tive Library by va : f Cg ROULATION “a ‘ame , NEXT MAILE in THE CITY AND NORTHERN BRITIGH COLUMBIA Prince George... Wednesday, 9 am, f | For South A et ee Bich acacammra a ae = = Ne 4 : € 1 NO, 2 f . } eae ae re — = — moment RY WL, 1, NO. , » ag WR f PRINCE RUPERT, B, C,, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS =E=—eoOCrOr" \ P ; = oo . ss ia ihn see rl ANOTHER BOMB F OR GENERAL OTIS—F IRST CHISANA GOLD ARRIVES—THAW SCORES AGAIN PRIEST'S FURTHER CONFESSION. cxssarc|f~ wit] [ "savas GREAT SUFFERING IN DUBLIN OF HIS MOST HORRIBLE CRIME |). ss; |Peegremeermemmd conn cuss. | CAUSED BY GENERAL LOCKOUT Thaw’s millions have se saYS HE WAS ATTRACTED BY HER BEAUTY AND BECAME IN- cured another coal situation appears today 7 Spokane 3, Vancouver 2, sucks natal to be full of doubt and a coal INDUSTRIAL CRISIS DEVELOPING UGLY FEATURES—NO WORK checkmate to Portland 2, Seattle 2 FATUATED WITH HER—GORY TASK OF CUTTIN ’ ~ ‘i ; UP THE BODY ” " his immediat» return to New Tacoma 2, Victoria 4. famine is seriously feared. FOR MEN WHO WILL NOT ABJURE TRANSPORT York stale, having secured 4 Mdeek Lisesien ' a et of the Oar WORKERS’ UNION. : u . strike on Vancouver Island, x Special Lo The Daily News dropped the bundles into the federal writ in New Jersey ee coal is now bai br rhi e i fh ss et aT ties y Yor Sept. 417.—Slowly| Hudson River Gthatilivn fanning it Aart Portland 5, Venice 0, ; : ‘ ing brough Special to The Daily News ago. He told Parnell he would ev ork,. Sept. sit ‘ ua miver, sUGee issuing it declare . ; > ere fron > eviv in ¢ ae vai o ‘ $f " . oo | he detective j i “T was attracted by her beau- that this will indefinite \ Sacramento 6, Oakland ve A he oe vivene or Liverpool, Eng., Sept. 17.—The break his heart. IT will break ob: surety om Pee ar ty,” reads Schmidt's alleged cor suspend the hearing of tl ; San Francisco 4, Los Angeles 5 st o rom Australia. ¢ freight handlers of this city yes-|Murphy’s heart or go to the stripping from New York's river | ¢ : : i u 1- , aring o i shortage of wood is also re- terday éame out in a sympathetic |&rave.” ! : fession. I became infatuated writ of habeas corpus. National League. ported oe a sympathetic & i murder all its mysteries, The| with her. I loved her I killed é : strike with the transport workers Hunger is becoming the ally of skill with which Miss Aumuller’s| her She was so Faautital ao wad Philadelphia 3-4, Cincinnati of Dublin and refuse to handle|the capitalists, and it is feared { ; 4-0. *lany Dublin trafie. that by the end of the week actual body had been nen tba hel So [I could not let her live starvation will excite many, al : c 4 ‘ bess isa ip ‘ . ; New York 0, Chicago ‘alled iis sare 3 De had Leeda by : Bison Bind that ait 1 Pihily Re ANOTHER BOMB MEANT in the ourth atte > tore IS SCAMPERING UNDER London, Sept. 15.—The indus- ready desperately evens Pennies In the flat occupied for five days live together, I was a priest and FOR GENERAL OTIS OUNCES eamy COVER OF NEUTRALITY eat crete Se Dublin $s develop- iilistae Noe aaa eee ing ugly features. The lockout by Schmidt and the girl deteclives | must remain with my church I pitncliadintl Amercan League i ’ ; ot , — ; 4 : : arched along Sackville, street ound one 2 , sd cards,/le 0 : 1” go aw rr ‘ involves the following industries; | !@?° hed along ’ wn , ated ‘that tele tan a let her go away from |That He Was Not Blown to Pieces Chicago 1, Washington 2. Premier Borden Refers to the De-| 1), , transport oan Aout foil yesterday, but ten times as many ch indicate at So ad|me, § openes » door of the : 4 : ee , ie ii : led as a surgeon, at d| nat. rs : tgp co I ag Mh 2B Due to Care of Japanese Cleveland 7, Philadelphia 8. feat of His Government on ing, mateh making, biscuit mak-| filled boxes would not feed half asqueradec as ¢ Ss ‘ge on’ f t € ’ , or oO oY ‘ - = « t : 5 ak- : 3 ‘ pir tness ed of more thé : \T cy 1 er in ce Servant. St. Louis 4, Boston 5. the Naval Policy. ing, the cattle trade, agricultural|‘"e Starving men, women and was po an an}T had come to fulfil my threat —-~ Detroit 4, New York 3. —_— labor, fish supply matdenit » the} *hildren. ordinary layman's knowledge of! Then [ drew the knife across her Special to The Daily News \ eee ae (Special to The Daily News. coal A a 5 vildi { i ‘die surgery, throat.” rt ed fe a a ‘ é “ fe : é ade, e pul ng trade, 1e Yesterday Rev. Hans Schmidt When her heart had ceased ’ oe les, sh pl. 17.—For the DUST FROM CHISANA Halifax, Sept. 17-—‘The high-|timber trade and box making. CONDITIONS IMPROVED ; PR Tisha | . Of au eased/second time within two vears a pee est future of the Dominion lies} Before any § eo y the self-confessed slayer of Anna} beating, according to this alleged yomb vesterc bis in : ’ y " o | ‘ . eflore any man is allowed to Aumuller was found to have had | confession BaWinids carried: tis oor a oe a win cover Oo “T care for no man believe : ‘ Muret and the murderer passed| head, arms and legs. Still fear- blown to pieces was due to the|from the discovery claim at Chi-] noytpa}; in times of danger or]] aa 7 divin a ; se oer have improved wonderfully in the ' ours together nating “he ; epee ; f y } trality ee ave ¢ e mission to make]),. ww ¢hewh Z : g hou together posing a [fu of detection, he then cut the] watchfulness of his Jap servant,|sana has arrived at the assay of- of trouble,” he declared, referring|imen and women discontented last few years: 4nd ¢Fe ee cal st nts had mf ; > 3 ‘Is stter There rer 2 ! udents. ;BOaY ih Lwo, who received the infernal ma- fice. to the defeat of the government’s |] Some say the workers should not till better. There are fewer men Schmidt nae admitted all this | Five bundles, WI ipped in bed chine from the postman and es ee nee for Maite youre; d last night was induced to|eclothes and papers, were made of] handed it over t he nolice said P. M. Draper, Canadian re- randed it over to the polic Pig iniecinncenprer ginartonion rule is an accomplished fact. My ee “ihia ‘ » a furtan) confession, in the six parts Five times Schmidt The machine had been inailed CROPS ARE RUINED CANADIAN SURVEYORS father gave his life for the right are meative to: the ee gga: Which he again went over the de-|left the apartment house with a in this eity. When taken out to of the:idrish:--people’. to govern Union congress recently he in lals of his horrible crime, He | bundle to cross the Hudson River] some vacant lots and investigated IN SEVERAL STATES UNDOUBTEDLY KILLED shemnselvitec’ ABE thik: id ce. anos Manchester. iid that he killed his victim asito the Jersey shore Five { yard bs Saeed Wei : as | 1e Jersey lore, ive time it was found to possess suflicient wee nomic, not a home -rute, questi nie, t ; question. MADE IN IRELAND TRAIN ilk cicada lah etGalbas ci, dean tia naval policy. not be aroused until after home lay in bed, cut up her body in|he leaned over the stern of thel force to kill twenty 1 en. Continued Drouth in Some of the $ “T ¢ Peni I i wenty men Relief Launch Returns to Ketchi- I am the son of a Fenian and na b e i :: Paace an. | fer 2 boat JE ae ah ‘ hatha celia ae oe ea han thawing Pulled & Lokats I have never felt ashamed of any ae et as ag Here he had establishec er,|gentiy gave the river his burden. nterest in B. C. f ho called himself ¢ é en sample Cars our Britis Wrapped it in five bundles and!Then he returned to his: church. THAT COSTLY NECKLACE cmap the Survey Party. rae. ie ran cae a Dominions PICKED UP IN STREET Mr. and Mrs, C, A, Smith re- Special iv The Daily Nowe certain conditions in. Ireland. ‘Special ts The Daily News.) by the steamer Prince But now we have a broader gos- turned = ‘ : Ketchikan, Sept. 17.—The re- 4 ote a i pa Cc DEAD Lucky Finder to Receive a Reward| George this morning from a two])..y 4, 5 “oh 4s a Reade z pel, a wider gospel, a clearer London, Sept. 17.—The lana- LOCK EXISTS REGARDING y : : : __, {lief launch which wa nt { gospel. Since [ went to Ireland|dian Associated Press is given to of Fifty Thousand Dollars months’ trip spent in the Central | Gane , . » landslide Y : : a Cape Muzon when the landslide in 1907 T have raised the flag of|understand that a ‘Made in Ire- for It. ‘ 30 rp States fter ex. 8 waa fire sard of returne ? 4 IRISH HOME RULE CONFERENCE ae and Southern States. After ex Gh re a mt ; i ard o ip os discontent from Belfast to Cork, land” train, under'the auspices of wa a periencing the hot, dry weather|last night and reported that t '*Y}and I have brought a new hope|the Irish Chamber of Commerce, Special to The Daily News ; : Spat ‘ ae able to locate ¢ wns ¥ that has prevailed in Kansas,}/had been unable to locate any)iig a new gospel to the working|is about to tour the British Do- EITHER OF THE POLITICAL PARTIES DESIROUS OF TAKING a eae Leh pao cao and ee: of ane — Bee Hk le eeare aces classes of Ireland, minions. Ten saiaple cars will FIRST STEP TOWARD PROPOSED CONFERENCE— practically on the sidewalk, the Ree aea, fk ea a pe that C N Anhawka ee ree “Murphy, the capitalist leader,/compose the train, which will NATIONAL PETITION TO KING. celebrated pearl necklace which ieitt th alate ; f Sctiibe Rupert Bode, the two Canadian survey-|/% One of the Mew Who SEave Rete peas OFF eon anehee spon: atte : ‘ : ) . : nell to his grave twenty years|the goods are delivered there. 8 ’ ' s was stolen on July 16th while in} pe crops in a few of the south-]ors, were buried by the slide. ’ pesial to The Daily News prevented and the Crown saved transit from Paris to London.]apy states are practically ruined. sindiclihapelaiaacn se = Sees — = Loudon, Sept. 47,—Neither of|from being drawn into a deplor-|-phe necklace is valued at $650,- In many of. the places which NEW FLYING RECORD in : lical parties seems desir-|able controversy. In Nationalist} g99, ‘phe finder is to receive a Mr. Smith visited he was besieged penne ss | king the first step to-jeircles much of Carson's talk i8|/roward of $50,000. with inquiries concerning Prince |Hundred and Eighteen Miles in| in the proposed conference on{regarded as mere bragadoccio. $$. Runerk and. British felumbia. the Fifty Minutes : re sh home rule, and a real dead- The following is the proposed CAN’T BEAT THE DUTCH peetia being ihohboihis eters.” stata ee est 0 me era ouse ms °Xists until such time Bei pations! petition to the King: ; Fe Ae a Special to The Daily News. e e kdward Carson arrives — in “rT respectfully ask Your Ma- All the Women in Holland Are to Avoecne has Paris, Sept. 17.—Ernest Guil-| = = There he will conduct anjjesty to withhold your. royal as- Have Votes Among the larger cities visited]|lard, the French aviator, with | llunn campaign and with his|sent to the bill to amend the pro- sastummeetats Rann Baril ack, St. Louis, Denver passengers, yesterday covered | SPECIAL ATTRACTION FAIR WEEK puneil arrange for meetings|visions for the government of Special to The Daily News and Sealtle. one hundred and eighteen miles | } Iroughout England {reland until after the electors of TY : 7 The new Pi Pt. : : ae ing é ‘ ie Hague, Sept. 17 The new ole eR rane in fifty minutes, thus shattering XOMMENCING When he left England he saidlthe United Kingdom have been government of Holtand which a ef Was gO going joyfully and cheer- | consulted. took the reins of office vesterday, BILLY WILLIAMS IS “ihe ic eee na back to Ulster that he and — as doclare a ar ork i » sessaes “nay alltel |INSPECTING WORK ON |isvuim'crostne wstcs ws wo:| TO MEBT LEM KEGG] v'c1DE Av stscana ‘neil together and have a pro- men, oorrnerernisage Man Jumps Into Rapids from the e sional Fovernment “ready to PROVINCIAL BUILDINGS lepine — Boxing Match Is Arranged for Lower Bridge. ? : oy TRIALS OF STRIKERS Thursday Evening of Fair Week Between Top Special to The Daily News) Pe ‘‘s will protect Us POM | architect from Victoria Is Here ements 8 us eeee er suite to Deal with Important Details | Alleged Rioters at oe to Be acelin aeeere Falls, Sept. 1 . A i ntres, and Inspect the Work. Tried Next Week. : man believed by the police ’ nT Valeh ihe te to: apeak, eee eerernren Lem Kegg, the boy with a}/John Hawkins, 68 years of age, a Kileel, Newry, Banbridge, A. A, Cox, architect for the pro- (Special to The Daily News punch, who defeated Shannonjof Erie, Pa., jumped from the wr: Ballelare, Loughan- vincial government buildings to Nanaimo, Sept. 17.—It is ex-|here, has been matched to box}lower steel bridge at a height of ves atten eae : ar ; , with Billy Williams at MeIntyre}200 feet above the rapids. The e each he Bankalstown. be erected in this city, arrived on] pected that by the end of the week vin le spel ' ie the steamer Prince George this[all the alleged rioters will be un-|Hall on the evening of Thursday, }act was one of suicide. med if y ister ; Reaistance, morning. In the absence of Wil-|der arrest. They will be given |September 25th, EG — ecessary Cr " ‘iliame has gaine 1¢ e su} Seary..in_sopma of liam Manson, M. P. P., Mr. Cox]their preliminary hearing and Williams has gained decisions SIBOLA GOLD STRIKE 'OMnN COvensg raft + . . 2 . +h j \ thie cc enant, He refuses, inspected the new temporary|with speedy trials, commencing|Over Eddie Shannon, Johnny —— Present stage, to take the part of next }O’Leary, the lightweight cham-|Former Chief of Police Believes over such parts of the gov- AUSTRALIAN JUVENILE OPERA COMPANY , ry T rd £ . ’ come p f » early “Aiea vou oe: ee Rp ar enys. aaa Suey "ihe tne ee the men will be Sa ome ee es Erennay It is a Good One Opening in the Brilliant Comic Opera 8 me rule bill mus Fae AMAR Saas ena) , excava.|s ; ; Jaise, the present champion, ant seas dropped it Sima halts nua 28 Well Oe in eee ee pi Eddie Moy, who is Welsh’s spar-] (Special to The Daily News) “THE TOYMAKER” ; SS ihe sanmanent buildings al Gov- ANOTHER COAL STRIKE ring partner, He goes into the] Now estminster, Sept. 17.—The siernment Place. The location of ——- ring at 128 pounds. The Sibola gold strike is by no i : ae ; fos the tunnels under Government|May Further Affect the Visible Ser eomnrent means a new strike, according to and presenting a series of high class operatic productions, Place is one matter that will re- Supply at Vancouver. VICEROY OF IRELAND ex-Chief of Police McIntosh who ingluding: * rhe Mikado, Belle mt New York,” Sergeant MONEY T0 ceive special attention. Mr. Cox "ec ee Fi was located in the district twelve Brue, Pinafore,’ La Belle Butterfly,” ete. expects to return to Victoria on Special to The Daily News. Duke of Connaught to Be the First years ago. Basing his assulmp- CHANGE OF BILL NIGHTLY Friday morning. Trinided, Colo,, Sept, 17.--A Under Home Rule. tion on personal dbservations ' L BOE ee general strike of all the coal ; errr - c made then he believes the strike a aritnet ee a za REFUSED BIG PRICE miners of District 10 was de (Special to The Daily News will prove to be a good one. ACIOLBEION «AERP 6 2 et eset Sees clared late yesterday afternoon London, Sept. 17,—It is now Sibola Creek is one of the tri- Lower Floor (First 44 Rows)... 20s ..opesceeceen $4.25 i Land Expropriated for Federal/and is now in effect, certain, according to the well in=-|butaries of Tahtsa river, and is Lower Floor (Last & ROWS)... 66 vc. ea oe we $1.00 | ae Docks at Vancouver, ete formed correspondent of the/about 110 miles southeast of Tel- Baloony. (Firat: 8 Raoweis. ok ck is ce ehbca el eee $41.25 Contest for Mann Cup. Liverpool Post, that the Duke of} kwa, Baleony (3rd and 4th Rows)........-. Gui NAP e een, 75e CONT (Special to The Deily News.) Spec ial to Tr he Daily News) Connsught will be the first vie e- Gana Nee oe OO. A eas TRE aN eas INENTAL TRUST Vancouver, Sept, 17.—The own= | Vancouver, Sept, 17.—The Van- [roy of Ireland under home rule.| iret Ball of the Season. ir GIF ices > occ hema ers of five hundred feet of Bur-|couver Athletic ot a vane Tn the ee a Ms anyeh is Given by the pe anaes rie, Soe ; ar. . a . » federallecup holders, will defend that]preventing the Duke of Connaught|eiety in St. Andrew's Ha or- COMPANY, LIMITED Svante ene rocks jo rect. cals against the Oak Bay la-|from taking the post of viceroy it}merly the Kaien Island Hall), SEATS NOW ON SALE cma Sead ORR ror}Jerosse team of Victoria, the]will be offered to the Duke of Nor-]Wednesday, Sept. 17th. Dancing Pg ae Fo sale > ae Rupert, @, 0, the’ en lene ead tao rhean champions of the Vancouver] folk, who is the foremost English|from 9 till 2. Westholme or- aeerine’s Srd. Avenue. Drug Seam Seinitiet and the price will he[Island League, on Tuesday and}Catholic and possesses some ex-|chestra, Refreshments. Tickets sorennnn »'settled by arbitration. Saturday of next week, perience in administration, $1.00. Ladies free. 215-18