islative Library x DEST CIRUULA Hlure THE CITY AND NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Py iV, NO, 209. ; HE DAILY NEWS NEXT MAILS From South . Princess Tonight For South SPOKANE. 6 oes ss Seen cee pes Tonight Princess Sophia..Saturday, 9 a, m, PRINCE RU PERT, B. G., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1913. “PRICE FIVE CENTS HAW ENABLED TO PROLONG HIS STAY IN CANA —— 7: Fol. HERBERT UELL.. POSTMASTER ‘GENERAL. . Haldane, Lord. High Chan efore the American Ass wed by the as an epo Herbert Samuel, the Pos the Marconi sar press scanda Inent in LORO HALDANE. 4ORD HIGH CHANCELLOR TWO BRITISH CABINET MINISTERS VISITING CANADA of ociation cellor tritain, whose address at Montreal- ch-making declaration. Was des Right tmaster General, who was prom- Is. E OTHER WHITE al to The Daily News | Francisco, Sept. 6. Farley etta was yesterday found count of the viola- one the Mann white slave act, t pronunciation of sentence | follow the convietion Y are other charges to be the hearing Lola Norris, m the prisoner had Reno, admitted having D e evidence in regard to a ms with Caminetti, She she had not told the h when they were arrested at } s she had decided then to} shield the man she loved | then trusted. Caminetti followed her limnony throwing intlerest- | delights on the “eternal tri- le,” but in the main a repeti- she nom SLAVER IS CONVICTED JNDER MANN ACT OF UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER GENERAL OF IMMI- GRATION TO RECEIVE PENITENTIARY SENTENCE FOR - HIS DEBAUCHING INFLUENCE, tion of what she had previously told for the benefit of Diggs at his trial. She made a willing and even wilness for her hus- band. Caminetta person for eager in the did not testify his defence, government forestalled him, and in he listened to his own words as taken down by a Sacra- surl reporter. Caminetta did not deny his acts, but sought to qualify them the motives fram which they sprang. He told how he happened “incidentally and accidentally” to leave his wife in Sacramento with a baby three weeks old, when he started the California line with Lola Norris. His defence was to all intents and purposes the same as that put forward by his com- panion, Diggs, convicted on like charges. as place mento ec by across GEORGE DOUGHTY ACTING couver, Sept. 4.——-Mr. J. K, inapager of the Bank , Was this morning ap- Hiivd receiver of the B, G, Fish- Company on the application | ! 1, 1OCal = nto Bi. J. i. Bird, solicitor for the enlure holders. The order lade by Mr. Justice Clement ! carries into effect a previous ern MONEY TO LOAN CONTINENTAL TRUST COMPANY, LIMITED Prince Rupert, B. C, toe. FCEIVER APPOINTED FOR THE DOUGHTY FISHING ENTERPRISES AS TRUSTEE FOR THE DEBEN- TURE HOLDERS—WAS TAKEN SUDDENLY ILL WHEN IN NEW YORK. order made by Mr. Justice War- ringlon the chancery division of the High Court of England. The company had been notified of the application but entered no Sir George Doughty, opposition, the promoter and president of the gompany, is acting .as trustee for the debenture holders, before ‘lwhom the proposals in regard to the company's future were laid at a meeting three weeks ago. It was stated to his lordship that the debenture issues were for $250,000, of which 80 per cent. was subscribed by parties for whom the Bank of ‘Toronto 1s act- ing as agent, Sir George Doughty started a fortnight ago for the old country but he got no farther than New York, where he lies ill in bed, Baptist Brotherhood basket so- cial on Tuesday, Sept. 9th, at 8 p.m, at the new Baptist Church, Ladies bring baskets to be auc- tioned to the highest bidder. No $3.00, Everybody 208-14 basket over welcome, HOT SPRINGS NEARLY DESTROYED BY FIRE Damages Are Estimated at Over a Million and a Half Dollars in Buildings. (Special to The Daily News Hot Springs, Ark., Sept. 6, At_ 8 o'clock last night thirty blocks of buildings, including the city lighting plant and the court house, had been totally destroye by fire. The fire started in the afternoon in the outskirts, and although fought with great vigor was not got under control before it shifted to the main business section of the city. Block after block was attacked by the flames and demolished, the total being estimated at over a million and a half dollars. loss SPECIAL EXCURSIONS FOR THE FALL FAIR Arrangements Being Made for Transportation from Islands Prize Lists Sent Out. A. Cotter, assistant Manager C, H. Grand Trunk to General Nicholson, of the Pacific Steamship Co., was an arrival this morn- ing the Prince Rupert. He was in conference with Secretary L. Bullock-Webster, of the Prince on Rupert exhibition, relative to transportation matters for the Queen Charlotte Islands. If is understood that special arrange- ments will be made to have the Prince Albert convey intending Visitors and exhibitors from the islands, This evening at 8 o'clock there will be a special meeting of the board Of directors of the North- ern B. C, Agricultural and Indus- trial Association at the exhibi- tion office, Third avenue, when Architeet Potter’s plans for the allotment of space will be con- sidered and confirmed, The office staff is busy sending out 3,000 prize catalogues throughout the northern district, the first consignment covering the towns and villages along the main line of the G,. T. P. railway having left this morning. The directors will also take up the question of advertising contracts in the three daily papers. FINED FOR CONTEMPT Secretary Western Fuel Company Failed to Produce Books (Special to The Daily News San Francisco, Sept. 6—An or- der directing the imprisonment of David C, Norcross, secretary of the Western Fuel and a fine of $2,000 was imposed on the company by the United States District Gourt yesterday, Nor- cross had ignored au order of the Co., court to produce the company books before the federal grand jury. The execution of the or- der was deferred until Monday at the request of the company. Deaths on Shushana Trail. Seattle, Sept. 4A © special from the Shushana gold fields, Alaska, gives the total loss of life among stampeders up to August 28th as ten. Four were drowned on the trail from McCarthy, two were drowned on the way from Fairbanks, one accidentally shot himself and three are reported to have starved to death on the trail, Baptist Services. At the close of the service to- morrow morning the ordinance of the Lord’s supper will (D. V.) be observed. Acting Pastor Scott's morning subject will be “A Lamp in a Dark Place.” In the evening, “What Will the Harvest Be?” Mrs. Walker will preside at the organ, Sunday school in the af- ternoon at 2:30. Everyone will be welcomed, F, O. B. social dance, K. of P. Hall, Helgerson Block, Wednes- day, Sept. 10, commencing 10:30 p. m, Westholme orchestra. A good time assured, Gents $4.00, ladies free, 209-44 } LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Northwestern League. Vancouver 3, Tacoma 0. Seattle 1, Portland 2 Victoria 4, Spokane 3. Coast League. Portland 1, Oakland 0. San Franciseo 1-5, Venice 0-4, Los Angeles 9, Sacramento 3. National League. Brooklyn 0, New York 3. Philadelphia 1, Boston 0. St. Louis 3-8, Pittsburg Cincinnati 8, Chieago 4. American League. Boston 6, Philadelphia 3. New York 2, Washington 3. Detroit 6, Cleveland 7. Chieago 1, St. Louis 0. 8-11. DESCRIBES HORRORS OF SHUSHANA TRAIL Says Many Are Facing Starvation and Death at the McCarthy End of Railway. (Special to The Daily Seattle, Sept. Grace Bost- wick, a newspaper woman wha has just returned from the north, describes the horrors of the trail which starts from Cordova to the Shushana district. says there are graves all along the way and dead horses everywhere. There are insurmountable diffi- culties of kind. One part of the trail from MeCarthy is bog News She eevry and mire for miles and miles. She says that_-many at the Me- Carthy end of the railway are facing starvation and death. THE CITY SOLICITOR AT THE CONVENTION Mr. Peters Brings Forward Reso- lution That Province Shall Pay for Prisoners. ; Special to The Daily News Vancouver, Sept. 6.—At_ the convention of British Columbia Municipalities yesterday City So- licitor Peters of Prince Rupert fathered a resolution to amend that secion of the municipalities act which provides that the mu- nicipality must pay for the keep of prisoners when it is possible, instead of sending them to the provincial prisons. The amend- ment was carried and will be brought before the government. TREMENDOUS RAINFALL FROM COAST TO COAST New York’s Famous Subway Inun- dated—Slides on Canadian Pa- cific Delaying Trains. (Special to The Daily News New York, Sept. 6.—A terrific cleudburst occurred here yester- day which for a time paralysed all transportation facilities, The subway was inundated to a great depth and its operation suspend. ed for hours. Boats had to be used in the lower parts of the city. Vancouver, Sept. 6. — Heavy rains in the interior have caused many slides on the Canadian Pa- cifie railway and trains are badly delayed, Raleigh, N, C., Sept: 6,—ITt is reported that Ocraoke Island, in Pamlico Sound, was swept by a hurricane yesterday, and the whole of the five hundred inhab- itants of the island drowned, Fort George Mr. Arnold, of our firm, has just returned from Fort George, where he spent a week looking over the townsite which is to be sold by the G. T, P, on the 17th of this month in Vancouver, Mr, Arnold will attend this sale, If you in- tend buying any of this property and are not able to attend the sale personally, he will be glad to pur- chase for you. Call. at our office and talk the matter over, H. G. Helgerson Ltd, PRETTY WEDDING AT G. T. P. INN LAST NIGHT Bride Just Arrived from Scotland Two Hours Before the Ceremony. Special to The Daily News’ Within two hours after arriv- ing inthe city yesterday from Scotland Miss Annie Jeanette Herron was united in marriage to George Wilson, storekeeper for Archie MeDougall. The ceremony was performed at the G. T. P. Inn at 6 o’clock by Rev. F. W. Kerr in the presence of a few friends of the bride and groom. Miss McLeod assisted the bride, while the duties of best man were filled by D. Crerar of the G. T. P. freight offices. Among the invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. James Carmichael, the Misses Scott, Mr. Morfee and Mr. McDonald. Following the cere- mony a wedding supper was served at the Inn. KILLS HIS WIFE AND HIS FOUR CHILDREN Also Eight Other People Trying tc Arrest Him and Set Fire to Town. Special to Thé Daily News Mulhausen, Alsace - Lorraine, Sept. 6.—A crazed music teacher of the name of Wagner yesterday murdered his wife and four chil- dren. A large crowd gathered and attempted toa arrest - the maniac, and during their efforts he succeeded in killing no less than eight others. He was fin- aliy clubbed and stabbed to death with pitchforks. After killing his family the maniac fire to the town and a number of homes were destroyed. set FIVE ARE DROWNED Wreck of Gasoline Schooner Off Seward Peninsula Nome, Sept. 6.—The gasoline schooner Seddon was yesterday wrecked on the northern coast of Seward Peninsula and the five men aboard of her were all drowned, Stefansson Expedition Special to The Daily News Point Barrow, Alaska, Sept. 6. ~The steamer Karluk arrived here yesterday with the Stefan- sson expedition, Presbyterian Services. Rey. F. W. Kerr will preach in the Empress Theatre on Sunday evening on “General Booth,” and will outline the life and religious statesmanship of this great su- perman, Morning service is held in the Presbyterian Hall, on Fourth avenue. The pastor will preach on ‘“Forsaking Christ.” Sunday school is held in the Em- press Theatre at 2:30 p,m. Methodist Services Services at the Methodist chureh at the regular hours of 11 a.m, and 7,30 p.m:; Sunday school at 2.30 p.m. At the morning service the Rey. Mr. Dimmick will preach on the subject ‘“Journey- ing with God,’ and in the even- ing on “A Question to a Dis- couraged Man.” Preliminary Notice The first dance of the season under the Auspices of the Dau- ghters of the Empire will be giv- en in the Kaien Island Hall rooms on Friday, October 19. 209 At Port Essington on Thurs- day Gus Hansen, captain of the quarantine launch Evelyn, and Mrs. Noel were quietly united in marriage. The popular Gus now receiving the congratulations of his many friends. is Mrs. W. H. Wright leaves. this afternoon on the Princess Sophia for a trip of two months to Cali- fornia, MORE STAY DEPORTATION AS AN UNDES (Special to The Daily News) Coaticook, Que., Sept. 6.—The immigration officials, after an ex- amination of Harry K. Thaw, de- cided that he was an undesirable under the act and ordered his de- But Mr. Joyce, deputy attorney general of New York state, had Thaw arrested for gambling on a railway. He was arrested on the train playing poker, the cards and chips con- fiscated and the newspaper men he was playing with were also arrested and placed in jail. Thaw was later admitted to bail in $500 and proceeded on the way to cross the international boundary line. There was a scurry then among the United States officials. Sheriff Horn- portation, ered fisheries protection cruiser William Joliffe has been pur- chased by the C. P. R. and will join the service of the big com- pany in October, according to well authenticated reports current along the waterfront. The Joliffe will be taken over by the CG. P. R. for use in towing the coal hulks. The fleet will then consist of the Toliffe, the Czar, the Nanoose and the Qualicum. The William Joliffe two funnelled steamer, but when she joins the CG. P. R. fleet she will be placed on one boiler and one funne! and will be. transformed into an oil burner.. A new boiler is a government at a rate of one hun- dred and fifty dollars a day and she is now completing her sec- ond year as a fisheries protection cruiser, During her employ she arrest, in order to be duce him in further on September 45th, will court. CRUISER WILLIAM JOLIFFE IS BOUGHT BY CANADIAN PACIFIC CHARTERED FISHERY CRUISER WILL JOIN THE GREAT FLEET OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC SOME TIME NEXT MONTH. will be installed for this pur- pose. The Joliffe is at present under charter to the Dominion] OF PROCEEDINGS IMMIGRATION AUTHORITIES ORDERED THE DEGENERATE’S IRABLE, BUT COUNSEL SE- CURED ANOTHER HABEAS CORPUS WRIT. beck, of the county in Matteawan asylum is which situated, DA SORRORS OF CORDOVA TRAIL TO SHUSHANA DESCRIBED-IMMENSE FIRE AT HOT SPRINGS THAW MILLIONS SECURE ONE was ready to arrest him when he stepped on American soil and there were many others ready to aid him. “Better have ready, boys,” Attorney Jerome. soon be in Vermont.” But in counsel your “We had treal judge appear before ficials, and they gloomily the count. on board the vessel. The William Joliffe is by the B. CG. Salvage Co., five or six years ago. for she was one tance tows. The release of and the way service on her protection one is now coast. next, machines said Prosecuting shall the meantime Thaw’s secured a_ second habeas corpus writ from a Mon- restraining Thaw’s able to pro- proceedings when Thaw a Montreal This was a knockout for the United States lawyers and of- took Vancouver, Sept. 4.The chart- (has done valuabie work in scar- ing poachers from Canadian waters and has also several cap- tures to her credit. Captain Newcombe is the fisheries officer owned who brought her out from Liverpool The tug is well known at the Mersey port of the famous Joliffe fleet of deep sea tugs which undertook many notable long dis- the William Joliffe from the government serv- ice will coincide with the arrival of the first of the two cruisers built for Canada at Dublin. These vessels are modelled on the lines of the cruisers employed in the Irish and Scoteh fisheries first to this The second is to be de- livered at Esquimalt in February RUPERT In a recent editorial in the Van- couver Sun in connection with J. W. Stewart's announcement that G. T. P. steel will be con- nected in April or May next, the business men are urged to get busy after the trade that will de- velop in Northern British Colum- bia. It is evident from the edi- torial that in the opinion of some people in Vancouver the trade of the vast territory being opened up by the G, T. P. naturally be- longs to the lower coast city, One would imagine they are under the impression that the business men of Prince Rupert are peace- fully sleeping and are going to lel what rightfully belongs to, them slip through their fingers. Following is an extract from the editorial: “There is no reason why Van- couver should not be the great entrepot for the whole of the vast territory which, through the wise prescience of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, is being oepned up in the north of this province by the con- struction of the Grand Trunk Pa- cific. It will take a long time for Prince Rupert to become the wholesale distributing point which DOES VANCOUVER IMAGINE PRINCE RUPERT IS SLEEPING? BUSINESS MEN OF THE SOUTHERN CITY URGED TO GO AFTER TRADE ALONG LINE OF G. 7. P. FROM PRINCE EAST. ince than she has now. “Already the merchants Wignipeg and Edmonton Vancouver-is now, and it will be many years before Vancouver will have a better chance to tap the trade of the north of this proy- of are active; they have their travellers (Continued on Page 4.) PRINGE GEORGE AUCTION SAL The long looked for sale of Prince George has been announced and will take piace at Vancouver om the 17th day Of September, Our Mr, Collart, Who has been on this town- site and knows the ground thor: oughly, will attend the sale. Any orders given us Will receive his rompt and careful attention, In- ormation respecting this townsite will be given to any one calling at our office, COLLART & REYNOLDS Fort George Specialists POOP “