September 5, 1913, THE DAILY NEWS ——— DAY, f p PURCHASE NOTICES. WITHOUT YOU. Without you, love, the day would hold no light; kindly stars would from the night; The flowers would forget to wake pistrict—District of Coast pane Range V r that The Prince Rupert co,, Limited, of Prince Bp. C. intends to ap ly for permis- urchase 40 acres 0 jand near the pounded as follows: Seneing at @ post planted on the nd of Lake Madeleine near the out- notice jectric The vanish ace south 20 chains thence west 20 . AY oe north 20 chains, thonce east ” Se | ioe aReeuxcenc The rose die sleeping, leaving but 0» acres more O BO be GPent HYDRO-ELECTRIC pa ee ,, LIMITED. thorn per George H. Kohl, Agent. 16th, 1913 $9495 uy 91, 1018 '+-National Magazine. 1913— ; ‘ May . May 26, SS Land District—District of Skeena Without you, love, the buttons on notice that Samuel KR. roy dr, my shirt e rt B. G., Occupation engi- : yi 3: sag ‘ji Co iis to, apply for permission to Would probably be rolling in the e the following Srrniecan th | dirt; mencing ar Los 86 Oy thence west My socks het : of holes at toe is, thence south 40 chains, thence ‘ ’"hains, thence north 40 chains to and heel, commencement, containing 160 And nothing on the table at each re or less. a EE nn me THE PRICE oF HOMAGE ( April 26th, 101% Without you. 13. May 26, 1013—July 21, 1913, j 12 acres more or iess. rn LOUIES AURIOL. Sidi you. Sheffield’s expression uf respect. d May 21st, 1913. ae . July 21, 1913. Ohieago Record-Herald, May 26, 1913— UT the action was unique—it was unprecedented—it was unthought of that those hundreds of be td Land District—Disirict of Coast, Without you, love, I'd really like Range V ‘ . to go furnaces, raging night and day, and those notice that James Jabour, of —y f ‘4 le’ burles ° . . . Kupert, B.C. occupation inet To see a hot tamale burlesque boilers, with quivering valves, should ever be allowed to ntends oO apply 0. er ssion 0 7. . . : . bec tue following deseribed property: wonae cool. @, This extinguishing of fires cost Sheffield hundreds And when the girls came out to dance and sing, Well, maybe then I wouldn't do a thing— binencing @t & post planted about % ast of Mile Post 49 on the G, T, P. east from Prince Rupert, on an the Skeena River, thence south thence east 40 chains, thence of thousands of dollars—the price of the effort to get back again to high-power efficiency. Bis, 80 chains, thence west 40 chains to : ° ° ena? of commiencement, containing 320 Without you. OME business men in Canada pay an unwitting homage, JAMES JABOUR. —Springfield Union. d June 18th, 1913. . June 23, 1913—Aug. 18, 1913, not to a king, but to a superstition—the superstition that hot weatlir justifies letting the fires of business go out. They stop Advertising in the Summer . By paying homage to tradition, custom, supersti- they have allowed Summer to become their “dull” @You know how dull it can be when you don’t — Without you, love, I'd haye such precious joys As building up a headache with the boys. Some day I'd be famous as an old ener, mon tion, season. Land District—District of Coast, Range V e notice that I, Lancelot Russel Wal- Beavis, of Victoria, B, C., occupation intend to apply for per- mariner, * . bu. to | purehase the following “de- souse, advertise. Do you know how brisk it can be made by uenclng at & post planted on the And grow dyspepsia in some Advertising? Do you realize how much momentum you ust corner Of @ bay, @ little to the rd of Skiaki Bay, Stephens Island, foreshore, Wence east 20 chains, north 20 chains, thence west 20 , thence south 20 chains to point Inmencement, containing 40 acres boarding house— Without you. be regained in the Fall ? now lose in the Summer that must SAYS JOHNSON WOULD DON’T LET YOUR ADVERTISING FIRES DIE LUT RUSSEL WALROND BEAVIS. ; ed July ist, 1918, OUT THIS SUMMER. july sh, 1 Sept. 15, 1943, SLIT TROUSERS FOR MEN THE LATEST MAKE A GOOD SLAVE a Land Distriet—Distriet of Coast,] At last the masculine ankle is to come into its own. Some Ameri- ) I Range IV, can cutters have invented this Ex-Sultan of Morocco Expresses freakish costume fashion, which Jooks notice that Frank B. St. Amour of : : of Prince Rupert, in the Province m come h Columbia, prospector, intends to r permission to lease the follow- His Views on the Colored Champion Boxer. like a Mexican bandit’s opera escribed land: 1cINw a r lanted e ‘ aria gf _Paris » tra- Advice regarding your advertising problems is available ga any recogn Can- of Banks Mislead, Britian bon Paris, Aug. 30.—Paris, the * : adian advertising cy, or the Secretary of the Canadian Press Association, Room a, on the shore of @ small unnamed ditional resort of kings in exile, 603 Lumsden Building, Toronto. Enquiry involves no obligation on your part—so nd being about five (5) miles in an } ite, if i ly direction from End Hill, thence now harbors the ex-Sultan of Mo- waite, if ta eighty (80) chains, thence north T i y (20) Suains, thence west eighty rocco, Abdul Aziz. chaius, thence south twenty (20) ; jiesty. i lowi f S to point of commencement, and , His Majesty, a Howing robes jning one hundred and sixty (160) more or less, of white, is to be seen daily in a GRAHAM ISLANDERS DESIRE ASSISTANCE OF GOVERNMENT IN OPENING UP GREAT STORES OF FUEL WEALTH FOR DEVELOPMENT. FRANK B. ST, AMOUR, Locator, ed the 20th day of April, 1043. May 5, 1913—June 30, 1913. along him automobile driving To distract large the boulevard. from his gloomy thoughts he was Land District—District of Coast, — Range ’ oe te taken to a well known vaudeville e notice that Guy L. © We have read the opinions of}drilling if assure . ‘ap-|_ ater ite ” . Kuper , B. C., oceu Selon tei’ ane P & tae ired of enough ¢ ip establishment to see the “Revue.” | WHEE ND LEASE NOTICES Skeena Land District—District of Coast, “if r, intends tO apply tor pertalssiun to | 2Oted men, says the Queen Char- ital to pay for the plant. The potentate gazed with in eee LA i saneka? hy the following described jands: — |) ‘ , ; . We have met several of these aE ; 7 ak tice- that Thomas S. Crew, of in icing at Md , iy. |lotte Islander, who state that f ‘ al ¢ 1eS¢€ fra danctros c array ; Take notice ; s s rer "Ot "Lat Tg + ars ; 4 men, and they are enthusiastic difference at the long array of FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Skeefia Land District—District of Coast) Tetbury, England, occupation gentleman, Neg ct, thence north 40 chains more or|there is oil in different parts of Dash AEs ich inthe cacbh a0-aint gorgeously arrayed dancers; only Range V. intends to apply for permission to pur- - suuth boundary of J. A. Kirk-| 4) le : . ve . ‘ when Jack Johnson appeared to Take notice that 1, Hume Babington, of}chase the following described lands: P Ef application’ % urchase,” thence }.-Dis island, and have seen the rt ave rate ‘ latmea . . " r . 1. ‘ ; ; chains more mor less. following hale. tar s idee : d they have invested in claims, give an exhibition of boxing and CIROUIT NO. 1 Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation master Commencing at a post planted one half } ag ndary to northwest corner of Ler| Sale, tar and other indications|which they are willing to donate Bc ‘th hig wife did a gle Box 12—th St. and 3rd Ave. mariner, intend to apply for permission to} mile south of the southeast corner of Lot B,. Hee south 40 chains to southwest! of ihe existence of oil. The won-|tO any company ready to invest si dank aedabhorit gs Sodas tant Box 13—6th St. and 3rd Ave lease the following described land: 130, Range 5, Coast District, thence west i Lot $1, thence east 20 chains ; 0 " ' . *"lof interest dawn in the royal x ? Commencing at @ post planted at the|s0 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence - if sto ilgh water mark, thence} der is that so little interest is capital on terms that should en-| ... Box 14—sth St. and srd Ave. northwest corner of H. B. Babington’s|east 80 chains, thence north 40 chains) to aber lark 0 point Of commencement, taken by those who have capital|SU"° great profit. We are per-| “wwhas 9 splendid slave he vee ine of 1st, 2nd and} jease application on a small island in the | Keres aide oe tem wat ee if ih g 200 acres more or less, , , . . “"lmitting the introduction of fuel ae 4 Skeena River opposite Mile 45, thence THOMAS S. CREW. 17 4 ai GUY L. TOOKER. and who will invest thousands , would have made for me a few Box 16—ist Ave., between sth and southwesterly along shore 40 chains to P, M. Miller, Agent. Saas Static? Pee aR Prete ping nate tnad nytt, of, duly, for the Fese0n | vane: hino,") ocidmmemmnioety, Witham 9 Oe: ieees Bie) southwest point, of island, whence north-| Dated fuly 218h, 1018505 45, 1013 Saas bao. » 8, . dollars in developing mining f yur railroad ¢ steamship|° ~~.’ ; : : bet . (Cen- S y alon c io A.B. ub. Aug. 15, Bead | 4 sstrict-—-D Y ‘ i ee Wirection 20 chains; thence a = y . ’ ie » P j Pe sawm urposes, an n respec oO which 4 r of Water Alghts for the approval/been employed in some of the/Richard H, MeDonald, editor of /MMier Rppheation for 56 cubic fect per |} REV. ¥.W. KERR, M.A. Past || scoons Lava Wlateei--Dinieies ee, Gola ia & RORENIEE direction 80 thains, aeeee. ar plans of the works to be constructe¢|/ greatest oil fields in the world|the Times, was arrested here OM|second from said creek (Water Permit Range 5. sans P too acres more or less, a the utilization of water f , Bho ; ciel | cae f-criminal libel No, 95) is now pending, ‘The sawmill to THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Take notice that Cecil J. Crew, of} ment, containing TAM MACY f Bh Lake, which the wire ee who have visited the place where/a charge of criminal libel, be situated on Lot 121, Range 5, Coast McINTi Ab HALL, 28D AVE., NEAR 6TH ST. Posthoawh Wales, occupation’ bauer’ th : WIL I ie my ni ». 408 pic e nj io ; ace t sir re istrict, tends to apply for permission to purchase 113. Pay No. 125 authorized to take, store/@ drill is now place d, and theit : ; The plans and particulars required by Services every Sunday at 11 DP, 0.0 Dated June 27th, 1913. rs Avlication winicipal purposes, expert opinion is that there is no] Baptist Brotherhood basket pic~ sub-section one of Section 70 of thei® > Sm Ged [20 pm. Readey i kt Mia a RS SE EL 1913—Sept. 22, 10413. ih ication will also be made to the Hon- I ne ‘ Tuesday. § ¢ Water Act as amended have been filed 80 | south of the south L " bie the Minister , stence 1ic on Tuesday, Sept. 9th, at 8] 8 ome oe : Bible Class 2.30 p.m. outh of the seutheast corner of Lot 130 k finister of Lands for the ap-|doubt of the existence of oil injt y, 1 ’ with the Comptroller of Water Rights and XI : § . , Range 5, Coast District, thence south 20 | of undertaking, : wh aie tat at the new Baptist Church. | with the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. REV. W. J’ SCOTT Acting Pastor h hi mas he plans and paricnlars requirea by|iarge quantities, They are not)p. m. al bie new Maptish Lauren.) Objections to the application may D6 | ree chains, thence weat 40 chaing. tenes Bors ERT FEED CO (ae for moiety Section 70 and the petl-|jn a position to invest in the|Ladies bring baskets to be auc- |piea with the Comptroller of Water Rights, THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH of ‘commencement, containing $0 acres Ls ee fred by Beotion 80 of the Water esl necessary machinery, but are will-|tioned to the highest bidder. No |Parinyrn puis Hapert, B. c., ‘shia 20th SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE Re ee CECIL J. CREW Ae i Of Wate miei with: the Comb: ling to prove their assertions by} basket over $3.00. Everybody | day Of August, A. Do 1018. lcent Bervices every Sunday, at, 11 ee a Pott Milter, Agent. 908 Third Avenue Shue h the Water hn at Victoria an . : : ; tA ; AMES ; N, . aw Ds Dated July 22nd, 1913. a Ii, ‘ue Water Recorder at Prince Rupert,| giving their time to the work of] welcome, 208-14 “w-sept, 1-22 REV. “MR. DIMMICK PASTOR Pub, Aug. 18, 1018-—Got. 43, 1948. eae Whicctions to the application or petition - nna ae bani Deal i 8 y be Nied with the Comptroller of Water —— — ; ET Skeena Land District—District of Coast, ealers In ? lls, Parliament Buildings, Victoria a : ST. ANDREW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Range 5, Se “., within $0 days from the date hereof, : Take notice that Louis Frank Banville,| FEED SEEDS ‘hate Dated at V ‘ Cor. Fifth Ave, and Dunsmuir Place eae il sores - a at Vancouver this 30th day of —IN THE— forming preger, 1. ghven Poader, intends. 10 apply “for perulssion to ans TIMOTHY j i a PORT ESSINGTON WATER CO., mht ie 00 Pee purchase the fo owes a rl pads Li 5 UTD Applicant. ‘ Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley F ARM Communion frat Sunday chain an nenoins 45,8 Rost aye led ab Pines | OATS CLOVER ne Aug. 4-95 ealler, Agents. F ARM Bulkley Valley Fort George District ee month, iy ait, 2 Rupert, thie atk, then ea st (0° chains WHEAT ALFALFA i t n _ RES ARDS— a, m, thence south 5 chains to bank 0 eed he IN TRACTS OF 160 Ac AND UPW. 8 ces oO BURCH ‘ Rector River, thence following the river bank ip CORN ETO. hy L ANDS Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on ial & westerly. and nortears ¥ ines on, fo point Gi Advertise in ss a Ti SALVATION AMY, Oe ee 188. OUISE FRANK BANVILLE —— an rany ? SR Dated July 18 1913. ve ae e e Sunday services at. 41 Pub. Aug! 18 ¥ot8-~det. 13, 1913. CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY } ‘ TH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited farsttal a9 3. ehool, ; . . & ® 9 VANGOUY aoe Week alent services Moa. . day ednes urs- 3 © Wally N@WS|E rae ve carina: schon ree a a Eta TRY A “NEWS” WANT AD |nait orcers promptiy attended to