= Legislative Library x * CIROULATION orry AND NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA LARGES in THE 7... ee _— PRINCE RUPERT, B, C., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1913. THE DAILY NEWS — AN STATES AGA N ON VERGE OF WA NEXT MAILS From South GeorR@. i occ cese Wednesday For South veeseebesdes Wednesday Prince Chelohsin ———— PRICE FIVE CENTS ORLD F AMOUS GEOLOGISTS ON THEIR RETURN FROM KLONDIKE N GRAVELS AND STUDY GEOLOGICAL FORMATION ON FA- MOUS CREEKS TO DISCOVER HOW THEY OBTAINED THEIR GOLDEN DEPOSITS. through the Dominion he Princess Sophia |found himself at home ithoug : niem. | “89 igh he the individual hydraulic o clock yester- | trip Shor er 4 in Dawson the rain the of conditions mining to and dredging plants by , change International Geolog- | ( who had made the ikon interior a |large companies investing mil- 1s D I The rain, they|lions and earning many more as the shook hands with/ millions out of the placer ground) hey had made here|than was put in. He had expect- ey north, did not as they had had it jed more development but this in was quartz j mining, always and could not fail to notice from immense ~ IFIRST TEA PARTY ABOARD AN AIRSHIP | | i Twelve Women and Ten Men, with Crew of Ten, Enjoy Novel Experience. The Sept Special to Berlin, Daily The News, 99 lirst lea party aboard an airship took place| yesterday when the Zeppelin | Zachen made a flight of fifty-five] miles near here. Dr. Wollheim had twelve women “and ten men guests and carried ten. Owing to danger from ex- plosion no heating apparatus was | taken, the food being taken fron the ground midway on the trip already cooked. All pronounced ithe trip an unqualified success, | WONDERFUL AERIAL all the way from)slower and would come with Lime. | F TS Cc Also, 1f seemed io He said that of course the geol- EA BY FREN HMAN eason all over the!ogists from abroad were par- A ticularly interested in the famous Turns Machine Over and Flies rney up and un-'Klondike, and in Bonanza, Eldo- | Head Downward, Easily Re- ed back at White- rado and the few other creeks | covering Upright Position. had experienced the|emptying into that river, from | : weather; in Daw-!which so many millions of gold Special to The Daily News particularly delight-|had been extracted by the most lwitt RL inuteved: aeorateane ot what they natur-|crude processes Upon all these sed bye another daring feat find, remarked/creeks the visitors panned the|yesterday. He mounted in his B. W aham of London,| gravels where the huge hydrauli |machine to a height of 3,300 feet he edge of the Arc-|were at work and made a close|bere dipping the left wing of his : 2 machine and slowly turning over. rhe sunshine was as/study of the geological formation.|Por gq few seconds the aviator g » said, and the skies as!Doubtless when the several re-|flew head downward, then looping clouds of white!ports were published there would|the loop made the letter “S" and d be seen*along the|be found as many differing the-|regained his upright position on the loop. He was watched with sit i ories as to the genesis of the|/)peainiess interest by immense W I ( director of the!gold in the Klondike district as |crowds. g rvey department of!had already been published, for ARPS D m, Was the pilot of|it was still a matter of deep in- $0 S oughout the entire!terest to sctentists. INDIAN N THE NAA REMIER BORDEN GETS AWFUL . ROASTING IN ENGLISH PAPER ILY NEWS AND LEADER OBJECTS TO CONSERVATIVE PRE- MIER MAKING CAPITAL OUT OF ALLEGED NECESSITIES. Sept, 18.—The Daily ier British taxpayers as the re- Leader, the most in-|sult of the senate’s action. | don Liberal paper, | We have again and again article today deal- | pointed says the News and | er Borden’s specs h | Leader that the result of Pre- s Borden's claim to;mier Borden's policy was to in- ponent of Wanada’s |erease the burden of armaments of the British taxpayers and not bear examin- : i thrust upon the people of these . islands the heavy task of manning | in aomaly for Canadajand maintaining three unneces- u voice in the foreign|sary dreadnoughts while threat- the Empire, it would) enine to launch us once agam on ! é career unlimited naval ur ‘rding to this ‘artiele.|® wild career of unli ave . i , ' rivalry. equally i t s “rr . ‘ momalous if her “The whole spirit of this kind shee wer f . . i were liable to be over-jof thing appears vicious, even ! representatives of the|when the assumptions on which r dominions, who might holdjit is based are less frail. ve { “We weleome any help the Do- eel Views, P WI . minion chooses to offer us of its i re r ‘de as Premier Borden has, in|... free will, but we are not go- opinion of this paper, oul-|jng t@ beg for it nor have our al- ipped his predecessors is injleged necessities adyertised and rgument that an increased! haggled over on colonial hust- has been imposed upon | ings.” Indian constable, who arrested WO INDIANS FROM PORT SIMPSON FINED| the two Indians for being drunk, was the principal witness called. He is a very intellectual looking ier Indian and told his story very narae of Supplying Liquor Will clearly without the assistance of » Heard Fale Atle an interpreter. ee “The two men were both very 'wo Indians, ‘Chaties mee drunk when I met them on me nd Heben He a py bridge, he said, and I arreste¢ ywood, of Port them just. like that, making a ra NoMeiin Tae veina | gesture with his arms to show bh d with bate = oot atnae the court how he had taken the meaded guilty to tae hadi sae 4 two men in charge. The witness vere fined B10 ¢ . shade and) acked the men where they ob- i and costs each. tained the liguor, and each said Uh i ae was also charged with they got it in Rupert One of a Robert Tait, them said something about get- ting it from the head boatman at Dominion cannery. adjourned until ORC Opoe. ~. ane ° 2 es ed o ey o fom a epee PROCLAMATION! The case was e 2 o'clock this aflernoon, — == SS The two Indians charged with Pursuant to a resolution being drunk were brought to the he City Gouneil of Prince city last night on the Princess ‘Upert, passed September Mary in charge of Provineial Con- 4, | hereby proclaim Fri- stable Dean. September 26th, a civie eowerer