ANOTHER BIG SHIPMENT OF ELBERTA PRESERVING PEACHES Will Arirve. Wednesday Night The last shipment was rapidly disposed of. Get your order in early. SHEPARD & JONES Hart Block Phone 41 Come and Look at the REXALL ASSORTMENT OF TABLETS AND PAPETRIES This Week. At Our Stores Two .Good Stores. THE REXALL STORES Cc. H. ORME Phones 82 and 200 The Pioneer Druggisi : ——ee= ecard to the requirements of the FRED STORK’S HARDWARE Established 1908 Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Ilardware Ship Chandlery Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing ‘l'ackle Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles & Shotguns Ammunition Paint Corrugated [ron Rope Valves Hose Rubberoid Rovufing Pumps Stoves & Ranges | A\a “We Sell Nothing But the Best” “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices, 1142 Pender Street West - Vancouver, B.C. Phone (3500. PRINCE RUPERT LADIES When in Vancouver do not fail to call on THE NOVELTY LADIES’ TAILORING-CO. 112 Hastings St. W. Coats, Suits and Skirts made to order and ready to wear Prices Right. Satisfaction’ Guaranteed. Tour. oss WEEKLY LETTER __. Home How difficult it sometimes, to carry out your good intention of writing a letter every week to your relatives or friends back home or in the particular lo- eality in which you lived before you settled in Northern British Columbia. A good way out of the difficulty to order the “Weekly News” to be sent to “them. gives all the news of Prince Rupert a ndistrict. is, is It You will accomplish a twofold purpose by doing so. Not only will you be sending a weekly letter home, but you will be contributing in no small means to the ad- vertising abroad of Prince Rupert and Northern B. C. Just think how a_newspaper from Prince Rupert will be passed on by your faraway friend to some-other per- son who will be interested in learning something of the wonderful opportuniiies of this pioneer land. Is it not your duty te do that much for your city? It would be money well invested. The “Weekly News” posted to any place in Canada or the United Kingdom is only $2.00 per year; to points + in the United States, $2.50 per year. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. The government steamer Qua- dra is expected at the marine depot this afternoon, Breeze of Vancouver is a F. McB. Mrs. guest of her sister, Mrs. Young, Fourth avenue. Pp. R. steamer Princess Maquinna, with the touring geol- ogists, was expected at Ketchi- kan at 4 o'clock today. The C. James Oxley, charged with stealing a double barrelled shot- gun from Maxim Therodor, was given ten days’ in jail by Magis- trate Carss this morning. Mrs. J. E. Thompson B. C., arrived in the Princess May yester- They left this Chelohsin for Mr. and of Phoenix, city on the day afternoon. morning by the Granby Bay. Captain and Mrs. Rifenberick, who have been guests at the home of Jarvis H. MeLeod for the past three months, left for the south yesterday morning, en route t San Diego, Gal., where they in- tend to reside in future. and Mrs. Thorburn of Van- were among the arrivals jby the steamer Chelohsin this morning. Mr. Thorburn, who is in the office of the superintend- ent of railway mail service at | Vancouver, will leave by tomor- morning’s train for Morice- town for the purpose of getting all the information possible in Mr. couver row lrailway mail from Prince /Rupert east. feeds Basset POLICE COMMISSIONERS service MET |Report for August, Showed Fines the regular monthly meet- Hing of the board of Police Com- |}missioners, held yesterday after- ‘noon, Chief Vickers reported that the total fines collected for the jmonth of August amounted to During the month there were twenty-four convictions for drunk and disorderly, three for supplying liquor to Indians, six cases of common assault and five convictions, one of forgery, twenty of gaming with cards, four jconvictions and = sixteen cases pending; two cases of keeping a |} gaming house, one conviction and’ lone pending; three convictions for riding a bicycle on the side- walks, two cases of obscene lan- j}guage and two convictions, and [various minor charges. The necessary accounts passed and fhe meeting |journed. Those present |Mayor Pattullo, Alderman or and Chief Vickers. At 2497 Sac. case were ad- were Mait- WEDDED AT VANCOUVER ‘E. H. Patterson of This City En- } ters Ranks of Benedicts. After a week's ithe city, E. H. Patterson, ac- |countant in the office of G. R. Naden Co., returned yesterday jafternoon on the Princess May, jaccompanied by his bride. The happy event was solemnized at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Vancouver, on Wednesday, Sep- tember 3rd, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The bride, Madge Ross of Glasgow, Scotland. an accomplished young lady, having until recently played a leading part in that popular Seotch play “Bunty Pulls the Strings.” The bride was attended in the cere- mony by a sister residing in Van- couver. absence from is PLANS FOR DRILL HALL AT CITY CLERK’S OFFICE Plans and specifications for the drill hall on Acropolis Hill may be seen at the office of City Clerk Woods. According to the |specifications, the building will be of cement, stone and brick. It will have a length of 200 feet 44 inches and a width of 83 feet 10 linches. The drill hall proper |will be 425 feet by 77 feet. A 9 foot basement is called for, which is to be used for shooting galleries. The outside measure- j}ment of the height of the build- ing is 104 feet. Tenders must be in Ottawa not later than September 23rd. li ' Another Gold Strike. |; FOUND LOST—Pair of gold rimmed glasses (pince nez) with small gold chain attached, Pinder please return to Daily News Of- Nice, 200tf LIVE STOCK. COWS fresh calved and coming in aiyays on and tuberculosis tested. Christy, cattle dealer, Collingwood West, corner Carleton and yr eotamnasier Road. Phone Collingwood 09 Post Office aot. 20, Collingwood East, Vancouver. a TIME TO GET BUSY Telkwa Wants Representation at Rupert's Fair. Miners and prospectors should begin early in the month to pre- pare an exhibit for the Prince Rupert fair that will show the visitors to that city the true standing of our district—the leading mineral disrict of the. in- terior. An organized effort should be effected and headquarters es- tablished ymewhere in town where claim owners coming in from their property could leave their samples. In this way a large number of samples could be obtained without much effort on the part of any one individual, Guy Farrow has promised to look after the exhibil of farm produce and there no why this district could not send in the best dispiay of that nature that be collected from any other tion tributary to Prince Rupert relkwa Tribune. Tried to "Blackmail, Sept. 6 today at to fifteen months an a charge of at- to blackmail Lord He had sent a threat Lord Rothsehild unless £150,000, coming is reason ean Heinrich the Old Londen, was sentenced Bailey sessien hard labor tempting Rothsehbild to murder he received ‘ I NOTICE of APPLICATION e Pp OVAL OF Plans. « Take + of t t Will ap; Rights the wor zation which No sawmi further a g i Pees -ez> iinet Rees with a Obj filed wi Parliame Dated day se oan s Zs W-Sept SPO BROWN & BUTTER MINING ENGINEERS METALLURGY Any Res, Phone B a a MININ ack 413 Prince Rupert ee, — GEORGE LEEK Dreary days made cheerful if the home is wallpaper from tistic patterns; Wallace's A moderate prices 210tf WATER NOTICE. Application for a license to take and use water will be made under the Water Act of British Columbia as follows 1 The name of the applicant is B Salt Works, Ltd., PF. H. Mobley, agent ? The address of the applicant Rupert, B. ¢ name of the stream tis River The stream has its source m tain range about 5 niles west of the Skee River, flow in & southeasterly direct and empties into Skeena River at mile south from Kwinitsa station 4 The ater i8 to be diverted the stream m the fe et from m mith Prince 3 The Kw south side a | dat will be brightened with P. O. Box 203 P. ROBERTSON INCORPORATED ACCOUNTANT (ty CHARTERED SECRETARY Investigations Ad, ustmerty Ug ons and Assignmey Smith Block, 3rd Ave., Frince Ropes ot Audits, re antity of water Twelve was posted of September of this notice and thereto and to the Water Act wit be filed ‘ of the Water Recorder at Rupert, B. ¢ Objections may be fle the said Water Recorder, or wit? Comptroller of Water Rights, Parl Buildings, View ria, B. ¢ B. €. SALT WORKS, LTD By F. H. Mobley, irent 8 to Oct. 6, 1913 py ant ‘ i Ww BOOKKEEPING - _ AODITING Bookkeeping Taught by eeivate Lessons | Terms Reascon® WENDELL Ry JONES Phones 112 And 19 313 2nd Ave. an¢ 221 6th St. Sept CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MEETINGS. Held 2nd in Pidg., 245 j applied for | hundred | j | THE MIDWAY LADIES’ AND GENTS GARMENT Cle PRESSIN EING AN Good 322 Bth Stree CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING © Lowes . x BOW SENG €27 Fonen Street Prince Rupe, U6 PACIFIC TRANSFER 0t Furniture, Baggage, Pian i» Ing and Genera! Cartage Phone 1 Office: Suits feral Block Hass Ave. service 11 a. m., Sunday ifter the morning Testimony m | day | idays i92tf Sunday schod mets service meetings Wednesdfys at 8 p. Reading roe fen evs except Sundays ar} legakh from 2 p. m. to 5p. mm is ry Every man to his business. I am an expert follector, Let me look after you rented property or collections, GEORGE LEEK 615 2nd Ave. Phone 203 CHOIPE TERRACE ACREAGE Nees G. T. P. Station 10 ares, neag townsite. 10 seres, % mile from town ste 10% $1,000 acres, paile from townsite 11% acres, track Terms ond- “quarter cash, {2 and 18 months at 6% owner THOMAS A. McMARTIN Box 855 or 618 Fifth Avenue Prince Rupert ST, ANDREW'S SOCIETY HAC formerly Kalen tsd. ane re To rent for Dances ww . ‘ ings, etc. Partionf@Ts as ei Secretary, P Jd. Box 268 : #600 ee “facing 6. re Pe soon bal. 6, Apply to —_—os CHEAP ACREAGE an Tyee Park Near Prince Rupert capella 6 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS Apply Harrison, Gamble & Company FINANCIAL AGENTS Third Ave. Prince Rupert 4 eA fo A\ 7th Ave. room coltag per m¢ nth GEORGE Leek Nota Rents and ‘ is ae Phone 203 615 2nd AND GET Better s Satis _ raer in Pring © %yooe ise cm, we P wea, Every housel has plumbing in by impr 1 Installation let me lain bow, } can have sifE BATH 2 m ment wil vour fuel P reduct 0 in your f alterat t. facta the cost ( P rp sauist reatel * " gt time and you will ha HARRY HANSON ple rei ve ex “The Rela Lot with three ! Block 25 PRICE $1,200 ean Balance 6 €. R. Naden Co, Ld. s ance R I I tate and [nsur ea dst id Avenue Seco!