, thence chains, thence norton 40 chains to { Ne = 7 RR containing i6u pore or less SAMUEL ROLLINS BROWN JR. April 25th, 1913. P May 26, Wise duly 94, 1043, inact Land District—District of Range V. occupation farmer, intend to purehtse the Coast, , B. Gh y for permission ng described lands; yencing at & post planted at the est corner of Lot 4125, thence y along the shore line 20 chains pr less, thence following the shore priberly afd easterly to northwest t 4125, thence south 6 chains pr less to point of commencement, ing 12 acres more or less, ao AURIOL. 1913. d May 21st, May 26, io1d--auly 21, District—District of Range notice that James Juabour, of Rupert, B, C,, occupation mer intends to apply for permission to se the followimg described property: yencing at @ post planted about 4% st of Mile Post 49 on the G. T, P. y, east from Prince Kupert, on an in the Skeena River, thenve south jus, thence east 40 chains, thenve 8) chains, thence west 40 chains to of commencement, containing 320 More or less. ° JAMES JABOUR. 18th, 1913. 1913—Aug. Land Coast, June June 23, 18, 1913. Land District—District of CGoasi, ange notice that I, Lancelot Russel Wai- eavis, Of Victoria, B. C., occupation mariner, intend ae apply for per- b tw purchase ollowing de- lands; mencing at @ post planted on the st corner Of @ bay, @ little to the rd of Skiak!l Bay, Stephens Island, foreshore, thence east 20 chains, borth 20 chains, thence west 20 thence south 20 chains to point umencement, containing 40 acres r le LOT RUSSEL WALROND BEAVIS. 3. di July ist, 191 July 21, i913 —Sept. 15, 1913. Land District—-District of Coast, Range LV notice that Frank B. St. Amour of ty of Prince Kupert, im the Province fish Columbia, prospector, intends to for peruussion to lease the follow scribed land; bmiencing at a post planted on the oast of Banks Island, British Co- , oO the shore of @ small unnamed i being about tive (&) miles in an By direction from End Hill, thence bighty (80) chains, thence north . 20 ~uains, thence west eighty chains, thence south twenty (20) to point of commencement, and ing one hundred and sixty (160 wore or less FRANK B, ST. AMOUR, d the 20th day of April, . May &, 1913—June 30, Locator. 1913. 1913 Land District- —District of Hauge 5. notice that Guy L. fooker, of Rupert, B. C., occupation civil en- » intends to apply for pertaissiun to Sse the foliowing described jands: iCIDE &t @ pust planted at south r of Lot 907, Kange 5, Cowsi thence borth 40 chains more or south boundary of J. A. Kirk- application to purchase, thence chains more or iess following sndary wo Gorthwest corner of Lot her south 40 chains to southwest of Lot 314, thence east 20 chains less to high water mark, thence rly aod westerly following high luark to point of commencement, ung 200 acres more or less. ‘ GUY L. TOOKER. } July 6th, 1913. duly 14, 1913— Coast, Sept. 8, 1913. Land District-—District of Coast, Range V hotice that 1, Thomas { Vancouver, B. C., occupation lesman, intend to apply for per- purchase the oliowing de- jands; shcing &t & post planted on the ’ srher of @ bay, @ little to the " Skiakl Bay, Stephens cee foreshore, and adjacent to L, Ww. claim, thence north 20 cpains, West 20 chains, thence south 20 , thence east 20 chains to point of son ement, containing 40 acres more THOMAS PIERPONT BANKS. ed July ist, 1943, July 21, 1913—“Sept. 15, 1013. Pierpont ha Land District—District of Coast, Range 6, & notice inet Martin Swanson, of e eo +» occupation painter, us w on permission to pur- the fo ates described lands mmencing at @ post planted at the pwest corner of Lot 3075, thence e 20 chains, thence west 40 chains, e 40 chains in a southerly direction d the shore, thepce 40 chains in ap rly direction round the shore to the of commencement, containing one red and twenty czas more or less. MARTIN NSO ted June 24th, 19143. Foren bb, June 30, 1913-——-Aug. 25, 1913. WATER ACT. © of Application for the Approval of lane and Petition for the Approval of Undertaking. Ke notice fr Co., that the Port Essington Lid., will apply to the Comp- er of Water Rights for the approval plans of the works to be constructed the utilization of water from Cunning- bake, Which the applicant is by Water ©. 4125 authorized to take, store Se for municipal Pury ses, the Minister 2, made to the Hon e J 0 ands 2 ‘| Of undertaking re ae plans and particulars required by ‘ction 4 Of Section 70 and the peu : for ‘approval of undertaking, as re Bd y Section 89 of the Water Act as + ed have been filed with the Comp- bit of Water Hights at Victoria and 4© Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, hi byections to the application or ty fled with the Comptroller of Water » Parliament Buildings, Victoria, , Within 30 days from the date hereof. petition Pag it Vancouver this 80th day of some ESSINGTON WATEE 0., LTD., Applicant. Mw Aug. 4-95 Wilson & Whealler, Agents. Advertise in he Daily News 1) ear, Ce Laid Low This is the first authentic letter produced, exactly as written, We igl fs f ag 2 e Thaw has written to the It was penned in jail at Sherbrooke on a brown sheet of wra-pping paper ee ee exy Sone Eta ight wh wht Ue ae — —-—__—_—__—_— —————————eeee THE DAILY NEWS Rint Oude e stilt "balay Pb A fount ee LE. Fe} be EPA mT Cotte . Fe Facwexaam clot at tou article, anhiresl Sei » Rak / hkl aa Sh oe press Po greet res since THAW’S FIRST AUTHENTIC LETTER TO THE PRESS Matieawan. here with from and is escaping can be put before the courts. In TRANSPARENT COSTUME CAUSED GIRL TROUBLE German Damsel Wearing X-Ray Gown Was Detained by Immi gration Officials. Aug. 26.—As she sfood for a moment silhoutted against a bright sun, wearing an X-Ray gown, the appearance of Miss” Maria Mayor of Stettin, Germany, caused a stir among passengers, immigration officials, interpreters and hundreds of per- Philadelphia, sons who met on the steamship Cassel, which arrived here today from Bremen. Then came the run down the gang plank. She seemed not to mind the bulging eyes of the passengers and officials, nor to realize that her flimsy costume was in any way unusual, until il eame her turn to pass the immi- gration officials. took one look, The inspectors and Migs Mayor was ordered de- tained. The reasons were not given out, bul Inspector Hughes of the Gloucester detention sta- tion would not deny the state- inent that it was because she was not properly clothed, Hers was no ordinary, everyday X-Ray cos- warm day was more, or lume seen every Chestnut street. It rather less, than that- real thing in transparent ness, and it might have made of Esmopauito netting. been A man is all right as long as he keeps oul of your way, FIGHTING FOR POSSESSION OF THE BURNS’ MANUSCRIPTS SOLICITORS ARE LOOKING FOR A DIRECT DESCENDANT OF THE POET—LORD ROSEGERRY GIVES HIS VIEW OF THE SITUATION. London, Aug. 25.—A romantic|this connection it may be stated search for lost heirs and pro-|that the Scottish law on title is racter gatio £ Oo "eS . tracted litigation may both result) o(ponger than that of England and from the sale by the Liverpool] 5 f Athenaeum of the Glenriddell|® correspondingly stronger fight Burns manuscripts to an Ameri-|€@n be made in Scottish courts can It appears that Sothebys|than would be the case in Eng- still retain possession of the}land, manuscripts awaiting the -out- Lord Roseberry has expressed come of the threatened litigation|the opinion that Mrs, Currie had by the various societies which | no claim to the Glenriddell manu- would retain the manuscripts in|scripts and no power to give them this country. ito the Liverpool Athenaeum, A Liverpool firm of solicitors is} Which, consequently, had no preparing the case on behalf of | power to dispose of them. The the societies, and the proceed-| Written words of Burns himself Be FY ar ig aa cee ah jare cited in proof of this. In a |preface to the book of poems in | the Glenriddell manuscripts, in which Burns solemnly dedicated ithe manuscripts to his friend, | Captain Robert Riddell, the poet | plainly stated that he presented |the manuscripts to Riddell as a |tribute of gratitude for the happy j}hours spent under Riddell’s roof. | When Riddell died in 1796 Burns asked the family to send him the manuscripts, so that he BOBBIE BURNS might complete the second vol- -- ume. This was done, and the ings will be started as soon-as}manuscripts doubtless would they have discovered and indenti-| have been sent back to Riddell’s fied a direct descendant of “Bob-|but for the poet falling ill. After bie’ Burns, although the likeli-|his death his widow handed the hood of the contestant being suc-| manuscripts to Dr. Currie for cessful against the ght of the| biographical purposes. Lord Athenaeum to dispose of the | Rosebery argues that they were mal oriphe seeing that they/only loaned, and should have age hee: in that body's posses-|been returned to Burns’ widow. sion for sixty years, may not, on | However, they were retained by the face of it, appear strong.|the Liverpool Athenaeum. It The solicitors in question hold|will thus be seen that the ulti- the view that the title of a legal|mate destination of the manu- descendant of Burns has not been|seripts probably depend upon ousted and that a very good case whether a direct descendant of Burns ean be found now living. WOMAN BURNED TO DEATH IN KITCHEN She Paid Terrible Penalty for Lighting Fire in Range with Alcohol. Wenatchee, Wash., Aug. 26.— Miss Clara Jensen, 20 years old, from morning. ), Butler alcohol to burns re- She was died yesterday ceived Sunday maid al the H, ¢ home and using denatured kindle a firedn the kitehen range to prepare breakfast. There was an instant explo- sion, covering the maid with biazing liquid. Terrified, she ran out on the lawn and was instant- ly followed by Mr, Butler, who covered her with a blanket. Inhalation of flame and shock were said to immediate cause of death, was nerv-- be the ous HIS STAR WANING Caruso Is in Mood of Philosophie Melancholy. Rome, Aug. 26,—Caruso, who is taking the Cure with his eldest 'son at Monte Gatini, is in_a philo- jsophical mood, To a newspaper- oulman he said today: “It is about time the public it was the|ceased to take an interest in me, flimsi-|There are plenty of young stars rising who soon will shine with dazzling brilliancy in the firma- ment of art, Mine is dimming. in rate way]Don’t you think so?” Then he sadly shook his head and walked slowly away. | | | | | t |___MASSET NOTES The Masset rural school, in charge of Mr. Thomas Richards, was opened Monday morning with an enrollment of fifteen. There are about a dozen others of school age who will enroll later. —-® An was unknown fishing launch wrecked Monday night near Long's camp. The oceu- pants were taken care of at the camp and will endeavor to repair their craft. survey Charles Clayton, a well known resident of the north, and a brother of Dr. Clayton of Prince Rupert, was taken seriously ill during the week and left on the Albert for Prince Rupert. He will enter a Victoria hospital for an operation. Mr. Clayton was in- jured several years ago and has never fully recovered from the effects. M. S. MeDougall came in from the Yakoun River country this week on a brief visit to the me- tropolis of Masset Inlet. Mrs. Watson of Woden River left on the John last week on a three months’ visit to Lodi, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Williams of Graham Centre were visilors here during the week. Cc. M. Wilson returned week from Prince Rupert. last C. Harrison, fisheries inspector, returned yesterday from his tour of inspection of the plants at the south end of the island. The B. GC. Fisheries Co. is in the hands of a receiver. The can- nery is still running, but fishing operations by this company have ceased.— Masset Leader. WOMAN’S NUDE BODY FOUND COLD IN DEATH Wife of Notorious Portland Phy- sician Takes Her Own Life. Portland, Aug. 25.——-Mrs. Harry Start, wife of Dr. Harry Start, a physician and one of Portland's notorious vice clique, who was released on appeal after convic- tion and left for Hongkong, com- mitted suiside with morphine in her home in one of the fashion- able residence districts. Sinee her husband's acquittal and his departure for the Orient, Mrs. Start has refused to mingle with neighbors, admitted no one to the house and refused to answer tele- phone calls, while at night ber moans could be heard for a block until the neighbors’ sleep was dis- turbed. This morning was found on the porch of the Start home a letter from Dr. Start to his wife telling of his plans for himself and her in’ the Orient. The door was forced open by the police when notified, and the woman's nude body found at the door of the stairs, death having been caused by an overdose of morphine, to which she was addicted. Mrs. Start was a strikingly handsome woman, The diligent fostering of. a eandid habit of mind, even in ment, both to character and opinions.—Howson, Launch Alice B for hire. Tele- phone Green 394, Davis’ Float, 155.tf trifles, is a matter of high mo-’ any other razor. and Drug Store in this town. edged blades, 50c.—i2 Blades (24 shaving edges), in nickel-plated box, $1.00. Office and Factory—The New Gillette Building, Montreal. OBE SASCCRR VOUS UE REUSED SEUSS VETS VOUS SsBeesesseeeseesens The Ever-Present Gillette Wherever you see men buying razors, in drug, jewelry or hardware Stores—wherever you see men shaving, in club or Pullman , or home—there you will inevitably find the Gillette Safety Razor purchased and used. It has won the approval, almost the affection, of busy men whose time it saves—of thrifty men whose cash it saves—of particular men who value a clean, smooth face—of average men who never could shave comfortably with That's why over six million men use the Gillette, and why you can buy Gillette Safety Razors and Blades at practically every good Hardware, Jewelry Standard Gillette Sets cost $5.00 — Pocket Editions $5.00 to $6.00—Combination Sets $6.50 up. 6 double- GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED. Years ago, when the main line of the Grand civilized world. Trunk Pacific was first located through Central nee ‘Columbia. British Columbia, we made a most careful and sys- tematic survey and investigation of this new terri- tory. Alded by engineers, surveyors and the im- mense amount of data assembled, we were able to locate the sites of the future large cities and trade centres of this wonderful new country—Fort George, and Hubert and New Hazelton. Fort George, the first of these new cities promoted and developed by us, needs no introduction—it is known throughout the HUBERT The new city of Hubert is located in the heart of the Bulkley Valley at its widest part. It is on the main line of the Grand Trunk Pa- acy of our of the development and will be the same organ ment and the same careful an jaced Fort George in ities of Western Canada. FACTS ABOUT THE cific Railway, and is the centre of a large and AF ais proved agricultural district, surrounded by an NEW enormous field of bituminous coai, a delight- ful climate and sure market for all produets; CITY three miles east of Aldermere; townsite now being cleared; roadws.s pened. It will -have PFD a substantial population from the start. OF Watch for the big opening announcements. A few tracts of acreage adjoining townsite, HUBERT suitable for subdivisional purposes, for sale, Natural GEO, J. HAMMOND, President Joint Owners and Sole 620-625 Vancouver Block, Vancouver its success has been record it is sure to develop into one of the big cities . Fort George conclusively demenstrated the accur- udgment. Hubert, the second of these new cities, will soon be placed on the market. Back otion of this new wd anion, the same mana d systematic dovelee- ment, and a like amount of “liberal Raver eerns that the front rank of the new NATURAL TRADE ‘| GENTRE 30 OF RICH BULKLEY * VALLEY Resources Security Company, Ltd. Agents Fort George and Hubert Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley Bulkley Valley Fort George District —IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS— FARM LANDS Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on ‘ easy terms. FARM LANDS NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000, 00 Limited VANCOUVER, B.C,