y, September 8, 1943, THE DAILY NEWS pURCHASE NOTICES. pistricte—District of Coast, Range V tice that I, Lancelot Russel Wal- of Victoria, B. G,, Gecupation intend to apply for per- the following de- pati 8, riner, purchase nds ; ncing at @ post planted on the corner of @ bay, @ little to the skiakl Bay, Stephens Island, thence vast 20 chains, chains, thence west 20 20 chains to point containing 40 acres eof preshore, prih 20 hence south encement, RUSSEL WALROND BEAVIS. July ist, 1918. ly vi, 1913—Sept. 15, 1013. en net trict—District of Coast, jange &. » Botice that Guy L, fooker, of pert, B. C,, occupation civil en- nicnds to apply for pertiissiun to the following described jands; ncing at @ pust planted at south- ner of Lot 907, Range 56, Coust thence north 40 chains more or south boundary of J. A, Kirk- application to purchase, thence chains more or less following to-northwest corner of Lot ce suuth 40 Chains to southwest f Lot 31, thence east 20 chains less to high water mark, thence y and westerly following high hark to point of commencement, he 200 acres more or less. and Dis I GUY L, TOOKER. July 6th, 1913. uly 14, 1013—Sept. 8, 1943. Land District—District of Coast, Range V notice that I, Thomas Pierpont sf Vancouver, c., occupation esman, intend to apply for per- to purchase the following de- Jands; nciug &t @ post planted on the t corner of @ bay, @ litle to the f Skiakl Bay, Stephens Isiand, wresbore, and adjacent to L. BR. W. claim, thence north 20 chaips, est 20 chains, thence south 20 nee east 20 chains to point of ement, containing 40 acres more THOMAS PIERPONT BANKS, July ist, 1913, uly 21, 1913—-Sept. 15, 1013. notice that I, Charles H. Flood, oc- free miner, intend to apply to Commissioner of lands and works Mission to purchase the following i land: encing @t @ post planted at the t corner of A, P. L. reading Lot ft 2252-3535, thence in a northerly f along the shore of Hastings Arm ps more or less to the Tac-U-An eservation No, 26, direction 40 chains, thence in a thence in 4 direction 80 chains, thence east- chains to the point of commence pitaining 320 acres more or less. CHARLES, H. FLOOD. June 27th, 1913, sly 28, 1913-——-Sepi. 22, i913. Land District—District of Coast, Range 5. nouce that Dora L. Wright, of Hiupert, B. C., occupation married nds to apply for permission the following described lands ing at & post planted at the roer of Lot 421, Kange Strict, thence porth 20 chains ss to northeast corner of Lot ice east 20 chains more or less boundary of Lot 5142, thence hains more or less to the shore Lake, thence westerly and ly along said shore to the point of cement, containing 40 acres more DORA L 2ist, 1913. 18, 1913-—-Oct. 13, 1913. WRIGHT July Land District—District of Coast, Range 5. notice that Cecil J. Crew, of Wales, occupation banker, in- apply for permission to purchase wing described lands; rencing @t & post planted one mile bf the southeast corner of Lot 130, 5 ast District, thence south 2 e west 40 chains, thence north vence east 40 chains to point neement, containing 80 acres CECIL J. CREW. P. M. Miller, Agent y 22nd, 1913. 1S, 1913-—Oct. 13, 1912 Land District—District of Coast, Range 5. ? that Louls Frank Banville, Kupert, B. C., occupation rail- tends to apply for permission to the following described lands: & at & post planted about 20 [ Mile Post 76 from Prince T. P. Railway, on the south track, thence east 60 chains th 5 chains to bauk of Skeena ¢ following the river bank in and northerly direction to point ee ement, containing 20 acres LOUISE FRANK BANVILLE y 18th, 1913 g. 18, 1913-—Oct. 13, 1913 and 6District—District of Coast, Range 5. ice that Thomas 8. Crew, of England, occupation gentleman, apply for permission to pur- following described lands: i ing at & post planted one half 1 of the southeast corner of Lot Coast District, thence west thence south 40 chains, thence hains, thence north 40 chains to commencement, containing 320 i t vl less. THOMAS §. CREW. BORDEN CABINET | RUNNING UP BILLS FOR ° VOTED BY Ottawa, Sept. 1—The unauth- orized expenditure-of publie mo- ney by Cabinet Ministers is get- ting them into trouble with the guardian of the Treasury, the Auditor-General, Constitutional usage and respect for the estab- lisned authority of Parliament are not held in any great sacred- by the Borden Government, frequently evidenced by of Parliament. ness as was the last session During the recess there have been numerous violations of the fundamental rule of responsible government, that no publie ex- penditures can be made, except in the case of urgent necessity, unless funds have been voted by parliament. The facts will be disclosed in due course when the Auditor-General’s report for the current fiscal year is presented to parliament next year, Meantime it is stated that a nutaber of bills presented for ex- penditures made by order of some of the ministers, notably Hon. Robert Rogers and Cel. the Hon. Sam Hughes, are now being held up on the ground that there § SPENDING THE PUBLIC FUNDS LIKE WATER HEAVY EXPENDITURES WITHOUT AUTHORITY — MINISTERS WHICH NO MONEY WAS PARLIAMENT has been no appropriation by Parliament providing for such expenditures, It understood that number of contractors on public works improperly. author- ized seeking in vain to collect accounts aggregating is a are now hundreds of thousands of dol- lars. There are also big bills for Ministerial travelling this summer, which already many tens of dollars. No specific provision was made for these in the mates passed last session. Col. Hughes’ present trip to England with 23 military officers is a case in point. There will, of course, be supplementary votes asked for by the government when parlia- ment meets these “une forseen” expenditures, The total amount of these ‘end of the year’ supplementaries likely to be considerably larger than lever before, and this despite the jfact that the total appropriation last session jumped by 50 millions above the pore high record. expenses aggregates of thousands esti- to cover is | very over previous American Creek. — Charles Palmer and John Bernatiz are do- ing the annual assessment on the Maybee and Louis claims owned by the company. Fish, the controlling. owners, are driving a 35 foot crossecut tun- nel to tap the vein below the depth of the present shaft. Red Top.—Ben Erickson and Jack Neill have completed the annual assessment on this group. PORTLAND CANAL MINING Cp rnp ennpemastetn’ Portland Tunnels.—A splendid record was created for the week ending August 28th when the big bore was driven a distance of 57 feet in seven days, making the total length 1,858. With today’s issue the tunnel has advanced to the 1,900 foot mark and specula- tion becoming rife to the prospects in the immediate future of cutting the Glacier creek vein series. Is as Silver Tip.—Robert Cameron, one of the owners, has disposed of his interest in this well known property to his partner, Albert During the past few weeks there has been a number of engineers, examining the property. Portland ‘Wonder. A. E. Wright, of the firm of Ritchie, Agnew & Co., provincial land surveyors, has been surveying the group now owned by the Mt. Glad- cman | Red Reef. — The contractors | completed the driving of the last} 35 feet of tunnel early sin. the) week. H. E, Newton of Victoria, the owner, was here this week in connection with the mine. The assessment work on this property, consisting of strip- ping lead, has been finished. Where opened up the lead shows Ola the a splendid body of chalcopyrite. It is said to be one of the best defined leads in the camp. Indian Mines. —* Manager George E. Clothier advises The Miner that the face of the 260 foot main tunnel is still being driven in ore, and that the shoot of galena now measures over 50 feet in length. P. M. Miller, Agent. 1 July 2ist, 1943. Aug. 18, 1913—Oct. 13, 1913. Land District—District of Coast, Range 5. fe notice that Marion Waugh, of Que., Occupation spinster, in- apply for: = liowing described lands: Inencing at @ poss planted about ns in a-nort rly direction from west corner of Lot 6149, Range ast District, Lakelse Valley, thence 40 chains, more or less to south aT of Lot 6148, thence west 40 ence south 40 chains, thence east s more or less back to point of ment, containing 160 acres more MARION WAUGH. 1 July 22nd, 1913. Aug. 18, 1913-—Oct. 13, 10913. crmission to purchase a a Land District——District of Coast, Range 5. © notice that Arthur 0, Crew, of England, occupation surveyor, in- to apply for peemieste to purchase lowing deseribed lands: encing at @ post planted about 20 ® horth of the northeast corner of Peo, Range $, Coast District, thence hains more or less to northeast 7 Of Lot 596, thence east 20 chains, rth 20 chains more or less to lake, thence westerly 20 chains ess following shore of lake to commencement, containing 40 or less. ARTHUR O. CREW. ; P. M.Miller, Agent. ted, July 23rd, 1913. Db. Aug. 18, 1913—Oct. 13, 1913. notice that I, William Macy, of x, B. C., o¢cupation caterer, intend to the Hon, Commissioner of Lands orks for permission to purchase the & described lands: miuencing at a post planted on the ast corner of 8. T. L. Lot and Post sO, thence southerly 20 chains ve Shore of Goose Bay to 8. T. L. 40d Post reading 35280-9529, thence westerly direction 20 chains, thence rtherly direction 20 chains, thence chains to the point of commence- Hiaining 160 acres more or less. WILLIAM MACY. FF C. Ul. Flood, Agent. led June 27th, 1943, July 28, 19143-—Sept. 22, 1913. Advertise in he Daily News MRS. GEO. L. CARNEGIE Sister of Harry K. Thaw, -who is called his “Guardian Angel. She went to Sherbrooke im- mediately after his arrest in Canada, taking with her $25,- 000 for preliminary expenses, | Shushanna gold camp. stone Mining Co. Lund, for $4,000, and has left for the south take boat for the Mr. Lund will shortly have a crew at the mine to start driving a 100 foot to tunnel on the vein, one of the richest high grade silver show- jings up the Salmon. Cepper King.—W. B. George was down from the property last week and states that development is being continued by opening up a series of surface cuts across itwo main ore bodies. The upper body measures from 150 to 200 |feet in width and carries values |principally in copper. The lower |vein is some 50 feet in width and learries copper and galena. He brought to town several good isamples to be forwarded to the | Prince Rupert exhibition. j ee Cascade Falls. — President | Charles Bunting was down last iweek from the property to meet George E. Winkler of Victoria, secretary of the company, who will spend several weeks in camp. Mr. Bunting states that develop- ment is progressing satisfactor- ily.—Portland Canal Miner. DIED FROM LAUGHING Practical Joker Blackened Man’s Face While He Slept. New York, Sept. 5 finding he had turned into a black man killed William Colbert, a carpenter, of Yonkers. Colbert died from laughing too hard. Colbert went into a cafe for lunch and as he sat there after finishing his meal he fell into a doze. —- + known in the business and public life of the Dominion who have recently returned from visits to the Old Country. + NEWS FROM STEWART. | on a business trip to Vancouver. Postmaster W. C. Cameron’ is Fred Lade and H. McDonald have gone to Granby Bay to work I | denhenser Busch | For the Household Delivered to your kitchen door, like groceries Budweiser 175,000,000 Bottles Yearly That was the demand for Budweiser last year. The Anheuser-Busch Plant covers today more than 142 acres—equal to 70 city blocks. It gives steady employment to 6.000 people, and to 1,500 more in its branches. Anheuser-Busch, St. Louis The Largest Plant of Its Kind Every process, every room, is immaculate. Every bottle is Pasteurized and inspected. This, Quality-Plant, started nearly 50 years ago, is a model of modern facilities. The hundreds of visitors who go through every day know that nothing of its kind could be made any better than Budweiser. Some of the Principal for the big mining company. in the World 7 Buildings = eae = Forest Guard W. J. Boultbee| && p= is back in town after a trip oT ae Li ic cafe inspection across the divide. rates sass C. T. Baker and wife arrived on| the Thursday boat and had a rou- sing reception from their friends. Ed. Engle left last week for the at a Shushana, of his new gold diggings taking with sleigh dogs. him pair Jack McNeill, who is — 4 en = — = 5 NILA Distributors PRINCE RUPERT IMP. CO. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. largely interested in the Red Top group up the main Bear River has left for his home in Seattle. H. J. Elmendorf, son of Mana- ger W. J. Elmendorf of the Port- land Canal Tunnels Ltd., has left for Seattle to re-enter college fr Word Oakland the wife ly of Stewart has received that there was bort of J. C. Veitch, form a baby daughter been Mrs. Harry Smith, after spend-| ing a week in Stewart as the} guest of Mrs P. F. Godenrath has returned to her home in Dun- cans. W. J. Rolfe, M.E., said to re- present the Canadian Mining De- velopment Co. of Toronto, has been spending several days ex- amining properties in the Salmon River camp. been who has J. ¥.. Clegg, so long associated with the Big Store, will shortly enter into business for himself, having purchased John Buggy’s store at Portiand City. Jack is one of the popular young men of Stewart and his many friends will wish him all success and prosperity in his new enterprise. Mrs. A. E. Sinclair and her friends Mrs. McNicol! and Miss Clark, have returned to their homes in Prince Rupert after} spending a very enjoyable outing | here of three weeks. Previous to} their departure they were hosts! at a very pleasant house party to the friends they had made dur. | ing their visit here | Harry Fowler and Bert Kergin} have spent the past week in their? launch on a hurting and pecting trip down Portland Can-} al. Mr. Fowler will shortly leave | Prince Rupert for the Peace river | j pros-/| country. Mrs. Lawrence, Miss Chambers and Miss Lawrence left on the Thursday bcat for their home in} Vancouver after spending a plea-| sant holiday here of several! weeks, occupying Mrs. Frank|/ Strohn'’s residence. Portland! Canal Miner. ‘Silversides Bros. _ |The Up-to-Date House Decora- (= oh PBs in E i tors of Prince Rupert Sign Writing.. Paper-Hanging 112 Hastings St. W. Prices Right. PRINCE RUPERT LADIES When in Vancouver do not fail to call on THE NOVELTY LADIES’ TAILORING CO. Coats, Suits and Skirts made to order and ready to wear Satisfaction Guaranteed. Our Specialities . “Ye Olde Reliable” “FROM HOME TO HOME.” | ! ; i i i Vancouver, B.C. 2nd Street Phone 156 Green| ; | HOTEL ELYSIUM - Er a ee Cae ‘| Sid. Sykes, Manager PRINCE RUPERT FEED 00. Oe et ts ee ee 908 Third Avenue 1142 Pender Street West e e Mail orders premptly attended t« Dealers in FEED SEEDS 2 - cover | KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY OATS CLOVER ; WHEAT ALFALFA THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 isha Builders’ Supplies Sheet and Pilate Glass Plumbers’ supplies Piate Giass Mirrors a i HARDWARE 22-2 CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY'9 Yarnishes Ariens MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ “ez? Range.”’ —IN THE— Skeena Valley Nechaco Vailey Bulkley Valley Fort George District —IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS— Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on FARM LANDS LANDS er NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000.00 Limited _