Legislative Library eT Le : , : , — anoesT CIROULATION NEXT MAILS THE oITY AND NORTHERN From South in Prince George... Wednesday, 9 a.m. British COLUMBIA For South Chelohsin. ..... Wednesday, 2 p.m. a ————_—_——————S PRICE FIVE CENTS ———— PRINCE RUPERT, B. G,, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1913. —OOOOOO = _ JAPAN-CHINESE SITUAPION GROWS ACUTE a CONFLICT BETWEEN CHINA AND JAPAN IS GROWING IMMINENT nn Ce ENDS FORTY-SIX YEARS OF MISSIONARY WORK ip TIMER OF PRINCE RUPERT pRINGS NUGGETS FROM CHISANA UNCLE SAM WAITING CANADIAN DIVORCES Maritial Separation Becoming More Popular in Dominion BASEBALL. No Move Contemplated in .the Mexican Situation Special to The Daily News. Northwestern League. (Special to The Daily News. . ihe a ‘Washington, Sept. 18.—So far Spokane 5, Vancouver 14. Ottawa, Sept. 18.—Forty-two ~~ pAWSON Bap tec B-boy se ARGRNERAL PROVE [as the administration is con- Portland 0, Seattle 4. divorces were considered by the CHINA DOING EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO AVOID WAR, BUT A SUCCES HORTAGE OF GRUB —G AL cerned there seems to be no move Tacoma 3, Victoria 6. Sah Juring ? JAPAN MAY INSIST UPON REMOVAL OF CHINA'S s r contemplated in the Mexican sit- Senate during the last session, MOST POPULAR GENERAL. and since then already fifteen uation al present Coast League. to The Daily, News |new Chisana gold fields was applications have been filed. This Special to The Daily News) ing with skilful tact to enrbroil Special ° ‘ : : - Ms Gant. 148,.—Fred Ws ae : ; San Francisco 1, Los Angeles 5. aad : i Dar adele 0 i anit. to the city yesterday by “PUNCH, PUNCH, PUNCH Venice 4, Portland 6. looks as if the record was going Tokio, Sept. 18.—China’s, note China in warfare, and that in , z last ni rht and | messts: Davis and John U. Nich- —_—— Sacramento 5, Oakland 4. to be broken at next session. of acceptance of Japan’s demands these tactics Japan 1s aaa om fro! Chisana as B . lolis, both old sourdoughs The “With Care, in the Presence of ° ee est : : nt? itl he killi f support from Russia which is the new camp is certain to | oe he nc * i the Passengaire.” American League. LOST HIS SPARKLERS in connection with the killing Of) piehtfully due to the Chinese gov- ah ess Few claims are|muggets came from Discovery Ser several Japanese at Nanking wasjernment. The latter is deter- being worked, however, at pres-|claim, one of the few in the camp Speci » The Dz rad Cleveland 2, Boston 0. z received yesterday and is not}mined to do everythin ossible Lae gametes His aa es a Special tc rh Daily News Philadelphia 8, St. Louis 4. Harry Epstein Bewildered by the ‘int , v¢ er ’ : s _not|mined Oo ever} £ p { owing } \! iat are being worked. Both Vancouver, Sept. 18.—Higher Brovklen S28, Wi . Bustle of Montreal deemed a sufficient answer. It is|to avoid a conflict, but the danger weity of grub. He says MANY|consider the new camp worth] street car rates go into effeet to- ong Week. te ee eg 3 confined, thus far, to minor lies in Japan’s possible insistence Sg 4 at ae a att he [while making another trip to, not- day and the announcement of the tmee cae ee YOR (Special to The Daily News points, and is declared to be nojupon the removal of General | ine ia 1ere Wi we ? omni ve ees ea a eye . ; answer to the real principles in-}|Chang Hu Sun, who was in com- : Satie : sot company is causing a vehement Montreal, Se 8.--Harry E ’ of tigation in the early | Withstanding the hardships of ; . RA Montreal, Sept. 18. arry ™4P-!volve mand ‘i i i rt They came down the|travel, and will start early next ei gee i classes, ihe UNALTE BLY OPPOSED stein of Vancouver, had a_ valise olved, rremiptaigner ie spring Ree | : : of six tickets for a quarter only -ontaining $2 or jew- ; ; any Fs ; Es White River in the little White} year over the ice. five are now given. TO LOWERING TARIFF ewetieathia ar vn he - 7 Berlin, Sept. 48.—A Shanghaijeral is very popular and his re- pass steamer from Donjek, ninety | _ vis : be wy at aia AS Pm a sor rail-|qogpateh says that the Japanese-|moval for cause might start a tae four hours, the water John U. Nicholls is an old] pyOWEER HANGED HIMSELF |What Reciprocity Meant to This way Station last night, Chinese situation is vevoming|second revolution against the re- » high and already showing |timer of Prince Rupert, coming Countr ’ See en ea em oS acute in Pekin It is believed| public, or tt t t at Mees y from Manufacturers r d s I c, or an attempt to restore dione of ice from tributary |bere about the time of the first) Went Out to the Woodshed to Do Point of View. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL. [thore that the Japanese are act-|the ancient dynasty. 1 sale and acquiring several lots the Cowardl ; yeeremag" y Deed. eecereenin Nie nies 1. a Ha tthe — ——_—_—_— { ee | For some years previously he ran ee Special to The Daily News. Special sa The mene News Va ver, Sept. 18.—Quite =8 bottling works in Dawson with Special to The Daily News Halifax, Sept. 18.—Mr. Gour- London, Sept. 18.—The follow- of nuggets from the}marked success. Rd Revelstoke, Spt. 18 Jack ; : an : ey ing were the scores made yes- ss , i pera at pm : ‘G = ley, the new president of the}jerday in the first division of the teed Seer late es the ae ae Manufacturers’ Association, in]old country football games: T ee ree arlors and one of the his speech last night accepting Bradford City 0, Preston North yest known business men and old f : End 4 fe timers here, last night hung him- that office said that Canada made |” ° Sasiiteins eaaibe self in his own woodshed. The|o mistake in rejecting the reci- Watt ap i wai ra ¥ ier Wie tao TO HIS WELL EARNED REST 222i cts) ulrcttma"etataics) soci, im eo cena geese ronan” 4nd reasonable excuse for the deed|that the association was unalter- cyets alaces. oars MILLION REAKWATER FOR VICTORIA AND ton 0. OTHER IMPROVEMENTS. ably opposed to any lowering of the tariff. He admitted that has vel been assigned. REV, ROBERT TOMLINSON, WHO HAD SPENT FORTY-SEVEN business street, had gone so high that business men who are buy- times were not as prosperous as Ottawa, Sept. 15.—The recent|conference of Hon. Mr. Rogers ve Oe aching. IMPROVISED BALCONY —_|[ts,"ete notte wrosnerons os] TWO WHITE SLAVERS | icivot tony Robert Mogens and|with his engineers thi weeh Mey INTO STREET| nur series borowits osc] SENTENCED AND FINED), Pr et up |ie pant the been mai on Rishop Du Vernet this morn-|he went to Alaska to assist Mr. the key to the financial situation. —_—— ange oe Et ae the one rs oe Abed aie ee Bere Rayer ai ee : Peas 7 Bien —— ea RR eae _|ing the shipping facilities o e|piers which will delay the calle 6 Ve ee of the e hg ooh + ti Duncan at New Metla One Person Was Instantly Killed ya Paynter British Columbia ports in carry- | ine for tenders for a few days. Rev. RODGP) See rs Raabe en” and Five Others Were Seri- FORT GEORGE LOTS Elahteen Months ing out the great national policy | However, it is expected to have the, are at MORTARS IAG pas Bune). te teaver Deli ine, Hints two-s0n" ously Injured. . : : of transportation will undoubt-|contract let in time to allow of Seen ony anise ‘ini ene Ape sae eae ae ie ——— BRING BIG PRICES (Special to The Daily News) edly result-in a big shipbuilding |work being started this fall. Cee ie hei se 7 at. BROrs 3 Stans ss ee on Special to The Daily News re ue rer on uM y_| industry. This will be followed by the rh deceased was appointed | Richard has a farm at Mean- Cleveland, Sept. 18.—Just as a| Highest Price Paid at Vinoouver ‘San Franc isco, Sept. 18. M. J. Boih ministers frankly state |contract for a huge dry dock at dear f the Chureh of England | skinisht. section of the military parade in Sale Yesterday was $10,200 Diggs, former state architect, and that the visit was a revelation to the adjoining harbor of Esqui- the Bishop of London on Ob ER hil ile cs of vigorous) eonnection with the Perry cele- for Corner Lot. F..D. Caminett, son of the United] ingm, and they are anxious for}malt, The purchasing agent of I 2 , 1866, and left almost character and strong convie-lhpnation was passing last night te States commissioner of immigra- speedy action so that British Co-|the department of public works ely for Metlakatla, B, G./tions,” said Bishop Du Vernet} an improvised balcony in front of] If the prices paid for Fort MOM eke brought up for sen-|)imbia will be able to capture its|has already left with orders to I teen vears he labored as| this morning, “with a kindly heart a Chinese restaurant gave way,|George property at the initial tence yesterday. The former WaS| pare of the inereased trade build works whieh will accommo- nary of the Church Mis- and a quick intellect. After} \ijing one person and seriously] sale in Sito uae Be ae tad” given two years in the peniten- which is sure to follow the open- date not only any warships but + Bis iety at Metlakatla,| forty-six years spent ame ae injuring five others. cation, the city at the junction of ar ee » : oe, ae ing of the Panama Canai. also the longest liners on the Si es reieccd, He wau eaacetal |_| satlon i ey ne vere ar|imouea foe Shot eolaion of Fe One, te e then founded | Pate at DR Seo ere ’ destined to become one of the]... } BAAY Pa PINE | transportation policy of the gov-|some e,UU0, to $4,000,000. _ Va) san ft en cg Bub aking BORDEN'S SPEECH IS oii cain nh fi ann sey wre 4 tal arbors a a te eat et Pe a i aso Bey ere ne has BG | POM Ourse ° p Ee ‘on +4 pines range Pro ' + ’ ‘I natione arbors at ¢ 1e° great|yet be made, it is understo ; f thirty years, with ere Be Archdeacon Woods of PRAISED IN ENGLAND eee ae ranged from the frst named, 89.000 and the Nr ne phlei ae oe Foe inaktion Se i pe soe of a brief interval when|New Westminster.” ree A tooel real ebtale. age p [datter, $2,008: het Jet the contract for the de-|there will be developed shipbuild- i - peers ee ee ge is Shida Sean * — we eg MURDERER velopment of Toronto harbor at]ing yards, which can build not y fhiscolionts jam tae . : an expenditure of over $5,000,000 only big ocean going steamers SCANDINAVIAN BALL ‘TRADES AND LABOR Share Responsibilities. lb te trae ie adi i oo CONFESSED MURDE to tne Canadien Stewart Company.|but also possibly cruisers and PARADE AT THE FAIR eet Pee jeg posed by many to be the principal WAS ALSO A ROBBER The next big undertaking will small nayal craft, as proposed by (Special to The Daily News be Vietoria’s. As a result of the|Premier Borden. WAS A JOLLY EVENT Schmidt Stole Easter Offering at rr Over Seventy-five Couples En- jJoyed One of Best Dances of the Season. Prize of Fifty Dollars Will Be Given in This Contest—Other Notes of Interest. London, Sept. 18.—The Globe, a Unionist daily newspaper, in referring to Premier Borden's speech at Halifax, says, in part, ing property for their own use decided to purchase on Seventh avenue instead. His Church and Also Robbed a Brother Divine. PRESBYTERIAN “AT HOME” WAS SPLENDID SUCCESS CITY PUTTING ON - at Mr. yrde els at Can- 7 . ‘ ; eT EXHIBIT! AIRS One of the jolliest dances so A fine display of shells from at eo oo Sn ea while he f ee 6 an oe Special to The Daily News. Yesterday afternoon a most ON d § ‘ : ‘ a) or For weorge \ arty ~ ew fork Se — ans : ” £ TN ee far this season was that given|Lucy Island has been brought to}is lacking the fullest meneury of rapenytite necaten Bey Tallnwine Nee en ee is sane enjoyable “at home” was S1Ve"| @peenville Indian Band Sacrific- last evening in the St. Andrew’s the city for display at the fair imperial citizenship with oe advice. from Mr, Collart as to |held an awe use hantensed a By by the Misses Scott at their resi- ing Time and Money for Society Hall (formerly Kaien next One, : log cl r Beer ce prio vohine pr prices paid yesterday. Mr. Col-|derer of Anna Aumuller, now ad- {dence on Bordgn street. The un- Good of Cause. Island gymnasium) under the ee eee _ zs orale Aavtaad.: co the ‘Globe, is * lant“ is in athendance at . the its thas he stole the Easter of-jusually Bné pod Helped # _— Although it is nearly a week auspices of the Seandinavian So-|/esting feature at the fair, are be- reasonable ‘one, and one with sale, Only the number of the fering at hia chureh, and also, by ito: maes sucessful and largely maton the acid ‘enin of ciety. Al : Foe : Ko ote a hich England should be cid block and highest price paid in]way of diversion, that he robbed |attended event, The guests were : ” 0 ope ing ly. About seventy-five couples |ing placed in positiqn tocar: Re nee : that block are given in each ease./a brother divine.. It turns oul received by Miss Scott and Mrs. Prince Rupert's first exhibition, Were in altanAaMee mame MUEEorc| A special: pine will be. RNORSIHaN BBN: | sasdipayh SOMA st hes eoanes given the|thai he posed as:a philanthropist|F. W. Kerr.” The refreshments the city is already showing signs Oughly enjoyed the excellent floor the best collection o vaneranas ; _ cena Pe SNe ate highest is for corner lots and | while engaged in passing counter-;were of the daintiest and were of more than ordinary activity. and the delightful musie provid and flowers grown in Prince Hu- mas “the a Se ae tak the lowest for inside. feit money. served by Miss Holtby and Miss The arrival of the Greenville In- ed by the Westholi é a rst ze ee Demers and Mrs Frizzell oa eee ee Bt ae Bapivs Block 2 —$2,000. The police are still hunting for} McKenzie, while Mrs. McClymont dian — a aimee Daint : rene 4 er anes ek ‘ae hon if they are t she ‘e its responsi- Block 23 $8,250, the rest of the remains of the|and Mrs, Dawson presided at the sae ve . One er ae : . v refreshments were served | lave consented to act as judges if they are to share its respo! Block 25-——$3,000, $1,400. mantored ain. tea table. The home cooking crowds that may be expected to al an appropriate hour, of needlework. They will be as-jhilities, Block 33—$375. With a view to clearing the}corner was in charge of Mrs. reach the city almost daily until Following is. a partial list of sisted in the work by others. ve STM AeAee oy Block 43——-$4,300, mystery surrounding the murder |Gampp and Mrs. J. A. Kirkpatrick, the fair is over. — those who enjavsiahe daintti@at| oe Fred Stork w ae ¥ o HON C PRICE ELLISON Block 44—$4,300, of 8-vear-old Alma Kellner, whose}and contributed a considerable} This band, which has been un- Mr. and Mrs. S$. Johnson, Mr. grand marshal of the phones ai Race Block 45—$3,000, mutilated body was found in amount toward the funds of the der the tuition of George Werner, and Mrs, Holmquist, Mr. and Mrs. Labor parade, whion wi aes . VISITING THE INTERIOR Block 60—$550, quicklime in the basement of Si.| Ladies’ Aid Society of the Pres-jof the Westholme orchestra since M. Langlo, A, Akerberg, Mr, and line at Second avenue and a0 i . Block 66—$500. John's Catholic Church, ia Louis-|byterian Chureh, under whose|September tst, consists of fifteen Mrs. Hellman, Mr, ao A Mrs. street. rhe route oe aoe Coming to Prince Rupert via Tete Block 74—$600. ville, two years and a half ago, auspices the “at home” was held. |] Ppleces. Tt has been practising Evans, Mr, and Mrs. Anderson Second avenue to M eS oh Jaune Cache to Open Block 106-8275. the police sought today to obtain|The program of the afternoon [daily with splendid progress. ‘The Mrs, Frisgell, MM ME MAUAMRoS TL ts ees cece ‘virat avenuie'de the Fair. Block 120-8575. ne Pochmidt. the murderer of|consisted of vocal selections by [organization i deserving of much Nogers, Miss Oleson, eke Nas. and thence along Pires a oes Block 130——83,500, $2,100, the Aumuller girl, some state-| Mrs, Cc. L. Munro, Mrs. O'Neill, credit, as it is taking part in the lund, Miss Hardy, Miss Rorvik Kighth street, where ies HY gat J. HW. MeMullin, government Block 131—$10,200, $4,660. ment of what he might know of|Miss Holtby and Mrs. Jarvis Me- contest at great expense for the Miss Peterson, Miss L Sandberg, band. ‘ A prise of Sen w Pr agent, is just in receipt of ad- Block 151-—$1,250, this crime, From August, 1909, Leod, accompanied on the piano love of music and the good of Miss A. Sandberg, Miss L. Ander-|~ ‘rhrog rae ner syee will{Vice from Hon. G. Price Ellison, Block 152—81,525. till March, 1910, Schmidt was a|by Miss Froud, Mrs. Carpenter the present cause. The officers son, Messrs, J, Oman, Norman, hree substantial ae an minister of agriculture, to ihe Block 155-——$6,200, visitor in Louisville, not oficiallyjand Mrs, Walker. This is the are: ‘President, Leonard Doug Usland, P, Nelson, Beatty, Tobey be. riven for ie hihi Ye on ae affect that be will arrive in the| Block 185 $1,250. econected with any church there,|third of the series of receptions las; vice president, Peter Calder; Kissick, Rorvik, Bnane Raita table. Ladies wis 1ing a rete city in time to formally open the Block 209——$360. but a guest at the home of Rev. arranged — by the ladies | of the secretary, Sam Gray; bandmaster, Watrin, Larson, Jédin, MoAlee. should give thei ee ble “leair next week. The communica- Block 245-8470, Henry B. Waterman, rector ofjehureh and was much enjoyed on Sills Robinson; managing com- aa Garton, Broderius, Noble, secretary as soo nas possible, tion also states that the minister Blogs Bs OnE é ~ Chureh %, the Siecle accom cf _ oo Sige re Johnson Russ and Alfred odg8ers, Fraser, Re De es of agriculture is coming to ock ee : onception, me Kellner dis-|sociability which prevatied, ne DAY burn, Morse, Dwklund Metuioah, WEATHER REPORT. Rupes via-'Tete Jaune Cache, It} Block 340——9280, appeared on December 3, 1909.|success of it was entirely due to] The band has taken up quar. Brown, Fletcher, Empress Theatre. ; ie Still Voice” is the title of Oe neal feature of more than wn interest shown at the Em- Hress Theatre last night. Tt will Furnished by F. W. Dowling, Observer. For 24 hours ending 5 a. m. September 18, 1913, Barometer, reduced to sea be repeated again tonight, TNT Es a. s 04 4 8:91 wee Sut . 80,040 Highest temperature....+ 56.0 Lowest Lemperature,...+> 44.0 is likely that he will arrive either by Sunday night's regular train ov by the special excursion train on Tuesday night. Daughters of the Empire dance Special attontion is drawn to the date of the Daughters of the Empire dance. Through a com- positor’s error at Kaien Island Hall Friday evening. Tickets on sale at Orme’s, 217-20 pe bg for Tuseday A The dance), nsider the evidence sufficient to wil be held on Priday evening of 'jodge against him a verdict of this week. Bae Arat degree murder. i ; u i VG ah eh i i: a crime, his guilt Her body was found nine months later, Joseph Wendling, janitor at St. John’s Church, is now serv- ing a life term in prison for the Wendling stoully denied and the jury did not the gracious cordiality of the hostesses. The next “at home” will be held at the home of Mrs. Andrew Stewart. Tree G. W. Homer, provincial asses- sor, left by the ss. Prince George this morning on a business trip ters at the Klondike Hotel, where it will stay until the fair is over. Not Coming this Year (Special io Tie Daily News.) London, Sept, 48.—Ri. Hon, Lloyd-George has decided not to pay his promised visit.to the to Stewart. ‘ a United