Settemeeettiibee nan hn nk ee Serpe ciete — fe eagle, Ve oe ‘ —— ee THE DAILY NEWS - THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: Weekly, Daily, $8.00 per year. Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East Seattle—Puget Sound News Co. London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers. DAILY EDITION TOO MUCH OF THAW. everyone. who touches him The public of Canada and leaps into the limelight. As a the public of the United States are coming to the conclusion that they are getting too much Harry Thaw. main features of the Thaw case. man ina place of public amuse- ment and shoots him dead. is tried for murder. is the sensation of the country for a period of time distress- It is not because of his fam- ingly long drawn out. He is ily. They have no notable rec- acquitted’ of murder on_ the ord of distinction. Why, then? ground of insanity and is sent to the asylum for the insane. While incarcerated there he his relations. That is what makes repeated attempts to re- the people are interested in. gain his liberty, so that his We love money, we worship name and affairs are constantly money, and we adore money. before the public. The illustrations in the Sab- He makes a sensational es- bath newspapers are of the cape from confinement. Once women in the moneyed set. again his picture’ is on the The Count of Monte Cristo is front page of the newspapers, together with the pictures of ever told. It is about millions all his relatives, his wife, or and their power. ex-wife, and everybody else “That is why readers devour who has had anything to do Thaw news. We do not care with him, ineluding the local a whoop about the little runt. authorities of the Quebee vil- lage to which he escaped. This is how Dr. Frank Crane of New York descants upon the situation: never earned a cent of it.” Boe ty | i FRED STORK’S HARDWARE ; Established 1908 Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles & Shotguns | Rope Valves Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint Stoves & Ranges Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. HEsaD OFFICE BRANCH OFFIGES AND AGENCIES 23rd St., York Gity. Trafalgar Square. Contract rates on application. Monday, Sept. 8, 1913. <> “He is not only famous, but front pager he is several laps ahead of Colonel Roosevelt. The whole lands seems to be consumed with hunger to know all about him microscopically. Why? “Tt is not because of him- self, of anything he is or any- thing he has done. He is sim- ply a degenerate. There are thousands like him hiking to hades full speed in every city. Let us recall the A man walks up to another He His trial Merely and only because of the money possessed by him and probably the most popular tale But there seems to be a pipe line to him from the thing we care most about on earth— money, and lots of it. And he Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated [ron “We Sell Nothing But the Best” Co Read The Daily News A FEW er GODET PERFUMES SONS BOIS TRESOR DE VIOLETTES AUBEPINE BLANCHE AT THE REXALL STORES C. H. ORME THE PIONEER DRUGGIST . Telephone 98. New lowing a row, open hand, She fell against Dickenson in the interim. Most encouraging results are being attained by the Keystone drill working on the property of the Bear River Gravel Syndicate at the junction of Bitter Creek and Bear River. Four holes, with a depth of from 46 to 52 feet, have been put down, cross sec- tioning the valley from a point near the railway tracks on the Bitter creek townsite directly west to the Bear river. The first four holes were put down 46, 47, 46 and 52 feet, respectively, and the fifth is just about completed. Ac- cording to J. G. McLaren, M. E., the engineer in charge, a very noticeable improvement is made by each hole, which being driven to a depth suitable for testing purposes for dredging, al a distance of some ninety yards apart. George E. Clothier, M. E., who was instrumental in inter- esting Mr, McLaren and his asso- ciates, is following the prospect- ing closely, spending most of his time on the ground. It was from him that the following informa- tion was obtained by Mining Re- corder John Conway, which is embodied in the latter’s report in the arnual review of 1912 of the Provincial Mines Department: “A number of placer leases have been staked during the past season on Bear river, extending south from the mouth of Bitter creek; twelve leases have been granted. The ground is all flat river bar, no benches, having a width of approximately half a mile. -The river channel winds from side to side of the valley and is liable to change its loca- tion at any run of high water. Considerable work was done by the lessees on one of the claims to ascertain, if possible, whether the ground would show sufficient values to warrant testing il by the usual drilling methods. To this end some fifteen pits were sunk to a depth of from ‘4 to 8 feel and two shafts to a depth of 23 feet and 18 feet, respectively. Five of these holes were sunk as close to the present channel as possible, and fair prospects found in each case from the sur- face, while samples taken from the bottoms of the holes are said to have ranged from 23 cents to $6 per yard. The other holes were sunk farther back from the is river on higher ground, and each sunk to a depth of about 8 feet; CURIOUS MURDER CASE IN TORONTO Lucy Ives, employed in the kitchen of Smith’s hotel was killed and James Dickenson is under arrest Witnesses said Dickenson struck her with his immediately escaped lying on the bed in bis boarding house after a chase of two hours by five detectives. He had drunk feverishly, it 1s said, DRILLING FOR PLACER GOLD IN THE BEAR RIVER GRAVEL SEVERAL HOLES BEING DRIVEN TO BEDROCK TO TEST IF THE GRAVELS WILL GUARANTEE COST OF DREDG- ING OPERATIONS charged with murder, fol- her neck, 1 drunk broke found deat and was a table and there were a few fine colors to a depth of about 6 feet, while samples panned from the bot- toms gave from 60 cents to $5 pan .ell the way down, with a marked improvement in the bot- tom where the water was struck, It was then decided to try to get some depth in the creek bed, A wing dam was thrown in and the water diverted to another chan- nel. They then ran an open cut for a distance of 75 feet, obtain- ing a depth at the face of about 6 feet, and a farther 3 feel was sunk to water. Contrary to ex- pectations, this creek bed gravel only prospected a few very fine colors to the pan, Another shaft is now being sunk farther down | the creek.’—Portland Canal Min- er, Launch Alice B for hire. Tele- phone Green 391, Davis’ Float. 155-tf Sp , €Dlembe Monday, 4 r Ly {ty | NTH Double Weekly Service coon TO THE souTH by the splendid steamers PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE Geopcy Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, Victoria a Mondays and Fridays at 9 a, — Beattie on For Stewart on Thursdays at 5 a m For Granby Bay on Saturdays at 42 p Bteamers Prince John and Prince thine Maintain Weekly Service Between Victoria, Vayeoy,,, Te Charlotte Islands, Calling at Way Ports |, nd ret Prince 5 ound Saturdays at 8 P, M. A Iso eekly Servic.’ 18 Rug ume Harbor, leaving Prince Rupert on Wednesday« at 3 Masset and mae RAILWAY SERVICE am ‘a Train No. 2 leaves Prince Rupert, eastbound, io 4 , Saturdays MN. Wednesday, SPECIAL LOW EXCURSION RATES to 4) po); ™ NTS eas routes in connection with the @RAND TRUNK pa; 28th to Sept, 30th. Returninglimit Oct. 34; For through tickets, reservation, et A. DAVIDSON Prince Rupert * Opting t vi LWAY Sy eTEy, ty ‘PPly wo Office 3rd Avenue Phone ty Port Edward PRINCE RUPERT'S INDUS- TRIAL ANNEX A launch leaves the govern- ment slip for Port Edward every day. For particulars apply to Harrison, Gamble & Co., Phone 51, 3rd Ave DEMAND Roya REservE WHISKY. AGE & YEARS GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA. per yard. Still farther back from the river and in fairly heavy) timber a shaft was sunk 23 feet. The upper portion of this panned | a few fine colors from the sur-| face until the water was struck, when about a yard of gravel was hoisted before the water drove| the men out. A sample taken | ; { from this and carefully panned! gave $14 to the yard. Another shaft was sunk 18 feet, when water was encountered; bailing and a small hand pump made no impression on it, the work had to be abandoned until water conditions were more favorable. These shafts will be sunk this| winter during low water in the river if the drainage through the gravel is small enough to permit. “It is reasonable to suppose that the gold on Bear river has been brought down by Bitter creek,