ey 2 . THE DAILY NEWS Friday, September 19 {9 _ = “Y 4943, THE DatLy NEws 0 US rurnishediby Fw. dowiing, || (Oauuy e Weekly Service THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA erver. aa TO THE SOUTH Published Daily and Weekly by CAREER | BRITISH COLUMBIA 1 , FIC by the splendid steamer, THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. : For 24 héurs ending 5 a.m, XG) PRINCE RUPERT and Door : —_-——— September 19, 1913. and PRINCE GEORGE SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico:}STORY OF HIS TRIAL AT KAMLOOPS FOR HOLDING UP CAN- | Barcmeter, reduced to sea Geave Prinse aoe. oo Victoria ond seaty Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekiy, ADIAN PACIFIC TRAIN TOLD BY A PRESENT RES!- leva). 60h b onde ajiiese's 30.243 jatinee tees” i $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. DENT OF THIS CITY. Highest temperature..... 56.0 For Granby Bay on Se daddy Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. hdaddintidmclaiisis Lowest temperature...... 48.0 ‘aie Steamers Prince John and Prince alten Death has freed “Bill” Miner, ;in regard to this trial that a long| Rain .qeeeeeeeeeeeeeees OF Queen Cnariotte Jalands, Calling at Way ons) | salt GEA Re 1i71 Minka oe Latin peal be hale 9 | $$$ . A Is Bervice Rupert qeavl DAILY EDITION age Friday, Sept. 19, 1913. notorious robber and jail breaker, |time resident of this city, and one} oun a Wotld Mihidtens arbor, leaving Prince. Kuper toe" eorly Bervice tet wert 8 Sout “ = eeu from his last prison term. His|whose veracity is unquestioned, 7 ‘dts eu RAILWAY SERVICE aden ON) DERE USA CREPES EAE RES TCR “RET per ed FR ihe eet With the completion of the Train No. 2 leaves Prince Rupert, eastho J : . “Ne » career . . . as ¢ - +g t f ‘ : ound, { 1 STENOGRAPHERS AS inany interests in common. It pictureeque pereas
»S a- the great harvest of the experience, and Newfoundland, farm. . ra ing in the vicinity of the Similka 69 prairies, and some of the news- like New Zealand, prefers to Miner’s criminal career began|meen for some time, and his —$—<—$——= papers of the east published] remain independent, and no|nearly sixty years ago. He left/quiet, genial qualities had won DYER APARTMENTe = stories of an exodus of Calgary doubt there is a certain feeling | his ae in seh ce ay me him pot and popularity. . he OANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ais f { ARTMENTS stenographers to the harvest of pride and satisfaction in ap-}before he was 15 years old, and)}Prince Rupert man knew him 0 W © and 3 | 1 89 fields to help gather in the] pearing at the council board of|went west. He admitted numer-/well, and says that particularly aR THIS SUMME a " sheaves. In regard to this the the imperial conference onjous stage coach robberies and|the women and_ children of the UMMER? PARTI ISHED Calgary Herald says: terms of parity with the Do-|train holdups and was several/Similkameen valley liked old PRINCE RUPERT'S INDUS- Spedeel Pacursicns May 80m. to Sep- Free Us: Vasher “We haven't noticed the ex- minion of Ganada, the Com-.|times imprisoned for robbing|George, as he was then known, TRIAL ANNEX Vancouver t6 Toron ‘aa ae 4 : . - Thr > ! ne > er couve odus here, but it is just pos- monwealth of Australia and the|banks. Three years ago he wasjAn instance of — this popularity return eters ved Saves $92.00 |, 1029 3rd Ave P} sible that we are so close to Union of South Africa. Nor] brought to the state prison farm|was particularly noticeable at his A launch leaves the govern- veer to Montreal and $108.00 SS {Lg Black 334 » vortex o ings that a few] would the rash judgment be]of Georgia for robbing a train /|trial. ment slip for Port Edward Vancouver to New York and : —— the vortex of thing judg t ss : : ; F revura $108.50 details of the swiftly moving] ventured that their decision|uear Lula, Georgia. When he was arrested no one every day. For particulars Vancouver to Chicago and" "” ; Little S NE WS panorama of human events must operate to the disadvan- His Canadian career created ajin the district could be persuaded apply to Harrison, Gamble Vancouver 0° Bt Poul and one i ency have escaped the home folks. tage of the common interest of}new record in the annals of the/that the gentle, mild-mannered & Co., Phone 51, 3rd Ave, ' cet thei Reese eee aes e $60.00 || Magazines -: | i N Still we are reluctant to put too the Empire. west. He was held in prison at}man could possibly be the des- other ee —— r | CIGARS - ae much credence in the story. New Zealand, however, as an|New Westminster as an accom-jperado who had held up the Can- = || General Agent Cor. 3rd Ave & éth st}|~ ” SOS Se — | Princess Sophia, South, Saturday, 9 a.m. || 24 ery. Bel wh snd Club ang $94 We know our stenographers Australasian state is by no too well. Ninety-nine per cent. means unwilling to co-operate of them are wearing hobble with its big brother in the ar- skirts and even Anthony Com- rangement of matters of joint stock will admit that hobble advantage. The Dominion and skirts and silk hosiery are not the Commonwealth have both R ery sickedeea pnt ece. tn, — z OYAL RESERVE a) ae Wasky |LUMBER) mess Bolg proper dress for the harvest old age pension schemes and baie fields. an agreement was recently AGES YEARS ne noes, Nias "2 Tames “In the first place the stubble] reached providing for reci- C O A L Prince, Rupert Employment eek would play havoe with the procity in their administration. GUARANTEED BY + 0. Bo ae Phone 264 stockings and in the second The bill embodying the ar- THE GOVERNMENT ae G wre place the hobble skirts wouldn't rangement was introduced in oF a cy ee OF CANADA. and Hone RECOMMENDED FOR Complete Line of THe INVALID || BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES COAL permit of the rapid execution the end of July in the New Zea- of a flank movement when a land legislature, and it prac- shoal of mice darted unsus- tically provides that the re- T H pected from underneath a quisite residence in any part of HE FIOME | stook. Australia will entitle all per- Tne CONNOISSEUR | WESTHOLME LUMBER C0., Limited “Then it must not be for- sons to pensions in that state Tne Pusuic Phone 186 New Wellington Coal. Best on th gotten that most of our sten- where they have resided for who naturally Coast ographers are the virtual pro- twelve months before making want the best. | ae te rat 1 si am 116 Rogers & Bak prietors of the establishments application. New Zealand's Ace. Purity in which they seem .to toil. proportion of the cost is one- AND MELLOWNESS ; Why ‘should they go out 1o| seventh, irrespective of the Cwsunpasses, UNION S.S. COMPANY OF 8.6, us harvest grain when they can length of residence. As this | ‘ ides SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE | DISTRIBUTORS |} Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and | Prince Rupert Importing Co., Ltd | S. S. ‘Chelohsin’ Sheet Metal Work pretty nearly buy a farm every new departure is of a tentative pay day? Following the lead character, the agreement will of President Wilson, we are be revised at the end of five | disposed to ‘Tut-tut! the whole| years. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. FOR VANCOUVER BE FE tnd Ave. ont NA story and proclaim it a false- ed | i ‘By . hood.” It bas been discovered in the AT ere Paso my Wednesdays at 2 p.m. — ———_0o—_———_ port of Prince Rupert, by the » ath i . AUSTRALIA AND ghost of Admiral Nelson, that ; wn Valhalla’’ of S.H. & EF, NEW ZEALAND. “the Borden dreadnoughts are Seer Ts ; ood Moa, vate ee . ‘ ? 1 ED ae Although New Zealand has being built.’ A visit to the OLD BILL MINER’S LAST ARREST te a Irectory S.S. Camosun Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday atl > 2n 1 4th Tuesday declined to become an integral Johnson shipbuilding yards FOR VANCOUVER p.m. in the hall at 319 3rd Ave part of the Australian common- might or might not verify this}The above picture was taken some time ago, when old Miner es- wealth, they continue to have statement. caped from prison in British Columbia : oa icicaenmeiaen ee Members P.R.L. Vintners Associa‘ion Saturdays at 10 a.m. pS CEE ES a sa Ee D. ©. STUART plice in the now famous Bank of{adian Pacific express, and one PRINCE RUPERT INN AND ANNEX es Accountant Montreal robbery there, when in|woman went so far'as to enjoin arr “Tryn ey come FOR GRANBY BAY 00 ane Ave oe Phone 280 a daring break for liberty Miner’ her husband that if he were call- Geo. A. Sweet, Manager tae . ' Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 a.m. PRINCE RUPERT. 6. C. 9 escaped, and though trailed for! ed upon the jury he should cer- smdeesnash: iaiilens LADI HA OAT ane by posses and mounted p0- tainly vote for the old man's ac- Cheer’ of First Ave: aad Righth 8t: —— read 5 ae ice made his getaway. He was| quittal. W. H. Wright, Prop. Alex. M. M atime seen, according to reports at that} The man promised and kept Rogers Steamship Agency Pes Le a .LLA time, in nearly every part of the| his promise. He was chosen on HOTEL CENTRAL First Avenue and Seventh St. WILLIAMS & MANSON ‘e Dominion at the same time. All|the jury, as it happened, and he Ph i y, as i » one 116 : For Fall and Winter Wear jis: ie," eros eset ti tir ats | Ee beri ui months until, becoming daring|trial and there were eleven for - - 9 MONEY TO LOAN again he was caught at Lula,!the conviction of Miner and one KNOX HOTEL | Ps Georgia, after a bold train rob-|against it. They were sent. back First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth G t Helgerson Bloch Bo - Rates 50¢ to $1.00 eorge own a i } European Flan, bery and sent to the prison farm|to the jury room several times p ; ’ er Day at Milledgeville. ; but always with the same result, Besner & Besner, Props. | ° - In Canada, so far as known,|the one juryman remaining faith | Sawmill Co Ltd. : ’ , Z an é ‘ ic | Tk * We have just finished opening he only operated twice, the last|ful in the face of all evidence to J. Y. rr aeons lattes Casley || , ao BROS. a big shipment of our new stock a hosing up i ote the promise he had. made {o his Third Ave., Between Sixth and L Panera) Director , rene acific express in British Co-| wife Seventh Streets be ; one No. & in the above lines. For style and ae : um —en co lity ‘a : a a ited lumbia in 1906. That three men After this there was a new European Plan, 60 to §1 Per Day r tad qua i oy Ce be ae e could hold up a big transconti-|trial, the first one having cost i anywhere in 1e «city and the nental train, crow yi s- . province i » neig , PREMIER HOTEL .% : s: crowded with pas the province in the ne ighborhood pinetieaitaa Merabean Plee M * prices are attractive. sengers and manned by a big|of $5,000, and the second jury F. W. Henning, Manager Oo 8 train crew, seemed incredible, but|convicted Miner in two hours. eet, FISHER they did it, completed their rob-| Miner and Dunn got life senten- ROYAL HOTEL : palmer bery and got away. The three|ces and Colquhotin twenty-five Corley & Burgess, Props. A large stock of dry finish- Funeral Director and Em robbers, Miner, Louis Colquhoun] years ; Te eee cores Uy ing lumber on hand. Boat CHARGES REASONANE SSS EEE a hi ia : 3 : 4 European Plan Steam Heated lumber a specialty. Delivery 2nd 8t., cor. 2nd Ave, Phone and Thomas Dunn, held up and} Onthe morning of August 9, made at short notice. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT robbed the train at Ducks, 260|}1907, Miner; Clark, of Nanaimo, BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR ©o., miles from Vancouver, On May|serving three years for forgery; LIMITED Our prices are as low as any. 10, 1906. It was the second train} W. J. Woods, of Victoria, a light Second Ave. and Sixth 6t. Call on us before ordering. robbery in the history of Canada,|term fér forgery, and,A. F, Me- puone £09 Advertise {in THE HOUSE OF GOOD VALUES and the first had also been Min-|Clusky, of Vancouver, seven PERT IMPORT eee Third Avenue Prince Rupert er’s, a robbery committed on a years for robbery, were found to Ceres OF See ne ge OFFICE: ws train at Mission, near Vancouver.|have escaped by digging their Fraser and Sixth Sts. : "hy The three robbers were taken| way out of the jail yard. All were Phone 7 EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. e al y e bi to Kamloops for trial, and it is taken except Miner. Cor. 6th 8t. and 2nd Ave. —_— c— — i Birthday Greetings To Everybody DONT STOP "TO CHIN Back: PULL OUR, FRE IGHT- SKEE-Doo ? va by “Hop” Drawn for The Da News by “BM EVERY SINCE “You CAME ON THis PAPER YOUVE THOUGHT Vr Was “OUR. BIRTH DAY - IM TIRED eee SINCE. You caMie- = EVERY SINCE “ou PEPER-“OU' a CAME ON THIS SUE Tes. Your a=" 14> = Se) PAPER YOUVE_ = HD (RED | 4, 7 THOUGHT \T WAS F YOUR SALaRY-} | f OUR BIRTH DAY- IM TIRED 0F PAYING YOUR \* * SALARY- “~ YOURE CANNED - > FREIGHT-— SIKEE- BOOS 1