TT Sl is Saag Baar ' ? ince as it did in New York state.| jJeader may be a candidate for Stratford Herald: Some people | the Presidency at the next el- ection. Recovering from Operation and Leaving for Home. New York, Sept. 6.—Sir George prominent Unionist member of the British parliament and an authority on Dominion and home fisheries, operation is recovering serious for bladder at He is 65 years old his hotel 22nd from where he had visited his son, frid Doughty. to sail for England the but the railroad journey gravated his ailment and om Mon day, the 25th, the performed. A remarkably Wil- had ag and-satisfactory recovery ensued. | George's son will accompany him home. Sir His intention was | next day, | Wedne THE DAILY NEWS ia oll 7 cme — = hy 7 : = ——— SIR GEORGE DOUGHTY SY TCT Double Weekly Service al TO THE souTH by the splendid steamer, PRINCE RUPERT and — AtRee Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, y,, ri Mondays and Fridays oi 6 pi” ttle o For Stewart on Thursdaye at » an For Granby Bay on Saturdays a: 4, a Steamers Prince John and Prince Maintain Weekly Service Between Victor: we. S Charlotte Islands, Calling at Way und Saturdays at 8 P. M. Also Weekly ap, Harbor, leaving Prince Rupert on Wednesday, |.) Ma : RAILWAY SeERvice | * | Train No. 2 leaves Prince Rupert, castho Saturdas SPECIAL LOW EXCURSION RATES . a routes in connection with the @RAND TRUNK 28th to Sept. 80th. Returninglimit Oc: 9» For through tickets, reservat; ‘ A. DAVIDSON bri Sy Prince Rupert Dine AT Py ; oo RAILWAY eyereg gt + My Office 3rd Avenue operation was | quick | CANADIAN PACIFICO RAILWAY ARE YOU GOING EAST THIS SUMMER? Scientist Leaves Fortune. Special Excursions May 26th to Sep- ire ‘ . T > | tember Wag London, Sept. 6 The late Pro- " Returning jam October Bist ; ’ yar v bs t fessor John Milne, noted mining earn. to Toronto an Bs gente 1/1029 3rd Ave a engineer and seismologist, who} ht 8 to Montreal and 9108.00 One Biagk actively interested himself in the | Vancouver to New York and — r , development of British Columbia | venanaves’ to thdesae wares $108.50 Little 5 NEW and Newfoundland, left an estate | Vancouver soo ger esas scapes “ERD 4 ( see 0 valued at $550,000. He be-| MO oki bans sha sens ees 960.00 | Magazin: Periodics queathed his scientific records | other — nen Low Heals :: Nema and instruments to the British }] General Agent Gor. 8rd Ave & 6th 81 | CIGARS “VBA PRD association. Princess Sophia, South, ® A. M., Bat. f 2M) Ave Below ka ‘ 2 8 " Me Post tm DEMAND Roya REseRvE WHISKY. AGES YEARS GUARANTEED BY ' GOVERNMENT S| oF CANADA. RECOMMENDED FOR Tne INVALID THe Home Tne Connoisseur Tne Pusuic who nafural want the best. Ace, Purity ann MELLOWNESS UNSURPASSED. DISTRIBUTORS demen- | Prince Rupert Importing Co., Ltd | PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Hotel ; Directory Members P.R.L. Vintners Association PRINCE RUPERT INN AND ANNEX Owned and Operated by the Grand Trunk Pacific Ky. A. Sweet, Manager WINDSOR HOTEL Corner of First Ave. and Eighth St WwW. H. Wright, Prop. HOTEL CENTRAL First Avenue and Seventh Si. European and American Plan Peter Biack, Prop. KNOX MOTEL First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth European Plan, Rates 60c Ww §1.00 rer Day Besner & Besner, Props. J. Y. Rochester Vv. D. Casiey GMPRESS HOTEL Third Ave,, Between Sixth and Seventh Streets European Pian, 50 to $1 Per Day PREMIER HOTEL American and European Plan F. W. Henning, Manager ROYAL MOTEL Corley & Burgess, Props. Third Ave. and Sixth St. Steam Heated European Pian BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR Cco., LIMITED Second Ave. and Sixth 8st Phone 102 PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING CoO., LIMITED Fraser and Sixth Sts. Phone 7 } The Boss Prefers Insects To Snakes (~ READ SOME WHERE. = THAT A GARTER SNAKE. WAS HARMLESS AND USt*UL AS A SPIDER AND INSECT CarcHEeR! I Empress avin Ae AND POOL om 4 es 12 yaa LUMBER COAL ir Phone Cioenseo AGENTS COAL Bet ad ' —and— Complete Line of BUiLDERS’ SUPPLIES WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited Phone 166 | | New Wellington Coal ( ‘UMION S.S. COMPANY OF 8.6, Lu T days and Fridays at 8 a.m. oast Phone 116 Rogers & SMITH & MALLET Plun g S.S. ‘Chelohsin’ |<"... FOR VANCOUVER Office: 8rd Ave ‘ Phone 174 4 Wednesdays at 2 p.m. a *“Valhalla’’ of S.H. &if S.S. ‘Camosun’ | | | Meets every 2 and 4 vend FOR VANCOUVER p-m. in the hal at ro A Saturdays alt 10 avn 0c cies or ie Accountant FOR GRANBY BAY BOS 2nd Ave Prom S PRINCE RUPERT, 6 ¢ Rogers Steamship Agency |““* * * MANSON Phone 116 WILLIAMS & Solicitors, Et LOAN Barristers - ipeotoeee! MONEY TO Georgetown Sawmill Co. Lid Helgers HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS 4% eMpaLiee f era) Directors Lumber Srd Ave. near 6c! Prone Bal —en and Mo : E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Enpaine A large stock of dry finish- CHARGES REASONABLE ing lumber on hand. Boat 2nd Bt. cor. 2nd Ave eal | mormpepy es ay Delivery OPEN DAY AND NIGHT made at short noti je Our prices are as low as any. Call on us before ordering. Advertise i The Daily Nes OFFICE: EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. Drawn for The E Boss MUST BE TIRED-HE WENT To BED SO EARLY es BUT £055 ITS A SWELL SPIDER ANP INSECT et HES a)