as = = priday Seplember 26, 1943. piday, THE DAILY NEWS LAND pURCHASE NOTICES. charles H, Flood, oc- inet) intend to apply to | t Commissioner Of lands and) works | Hon oorOn io purchase the fo | pert v4 ‘ | 0 ee st planted at the | jeribed Me t a post plante ommenciDe of A. P. L reading ia ineast COMME! «45, thence in & northerly post 2232-9 Snore of Hastings AriD | aie or less to the Tac ge srvation NO 26, thence in a jan reserve on 40 chains, thence In 6 pierly diver tion so chains, thence east | unerly ai to the point of commence: | " chaning 390 acres more or 1ess. | oo CHARLES. H. FLOOD, | | j | it, g7th, 1013. ‘ pated June 1913 Sept. 22, 10913. pub july * ' Land pistrict—District of Coast, eres Hange 5, ° pat Dora L, Wright, of} his Bb. C,, occupation married | s; to apply for permission | : nen following described lands; | ing at & post planted at the oat core! of Lot 421, Kange 5, thee istric 5 th 20 chains str thence nor et ae to nortieast corner of Lot Or ice east 20 chains mere or less , thence Mdary of Lot 6442, thence 0 chains more or less to the shore Lake, thence westerly aud long said shore to the point of containing 40 acres more wes in 2 Lakelse therly 4 pie neement, Jess DORA L. WRIGHT, gist, 1913. pated 8, 1913—Oct, 13, 1013, District—District of Coast, | Range~6 otice that Cecil J. Crew, of gone tO Wales, occupation banker, ip- ena Land a 40 apply for permission to purchase following des ribed lands; t planted one mile umenciug at @ pos at the southeast corner of Lot 1380, coast District, thence south 2 | west 40 chains, thence north east 40 Chains to point) containing 80 acres ps uns, Wierice hains, thence commencement, ae CECIL J, CREW. Pp. M. Miller, Agent od July 22nd, 1018. ee. 18, 1913—Oct, 18, 1013. ena Land District—District of Coast, 1 Jange 5. ake notice that Louis Frank Banville, prince Rupert, B. C,, occupation raii- er, intends to apply for permission to chase the following described lands; commencing at & post planted about 20 ins east of Mile Post 76 from Prince pert, U. T. PB. Railway, on the soultb . of the track, thence east 60 chains, nce south & chains to bank of Skeena er, whence following the river bank in esterly and northerly direction tw point commencement, containing 20 acres e or 1e8s. LOUISE FRANK BANVILLE. ated July 18th, 1013. ub. Aug. 18, 1915—-Oct. 13, 1913. ——————_——_—_————— ena Land District—-District of Coast, Hange 6. ake notice that Thomas 8. Crew, of ury, England, occupauion genticman, nds to apply for permission tw pur- se the fouowing described lands; As rommencing at @ post pianted one halt le south Of the southeast corner of Lot , Range 5, Coast District, thence west chains, thence south 40 Chains, thence 1 80 chains, thence north 40 chains to t Matinee this afternoon and even Pollard Juvenile POLLARD which will be presented al ing at the Westholme Opera Company, EXPERTS TEST COAL \Johnson Succeeded in Interesting was very successful in interest- jing capital there in Graham \the west coast. Mr. Wolsley, a companied Mr. Johnston on the coal and oil properties on the party in his launch to West River, which is nearly ten miles south ;of the company’s property, for the purpose of the geologists to see the dip and strike of the for- came to the company’s holdings, where after careful study and prospecting their opinion is that there is a large area of the fin- est quality of coal on the prop- erty, which extends from North Island south for ten miles and} mprises nearly one hundred square miles of land, They | ON GRAHAM ISLAND British Capital During His Trip to London. 7 Mr. J.~G. Johnston, the hardy prospector, who a short time ago made a trip to London, Eng., and Island coai lands, returned to Masset last week from a trip to noted coal and oil expert, ac- trip. For the past three weeks they were engaged in examining west coast belonging to a com- pany which Mr. Johnston pro- moted and is heavily interested in. Mr. Arthur Robertson took the mation seams which are partieu- arly well exposed there, From West River Mr, Johnston and Mr, Wolsley moved north until they brought back with them about 300 pounds of coal samples taken from the property. ut of commencement, containing 320 es more or less. THOMAS 8S, CREW. Pp, M, Miller, Agent. Dated July 21st, 1913. Pub. Aug. 18, 1913—Oct. 13, 1913. ena Land District—District of Coast, HKange 6. ake notice that Marion Waugh, off jireal, Que., Occupation spinster, in ds apply for permission to purchase following described lands: ommencing at & post planted about 0 chains in @ northerly direction from southwest corner of Lot 5149, Range coast District, Lakeclse Valley, thence th 40 chains, more or iess to south udary of Lot 6148, thence west 4U os, hence south 40 chains, thence east < mencement, containing 160 acres more MARION WAUGH Pub. Aug. i6, ifi3—Cct, 13, 1013. na Land District—District of Coast, Vises, England, occupation surveyor, in- following descrie’ lands; $96, Hange 5, Coast District, thence th § of Lot 596, thence east 20 chains, or less following shore of lake to es more or less, ARTHUR 0. CREW. Pp, M.Miller, Agent. high Dated, July 23rd, 1913. Pub. Aug. 18, 1943—Oct. 13, 1913. the Take notice that I, William Macy, of yor, B. C., occupation caterer, intend to} had ly to the Hon. Commissioner of Lands i Works for permission to purchase the | men! lowing described lands: Lomencing at &@ post planted on the ibeast corner of 8. T. L. Lot and Post F80-V 596 thence southerly 20 chains og the shore of Goose Bay to 8S. T. L.| which t and Post reading 35280-9529, thence 4 westerly direction 20 chains, thence 4 northerly direction 20 chains, thence | ora}hje ' 20 chains to the point of commence nl, containing 160 acres more or less,| Was WILLIAM MACY, level was approached it was no- C. H, Flood, Agent. paied June 27th, 10913. ticed . 4 q 2 uly 28, 1913—Sept. 22, 1013. metal were noticeable in the rock Queen | extracted. chains more or less back to point Of] Charlotte less known Dated July 22nd, 1013, mense per lodes, valuable as they ‘| time ago, character of the ore ange 5. aggcregale,+- now Take notice that Arthur O. Crew, Of] canond place in the publie eye on hds to apply for permission to purchase | account phenomenal Commencing at & post planted about 20) 1n ius north of the northeast corner Of} poad Inlet. on. the chains more or less to northeast} east coast of north 20 chains more or less to| been of lake, thence westerly 20 chains] 4; her of commencement, containing 40] British signal a stampede. 226 feet been driven | the along percentage of the values and considerable zine, in the tunnel a winze}cess for amalgamation icentrating will-be adopted when ithe reduction plant is which will be in the very near fu- ture.—Queen Charlotte MORESBY ISLAND MINE SHOWING PROSPECTS OF BEING PRODUCER ELEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS TO TON IS NOT TO BE SNEEZED AT—NEW STRIKE IN THE CUMSHEWA MINE SHOWS SOME GOLD VALUES. marked, and assays samples taken by him prising in their results. showed that across inches of the lead the $1,100 per ton, while one-half feet of the ore than conservative|over $320 per ton. The the | this point is six feet with good clean walls indication of permanency |Hendersen is now on after upward of $100,000|back to England with good his associates. While showing much free state, there is values|ated with the zine, and probable that a combination pro- When Colonel Hender- ison of London, Eng., heavily interested in jerty, visited the location the improvement in the Following is the saloon passen- ger list southbound by the Prince ge this morning: Bo WV: |} Wilson, J, Harrender, J. Johnson, J. Christopher, William MeDon- DTICE OF APPLICATION FOR THE AP- PROVAL OF PLANS. ALL ALASKA BUSINESS Take notice that James Arthur Brown, wore Essington, B, C,, sawmill owner, Pply to the Comptroller of Water Srmasie the approval of the plans Of|/Fiye New Fishery Plants Under Construction That Intend to Ship from Here. ion of ie, 2 constructed for the utili: Bich the ie water from Brown's Creek, fo, 4, APPlicant is by Water Record wml) buthorized to take and use for inthe, Purposes, and in respect to which cond ‘pplication for 566 cubic feet per fo. oe) om Said creek (Water Permit ’ Siteare, OW Pending, ‘The sawmill to ee tuated on Lot 121, Range 5, Coast} are istrict The plans and particulars required by} eastern b-section one of Section 70 of the iter Act as amended have been filed}and shipment to eastern markets ith the Ith the Objections to the application may be “omptrolier of Water Rights and ed With the Comptroller of Water Rights, Rupert, 3 Trunk will be in operation The largest plant has a eeicapacity of six million pounds a WATER NOTICE. year, 3 ee a half pounds. ation for @ license to take and use cago packing houses which have arllament Bulldings, Victoria, B. C. . ed at Prince Rupert, B. C,, this 20th Y Of August, A, : TAMER Ae De 1048. -sepi VES, ARTHUR BROWN, Applicant, Applic ‘ater will be made under the Water Act ' Britian Columpla as follows: not '. The name of the applicant is B, c.|Alaska salmon packing are said Lid,, F. H. Mobley, agent. to be negotiating for canneries. alt Works, a. 7 ere he address of the applicant is ince Rupert, B,C, 7 Name of the stream is Kwinitsa tl he stream has its source in moun ites” - ab Ut S miles west of the Skeena RAT ae on in @ southeasterly direction Alle sates into Skeena River about 1 j, yA fron Kwinttsa station, he ‘strean on the ‘s 2 be diverted from een from mouth outh side, about 5,280 nh 4© purpose for : y lll be : or which the water be, use e 's mining and manufacturing. and on which the water is to ne deseribed 48 follows: Mineral ane Be ay at B. C. Salt Works, 5. a , acen t b, ‘skeena Riven { t Lot 74 and ‘ © quantity of wate 2 ; sf , t er applied for is Bir Follows Twelve bundeed (1200) ly € used is Palm Ad Lit 7 THches. ‘ us notice was posted p n the 6th day of September ae ion purecee of this notice and an applica ments of ory thereto and to the require ioMce ot * Water Act will be fied in the Rupert. p ae Water Recorder at Prince © Suid’ Wan esections may be Nied with Comptrolier Or wtecorder, or with the bulldings Victorian a Nehts, Parliament . C. SALT WORKS, LD. BASEBALL. the collection Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. | of a Three large Chi- Has the Largest Circulation in Northwestern League. Vancouver 7, Victoria Tacoma 2, Seattle 11. Portland 0, Spokane 4. Coast League. Oakland 5, Venice 4. Portland 4, San Francisco Los Angeles 7, Sacramento National League. Boston 41-6, Philadelphia New York 8, Brooklyn Chicago 7, Pittsburg American League. Washington 5, New York Philadelphia 4, Boston Don't fail to visit Black's exhibit and weight of the coal, everyone, Northern British Columbia THE DAILY NEWS upert’s Artistic Job Printing Establishment guess | | till | SENATOR POINDEXTER. Mr. Poindexter, of the State of Washington, is a Roosevelt Progressive and co-operated with Senator LaFollette in favor of the tariff bill. Southbound Passenger List. _ ald, James MeCaul Mr. Ellison, A D. Bain, W. E. Davidson,, A Stewart, G. W. Morrow, Mr. and Mrs. Acheson, A, Beaudette, Vit ior Stone, Mr. Harvey, E. P. Car- roll, R. Kitson, F. A. Rice, G Berquist, J. 8S. Jensen, J. Cor noHy, M. Garrett, L. Hart, E. Hart O. Holst, R,. Wilkinson, J. Dalton, | D. Beaton, A. J, Wilson, H. C. Vance, L. G. Willson, E. Smart, F. G. Gambie, Mr, Upton, J. B. Young, J. C. Shepard, L. Kegg, D. McLaren, J. D. Clarke, James C. Rock, Mrs. Boos, R. Douglas, J. Welch, Mrs. Rowe, Mrs, Doyen, Mrs. Eaton, P. R. Perry, Mrs. Con- by, Margaret Van Arsdol, H. Avi- spon. Down to Earth. “When is the honeymoon over?” “When the groom begins to bring home tripe and limburger instead of bonbons and violets.” —Piltsburg Post. SENATOR RANSDELL. . The senator is from Louisiana and was one of the two Democrats in th Uniled- States senate who vigorously opposed the tariff Skeena . Land District—District of Coast, Rupert, B. C,, oecupation cook, intends to} apply for permission to purchase the fol- 0 Wal lowing described lands: chains south of the northeast corner of | S. E. 30945, thence north 40 chains, thence east 13 chains more or less to the west PRINCE RUPERT’S INDUS- || boundary of John McKechnie’s pre-emp- | tion, thence south 20 chains more or less TRIAL ANNEX | to John MeckKechnie’s southwest corner, I } | | bill, | THE PRICE or HOMAGE NCE when King Edward VII. paid a visit to Sheffield, | all the fires in factories and plants were allowed to die out. Nota wheel in Sheffield turned for twenty- four hours. @,The primary object of this was to lift the pall of smoke that hovers over that wonderful steel-produc- ing city, and to ensure, 2s far as man was able, a bright day and a blue sky for an auspicious occasion. Q,It was | Sheffield’s expression uf respect. UT the action was unique—it was unprecedented—it was iunthought of that those hundreds of mighty furnaces, raging night and day, and these seething boilers, with quivering valves, should ever be allowed to cool. @, This extinguishing of fires cost Sheffield hundreds i] of thousands of dollars—the price of the effort to get back again to high-power efficiency. OME business men in Canada pay an unwitting homage, not to a king, but to a superstition—the superstition that hot weather justiics letting the fires of business energy go out. They stop Advertising in the Summer months. By paying homage to tradition, custom, supersti- tion, they have allowed Summer to become their “dull” season. @,You know how dull it can be when you don’t advertise. Do you know how brisk it can be made by Advertising? Do you realize how much momentum you now lose in the Summer that must be regained in the Fall ? DON’T LET YOUR ADVERTISING FIRES DIE OUT THIS SUMMER. Advice regarding your advertising problems is available through afy recognized Can- adian advertising agency, or the Secretary of the Canadian Press Association, Room 503 Lumsden Building, Toronto, Enquiry involves no obligation on your part—so write, if interested. SS Range V Take notice that Eugene Renz, of Prince} Directory Members P.R.L. Vintners Association Commencing at a post planted about 20 ‘aiaiees ao — a thence east 20 chains, thence south 20 PRINCE RUPERT INN AND ANNEX chains, thence west 33 chains more or less A launch leaves the govern- | Owned and Operated by the Grand to the east boundary of 8. E. 30945 to the . » Dor Tiwar, Trunk Pacific Ry. point of commencement, containing 90 ment slip for Port Edward Geo. A. Sweet, Manager acres more or less every day. For particulars EUGENE RENZ : se . | H. D. Lenhart, Agent apply to Harrison, Gamble | WINDSOR HOTEL Dated August 22nd, 1913. Pub. Sept, 22, 1913—-Nov. 17, 1913 & Co., Phone 51, 3rd Ave. || Corner of First Ave. and Eighth St. | W. H. Wright, Prop. HOTEL CENTRAL First Avenue and Seventh St. European and American Plan Peter Biack, Prop. -Church Services - KNOX HOTEL First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth European Plan, Rates 50c to $1.00 Per Day Besner & Besner, Props. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services every Sunday in the Church Hall at 11 a.m. and Empress Theatre at 7.30 p.m. Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., Pastor LET US HELP YOU sci THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH TO A HOME OF J. Y. Rochester V. D. Casley McINTYRE HALL, 8RD AVE., NEAR 6TH ST. EMPRESS HOTEL Services every Sunday at 11 YOUR OWN Third Ave., Between “Sixth and Seventh Streets European Plan, 60 to $1 Per Day a.m. and 7.30 p.m, Sunday School 2.30 p. m. Bible Class 2.80 p.m. YEAR after year you've been paying out hard-earned money REV. W. J’ SCOTT Acting Pastor to your landlord for rent. You've promised yourself a thousand PREMIER HOTEL times that you’d make the start | American and European Plan THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAYE PLACE Services every Sunday at ll to oWn your own home but you've found it dimMecult—you haven't been able to see your F. W. Henning, Manager am. and 7.80 p.m. Sunday way clear. . | School at 2.80 p.m. ROYAL HOTEL REV. MR, DIMMICK - PASTOR The Cc. H. I. C. PLAN SHOWS Corley & Burgess, Props. Third Ave, and Sixth St. YOU THE way European Plan Steam Heated ST. ANDREW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH It is the most convenient and Cor, Fifth Ave, and Dunsmuir Place practical home-owning plan be- BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO. Morning prayer, 11, Even- fore the people of Canada. In @ bs ing prayer, 7:30. “Sunday all sections, our contract holders LIMITED school, 2:30 p. m. Holy have been enabled to purehase Second Ave. and Sixth St. Communion first Sunday of month, at ii a. m., | and third Sunday at 8 | a. m. | homes of their own—free them- 4 selves of the landlord burden. a Investigate the C. H. 1. C, plan NOW. Call or phone our local me i oMce’ for particulars. Y PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING CO., REV. E. C. BURCH - Rector be Yundar - een then’ ou will iain i Fraser and Sixth Sts. THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL THE Ph 7 Granville Court | CANADIAN HOME: Sunday services at i1 am, 8 and 8p. m. Sun- day School, 1:30 . m INVESTMENT CO., Ltd. Head Office Pacific Building Second Floor VANCOUVER, B. ©. Advertise in ==) The Daily News Week night’ services Mon- day, Wednesday, Thurs- day and Saturday. PRINCE RUPERT, B. ©. : | TRY A “NEWS” WANT AD | —IN THE— Skeena Valley Nechaco Vall FARM | Bulkley Valley Fort George District | FARM —IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS— L ANDS Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on LANDS easy terms. NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited — PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000, 00 VANCOUVER, B.C.