943, a ~ eae a oe ii nday september 29, 1913. onday, § — THE DAILY NEWS AND PURCHASE NOTICES. ‘ notice that 1, Cc free mine tated A am ) . L, reading Lo 635, , he shore ing a OF less Ww the Tac- rvation No. 26, thence » 40 chains, of Hastings Ari ction * pains c ese: erly : ner directioo ie point of commence: 0 ena ing g20 acres more or less, he oeen CHARLES. H. FLOOD. » 27th, 1913. a DORA L, WRIGHT, , 19 2is8 13. ted July Oct. 18, 1913. t b, Aug. 18, 1943 na Land District—District of Coast, Range 6. ake notice that Cecil J, Crew, of neawl, Wales, occupation banker, Iin- wo apply for permission to purchase following described Jands: munencing at & post planted one mile n of the southeast corner of Lot 130, ~ 5, Coast District thence south 2u s, thence west 40 chains, thence north pains, whence east 40 Chains to point commencement, conulning 80 acres e or less ‘etal 2 CECIL J, CREW. P, M, Miller, Agent, ed July 22nd, 1913, ied ig, 18, 1019—Oct. 13, 1913. District—District of Coast, Range 5, ake notice that Louls Frank Banville, prince Rupert, B. C., oceupation rail- Her, intends to apply for permission to pase the following described lands; iommencing &t & post planted about 20 ins east of Mile Post 76 from Prince ert, 0. T. BP. Railway, Op the south of the track, thence east 60 chains, pee south & chains to bank of Skeena r, thence following the river bank in esterly and northerly direction to point commencement, containing 20 acres e or less. LOUISE FRANK BANVILLE, ted July 18th, 1013. ub, Aug. 18, 1913—Oct. 13, 1913. na Land oa Land District—District of Coast, Range 6, ake notice that Thomas 58, Crew, of ury, England, occupation geutieman, pds to apply for permission to pur- e the following described lands: commencing at & post planted one half south of the southeast corner of Lot , Range 5, Coast District, thence west chains, thence south 40 chains, thence 80 chains, thence north 40 chains to pt of commencement, containing 320 s more or less, THOMAS 8S. CREW. v. M, Miller, Agent. Dated July 21st, 1013. Pub. Aug. 18, 1913—Uct, 13, 1913. ena Land District—-District of Coast, Range 5 ake notice that Marion Waugh, of treal, Que., Occupation spinster, in- 3 Ww apply for permission to purchase folowing described lands; commencing @t & post planted about 90 chains in @ northerly direction from soulhwest corner of Lot 5149, Range Coast District, Lakelse Valley, thence th 40 chains, more or less to south ndary of Lot 6148, thence west 40 os, ence south 40 chains, thence east chains more or less back to point of mencement, Containing 160 acres more less MARION WAUGH. ated July 22nd, 1913. ub. Aug. 18, 1913—Oct, 13, 19483. eba Land District—District of Coast, Range 6. ake notice that Arthur O, Crew, of izes, Eugland, occupation surveyor, in- ds w apply for permission to purchase following described lands; ominencing at @ post planted about 20 (0s north of the northeast corner of $96, Range 5, Coast District, thence th 20 chains more or less to northeast ner of Lot 506, thence east 20 chains, nce borth 29 chains more or less to re of lake, thence westerly 20 chains re or less following shore of lake nt of commencement, containing 40 es more or less, ARTHUR O, CREW. P, M.Miller, Agent. yaled, July 23rd, 1913. Pub, Aug. 18, 1048—-Oct, 13, 1013. Take notice that I, William Macy, of ox, B, C., occupation caterer, intend to ly to the Mon, Commissioner of Lands i Works for permission to purchase the lowing described lands; Lollmencing at & post theast corner of 8, T. 280-95 thence southerly 20 chains ag the shore of Goose Bay to 8, T. L. Hand Post reading. 35280-9529, thence 4 Westerly direction 20 chains, thence 4 boriherly direction 20 chains, thence ‘20 chains to the point of commence: Mt, containing 160 acres more or less. ae ACY. Dated June 27th, 1943." ae Pub, July 28, 1913—-Sept. 22, 1013. planted on the L, Lot and Post DTICE OF APPLICATION FOR THE AP- PROVAL OF PLANS. Take hotice that James Arthur Brown, if ort Essington, B, C., sawmill owner, ghee ply to the Comptroller of Water jell the approval of the plans of tre to be constructed for the utili- oe of the water from Brown's Creek on she applicant is by Water Record Nath authorized to take and use for Me te purposes, and in respect to which a 4 “pplication for 66 ecubie feet per , | from said creek (Water Permit ae) is now pending. ‘The sawmill to hanuated on Lot 121, Range 5, Coast fhe ‘plans and particulars required by rine Hon one of Section 70 of the ith the ¢,,¢8 amended have been fied ith the wlaPtroller of Water Rights and Ob he Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, Jections to the application may be Comptroller of Water Rights, itr \ldings, Victoria, B. C. yaoed at Prince Rupert, B, C,, this 29th Y of August, A. D. 1943. AMES ARTHUR BROWN, Applicant, WATER NOTICE. plication for @ license to take and use ape will be made under the Water Act rush Columbia as follows: Ay wen name of the applicant is B, C. orks, Ltd,, F, H, Mobley, agent. The address of the applicant is Rupert, B, GC, The hame of the stream is Kwinttsa The stream has its source in moun- hi me about § miles west of the Skeena » Hows in @ southeaster! l ae empties into Skeena River Siete t south from Kwinitsa station, the ‘tenia wee is to be diverted from Teet From moa South side, about 5,280 i pe f®. Purpose for which will be use is mining and manufacturing, r e land on which the water 1s to a is described as follows: ‘rand locared adjacein ‘io int 4° ud Lo 75, Skeena Riven cent to Lot 74 and ‘ 16 quantity of wate as roped i 6r applied 8 follows Twelve hundred (1300) myers inches, ‘his notice was Posted o} nm the ground ‘ay of September, 1013" On the 6th d notice and an applica- Prince 3 River Main y Mente hereto and to 5 fp hents of the Water Act will be Ned fy tke Gvater Recorder at Prince bjections may be filed with Of waecorder, or with the e ¥ Victoria’ or Nig its, Parliament » C, SALT WORKS, LTD. Comptroller Buildings, ries H. Flood, oc- hand to apply to works the following planted at the Fence in a northerly U-AD in a directior thence ae o 80 chains, thence east- =a Dawson, Sept. 25. bois and Hugh Brady, Dawsor Nugget mine at Dawson, and that they were counted out in the fin- al division of the rich in the Shushanna, but that Johnson was granted a quarter interest in all the properties acquired, and they ask for an injunction re- straining the defendants from selling the ground of the gold, claims or disposing f= 7 NEWS FROM SMITHERS. | The stumps have all been taken out of Main and the diteh is completed Alfred avenue to Third, street from Adams’ drug store and MecAr- thur’s store were the last to move from Squattersville, making the change Wednesday. Wilcocks & Wolseley have pur- chased the lumber for their store and office on Main street and will be in shape to do business in a short time. Work on the office building of the Williams-Carr Lumber & In- started are also having the corner of Alfred street cleared lumber yards and cottages. Company was They vestment Thursday. their lots at avenue and Queen for the Queen vicinity last surprised to encounter Batzold in blue jumper and work- ing among the stumps, and, with the beads of honest sweat stand- ing thick upon his brow, he paused for a moment to inform us that he was engaged in build. ing the Institutional Methodist Church. Although we have given a detailed of this new edifice for worship in a previous we have over- looked the man behind it, but in these few words let us say: “He is the man for the job,” and there is no doubt that his energy and ability will meet with reward. Smithers Review. While passing in of Broadway and Thursday we were Rev. C. E, overalls account public Issue, A contract was given out this week through, the Williams-Carr Company for the laying of 8,452 feet of sidewalk. When this work TIMOTHY D. SULLIVAN. Known throughout New York as “Big Tim,” whose funeral was attended by 20,000 people. Twenty members of the House of Representatives acted as a guard of honor. “Big Tim's” mangled body was found on the railway tracks, and lay in the morgue unclaimed for nearly two weeks. The former news- boy leayes an, estate of nearly Henry Du- LITIGATION 1S ALREADY STARTED ABOUT CLAIMS ON THE CHISANA TWO HOTELKEEPERS CLaim TOH ERS AND SEEK TO ENJOIN AVE GRUBSTAKED DISCOV- THEM FROM SELLING Judge MeAulay granted a 1; Porary injunction tem. ated. June 919-—Sept. 22, 1913, until Tuesday, p, uy 98, 0 hotelkeepers, yesterday filed a|Wen application wil} be made to na Land Disirice Pires of Coast, suit in equity in the Yukon Ter- ete the injunetion until the t e : \ ‘ rial, which proba} v that Dora L. Wright, Of}ritorial Gour t t p ably will be held enol th OOS pation inated el ria ‘i irt against William this winter. my, iiends «© apply for permission) James, discoverer of the Shu- mm parénase a a past “planted. at, the hat Matilda Wal I the action involves fifteen ing at & po 8 ina; Matilda ales, ac. acer cls r are Tne! sot Lot 4a, gienge 8, . 4 Who at og claims—The Bonanza, Lit- ot, thence companied James t : t 7m ‘adi toe to northeast corner of Lot pan! ees atid Willian le dorado, Gold Run and other thence east 20 tot B14, Tnettes Johnson, claims elsewhere in the camp wundary of Lo . P 5 : £ . ’ vest chains more or less to the shore Brady and Dubois allege that and quartz properties, else Lake, thence westerly and Fletcher T. Hamshaw who has rly along said shore to the point lib y together with Johnson, grudl, who has bneement, containing 40 acres more} — ; an option to purchase the pro-