Se f Plombay THE DAILY NEWS Strike Over-Rated ’ THE DAILY NEWS AWFUL ATROCITIES AD San Gourlay and R, Doverspike are back from a hurried trip to C THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA investigate the new. strike at eee ee BY SEVERAL GREEK SOLDIERS "sn THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. on the Thursday boat, In con- GRAND Double Weekly Service as TO THE sour Ld by the splendid steamers A(t PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE Gropp Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, Victoria Mondaye and Fridays o: « a ei Beattie TE: ; 3 : versation with The Miner he said SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: LETTERS CAPTURED BY ENEMIES TELL OF UNBELIEVABLE na tha ‘aete siciie’ Abad \ beeh Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly, CRUELTIES’— PRISONERS EYES ARE GOUGED OUT over-estimated and that there For Stewart on Thurse $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. WHILE THEY WERE STILL ALIVE were already many hundreds of for Granby Bay on Beturdaye os “+ Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. ei asain bide disappointed prospectors an d Steamers Prince dohn and p, 2 P, ™, c : ; vtwee sa noe Alb of 1200 prisoners tha! we took at lmerchants returning from the Maintaln Woatey Borvice Becweea Victoria \ me ) HRaD OFFICE Sofia, Aug, 28.—(By mail to i Captain | ‘hound Saturdays at 8 P.M. A Iso Woe Prine Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98 New York).—In order to prove Nigrita only forty-one remalnee@) scene of the diggings ap es tavine +2... Raper toa oat! eto. ite my Y Mya Rea . , in prison, and everywhere We| John Irving, who recently left ays at p. yt Od jae ’ : | RAILWAY BERViCcE M “a in soldiers were res - ; thet Greek, saidicrs (wemm Tespen here for the north has also re- Train No. 2 leaves Prince Rupert, easth ‘ Saturdays : M. Wednentg SPECIAL LOW EXOURSION RATES ,. ” routes in connection with the @RAND TrRunx co, %8 y NK ag 28th to Sept. 30th. Returninglimit Oc; 9... “WAY a SY ery, n BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES went We have left no root of this New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New ; race.” turned to"his home in Victoria, | York City. : against the Bulgarians in the Another letter: from a sergeant/thoroughly satisfied that the | lstampede is not justified, The sible for numerous’ atrocities fighting iast July between Bul-|says: Seattle—Puget Sound News Co. : | . ‘ . eed garia and her former = allies, “We burned — the villages Of| diggings, the admit, are shallow For through tickets, réservation ‘ London, Engliand—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Greece, Servia and Montenegro.|Dautlii and Banitza ahd pul|and the paystreak no where near | inky this: ie A. DAVIDSON ADDY to Trafalgar Square. : there have been made public in|everything to the bayonet or the the length originally reported | * rince Rupert TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract|Sofia extracts from letters by}flame, making exception only Of] portland Canal Miner rates on application. Greek soldiers and _ officers to}women, children and old persons 2 j Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in| f"iends at home. and churches, We did = on case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers.| These letters were captured inj/without pity and w RO ee ee Sree, Seer 2a bee a aa cram emutiiey Din. Gouge Out Eyes P rt Fd d | ARE YOU GOING EAST =liment o 1e Seventh Greek ivi- j ‘a stter, dated Nestori- Wal DAILY EDITION aay Tuesday, Sept. 9, 1913.]sion by Bulgarian troops in the ie reer aoe, - 0 e THIS SUMMER? ; ; } . July , $a} | pecial Excursions May 28th to Sep- Py ———— a —. | vicinity of Razlog. “Here at Verondi I captured | tember 80th. PLAYING POKER Mr. Borden prefers taking the| The were given out by thelrive Bulgarians and a evrl from |% PRINCE RUPERT'S INDUS- $/| Vancouver 10 Toronto and ow | AND POLITICS. glory out of the winnings of Bulgarian. telegraphic agency iD|gerpes, We shut them in the po- TRIAL ANNEX | mL. PPP ee $82.00 | | 4 bold admission that Mr some other fellows playing with pamphlet form. Each letter is lice station, While they were hy return ‘i’ Wee York’ and’ $106.00 a E ss t Mr. Canada’s cards” printed in fae simile in the orig- still alive we gouged out their A launch leaves the govern- encouver $0 ew TOE One nee Fielding could beat Mr. Borden are a inal Greek and is followed by a eves.” : ite Manengg Pe |] Vancouver to Chicago and ; or analeitan aa * y | eves: ment slip for Port Edward 3)] “return ....... cece se cee 872.50 i at poker is made by the Red| HEAVY EXPENSES translation in Fregeh, which} “4 jetter from Rhodopes, July every day. For particulars 3|f Vancouver to St. Paul and Deer News. It says: BUT NO RESULTS. eives Vie rae cee Names ii gage: apply to Harrison, Gamble $\]) Other Points’ Gorreapondingiy Tow. || M&E&tines om “The Lethbridge Herald is Hon. George E. Foster has|Si#ned to each communication. “From Serres to the frontier & Co. Phone 51, 3rd Ave. $} 4. @. MoNAB | CIGAR sat horrified to hear that Mr, Field<| returned from his tour as the Massacre Everywhere we burned every Bulgarian vil- he ay }y Generel Agent § Cor. Srd Ave & 6th Sty) | or sd . . . ’ |f Princess Gophia, Gouth, 6 A. M., Gat. f°" AV ing and Mr. Borden were play- commercial traveller of the The first letter is dated July|lage.” | ing golf together. We don’t Dominion to the Antipodes. He}11, and ‘the last July 15. Ex- One dated July 19 says: a ee aye eae know much about golf, but we started for Australia on Feb-|tracts from some of these com- “Everybody has fled from | ——— a ee ee —a bet two-bits that if they were ruary 19 and, although he has|munications of Greek soldiers/these Bulgarian villages. Those DEMAND | playing poker Mr. Fielding] been away so long, as the min-|and officers follow: who remain are ‘eaten up’ by the R RESERVE ! Em lng would skin his opponent so ister of trade and commerce “We have burned all the vil-|Malicher and we have also burn- OYAL L U M B E R AND PO Aly badly that he wouldn't know he does not appear to have been|lages abandoned by the Bulgar-|ed some villages.” WHISKY. : 4@ ALLEYe OL ROOM which end he was standing on missed at cabinet meetings orjians. They ruined the Greek A soldier named George, wrilt- ? H. E. ROBE, Prop ‘ra in about two jiffs. anywhere else in Canada. Dur-|villages and we ruined the Bul-jing to his brother at Rome, on AGES YEARS C O A L ee eet” Employment . “That was one of the trib- ing his journey he has visited|garian villages. They massacre,| July 12, says: a LICENSED near a utes the Yankees paid Mr.| New Zealand, Australia, China,|we massacre, and the Manlicher| ‘We have enraged the Bulgar- GUARANTEGi BY | : paeenmn! Fielding at the time he ar- Japan, and has stopped off at|/has operated against each mem-|ians by burning their villages THE GOVERNMENT ~ and— ranged the reciprocity pact. various other places. Mr.|ber of this dishonest nation and/ and whenever we find one or i. OF CANADA Complete Line of m re ~ He was accused of having dealt Foster’s six months’ journey|has fallen into our hands. Out | We kill them like sparrows.” . , the cards and drawn the best cannot be said to have resulted] & } tas BUILDERS SUPPLIES C O A L hand, beating Uncle Sam to a in much benefit "to Canada. It}, aes : HE INV. + ee pulp. Mr. Borden isnot a good] -has not widened our markets ai SOUTH AFRICA OPPOSES THe Home "| WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited aes : i eS ee id ns iad : | } Phone 186 New Wellington Coal, poker player. He changes his{ one inch. Mr. Foster has HAZELTON NOTES Tne Connoisseur | e Bett a mind too much, for one thing, brought back no orders. The , IMPERIAL PREFERENCE THe PuBLic | Coast and then he is afraid to show only apparent result of his long ; who naturally rer ee araeitinienienemeecivceiasimte ——|Phone 116 Rogers & | oe hand. ae a may the] and expensive journey an ay i oa “i oe poem Would Raise Duties on British | want the best. chips and cards anc lave “prospect” from Australia, | C@use aidermere D 1€ 1088 ist | somebody else to play for him.] Possibly at some future time}]Of five beef cattle which strayed sag toners gee =e arta abun UNION 9.9. COMPANY OF B. C., Ltd " “On the other hand, Mr. the Australians may agree to a before butchering time. dein Mauneanane | saeinaanlnnalinns | SMITH & MALLETT Fielding, when he sits in his mutual preference with Can- SEARO London, Sept. 6.—The South | ; ‘ . 9 Plumt are. ; ‘political poker game, plays for ada. _As the Dominion’s com- James Morgan, who has just African government contemplates'| DISTRIBUTORS S.S. Chelohsin lumbing, Heating, Saat the common good. He won't mercial traveller Hon. George|returned from a trip to Ootsa a ; spiq) | Prince Rupert Importing Co., Ltd ee Metal Work = J be bluffed, and he never throws| E. Foster can hardly be called|Lake, declares the crops in that|'#@ ®bolition of ie Rares PRINCE RUPERT. B.C FOR VANCOUVER If Paows 176” and Ave. bot nhs his hand up. He plays his own a success. Undoubtedly, how-|section are the finest he has yet}Preference. It is held that such BO ae | ons ue 1 game, too. In that respect he ever, like Hon. Mr. Crothers,|seen in the lake district. preference has’ largely failed 10) 333 ee ' Wednesdays at 2 — is emblematic of Liberal policy Colonel Sam Hughes, Hon. —_ its real purpose. It enables | ae | . za “ retin ee a a in ve meee and rane he H. E, Walker, provincial agri-| continental manufacturers to im- “ ‘ ; Valhalla” of S.H. &ff laying the game themselves, 1as enjoyed a magnificent trip|culturist, visited the ranchers of : i pa gr a putiing up the cards, and the] with a big expense account for]}Francois and Ootsa ‘eae ara} eere quantities. of foreign goods Hotel “ flirector S.S. Camosun ete ee players, too. As before said, the Dominion to pay. was much pleased with the ap- as British under the lower sched- > Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuestpal es ule, It complicates the customs FOR VANCOUVER p-m. in the hall at Sly Snddn — am ae | pearance of the country. ; } ; business and does not cheapen Sk SEE Gane ddsnietes a A seibiiie yrices Members P. rs Association | ‘ ndays ‘ ’ ( \ The appointment of J. Mason has maintain >that Souh|]|— === Fl (Cll Ye O. 0, SUM Adams as postmaster at Smithers) african consumers do not get any PRINCE RUPERT INN AND ANNEX Accountant Owned and Operated by the Grand FOR GRANSY BAY ‘ i 1 ‘ will be confirmed shortly, and a va) Tp : : car “\ benefit from the preference. This . hy. 44 | Substantial Values In Table Silver and Cutlery regular mail sérvice will probably! spojition will be coepeasd as part AO Ge ige e E wedi i Mirdidtia. ts 6. tate 808 2nd Ave nie Phat ° ° be instituted with little delay. of a plan for raising money for PRINCE RUPERT, 6. ¢ Genuine Worth in Every Piece increased contributions toward ; WINDSOR HOTEL ‘ Scape fos Being manufacturers of silverware and importers of The wagon road from -Pleasant|the imperial navy. The minis- a ae oe T oun j a high grade cutlery, our preparedness to cater well to the Valley to Francois Lake is mak-|{erial organ proposes that duties Lo nee ae ae i Ro ers Steamshi A enc ar a gue ALLS needs of every home in British Columbia must be appreci- ing rapid progress. The work]on British goods should be raised HOTEL CENTRAL e Ip Agency phe wy ated by all buyers. Whether you need sterling silver or has reached a point on the Buck] {o the maximum in order to"pro-; First Avenue and Seventh St | Phone 116 WILLIAMS & MANSON first quality silver plate, our stock will supply the best at River 105 miles from Hazelton. vide funds for increased contribu- Suropesn ‘snG-Amarican Fan | Barristers, Solicitors, Eu lowest prices. Sere tions to the British navy without Pe? See ae heen oenaRe: i. camenne ie onumeae Bemememeremnsre meee MONEY TO LOAN We offer an extensive choice in Tea Sets, Trays and The rail head has now reached|cost to the South African tax- KNOX HOTEL : all Hollow ware and Flat Ware in which the leading stock John Albi’s camp, in the upper] payer. First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth G t Helgerson I hupet, 8. patterns are represented, Bulkley, where camps are being ———_—_— ——-- European Plan, Kates 50c to $1.00 eorge own a IN THE MATTER OF CUTLERY. established, and it is expected G. T. P. Crow's Nest Line. ents’ Gtats, Owens. x Our stock offers the buyer an excellent choice. We Foley, Welch & Stewart's freight-] Calgary, Sept. 4. Engineer Sawmill Co Ltd. HAYNER BROS. carry a special line of first quality CARVERS. Write for ing headquarters will be moved|Carleton, of the Grand Trunk J. Y. Rochester V. D. Casley : ” UNDERTAKERS anp EMBALMERS our illustrated catalogue. It tells all. It explains how you up there within the next week] Pacific, announced that his road EMPRESS HOTEL. Funeral Directors may buy these high grade goods with greatest advantage or 80, will undertake the construction of Tin oh Lumber active cearen te. semenll to yourself, -__ a line through Moosejaw, Medi- European Pian, 50 to $1 Per Day um A drive of logs for the mill-of|eine Hat and the Grow’s Nest and ° ne the Bulkley Valley Lumber Go.|e "y o § , ‘i PREMIER HOTEL Henry Birks & Sane 2 iniled Fe. oe or ae eee into, Reese Beiclet tmerican end Rurapess‘Pisn fi) Mouldings JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS past week, The lumber industry|ton line will be extended south to Be ee ete Geo, E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C just now is one of the most im-|}make connections with the pro- ROYAL HOTEL portant in the valley and we can|posed line, work on which will Corley & Burgess, Props. E. L. FISHER or and Embalmer REASONABLE Funeral Direct CHARGES A large stock of dry finish- Ee A confidently predict that every|}be commenced in the spring. Third Ave. and Sixth St. ing lumber on hand, Boat 2nd Bt., oor. 2nd Ave Phone 966 stick eut will be sold before the ee age Surapean: Mien Steam Mented lumber especie. Delivery OPEN DAY AND NIGHT bo opportunity to again drive will Dawson Pioneer Dead. BEAVER WHOLE = LIQUOR 00 mare at short notice. 4 occur in the spring. George Trenholm, a pioneer of LIMITED . Our prices are as low as any. PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING CoO., a notorious as a frain robber in|w . i on ! : eat 9 ¥ _weain “robber in window at the Norjhwestern sani- LIMITED OFFICE: ° oe ; H th Bin : " 4ritish Co umbia and the west-|tarium and breaking his back, one Fraser and Sixth Sts. ews a as e gest Guaranteed Circulation ern states, died today in a Geor-|leg and sustaining interna! in- Phone 7 EMPRESS THEATRE BLDQ. e y yee a Prigen. Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. juries. j | ee e eee meneatenrer Dawson, met death last week at Second Ave. and Sixth St. f son, } : Call before ordering. . © Read The Daily News) 272m... igi ie rf Advertise in é Chicago, Sept. 6—Bill Miner,]falling out of a second storey eevee. ve _ Scoop Couldn’t See Over The End Of The Pier News by “HOP Drawn for The Daly WHAT DO NOU “=” THINK THIS (S~ YOUR BIRTHDAY $y fam SPLASHING ALL /#7 = | 1 NOW Look AT THAT LITTLE “ToAD OH OF COURSE -RI ‘BEATING IT FOR THE END OF a THE _ictiegeis = SHE PIER. - ITS A WONDER n ER PARENTS WOULDNT IM ALWAYS THe - KEEP TRACK OF HER FGOAT ON DIVING. AFTER SOMEBODYS CARELESS LITTLE ( ft ee ca eae ee c ‘ eee el