THE DAILY NEWS —- 1 hae —— ©\ JHE DAN SCENE FROM “THE TOYMAKER” TO BE PRESENTE » = THE POLLA a aaa : \ CING DOLLS sl a ee rT erm D BY THE POLLARDS AT THE WESTHOLME TOMORROW NIGHT LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. si Land District 6 Range 5, | Take potice that Dora L., Wright, of | man, intends to apply DORA L, ; s ve ist, 1913. L. WRIGHT. i\London are suffering from a de- | credib is, 1913—Uct, 13, 194% i Sets tee 1943, cline. but not on account of the | profits s «Lal District—District of Cuast, | lina. The co : Shi a : ie ls Range 5. v0 | poli . The complaint of the pro-| Take notice that Cecil J. Crew, of|prietors is that there is too little | d N Wales, occupation banker, in- | ithe W upply for permission to purchase ready money. The tendency of Cha wing described tands: | ithe g at & post planted one mile|their clients now is to come tolen to poamee neement, containing 80 acres| heavy losses by checks which are|expenses, 4 huge profit could be| vention was held au- CECIL J. CREW. idishonored next morning. lmade out of the percentage of ;spices of the All for Ireland nd, oe Miller, Agent. Another drawback is that many | the stakes, even where sharp |Leagae. This was attended by 18, 1913—Oct. 18, 1913. lof the available ‘‘pigeons’’ haye}|practice was not the rule. Now | independent Unionists, like Lord pa Land Distriet——District of Coast been plucked bare, and the other | the complaint is that people have | Dunraven, and independent Na- Range 5, ‘lIbirds are becoming wary. rhe|no more money to lose. ltionalists, Tike William O’Brien ‘Pri e that Louis Frank Banville,|net result is that some of the} It is no seeret that several ofjand “Tim” Healy. Resolutions ba 21st, Skee j | Dist le batr east id boundar : 4 ‘udary to northwest corner of Lo i wal con Pub. July’ 4 ub, Aug. 18, 1918—Oct, 13, 1013. eua Laud District—District of Coast, ‘ces, Kugland, occupation surveyor, in- e Rupert, B. C., occupation married for permission ret e following described lands: mmencing at @ post planted at the | Lot 421, Range 5, north 20 chains | jortheast corner of Lot) east 20 chains more or Jess | lary of Lot 6142, thence sius more or less to the shore Lah thence westerly and slong said shore to the point of | ast yer (Of thence =| GAMBLING HOUSES CLOSED NOT BY LAW BUT MONEY SHORTAGE IS LITTLE READY MONEY AND ARE SCARCE London, Sept. 145—The gamb-|numbe clubs of the West End of|the we containing 40 gcres More) jin y | itheast corner of Lot 130, ist District, thence south 2 e east 40 chains to point Kupert, B, C., occupation rail s to apply for permission to| Smaller lelosed, as their expenses are very Mile Post 76 from Prince} high. “The gambling spirit was at its| the mill. hains a ne . | chains to bank of Skeend!yejeht about the beginning of the lowing described lands: g at @ post planted about 20 south 60 chains PP. Rallway, on the track, thence east following the river bank ip y and northerty direction to point! year ment, containing 20 acres LOUISE FRANK BANVILLE, y ist, 3 —Oct, 43, 1943. 4 Land District—District of Coast, Kange 6. e that Thomas 5. 1nd, occupalion for permission to pur- g described lands: t @ post planted one halt} southeast corner of Lot} 4st District, thence west south 40 chains, thence | north 40 chains wo; cement, containing 320) Crew, of gentieinan, | thence r iess THOMAS 8. CREW. | vy, M. Miller, Agent. 1913. 18, 1913—Oct. 13, 1913. id Distriet—District of Coast, Range 5. that Marion Waugh, of occupation spinster, | in- for permission to purchase Jescribed lands; at a post planted about > in @ northerly direction from iwest corner of Lot 5149, Range trict, Lakelse Valley, thence chains, more or less to south { Lot 54148, thence west av e south 40 chains, thence east inore or Jess back to point of ment, containing 160 acres more MARION WAUGH, 1913. ated y 22nd, Range 6. that Arthur 0. Crew, of v hs Lice for permission to purchase wing deseribed lands; ing @t & post planted about 20 1 of the northeast corner of Kange 6, Coast Distrigt, thence chains more or less to hortheast Lot 596, thence east 20 chains, th 20 chains more or less to lake, thence westerly 20 chains css following shore of lake to OMe Dee Ry containing 40 ) ess, ARTHUR O, CREW. | ? P, M.Miller, Agent. ily 28rd, 1918 18, 19143—Oct, 18, 1913. Gilani LM: dead NOB. William Macy, of C., ocoupation caterer, intend to v Hon, Commissioner of Lands or permission to purchase the # deseribed lands; icing at a post planted on the je4st corner of 8, T. L. L thence southerly 20 chains he shore of Goose Bay to 8, T. L. Post re ading 35280-9529, thence erly direction 20 chains, thence erly direction 20 chains, thence at to the point of commence: alning 160 geres more or less, WILLIAM MACY, Cc, Bs Flood, Agent. Une 27th, 1943, lily 28, 1913-——-Sept, 22, 19138. lice that I, ‘a Land Distriet—Distr oor ict of Coast, lotice that Guy L, Tooker, of ers. B. C., occupation civil en- ia ange to apply for perioission to ee following described lands; el rng at 4& post planted at south- CORTE at Lot 907, Range 5, Coust _» thence north 40 chains more or 10 south boundary of J. A, Kirk- ; ‘pplication to” purchase, thence Chains more or less followin aké hence south 40 eb a ; hains to southwe f Lot 34, thence east 20 ‘Chains © or less , therly eS gt? blgh water mark, thence and westerly foll er mark to polit olowing high t ne 6 1 of comm ‘Ling 200 acres more or mencemsnt, ated July oth, 19G% b TOOKER. 4, 1918—Sept, 8, 1043. ithe gambling west 40 chains, thence north) pounds in their table with a few/pagne pockets and pay gambling houses } gamit | foreig | said a police oflicer. “The | leadin T levening. In are| the best ivery much in PROPRIETORS OF LONDON CLUBS COMPLAIN THAT THERE THAT “PIGEONS” Mr. Red- mond says that the home rule .y of gambling houses in| bill will be law by next June. Sir 1st end of London was in-| Edward Carson says Ulster will ly large. Then it was a|never submit to it. But among ible undertaking. As much | moderate men of all parties the S500 ¢ » f ee ‘ or | j j ‘ 3500 a week had been paid for] .onyietion is growing that neither la furnished fiat in the heart of} End. mpagne est were and cham- suppers giV- all the patrons, was supplied freely of the spite heavy managers looking known ig houses are bring “punners” n clients to Their evidence a g« hotels. Jot and POSt) hg | CARPENTIER, THE BEAU BRUMMEL BOXER, with M. Georges Cs him, pion boxer of I above picture, M. Mailrot beside pentier 1s the cham feated Bombardier Wells best dressed man 1n Paris. , Bulkley V FARM LANDS Carefully sele NORTH COAST LAND COMP PAID UP CAPITAL $1,600,000, 00 was taken at Deauville, France. of England, He Skeena Valley arpentier on the right and Car- having recently de- is said to be the furope, \ —IN THE— alley ected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on easy terms. COMPROMISE POSSIBLE Conference of More Moderate Men | London, Sept. 16.— is right, | coming, | pres¢ nt bill, but in the form ofa all the | compromise. of|were passed urging the govern- to} ment grist to} are|ofa settlement by consent. These t the |resolutions were merely lacknowledged by Messrs. Asquith {and Birrell. | Liberals | government jing with a long steel rod al a {squirrel which was on one ipoles of 20,000 volt eleetric cur- | missed the squirrel, hit the line ON IRISH HOME: RULE Suggests Settlement by Consent as Final Solution. but that home rule is not in the shape of the Recently a very important con- under the to call a conference of all parties to consider the question formally But many unofficial sanguine that the will call the sug- gested conference, And if is even hinted, in some quarters, that the King himself may preside at it. The comprontise which those be- hind the movement have In mind is believed to be a scheme In the federal home rule. are nature of Missed the Squirrel, But—. Nelson, B. C., Sept. 46.—Strik- of the rent trunk lines, Peter McEachren with the pole and fell to the ground dead at Silver King mine, near Nelson. He leaves relatives at Websters Corners, P. E. I. Will Start from France. London, Sept. 16.—Mrs. Emme- line Pankhurst, doughty leader of the militant suffragettes, now under a three year British prison sentence, will sail from Havre, France, for New York aboard the French liner La Province, on Oc- tober 14th. To Own Steamship Lin W. B. Close, head of Bros. & Sons, the English bank- Close ing firm controlling the White Pass & Yukon railway, h s de- l¢lared in favor or a line 0} rail- {road owned modern steamships between Skagway, Prince Rupert, Vancouver and Puget Sound. Nechaco Valley Fort George District —-IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS — } Valdez Being Resurrected Valdez is becoming. guile a {metropelis; the city council there decided to replace a part of the ‘wooden sidewalks now Im use ‘with cement. FARM LANDS ANY, Limited VANCOUVER, B.C. THE PRICE of HOMAGE NCE when King Edward VII. paid a visit to Sheffield, all the fires in factories and plants were allowed to die out. Nota wheel in Sheffield turned for twenty- four hours. @,The primary object of this was to lift the pall of smoke that hovers over that wonderful steel-produc- ing city, and to ensure, as far as man was able, a bright day and a blue sky for an auspicious occasion. G,It was Sheffield’s expression uf respect. UT the action was unique—it was unprecedented—it was unthought of that those hundreds of mighty furnaces, raging night and day, and those seething boilers, with quivering valves, should ever be allowed to cool. @, This extinguishing of fires cost Sheffield hundreds of thousands of dollars—the price of the effort to get back again to high-power efficiency. not to a king, but to a superstition—the su rstition that hot weather justifies letting the fires o business ° energy go out. They stop Advertising in the Summer months. By paying homage to tradition, custom, supersti- tion, they have allowed Summer to become their “dull” season. @.You know how dull it can be when you don’t advertise. Do you know how brisk it can be made by Advertising? Do you realize how much momentum you now lose in the Summer that must be regained in the Fall ? Gee business men in Canada pay an unwitting homage, DON’T LET YOUR ADVERTISING FIRES DIE OUT THIS SUMMER. Advice regarding your advertising problems is available through any recognized Can- adian advertising agency, or the Secretary ot the Canadian Press Association, Room 503 Lumsden Building, Toronto. Enquiry involves no obligation om yeur part—so write, if interested. SOLE ORO ES, 6 ay zy; - oN a iy TV es ’ 9 . vy 4 WW 7 ¢ << (Pa © Mc = 4 oN iy vy, war ey as, Anat me CET NN ag, SVT LOVES ECOOD. PRINCE RUPERT'S FIRST Exhibition September 24, 25 and 26 Magnificent Display of the Natural Resources of the Great North. Agriculture, Minerals, Fisheries, Stock, Dogs, Fruits, Arts and Craft ATHLETIC CONTESTS LOG CHOPPING CONTEST WATER SPORTS & CARNIVAL TRAP SHOOTING Be BABY SHOW ' HORSE RACES FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT LARGEST INDIAN BAND CONTEST Ever Held in British Columbia. p Day and Night Fireworks TRADES & LABOR PARADE For Prize Lists, Entry Forms and Other Information, write L. BULLOCK-WEBSTER, Secretary q i Geen oath -t