i be hi | : The One Home Beer That has made a big, perma- nent hit with the best people in British Columbia. It’s the peerless beverage for table use. Present capacity 21,600 bottles daily. Beaver Liquor Co., LIMITED Distributors, Prince Rupert, B.C Heidelber Beer Carss’ Mackinaw Clothing Stanfield’s Unshrinkable Underwear Tower’s Oiled Clothing Asbestos Leather Gloves & Mitts P.D. Handknit Gloves & Mitts Penman’s and Yukon Blue Heel Socks PIERCY, MORRIS & CO., LTD. Wholesale Men’s Goods PRINCE RUPERT Substantial Values in Table Silver and Cutlery Genuine Worth in Every Piece Being manufacturers of silverware and importers of high grade cutlery, our preparedness to cater well to the needs of every home in British Columbia must be appreci- ated by all buyers. Whether you need sterling silver or first quality silver plate, our stock wili supply the best at lowest prices. We offer an extensive choice in Téa Sets, Trays and all Hollow ware and Flat Ware in which the leading stock patterns are represented. IN THE MATTER OF CUTLERY. Our stock offers the buyer an excellent choice. We carry a special line of first quality CARVERS. Write for our illustrated catalogue. It tells all. It explains how you may buy these high grade goods with greatest advantage to yourself. Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director % VANCOUVER, B.C Nn Has the Largest Circulation in Northern British Columbia THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert’s Artistic Job Printing Establishment “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices, Vancouver, B.C. 1142 Pender Street West ° . Phone 860, Read The Daily News| 2.23" BOY GETS 12 MONTHS: OLD MAN DISCHARGED Judge Yourfg Took Lenient View in Boy's Case—Did Not Realize Seriousness of His Crime. Before passing sentence this upon Zal Zaloff, a young Monte- negrin of probably not more than twenty-one years, convicted of forgery, His Honor Judge Young |addressed the prisoner through jan interpreter at considerable llength. ‘“‘There is absolutely no jdoubt, judging from the story ‘told by the prisoner himself and ‘ifrom that told by Chudhoff,” lsaid the judge, “but that Zaloff i/knew he was committing a wrong jbut at the same time I believe ithat he did not realize the full |seriousness of the crime and ithat he was under the influence jof this man Chudhoff.” The |judge drew attention to the fact that in the past among the for- leign element there had been a jgood deal of forgery committed jand that he had dealt with it very iseverely and would continue to do ithe same, Speaking to the in- lterpreter, Judge Young said: “Tell the prisoner that he has been convicted of a very serious icharge, a charge on which he jean be sent to the penitentiary lfor life. Tell him that the last |person sentenced by me on a jsimilar charge was given a term jof five years.” The judge then explained to the prisoner that on account of the circumstance and his own convictions in the case he in- tended to deal leniently with the prisoner. “If I were a jury on the case,” he said, “I would have |brdught in a verdict of guilty, |with a strong recommendation to j}merey.” Upon informing the court that jhe had nothing to say as to why lsentence should not passed, | Zaloff was sentenced to a term of itwelve months in the provincial | goal at New Wesiminster with jhard labor. Chudhoff, charge of stealing the was heard yesterday, was next jasked to stand up. His Honor, addressing the prisoner, said that he looked upon the accused's jcase as one of “not proven” irather than “not guilty.” In his /own mind there was little doubt but that the accused was guilty, be on the cheques whose trial i/but there was no evidence other than that of the boy Zaloff to | prove the guilt. If he could have ‘found accused guilty the judge ;assured him that what had been cut off of the hoy’s sentence | would have been added on in this ;case. Before dismissing the ac- jcused Judge Young asked the in- jterpreter to tell him that if he | were guilty of the charge, as he jeould not but believe him to be, | he would likely suffer merited |punishment before his days were | ended. The accused was then | dismissed. TENDERS WANTED. Tenders will be received up to Sept. 29th, 1913, for the moving of the office building located upon Lot 6, Block 22, Section 1, to the rear of Lots 8 and 9, Block 241A, Section 1, said building to be placed so as to face Fourth street. Also to construct a_ reinforced concrete vault. Plans, ete., to be had at the office of the Continen- tal Trust Company, Ltd. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. THE CONTINENTAL TRUST COMPANY, LTD. M. J. HOBIN, 219-22 Managing Director. Occasionally a woman does a man a favor by making a fool of him instead of marrying him. -Church Services- THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE Services opey Sunder. at ll m, p.m. Sunday School at 2.86 p.m. REY. MR. DIMMICK - PASTOR ST. ANDREW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Cor, Fifth Ave, and Dunsmuir Place Morning prayer, 11. Even- Ing prayer, 7:30. Sunday school, 2:80 p. Holy Communion rs Sunday of month, ai 1i «a m, and rd at REV. E. C. BURCH - Rector THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL ‘Granville Court Sunday services at iti THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Dr. and Mrs, Beemar, who have been spending a few days in the city, Jeft this morning for Stew- art. W. E. Taylor, répresenting Wood, Vallance & Leggatt, left for Graham [sland points, on the Prince John last night. F. Trainor, publisher of the Masset Leader, left for the Gra- ham Island metropolis last night, after spending a few days in the city. A branch of the Bank of Brit- ish North America has _ been opened at James Bay, Victoria, B. C., under the management of E. J. M. Williams. The Bank of British North America has opened a “pioneer” branch at 150 Mile House, B. C.,, under the eharge of A. de C. Smith as acting manager. Dr. Large, who has been spend- ing a few days at Essington look- ing after the closing of the sum- mer hospital there, was in the city yesterday, en route to Port Simpson, Among the passengers on the Prince John jeaving for Graham Island points last night were the following: F. Trainor, Mrs. Dill, C. 8. Wormald, J. Dow, J. W. Ex- ley, J. A, McDougall and W. E, Taylor. SAVED LIFE; GOT A CIGAR And It Wasn't a Very Good One at That, Says Rescuer. San Franciseo, Sept. 12.—Roy Haslet, bathing at Long Beach, rescued a drowning man. “You saved my life; take this,’ mur- mured the other, he handed him a 5-cent cigar. While smok- ing that of tobaeco Haslet almost regretted his act of hero- ism. as piece APPEAL COURT JUDGE Hon. A, E. McPhillips Will Prob- ably Secure Appointment. Ottawa, Sept. 12.—If¢ is under- stood here that the appointment to the vacancy on the Appeal Court bench of British Columbia lies between Hon. D. M. Eberts, M. L. A., and Hon. A. E. MePhil- lips. The impression prevails that the appointment is alrnost certain to go to the last named. Theatre Improvements. The Majestic Theatre on Third avenue is this week undergoing extensive alterations. The seat- ing capacity is being enlarged by decreasing the lobby and the whole interior is being redecor- ated. This theatre is rapidly in- creasing its popularity under the efficient management of Mr. Dela- sala. The reopening of the the- atre will be held on Friday. Sulzer Witness Disappears. New York, Sept. 15.—Frederick L. Colwell of Yonkers, regarded as a star witness against Gov- ernor Sulzer at his fortheoming trial on impeachment charges, has disappeared, according to announcement today by the sembly board of impeachment managers, as- To Honor Mayor Gaynor. New York, Sept. 15.—The goy. ernors of the New York Stock Exchange voted today not to open the exchange until noon on Mon- day, Septeinber 22nd, the day of Mayor Gaynor’s funeral. The Consolidated Exchange has de- cided to remain closed all day Monday. FOR A TAXI Phone 75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CoO. Silversides Bros. The Up-to-Date House Devora- tors of Prince Rupert Our Speciaities “Ye Olde Reliable” 2nd Street Phone 156 Green ee VISIT OF POLLARDS WILL BENEFIT CITY Prince Rupert Will Get Publicity in Australia as Result of Opera Company’s Visit “Ganada like Australia has spent many thousands of dollars in advertising, but for many years past this country has heen widely advertised, particularly in her sister country, Australia free of cost, in a way a number of people do not realize,” said Nor- man Pearce, tour manager of the Pollard Opera Company, today. “Every two years for nearly sev- enteen years the company T am with have started out on a world’s tour, visiting and touring Can- ada from coast to coast. Now as it has always been the custom of the management to encourage the young folks to keep diaries and notes on their travels, and to collect views of everything of in- lerest they see, and as they are so popular and treated so well all over this country, it can readily understood what a greal of favorable advertising these young people (perhaps un- consciously), are. Each time the company returns to its native land, they are greeted at the de- pots in Sydney and Melbourne by enormous crowds, loving relati- affectionate friends and _ in- terested strangers, all eager and be source ves, anxious to hear of the young- ster’s travels. I can remember years ago before I had visited this country myself, hearing for the first time from some of the Pollard kiddies of the Reversible Falls at St. John, of the remark- able tide at Moncton and many other and interesting things about this country. Now Prince Rupert the farthest north the has ever been in America, and as curious will be company as they will be here during Fair week and will see and hear the novelty to them of Indian bands, together with many other things, I sineerely believe that some months from now Austra- lians will be hearing great things about Prince Rupert.” An apartment the place in which marriage is a flat failure. “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. isn't only FOR RENT 3-room partly furnished house, FOR RENT Apply 219 near dry dock, $15 per month. McCaffery & Gibbons, FOR RENT Apartments, See McCaffery 4-room flats in Beach Place $18 and $20 per month & Gibbons, 218-19 COMFORTABLE steam heated rooms, with or without board; electric light. Albert 215 Block, 2nd aven”e. 26 HOUSE for rent, five rooms; well fur nished; moderate terms. Phone Black 329, 2iatr POOL HALL for rent. Good proposition for bavber. Apply Eby Bros., Terrace. 200 FOR RENT—Furnished flat of 5 rooms; modern in every respect; will rent cheap to right party. Apply P. 0, Box 89. FOR RENT—Flat in building skating rink; all conveniences. Tony Christian, 155 Sixth avenue oer opposite Apply west. FOR SALE flat for FURNISHINGS of a three-room Apply 139-1 sale. Flat also may be rented. McRae & Co. WANTED WANTER—A general servant. Mrs. D. G. Stewart, 400 4th Ave. 219-21 WOMAN wanted for day work. Phone Green 276 between 12:30 and 1 o’clock 218-20 WANTED—-Woman to do day work. De erpprience 1, Phone Blue 39 t Apply to Ww. Must POSITION wanted by man as cook or as general help around house or camp Apply Y. Nishemura, P, 0. Box 16, 219-20 WELL furnished rooms from §2.50; com- fortable sitting room; bath; electric Ye Norfolk Rooms. Phone Black 329. 2060 POSITION as housekeeper by respectable middie aged woman; g00d cook. Apply White's Bldg., 2nd Ave. and 8th St. 2150r i LIVE STOCK. COWS fresh calved and coming in elves on hand, and tuberculosis tested. Jo Christy, cattle dealer, Collingwood West, corner Carleton and Westminster Road. Phone Coltagwood 09 RK. Post Office aee 88, Collingwood East, Vancouver. SPLENDID PROGRAMME AT THE WESTHOLME announcement that Prof, would render a special the line of a flute drew a crowded house at Westholme last evening, The hearty applause which followed the rendition of such a Classical The Zaleiski treat in solo the selection as “Concert Allegré” was evidence that the number was enjoyed and appreciated, The remainder of the musica] programme was particularly pleasing, many of the popular and catchy opera selections being rendered, An exceptionally strong programme of moving pictures provided entertainment worth several times the price of admission, Seventy-five Cars a Day. Winnipeg, Sept. 15. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railroad an- nounces that it is hauling seven ty-five cars of wheat into Winni peg over its western lines daily, and has seven thousand cars distributed throughout the west to the crops. assist in moverent of Find it through a Daily News “Want Ad.” LET US HELP You TO A HOME OF YOUR OWN YEAR after year you've been paying out hard-earned money to your landlord for rent. You've promised yourself a thousand times that you'd make the start to own your own home but ou've found it dimeult ~you haven't been able to see your Way clear. The Cc. H. 1. C. PLAN SHOWS YOU THE way It is the most convenient anc practical home-owning Plan > fore the people of Canada. In all sections, our contract holders have been enabled to purchase homes of their own—free them Selves of the landlord burden Investigate the C. H. I. C ‘ y C. plan NOW. Call or phone our teas oMce for particulars You will be under no obligation. THE CANADIAN HOME INVESTMENT GO., Ltd. Head OMce Pacific Bullding Second Floor VANCOUVER, B. Cc. Local OMce Federal Bidg PRINCE RUPERT, B. oc. SS UNTIL NINE OCLC ~HARLA S, BRYANT Teacher Of MANDOLIN, BANJO AND GUITAR Flat 7, Clapp Bldg. ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY HALL formerly Kaien Isd. Gymnasium To rent for Dances, Public Meet- ings, etc. Particulars at hall or Secretary, P. O. Box 268 SHERIFF'S SALE. in the Supreme Court of British Columbia. _ John G, Beatty, plaintiff; Prince Rupert Fish and Cold Storage Co., Ltd., defendant. By virtue of a warrant of execution, Is- sued in this action, and to me directed, I have seized the goods of the the following: The buildings occupied by the defendant company and all the goods in the premises consisting of fish, fruit, provisions anc several other articles, situate on $rd Street and 3rd avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. All of which I shall offer for sale by defendant, public auction for cash on Monday, the 15th day of September, 1913, at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon, at the above named premises, Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., Septem- ber 8, 1913. The above sale is hereby postponed un- tll Tuesday, the 23rd day of September, 1913, JOHN SHIRLEY, Sheriff ones Prince Rupert, September 13th 13, ee "FM. CROSBY F, Wants to buy all kinds of Household Fur- niture, everything in the line of Mechanics Tools, Guns ana Men’s Clothing. Will call any time, Highest prices paid. 830 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 243 Every man to his business, 1 am an expert collector, Let me look after your rented property or collections, GEORGE LEEK 615 2nd Ave. Phone 203 PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. 908 Third Avenue Dealers in FEED SEEDS .Sign Writing... itr, "mar Paper-Hanging = [wuear ALFALFA CORN ETC CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY Mail orders promptly attended tu CHEAP ACREAGE cif se Tyee Park Near Prince Rupert cai Mens 6 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS Apply - Harrison, Gamble & Company FINANCIAL AGENTS Furniture, Ba PACIFIC TRANSFER gp OGage, pj Ing and Genera &N0 Moy, ral Phone 4 Cartage Office: Suite o I BOOKKEEPING - Bookkeeping 1 aught by erms Reasonabig WENDELL R, Phone 313 2nd aA METALLURGY AND y Res. Phone Black 4i —_—— GEORGE LEEK Real Estate, tnsuranc Notary Public Albert B Betwer } Archite Suite 1, Fed PRINCE RUPE Phone 300 p P. O. Box 203 P. ROBER INCORPORATED Acco CHARTERED SE Audits, Investigations, Ad dations and As Smith Block, 3rd Ave., F For the Best J CLEANING, P AND REPA ¢ Lowest I ewW + ad : ned BOW SE 627 Fulton Street Pr ——_— CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MEETING, Held Ave, Serna Sunday scl morning Sf meetings W Reading except Ss da from 2 p 8 112 ang 19 Vo. 4nd 221 6th g BROWN & BUTTERS MINING ENGINEERS Prince Rupert A © and Loan t ente and Collections Prince Rupert “erat Bg AUD Private JONES NIN } EO As SUT Bar ¢ 4 ROGER ct \T, B, ¢ 0 Box {699 SON UNTANT ( CRETARY Ustments, Lieu signments rince Rupert, @¢) RESSING TRING NG nee Ruper, £6 Ps TO REN Third Av rO REN S GEORGE tents Phone 203 Pure Water NECESSARY TO Slip Easily ¢ Mouth of A Remove Al Prevent Tyr Diseases ( Drinking Impu PRICE, $5.00 For Sale SECOND A May te Seen y s Drug 6-roomed fh Hays Creek : S-roomed hou , nue, near M , 2-roomed sh Bride {4 large sha ¥ Court G. R. Naden Real Estate ani . 1A Secone - Third Ave. : Prince Rupert HARRY HANSON in Operation a siete For Rex! evu LEEN 615 2nd Awe By vE ' Orme’é ent y atb 0 945.00 ~ 95,00 95,00 Co, lit Insuranee é.