FROM Fashion play in our windows. The most factured by east. Whether want you Centres LADIES’ FALL SUITS AND COATS, CHILDREN’S COATS Advance showing of these garments now an dis- ————EEEEE fashionable fabrics and styles the best cloak and suit to pleased to have you call and look at these garments and try some of them on. Ho, WALLACE GO, LID, manu- houses in the buy or not, we shall be Dry-boods, Crockery, Wall-Paper, Etc. CEOHHCOOSCCOHCECCCOOCOCOCCOOTECLOCECECOCEECODCOOCOe ns without a servant. or changed as desired, kitchen. Oxford range. Fred Stork — — — ¢ The New Gurney -Oxford Range Has Solved The “Help Problem” Everywhere women are coping with the same difficulty — the securing. of domestic help. A Gurney-Oxford with its wonderful devices for the saving of time and labor enables you to be independent, if from necessity or choice you are The Divided Flue distributes the heat eveniy throughout the oven,and by means of the Econo- mizer the temperature is determined, kept constant, It is easily controlled by a little lever working around six notches, Dough and batter-mixtures will always be light, thoroughly cooked, and nicely browned. This stove saves you the dreaded black leading process for it has an unchanging polished top. If you must do your own work you owe it to yourself and to your family to spend less time in the No woman need be a drudge with a Gurney- ¢ ¢ @ ¢ q ¢ @ q 0 0. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. J, H. Young of Port Simpson is in the city today. Mrs. Robt. MeKay left on the Princess Mary Sunday evening on a visit to Calgary. H. ©. Brown, of the G, T, P. staff jieft this morning on a holi- day trip to Milwaukee, F. R. Giertson, eer, arrived from the interior last night's train. John Lubbock and W, Walroth left this morning on a business trip south, G,. T. P. engin- by R, H. Greaves, of the firm of Ritchie & Agnew, Was a passen- ger south this morning, Baron Han von Hohenvest, of Vienna, was among the passen- gers southbound on the Prince Rupert this morning. The Princess Ena from Skag- way arrived in port this morning after one of the roughest trips of the season. McDonald returned on H, J.) O; the Princess Sophia Saturday evening from a business trip to Ketchikan, Mrs, T. H. Kay, who was a guest of her sister, Mrs. C. H. Orme, left for the south on the Princess Sophia on Saturday. J. H. Pillsbury and Cc. M. Crowell left this morning for Vancouver on business in con- nection with the dry dock. H. S. Clements, M. P.; J. B. Williamson and George D. Tite left Saturday night on the steam- ship Camosun for Vancouver. oe Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Williams, Miss Curtain and Miss Enoch left on the Prineess Mary last night 2nd Ave. = Se Mts Wiest i }south on the (child left this morning | home ‘a month | brought |} harbor ; summer on a holiday trip to Vaneouver land Seattle. those leaving for the Princess Sophia on Warless, C. Among Saturday were A. B, |Miller, W. E. Bourier and W. Redlough. Rev. and Mrs. E. P. Laycock, who were guests of Major Gibson for a few days left Saturday even- ing on the Princess Sophia for Vancouver. Duncan MeTavish and for their Victoria after spending visiting her parents, and Mrs. Morte H. Craig. Mrs. in Mr V. Dachoff, an- Bates & Rogers at Mile 103, was in by last night's train and taken to the hospital suffer- ing with a badly crushed thumb. employee of The looet, government steamer Lil- engaged in hydrographic survey work, was anchored in the yesterday. She weighed anchor at 7 o'clock this morning. Mrs. Noyes and child of Ton- igras Island arrived from the jnorth on the Princess Mary Sat- | urday night and left on the Prince Rupert this morning for Van- couver, W. G. Gillette, who had the contracts for building the gov- ernment wharves at Masset and Lockeport, arrived from the south Saturday morning and left on the Prince John that evening for Lockeport. Invitations are issued for the marriage on the 45th of Miss Sutherland and FE. M, Sandilands, government agent at Queen Char- lotte City. Miss Sutherland has been staying with Mrs. Merrill at Masset for some months. ‘ W. R. MeDonald, who spent the months here assisting Rev, F. W. Kerr in conneetion with the work of the Presbyterian Church, left on the Princess Mary last night for Vancouver, en route to Toronto to resume his studies alt Knox College. Mrs. MelIntosh, who ee been visiting their son, R. McIntosh, postmaster, for sev- BI weeks, left this morning for Vancouver, en route to their home in Toronto, They were ac- lcompanied by their granddaugh- ter, Miss Adams. Mr. and M. G. Lubboek and R, CG. Wall- t FOR A TAXI Phone 75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO. Pe re | Sete Tae) eed eee Seon eee ee BOOKKEEPING - AUDITING Bookkeeping Taught by Friyate Lessons development Terms Reasonable WENDELL'R. JONES Phones 112 and 19 313 2nd Ave. and 221 Gth 8t. Soe eee roth returned here last night af- ie spending several weeks in the linter ior in the interests of Lub- jhbocl) & Sehreiber of Victoria. | They were inch pleased with the that has already taken place and the’ splendid ;prospects for the future, They left on the Prinee Rupert this morning for Victoria. Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. | Phone 4. tf PO i ll mam 9s 05 TE al THE DAILY NEWS AUTOMATON SOLDIER DREAD WAR ENGINE Skirmishers Firing 400 Shots— Each Effective at Three Thousand Yards. another terrible engine of Yet war is likely to be added to the equipment of modern armies, if the invention of an engineer named Aassen of Copenhagen fulfills expectations. This engi- neer has perfected an invention which he calls a “soldier-autom- aton,”’ an automatic replacing the line of skirmishers for defenee purposes. Briefly, it consists of a eylin- der which is buried in the ground and which, like submarine mines, may stay there for vears without being damaged. A signal station at a distance of four or five miles away is connected with the cyl- inder. By pressing a button an electric current is transmitted and the eylinder shoots up until it is about two feet from the level of the ground, firing al the same moment four hundred shots in a horizontal direction. The value of such an invention in repelling invaders is obvious, It means that one of these cylin- ders can take the place, at any point, of four hundred soldiers, and if a number buried in proper systematic order over a certain stretch of country a con- tinuous hail of bullets can be fired at an invading army without the latter seeing a single enemy. A number of these cylinders, in fact, makes a line of skirmishers whose operations may intiict ter- rible damage on the enemy. The shots take effect at a distance of machine for are three thousand yards, and the inventor calculates that only 40 per cent. of the enemy would be saved after an attack of these automatic troops. The “skirmishers’’ would be placed in rows behind each other, to be used successively for re- sisting various attacks, and as the cylinders are hidden in the ground no enemy can know where the line is before the firing starts. DOUBTFUL BAY RUM BEING DISPENSED Chief Analyst McGiil Issues a Bulletin Regarding Both Bay Rum and Florida Water. Ottawa, Sept. 4.—Bay rum, it is being dispensed in certain parts of Canada today constitutes an evasion of the law. This stacement is made by Chief Analyst MeGill of the department of inland revenue in a_ bulletin issued today by the department dealing with bay rum and Florida water. Several samples secured al various points in the Dominion labelled as superior bay rum were as analyzed and found to contain less than 33 1-3 per cent. of al- cohol, Several samples were found to be made up largely of alcohol and wood alcohol: Sam- ples of Florida water analyzed were a mixture of methyl aleohol, While not condemned, a great many of these samples were characterized as ‘doubtful. BIG LACROSSE GUARANTEE Irish-Canadians Will Go After the Minto Cup New Westminster, Sept. 6 For the first time sinee the Big Four Lacrosse League was for- mulated a team from that Asso- ciation will play New Westmin- ster for the Minto Cup. Presi- dent Agar of the “‘Salmonbellies” is in receipt of a wire from Geo, Kennedy, owner of the Trish- Canadians, asking what terms the local club will offer for a series to be played during Fair Week here, Sept. 30 and Oct, 4 being the dates suggested. Last year the exhibition people guaranteed Cornwall - Westminster clubs $7,000 for the two games and a similar offer will be. made this year, it is said, Southbound Passenger List. Following is a partial list of those leaving for the south on the steamship Prince Rupert this morning: Mrs. Rose, George Ross, Captain and Mrs. Rifen- berick, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Me- Intosh, Miss Adams, Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Burgis, Helen Holmsted, A, Anderson, P, Robertson, J. Wick, H, Rosse, J, A. Kinkade, FE. G, Crawford, B, Victor, H. C. MeGee, A, MeDonald, A, McKenzie, A, T, Musgrave, Mrs. Noyes and child. J. W. Hart, R, A. MeGee, Mr. Critchley, R, 41. Greaves, G, A, Ohren A. Steven, C, M.- Crowell, Mrs, McTavish, J, D. Voyles, Miss M. Scholey, E, A. Letcher, RW, Walker, M. McLeod, A. E. White- side, B, Ritehie, Mrs. C, W. Hol- land, Miss Germain, Mr, and Mrs, Gammon, H, Cy Brown, Mr. and Mrs, Adams, H, Graham, D, Me- Kenzie, Miss Carson, Mrs, Moody and child, M, G, Lubbock, R, C, Wallroth, Second Cousin to Kin the Lord Chancel New York, those who arrived from yesterday on the Guna mania was Colonel Sir Charles Filzgeorge, you of the late Duke of Caml second cousin to He is on his way to Can spect some mining pro which he is inturested. Fitzgeorge consented t sunny spol on the his picture taken, He he had been a soldier and was an officer at t son at Quebee in 189 asked what he Haldane, “He is a very a first rate politician, poor soldier. When he retary of war in Engl: Haldane antagonized th men in England by abolish the militia an them by territorials.” good f hand Highe New and second hardware, etc. paid. Empress Theatre. Sept. 4. King pier thought Colonel Fitzgeorge Apply 723 2nd ave THE LATEST IIS GOOD POLITICIAN BUT A POOR SOLDIER g George Criticizes Viscount Haldane, lor. ~Among Liverpool rder Car- Augustus neest son yridge and George. ada to in- perties in Colonel ») go to a to have said that all his life he garri- 7. When of Lord said: eHow and but a very was sec- und, Lord e military trying to d replace We Want to Buy furniture, st prices near 10 hue, 200. “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. Tony Christian, 1960 FOR RENT—Furnished room, sitting room and cooking 155 Sixth avenue FOR RENT POOL HALL for rent, Good proposition for barber. Apply Eby Bros., Terrace, 200tr FOR RENT—Furnished flat of 5 rooms; modern in every respect; will rent cheap to right party. Apply P. 0. Box 89. FOR RENT—Flat in building opposite skating rink; all conveniences Apply west with use of stove if re FOR SALE—Rooming house | tion. Furnished. Lease tk premises. to leave. quired Electric light, telephone~ and bath; close in Suitable for nurse or school teacher. Phone Green 197 210-15 FOR SALE FURNISHINGS of a three-room Mat for sale. Flat also may be rented. Appiy McRae & Co. 13 ott FOR SALE—Yearling White and Bull Leg horns, Barred Rocks, Wyandottes, An conas; great layers; make fine breeders Also fresh eggs in case lots. Peach Grove, Fort Langley, B. ©. 210-15 nh best loca- >» be had on A sacrifice as party will have For particulars se e John Dyb old, havn, 319 Third Ave, 197f WANTED WANTED—A chambermaid at the Bay View Hotel. 2101 GIRL for housework; two in family. Phone Red 183 205u WANTED—-Two bright boys about 10 years Apply at The News Office. 195 BABINE LAKE COUNTRY Become a Great Pleasure Rosort. Mrs. G. F. Allen last night from a_two weeks’ holiday trip to Babine Lake, They made the trip from Hazelton to Babine, a distance of sixty miles, by pack horse in come pany with one of the Hudson Bay Company officials. They are de- lighted with the sc enery in that part of the interior and are of the opinion that Babine Lake will become a great pleasure re- will Mr. and re. turned sort The lower end of the lake is only twelve miles from the G, T. P They met numerous pros- pectors on the trail and report a great deal of mining activity in that part of the country. MARRIED SATURDAY EVENING Rev. F. W. Kerr Made a Local Couple rsh saa On Saturday evening at 8 o'clock a quiet wedding was sol- emnized by Rev. F. W. Kerr at his Seventh when home on avenue Albert Nickelson and Miss lose Jackson, both of this city, were united in the holy bonds of matri mony. The bride was assisted by Miss Jessie Bury, while Mr. R. M. McIntosh assisted the groom. Af- ter the marriage the party re paired to the Central Hotel, where an excellent dinner was and an enjoyable evening spent. served Christening at Anglican Church. After the Sunday school at the Anglican Church yesterday aftler- noon the son of Mr, and Mrs, Me- Tavish was christened, Mr. and Mrs. David Hays being the spon- sors for the infant, who was named John Douglas Craig Me Tavish. Men’s Own. A special meeting of the Men’s Own will be held at the Methodist Church tonight at 8 All members requested to be present 210 o'clock, to his business. | collector. Let me rented property Every man am an expert look after your or collections. GEORGE LEEK 615 2nd Ave. Phone 203 CHOICE TERRACE ACREAGE Near G. T. P. Station 10 acres, near townsite... .$1,000 10 acres, 4% mile from town BIO dan Go be ¥icld 6 eee Hae e 8 $800 10% acres, 1 mile from townsite .....- . $600 11% «acres, facing: 6. . P. RPACK acc ccc sennes ‘ #900 Terms one-quarter cash, bal. 6, 12 and 18 months at 6%. Apply to owner THOMAS A. McMARTIN Box 855 or 618 Fifth Avenue Prince Rupert WANTED—Two girls for folding in bind ery. Apply at once, News Office. " 204tf '‘ EXPERIENCED teacher proposes to open S| ANDREW'S SOCIETY HALL private school for boys and girls, For . particulars apply Box 613, Prince Ku pert. 210-15 |formerly Kaien Isd. Gymnasium WANTED House keep r for hotel at Al To rent for Dances, Public Meet- dermere, Goo salary lo experiencer woman, Apply to Piercy, Mortis 4 CO., ings, etc. Particulars at hall or std. #10 Secretary, P, O. Box 268 WELL furnished rooms from 82.50; com fortable sitting room; bath; electric|———-————>-— — light, Norfolk Rooms, Phone. Black 329. 206 CHEAP ACREAGE SITUATION as cook by young woman. Capable of taking full charge of kitchen, —AT.— appre White's Idg., 2nd Ave and &th St. 209-10 POSITION as housekeeper by respectable middle aged woman good cook. Apply White's Bidg., 2nd Ave and 8th St. 209-10 LOST AND FouND Near Prince Rupert ere Se ae owe Ni. LOST Pete wale reamed. glasses (pince A 8 nez) with small gold chain attached, CR CT: orig) please return to Dally News Of- 5 ND 10 A E TRA 200 Apply ' LIVE STOOK. iis canis ieee ti sinblnemtall ¢ COWS fresh calved and coming in always Harriso G ble & Com an on pane, aod subereiuostt ue sree. we n n, am P y risty, cattle dealer, Collingwooc est, corner ‘Carleton and’ Westminster Road: FINANCIAL AGENTS Phone Collingwood 09 K. Post Omce Box 77% Collingwood East, Vancouver. Third Ave. Prince Rupert t : _—_— Hart Block ANOTHER BIG SHIPMENT OF ELBERTA PRESERVING PEACHES Will Arirve, order in Wednesday Night The last shipment was rapidly disposed of. Get your early, SHEPARD & JONES Phone 41 Septemboy 8, {9 — — { Monday, NOTICE of APPLioay THON » PROVAL OF p Un My Take ' or pre, " that jatnes Art Will ap; ( tT } Rights ( Mpg rh ae he wor) >, “PPOval op teal zation aal truets watch { . 2 mm B NO. 24 auth YW sawinill “ante, take further a; ind fees ae second |{ e ) nt ie be situa Pending The ra District ' 121, ange alle The | ' Oy subs a irs 5 Water Sectior fy with ¢ ave bogll with th i Water jee tit ObDs« os Tal Print filed witt bre.) DP Heaton : Parilamns I ‘ Wat Dated a Rs, Victoria, gi day of A er, § JA 13 W-Sept BE WS, lag CHRISTIAN SCIENCE mer Ti Held | R Ave. Sund Hp ty Sunday 14 8 aft morning meeting Reading except from 2 I Denes . ee BROWN & BUTTER MINING ENGINEERS METALLURGY Res. AND MINING op vin Phone Black 419 ba Prince Rupert q —________ GEORGE LEEK Real Estate, tnsuran Notary Public Rents tnd Cola Albee | \ Prince Rupert Betwer l gd 6th Streelp HARRISON W. ROG Architect Suite 1, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, Bf Phone 300 0), Bor i P. 0. Box 203 P. ROBERTSON INCORPORATED ACCOUNTANT (ty) CHARTERED SECRETARY Audits, Investigations, Adjustments, [jg dations and Assignmeny Smith Block, 3rd Ave., Frince Rupe Lt THE MIDWAY LADIES’ AND GENTS’ GARMENT CLE PRESSING, DYEING AND REPAIR vered Phone Grew & vo ls allied F r and De 322 Bth Street For the Best J CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING At the I Fine Work : _ BOW SENG Prince Rupert, b Phone Rf 627 Fulton Street PACIFIC TRANSFER 0} Furniture, Baggage, Piano ing and General Cartagt Phone 1 Office: Suite 9, Federa Bled a fs ' o> 7th Ave. a | room coli per month Not Pub Rents i ( ect ns Phone 203 615 2nd Mt Oe REDUCE FUEL BILS AND GET Better <3 Stitt kn yce Rupet Paar 2 let ame explain ! can have HOT WATER FOR THE BATH IN 20 tn. OR WOT DISHWATER " 10 in Nl The reduct! for the cost « time and you W HARRY HANS “The Reliable plumber” SECOND AVE. For Lot wilh there Bloc! PRICE $1,200 Balance 6 ane GR. Naden Co, Ut and ingurabee Real Estate Second Avenue: