ioe “e Be et Coo eee oo os a one an eeanEEneeT EN ET. You Can Make Them Yourself oe Shoe, oS NS (s \2 =) I< \e / + ~ BWW 7904 Gare? Hil\ = we = —_~ f 7 Tet sae badd H. Department Store and each Directions Guide Chart with pattern make every design EASY TO MAKE UP. These are a few of the new Ladies’ Journal Pat- terns “Good Home illustrated In Dressing,” copies of which may be obtained free at our pattern counter. Get the pattern you wish and piece goods department will help you to select the -ma- terial. SUITABLE MATERIALS for above designs are Serges, Gaiateas, Corded Velveteens, etc., a wide range of which our can be found on our dress goods counter. We also have on hand a fine assortment of Children’s and Misses’ Ready-to-Wear Dresses, in prettily trimmed Serges. ; . WALLACE CO., LTD. Prince Rupert. —— — — ANOTHER BIG SHIPMENT OF ELBERTA PRESERVING PEACHES 90c. A: BOX . SHEPARD Hart Block & JONES Phone 41 Will be opened on the Ex- hibition Fair Day. Meals at all hours, and night. day The Great West Restaurant The Finest Chop Suey and Noodle Parlor on the Pacific Coast No. 808 West 3rd Ave., Prince LADIES’ UNIQUE AFTERNOON TEA SERVED DAILY Rupert, B. GC. Phone 527 For both ladies and gen- tlemen. Come and try us. We will give you every satisfaction. ? 1. ANDREW'S SOCIETY HALL formerly Kaien Isd. Gymnasium To rent for Dances, Public Meet- ings, etc. Particulars at hall or Secretary, P. O. Box 268 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MEETINGS. Held in Hays Bldg., 245 2nd Ave. Sunday service 11 a. m. Sunday school meets after the morning service. Testimony meetings Wednesdays at 8 p. m. Reading room is open every day except Sundays and lega) holidays from 2 p. m. to 5 p. m, 192tf Silversides Bros. The Up-to-Date House Decora- tors of Prince Rupert Sign Writing.. Paper-Hanging Our Specialities “Ye Olde Reliable” PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. Furniture, Baggage, Piano Mov- ing and General Cartage Phone 1 Office: Suite 9, Federal Block ‘FOR A TAXI Phone 75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO. PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. 908 Third Avenue Dealers in FEED SEEDS HAY TIMOTHY OATS CLOVER WHEAT ALFALFA CORN ETC CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY 2nd Street Phone 156 Green Mail orders promptly attended tu HAVE ALREADY ORGANIZED. (Continued from page 1) FOR MUCH BETTER FAIR THE DAILY NEWS CITIZENS’ DAY AT FAIR PLENTY OF AMUSEMENTS (Continued from page 1) mind that today’s efforts are bu cess if the association deems i wise to continue this exhibitior as an annual affair. have every reason to believe that of the north has’ given a most loyal support to the and is in a large measure respon- sibie for the active’ intcrest in our affairs and the splendid at- tendance culminating in the pre- sent exhibition,” L. Bullock-Webster, the hard working secretary, announced ihat the funds were in a very gratifying condition. There was a balance on hand of $3,162.85, out of which were expenses amounting to $3,098.59, leaving a net balance of $64.25. There was about $4,000 still to collect, which more than covered the amount to be paid out in prizes, so that it could be reasonably ex- pected there would be a balance to carry over to next year. William Manson, M. P. P., moved that this report be adoptec and took occasion to say nice things about the secretary, to whom he gave credit for most of the success and even for putting in a proper order for weather conditions. He moved a vote of thanks to the officers of the asso- ciation, E. L. Fisher seconded the mo- tion and Mr. Walker of Kilsum- kalum supported it, speaking on behalf of the ranchers. Alderman Naden moved = an amendment to the bylaws to pro- vide for the election of officers during the time of the fair, which was carried, and A. J. Prudhomme moved to amend the bylaws that the outside districts having an advisory member should be added to the directorate, and that farmers’ institutes be permitted to elect a member on the advisory board. Then followed the elec- tion of officers for the ensuing year. J. H. MeMullin was re- elected in spite of his protest and Alex. J. Prudhomme was elected vice president. For treasurer there were nom- inated J. Lorne McLaren, A. Clap- erton, G. R. Naden, A. H. Allison, so L. Crippen, Harry Birch, J. C. Brady. Messrs. Allison, Crippen and Brady withdrew. On ballot Mr. Naden was elected. For secretary only one was put forward, that of L. Bullock-Web- ster. For directors there were nom- inated Messrs. Allison, Crippen, J. Lorne McLaren, M. M. Stephens, George Frizzell, E. L. Fisher, J. C. Brady, 0. H. Nelson, Harry Bireh and T. D. Pattullo. Those’ elected Crippen, Allison, phens and Birch. : After the election Mr. Tomlin- son, the district horticulturist, was called upon for a few words. He began by saying that the fair had been far beyond what was ex- pected and he congratulated the Messrs. Ste- were Frizzell, distriet upon its success and the farmers on having brought in such splendid exhibits. Mr. Upton, the poultry expert for the province, followed. He said that this northern part of the province was well adapted for stock and poultry raising, and in regard to the latter that had been well demonstrated in this first exhibition. The birds shown here would do credit to any show, in- cluding those of New Westmin- sler, Victoria and Vancouver. J. L. Barge, A. J. Prudhomme, A. H, Allison, Mr. Walker, Prin- cipal Brady and Mr. Frank of Kitsumkalum all made short talks upon minor points and the meeting ended, JOHN MURRAY WON THE LOG CHOPPING CONTEST The log chopping contest at the fair yesterday attracted a lot of attention. There were five en- tries and with Mr. Wark as ref- eree and timekeeper there were two cuts made, the aggregate time being taken as the test. John Murray, an old timer in this place, won the prize. Mr. Miur- ray’s time was 3 minutcs 54 2-5 seconds and 3 minutes 10 onds. John Gurry made a faster eyl, doing it in 3 minutes 53 4-5 seconds, His second cut was in 5 minutes 14 41-5 seconds, how- ever, The other contestants were Messrs, Wallace, McKay and sec. Alex, Fraser, paving the way to greater suc- “In conclusion it would be on- lv right to mention that the press enterprise titook place on Second avenue. Following are the results: t Best heavy draught team 1] J. A. Lindsay; second, city team; third, J. A. Lindsay. “It is too early to present to Best general purpose team— you any statement of the finances} First, Moore Bros.; second, city of the present fair, but it suffices} team. to say that through the gener- Best gentleman’s driver—First, osity of the citize nsof Prince|Moore Bros.; second, J. A. Lind- Rupert and the city council we] say. Best gentleman's saddle horse this year’s exhibition wéll be|—First, J. MeDonald; second, J. closed free of debt. Your direc-/ A. Lindsay. tors have approached the Pro- Best brood mare—First, Moore vincial government for a grant/Bros.; second, J, A. Lindsay. for this year, and are also look- Pony under 14% hands—First, ing to the future for some sub-|J, A. Lindsay. stantiai assistance for perma- The horse races are being held nent buildings to house future|]this afternoon. fairs. Indus- at- Among the exhibits at trial Hall attracting special tention are the following: Prince Rupert Sash & Door Co. It was a surprise to many resi- dents of the city to learn from the exhibit made by the Prince Rupert Sash & Door Co. that there is a woodworking establishment in the city capable of turning out such a highly finished product. Their exhibit was a positive dem- onstration that anything that is wanted in the line of store and office fixtures, doors, sash mould- ings or scroll and band saw- ing, also all kinds of interior house finishings, can be obtained right in Prince Rupert. Prince Rupert Tent & Awning Co. The Prince Rupert Tent & Awn- ing Co., one of the most progres- sive manufacturing concerns in the city, has a neatly arranged exhibit of their various products in canvas at the south end of In- dustrial Hall. This company’s business has developed to such an extent that it has recently erect- ed one of the largest blocks on Third avenue, where their show rooms and work shops are now located. In addition to manu- facturing “everything in canvas” this concern also handles oil clothing, mackinaw clothing, workingmen’s rubber and gloves and carry a_ complete stock of harness. C. H. Handasyde. The booth oceupied by GC. H., Handasyde is of interest to busi- ness and professional men of all classes. Here is to be found the very latest ideas in office furni- ture and supplies. Mr. Handa- syde is for “Macey” filing cabi- and the “‘Alisteel” fireproof All the joints in the latter an electrie boots nets line, are made by There is not a single rivet to be found in the cabinet. Underwood typewriters, the favorite type- writer in many offices of large corporations, are also handled by Mr. Handasyde. Prince Rupert Agencies. Among the exhibits that come in for special praise is that made by the Prince Rupert Agencies, which, among other things, is. in- terested in the of land at what known as Tyee Park, abount 26 miles from Prince Ru- pert up the Skeena on the G. T, P. main line. In their booth shown a miniature ranch with log house and gardens and a minia- ture country home. The exhibit is certainly a work of art and the most minute details have not been overlooked. Between the ranch and the country home is a wind- ing river, in which there are real live fish and over which is con- structed an artistic bridge. There is a pretty road winding its way along between the old fashioned rail fences. There are fruit trees, vegetables and all kinds of garden truck growing. “In front of the country house is a minia- ture tennis court. The whole thing is a demonstration of Tyee Park in 19144. Western Plumbing & Supply Co. The exhibit made by the West- ern Plumbing & Supply Co. is of interest to every householder or those who contemplate building homes. This company is show- ing a Pease hot water heater which is highly recommended by all who have used it. One strong point in connection with this heater is its economy in fuel consumption, which is a big item with coal at its present high price. The company has also a fine showing of bathtubs, toilets and all plumbing supplies. Every- process. sale is is thing handled is of the most modern type. Special mention might be made of the model of the sanitary septie tank in actual operation, G. W. Nickerson. G. W. taking ad- vantage of the fair to advertise Quaker flour and Quaker cereals, fre which he is the local agent, All visitors are served with free samples of such delicious break- fast foods as puffed wheat and puffed rice. The samples are served with cream and sugar. Some splendid samples of bread made from Quaker flour are also shown. In connection with this exhibit there is a free guessing contest which should not be over. looked. Prince Rupert Cigar Mfg. Co. As one continues his_ stroll through the Industrial Hall he becomes impressed with the fact that there are many more indus- tries in Prince Rupert than he had imagined. Near the main entrance is a booth occupied by the Prince Rupert Cigar Mfg. Co., ini which cigars are being made just the same as they would be in the factory. This concern has been established in Prince Rupert about a year, during which it has created a large demand that is constantly increasing for its two brands, Bella Rupert and Regal. M. Herman, Prop. Geo. D. Tite. It is unnecessary to draw at- tention to the splendid exhibit made by George D. Tite at the rear of Industrial Hall, One can- not miss seeing and admiring it. In one section shown a com- pletely furnished dining room, the furniture being of the best de- scription. The other portion of the ex- hibit is a beautifully furnished bedroom, The two exhibits dein- onstrate that in furnishing the home one does not have to go out of the city to get the most mod- ern and best furniturethat can be obtained. Mr. Tite carries a large stock ta suit all purchasers. Kaien Hardware Co. With the approach of fall and winter, one’s mind naturally turns +} : ws thea LUIS TeaSVIL Lait 1s to stoves and foi exhibit made by the Kaien Hard- ware Co. is attracting a great deal of attention. This firm is selling agent for ‘‘Monarch” stoves and ranges, several dif- ferent styles and sizes of which are shown, ‘They also have on exhibition a neatly arranged dis- play of carpenters’ tools and guns and rifles. Kaien Mfg. Co. {f no other result were accom- plished by the fair, it ainply justified in the aqemonstration to the public that there are in Prince Rupert manufacturing concerns turning out finished products that compare favorably with those of factories much longer established, Among these the Kaien Mfg. Co., which is showing a handsomely finished mantel piece, buffet and wootlen bed The work was much ad- mired by most visitors to the In- dustrial Hall, Port Edward Townsite. Harrison, Gamble & Co,, agents for Port Edward townsite, occupy a booth on the east of the building prettily decorated with the exhibition colors, A painted landscape view of Prince Rupert's industrial annex the central feature of the exhibit. Literature and complete information may be obtained on application to those in attendance. is is side Is WEATHER REPORT Furnished by F. W. Dowling, Observer. For 24 hours ending 5 a. m., Seplember 26, 1913. Barometer, reduced to. sea DAWA. ite wucalate. 10X09 fe 29,829 Highest temperature..... 70.0 Lowest temperature...... 56.0 “The Daily News” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT FOR RENT—Furnished front room. Apply 435 4th Ave. W. Phone 171. 226 COMFORTABLE steam heated rooms, with -or without board; electric Mght. Albert Block, 2nd avenue. 215-26 HOUSE for rent, ayned; moderate terms, five rooms; well fur- Phone Black 214 POOL HALL for rent. Good proposition for barber, Apply Eby Bros., Terrace, 200tr FOR RENT—Flat in pbuilding skating rink; all conveniences. Ap ioer, Christian, 155 Sixth avenue west. opposite FOR RENT—Furnished flat of 5 rooms; modern in every respect; will rent cheap to right party. Apply P. UO. Box 89, FOR SALE FOR SALE—Pedigreed Irish terrier pups, also one black cocker spaniel, six months old, price #25. J. A. Goddard, 95 Water S5t., Vancouver. 225-28 PURNISHINGS pt a Saree- room flat le at also ma e rented, H, F, McRae & Co” FOR SALE—Mason & good condition, $175, Theatre Office, ‘ for pply 1a0ett Hamlin piano, in Apply Empress 225ur WANTED WANTED—Woman to do da be _experiencet, Ph mm, . it 2171 ‘gy lue 393, Must WELL furnished rooms from fortable sitting room; sent Norfolk Rooms, POSITION as housekeeper by respectabl middle aged woman; good ook” AppIY DA te Bldg., 2nd Ave, and 8th St. $2.50; com- bath; electric Phone Black 206tr WANTED TO RENT—4 or 5 roomed house by 15th of October; modern conveniences referred, Address correspondence P. 0, Sox 934, 225-30 LIVE STOCK. COWS fresh calved and coming in on hand, and tuberculosis tested, Yai n Christy, cattle dealer, Collingwood West, corner Carleton and Westminster Road. Phone Collingwood 99 RK. Post Omee TOE 80, Collingwood East, Vancouver. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. of Port Mr. Cunningham Es. sington was among the arrivals by last night's train, ome Miss Hardy, sister of Mr, Hardy, government telegraph operator at Terrace, arrived in the city last night, en route to California. Mrs. La Londe, wife of the G. T. P. agent at Terrace, who ar- rived in the city last night, is the guest of Mrs. Besner at the Knox Hotel. A school of eight fully devel. oped whales, apparently en route the Prince Rupert exhibition evidently became belated Satur day night and wandered into Masset inlet. Their presence in the vicinity of Masset was made known by loud and unusnal noi- ses followed by huge columns of water shooting skyward.—Masset Leader, io “Toymaker” Tonight. The Pollards — played packed again last The bill for tonight maker,” which was their opening bill and considered by many the best so far presented. Their tomorroy to a night, is the “Toy- house is engagement closes night with “Pinafore.” TENDERS WANTED. Tenders are invited for the erection of a building on the cor- ner of Second avenue and Fourth street for MeCaffery & Gibbons. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the under signed, Tenders will be received up to 11 a. m .October 1, The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. 226-29 J. W. POTTER, Architect If some people we know ever get to heaven they will want to go somewhere else during the summer months, Sheriff’s Sale In the Supreme Court of British Columbia. The Giant Consolidated, plaintiff. The Pittsburg British Company, defendant. Powder Company, Gold By virtue of a warrant of ex- ecution, issued in this action, and to me directed, [ have seized all the interest or equity of the de- fendant in the following: Placer mining leases on Mackee and Johnson Creeks in the Atlin Mining Division, viz.: Winnemucea (bench Winne- mucea (creek), Redwood, Alpha, Gamma, Delta, Montreal, Quebec, Blue-Peter, Pennant, Vancouver, Victoria, Omega Fra. City of London, Stikine-Chief, Yellow Horse, London, Kingston, Ontario, Pittsburg, Seattle, Port- England, Surprise and Chicago, land, Old houses, hydraulic plant and all other articles belonging to the defendant company. All of which I shall offer for sale by publie auction for cash on Wednesday, the first day of Oc- tober, 1913, at 2:30 o’clock in the afternoon, at the court house, Prince Rupert, B, C. Dated at Prince Rupert, Sep- tember 6, 1943, 226-29 JOUN SHIRLEY, Sheriff of the County of Atlin. — SHERIFF'S SALE. in the Supreme Gourt of British Columbia. _ John G, Beatty, plaintiff; Prince Rupert Fish and Cold Storage Co., Ltd,, defendant. oF virtue of a warrant of execution, is- sued in this action, and to me directed, I ply| have seized the goods of the defendant, the following: The buildings occupied by the defendant company and all the goods in the premises consisting of fish, fruit, provisions and several other articles, situate on 3rd Street and 3rd avenue, Prince Rupert, B. ©. All of which I shall offer for sale by public auction for cash on Monday, the 15th vay of September, 1913, at 2:30 o'clock in the aftermoon, at the above named premises. Dated at Prince Rupert, B, C., Septem- ber 8, 1913 JOHN SHIRLEY, Sheriff. —— The above sale is hereby postponed un- +} Thursday, the 25th day of September, 13, JOHN SHIRLEY, Sheriff, one Prince Rupert, September 13%, The above sale is hereby postponed un- tll Thursday, the 2nd day of October, 1913. JOHN SHIRLEY, Sheriff, TO RENT—3-room on Third Ave., $20. TO HENT—Store on Third Ave. GEORGE LEEK Notary Public Rents and Collections house Phone 203 615 2nd Ave. Friday, Se ember 9 “8, 191 IN 5 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS Apply Harrison, Gamble & Comp FINANCIAL AG " Third Ave. ENTS P rince Rupert a TAXIDERMIST Heads mounted reasonal O. L. WINGERE! & ¢9 844 Sey Bf 2 QR HARLA S. BRYAN BANJO an Guityy MANDOLIN Flat vy F. M. CROSRY Second Hand Dealer Wants to buy niture, everytt i ‘Pen Tools, Guns ana 3 , any time. Highe ‘ng, Wil a 839 3rd Ave. W Phone mill Every mar : am an expert col ae aiter or collections GEORGE LEEK 615 2nd Ave. Phone 20 BROWN & BUTTER) MINING ENGINEERS METALLURGY AND MINING GEOLOGY Res. Phoné Black (1 Bor (4 Prince Rupert GEORGE LEEK Real Estate, Insurance and Loan trap Notary Public. Rents and Collection Albert B \ Prince Rupert look Between 5th 18 HARRISON W. ROGER Architect Suite 1, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, B, { Phone 300 P.O P. O. Box 203 P. ROBERTSON INCORPORATED ACCOUNTANT (Eng) CHARTERED SECRETARY Audits, Investigations, Adjustments, Liat dations and Assignments Smith Block, 3rd Ave., Frince Rupert, BC ED Phone For the Best Jobs of CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING At the I t Fine Work, | und Men's Suits j B BOW SENG Phone Red ) Bor 397 627 Fulton Street Prince Rupert, BC Pure Water NECESSARY TO Good Health NOXALL JR. GERM-PKOOF Filters) | Slip Easily Overt Mouth of An ‘ Remove Al! ! Prevent Typ! Diseases Ca Drinking Impure PRICE, $5.00 For Sale By HARRY HANSON SECOND AVE. : r + Orme’t May Be Been in One a a i anne yp ths, $200 in " ‘ will buy a a ing the wal chance, G. R. Naden Co, ib ance Real Estate and Insuré Second Avenue.