CIRCULATION ‘ NEXT MAILS eh AND NORTHERN Ni From South 4ritieh COLUMBIA P vr aD is ree | eEP Chelohsin . ue cece cee Wednesday filet eset wCTOL cee PANE ROMER TONY UPTIME cae oe AIRMAN SMITHERS CONF IDENTLY ASSERTS THAT THE ROAD WILL BE F INISHED NEXT AT YEAR IRMAN SMITHERS CONFIDENT RINCE RUPERT WILL ALWAYS CONTNUE MAIN PORT, BUT COMPANY WILL LEASE LINE FROM FORT GEORGE TO VANCOUVER. News ‘jal to The Daily ile ‘tting up in the building opera- real, Sept. 9.—‘I do not jtions as long as there was a mile here are many. people at jof steel to be laid between the jeastern and western terminals. | President Chamberlin is going of the branches and to cousider Canada over- Mr. ho Smithers, ed said over some | ‘SUBWAY TUNNEL FOR PROVINCIAL BUILDING LINE TS LINKED-UP NEXT YEAR win un tor rir avonse Third and Through the Base- ment of the Building. Formal application was made by the -provineial government, through Agent MeMullin, to the cily council last night for leave to drive a subway from First to Third avenue into the basement jof the provineial buildings, now in course of erection. This sub- way will pass under the street surrounding the building, which | “it will | place e, an of the board of directors |(the end of steel. Mr. Smithers} Grand Trunk Pacific, last|is to await here until he returns, bpon his return from a trip | “When T retarn to England, west, ‘There is not any|continued Mr. Smithers, pality in Canada that I!be as one sharing the confidence sf which is unable to pay|of Canadians with British friends Trunk Paeitic en- bright future. Prince Rupert, for | course, always continue to be main port, but shall also a line to Vancouver. intend to lease the line now construction from Vancouver.” Grand and west, the terprise As to the will The been past; more fact is that in getling her Hhiedness, yninion has ils too cheap in the have to pay e future.” hour we lithers asserted that the Grand vill completed He said there ADIANS HONORED BY THE AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION TIME THAT THE ASSOCIATION HAS GONE OUTSIDE OF THE UNITED STATES FOR A CHOICE OF HON- ORARY eens. as a Trunk next |der operale ulh- be Fort | would be no| George to bireal, Sept. 6. -Pre ei saurier, Sir Francois Langelier, Villiam H; Taft was elected |lieutenant governor of Quebec; Bent of the bar association|Hon. C. J. Doherty, Sir Charles of the annual meet-| Fitzpatrick. Hon, Horace Archam- bault, Sir Chirles Peers Davidson, m the Canadian standpoint|chief justice of Montreal; Pro- st notable feature of the] fessor *Michacdl Mathiew, Dean sdings was the unanimous | Waldon of the McGill law faculty, of twelve Ganadians to|Mayot Lavalle, J. E. Martin, K. C., Bosition of honorary mem-|batonnier of the Quebec bar, and ‘ff the American Bar Asso-|R, ©. Smith, K. C, who had been so instrumental in inducing the vas the first Lime that the} American Bar Association to had gone outside the}meet in Montreal. es for a choice of hon- Outside of Canadians, the only bers lchoice of an honorary member for berden was placed at|the association was that . of the list of honorary} Maitre Gustave Labori, leader of wed by Sir Wilfrid|the French bar AL SITUATION IS SERIOUS; CONSUMERS BETTER PREPARE LE CANNOT SUPPLY PRESENT DEMAND—AUSTRALIAN COAL COMING TO VANCOUVER—NO BRITISH ORLA COAL IN SIGHT. Already several Australian supply. of of the firm cae who returned on H. Rogers, rs & Black, fame shipments coal helohsin this morning from | have been received there, but the T and Vancouver, reports|price ranges from $11 to $15 per the coal situation is becom-|ton. ery serious, There is prac- There seems to be little likeli- Jy no British Golumbia coal} hood of iiapreved conditions dur fable and the Seattle harbor|ing the‘approaching winter, and Ongested with barges and|householders here who do not waiting to get shipments}wish to suffer inconvenience will be acting wisely in laying in a supply for the winter whenever il is available. Vancouver and other B, ©, Mr. Rogers went ‘to Seattle he express purpose of getting Ss, INply for local consumption, Mr. Rogers intends making an- Was successful in getting ajother trip to Seattle in a few days ment of only 200 tons. Helto imake arrangements for fur- ed an order for 500 tons}ther shipments if possible. ¢, but impossible to say : i pe mn he can get it, WINNER OF PALMA TROPHY he city of Vancouver is ex- io encing the same difficulties |Canada’s Team Gomes in Third Prince Rupert in getting an and Last of All, Se eh (Special to The Daily News) Fort Perry, O., Sept. 9.—The United States’ wins the Palma MONEY T0 | trophy, with Argentina second land Canada third, The scores lwere: United States, 1,714; Ar- 1,684; Canada, 4,675. gentina, Conservative Is Elected. (Special to The Daily News Toronto, Sept. 9.——At the Hast York provincial by-election Henry, LOAN onserve , as elected | t CONTINENTAL TRUST eee at Bip handiad. pies * q Spall ance, K, of P, COMPANY, LIMITED aon: See one ra! day, Sept. 10, commencing 10:30 ering Rupert, B. ©. orchestra, w yarticular care re- the visit of Postmaster General |°X@™ne with -PATtioUsAr Care KS ; : ; i cent developments in telephone Samuel to Canada is connecte¢ systems, including the Albertan with a great scheme of cable re-|automatic telephones. He will form between the Dominion and|take every opportunity of getting England. This is incorrect. His|fully in touch with Canadian life primary purpose is to Carry into|from coast to coast. effect, on behalf of the British| He is bound to make a favor- Cabinet, a resolution passed two jable impression. Young, enthus- jand a masterly administrator, he iastie, and brilliant, a politician, has while occupying the position of Postmaster General, intro- duced many reforms and made himself the effective as well as years ago by the Imperial Con- ference that Ministers of the Un-| ited Kingda: and Dominions} should, between conferences, pay reciprocal visits. Samuel's visil is the first attempt in this direc- am tion, the British Government's |the ndminal head of his depart- representative, Lord Emmott, be-|ment, He has ruthlessly broken ing merely passing through to|through red tape. He is the most Australia. brilliant financier and adminis- trator among our younger states- men, and possesses no mere per- sonal charm, ‘ Samuel will discuss many pos- tai matters with the Canadian post office, but they will be most a) MUNICIPALITIES WANT WIDER RANGE OF POWER RE BYLAWS REPORT OF DELEGATES TO TO CONVENTION OF BRITISH COLUM- BIA MUNICIPALITIES PRESENTED TO COUNCIL * LAST NIGHT. City Solicitor Peters. and Ald, tunity of presenting your views Dybhavn returned on the Prin-|in the best possible manner, cess Mary yesterday from Van- We considered the question of: couver where they altended the erro convention of British Columbia (Continued on page 4) Municipalities. Following is a = ’ copy of their report as presented to the Couneil last night: 8th, PRINCE ° GEORGE AUCTION SALE The long looked for sale of Fries Prince Rupert, B.C., Sept. 1913. To the Mayor-and Aldermen of the City of Prince Rupert: Gentlemen, In accordance with the resolution of the coun- cil we attended the annual con- George bas been ganounced end wal » i , » Uni -itis take lace a ancouver On. ie v' nlion of the Union of British tyth day of September. . Our’ Mr. Columbia Municipalities, held at Collart, s who has "been on. this town- : a Pus - Vancouver on the 4th and Sth]} sent Wit itend ine sale. Any inst. orders given us will receive his ; 5 prompt and careful attention, In- With very few exceptions all ormation respecting this townsite will be given to any one calling at our ofmce, COLLART & REYNOLDS Fort George Specialists the municipalities in the ince were represented, The convention appointed your solicitor chairman of the resolu- tion committee, thus giving your prov- | and children’s Coats at Wallace's. 210tf delegation a very good oppor-