LATION AND NORTHERN RoesT oIROU IN THE oiTY priTisH OF UMBIA 1 co Vy" e \t a ______—- gu. IV, NO. 232, F — PRINCE RUPERT, B, C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1913. y ors THAT GATUN AND CA DAMAGED 18 CONTRA to The Daily News. Oct. 3.—Two earth- wok up the old city last shocks being the since the Americans possession of the canal zone. hd sturbance was of nearly jnute’s duration, during which rocked and chureh bells special anama kes sh bt, the { severt Lwo v0 BIG EARTHQUAKES STIR UP THE ISTHMUS OF PANAMA NAL WORKS HAD BEEN BADLY DICTED BY CHIEF EN- GINEER GOETHALS completed, and also that the dis- turbances would start a great islide in the Culebra cut. This lalarm Jed to many rumors start- |ing in regard to the great amount lof damage done along the line of | the canal, and some of these iwere cabled to the American |newspapers. When this came to peed. There was a rush for | the knowledge of Mr. Goethals, big square in front of the/the chief engineer, he obtained odral .as it was feared somejreports by wire from every point the older buildings might;and was able to declare that jle over. But il was soon alljthere had been absolutely no nd there was no particular ept among the Ameri- yr, a e, OX tomed to earthquakes and icans were particu- for the safety of Amer ed dam, only recently ial Gal s, as the natives are well ac-| idamage done to the locks or any | part of the canal works. Some of the smal! towns of ithe isthmus, however, suffered |from the quake, a few buildings jat Old Panama and Ventura be- ling shaken down, but no fatal- | ities have so far been reported. RUN BY TWO n regard to the very rich gold m the Engineer group, in, shown here during the the Skagway Alaskan s tl assays running as high £45,000 to the ton, and clean of 145 ounces in twelve i by a two stamp mill, he est report of the mine. present time much of s being confined to one th iny veins definitely lo- ed i it continues to in- richness as the work pees rhree assays from parts of this vein, the most exacting showed $17,000, $35,- $45,000 per ton in gold july 4, the average daily from the plates of the \ CHEST QUARTZ EVER FOUND HIN THIS RIDING OF PROVINCE SINEER GROUP OF ATLIN CLEANS UP ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIVE OUNCES FROM TWELVE HOUR STAMP MILL. erty is one hundred ounces per running day of twenty-three hours. The best run to date pro- duced .145 ounces for twelve hours’ run, and when the Daily Alaskan correspondent was pres- ent the clean up was 64% ounces dry amalgam for the day run of eleven hours, from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m, Deducting one-third for the weight of the “quick,” the weight in gold remaining is re- markable and is very encourag- ing to those whose confidence in the mine has never faltered and who have spent so much time and in developing the prop- which will undoubtedly to be one of the world’s gold mines. Captain Alexander expects have one hundred stamps money erty, prove richest to In- stamp mill on the prop- OF ALL OFFICIAL Chinaman again been disturbed by the The peaceful has nion government, “To every Hinion immigration depart. | throughout Ganada notifica- i has been sent demanding bil every Chittaman, whether a weomer or not, be phote- raphed and reregistered, Not Bly that, but two new certificates Ust be made out on which will a biography of the hinainan, together with his pic- Riven Ire One certificate is to be eit lo Ottawa, while the other lay be kept by the man himself. Such a demand has come as a “prise to those in eharge of he Mingration offices to whom he task falls. It will not be an oo one, for there are hun- Ss of Chinamen in each city + ‘o persuade them to have a pictures taken and then to OW aH be at the immigration of- ae der that they may be re- : ene is what must be done nh a month or so, Pes Toronte omotals will have ee dary of the trouble, as re a over two thousand piven i in this ¢ity, But it ee be done by one man, Mr, 'mingham of the Dominion Mr eee department here, : ‘ mningham, however, states at so far he has eneguntered stalled and working next year. MINION ORDERS PORTRAITS CHINESE IN COUNTRY ESE WILL BE FILED AWAY WITH NEAT BIOGRAPHY—TWO THOUSAND CHINAMEN IN TORONTO ALONE FOR CAMERA. very litle diMleuliy, Scores of the Chinese are turning up daily at the office in the Union Station. Some have brought their photo- graphs with them, while a few of the more cautious ones hold some little suspicion that by so doing they may probably be cutting their own throats, But as they stand debating the question one of Mr. Birmingham's amateur photographers snaps them while they wail, and after they have been thoroughly cross-examined as to their occupation, where- abouts and birthplace, ete., they are asked to call within a few days for their certificates, each containing a handsome picture, Mr. Birmingham reports that al- ready five hundred have passed through the ordeal, Toronto Globe, USE AMERICAN SIDE Filibustering Expedition to Cap- ture Mexican City. (Special to The Daily News. Piedras, Negras, Mex., Oct, 3. —A filibustering expedition yes- terday attempted to capture this city from the American side of the Rio Grande, but they were repulsed, How a man does enjoy spend- ing money if he can’t afford it! ‘CROP OF TWO HUNDRED Nice Little Poke for Farmers to Pocket After Marketing Crops. Special to The Daily News Vancouver, Oct. A well known, local banker computes that the farmers of the western prairies will have $230,000,000 to pocket after marketing their grain. He declares that in fu- ture, when the Panama Canal is open for traffic, it is certain that a great portion of this great crop will find its way to Europe by way of Prince Rupert and Van- couver, DYNAMITE OUTRAGES RIVAL MPNAMARAS’ Caused Most of Explosions Testified to at Trial. Special to The Daily News. miters’ trial at Indianapolis, but the fact that Davis caused them all was unknown at that time. FOR WILSON’S SIGNATURE Tariff Revision Bill Handed to the President Tonight Special to The Daily News. Washington, Oct, 3.—The De- joint conference report by a vote of 36 to 17, four more than for a quorum of the Senate, ‘ necessary AT THE WESTHOLME “The Rosary” Illustrated with Moving Pictures Tonight. the Pollard were there entranced by the beautiful sing- ing of “The Rosary” by Miss Mc- Namara. To these the show of “The Rosary,” which is put on at the Westholme Opera House to- night, is especially recommend- ed. The incidental music is ex- ceedingly fine and the Westholme orchestra, one need not say, is well qualified to give it a° sym- pathetic rendition. Also the pic- tures illustrating every phase of the song will be found charming. Another film, “The Mother's Sacrifice,” an exciting war story, one incident in it being wondrous clever. A pursued soldier galloping across a bridge. His horse is shot and he and his mount fall over the par- apet into the stream below, When here company were hundreds is Is CANADA'S NEW LOAN Fifty-seven Per Cent. Left in Hands of Underwriters. (Special to The Daily News.) London, Oct. 3,—Fifty-seven per cent. of the new Canadian three million 4 per cent. loan was feft in the hands of the un- derwriters. The result was an- ticipated, but is regarded as satisfactory under all the cir- cumstances, Hospital Dance. The annual dance given by the Ladies’ Auxiliary in aid of the hospital will be held at St, An- drew’s Society Hail (Kaien Island gym) on Friday evening, Oct, 8rd, Dancing will start at 9 o'clock with music by the Westholme or- chestra, Gentlemen's tickets $2, Orme’s Second avenue drug Ladies free, 228.32 al store, AND THIRTY MILLION Western -TWO HUN ————_—_—— SS THE DAILY NEWS ON SAYS REDMOND IS DICTATOR OF EM HE KING TO FORCE A HOME RULE CONFERENCE DRED AND THIRTY MILLI NEXT MAILS From South Princess My cei sso veudve ee Friday For south Prince George... .....eeeees Friday PRICE FIVE CENTS ONS CROP IMPRISONED IN COAL BASEBALL. Northwestern League. Vancouver 6, All Stars 4. Coast League. Venice 12, Los Angeles 0. San Francisco 3, Sacramento Oakland —, Portland 2 ° National League. Philadelphia 3-4, New York 8-3. Brooklyn-Boston, rain. REDMOND DICTATOR So Declares Sir Edward Carson in Most Vehement Speech of Whoie Campaign. Special to The Daiiy News.) Belfast, Oct. 3.—Speaking at Dungannon yesterday, in the constituency represented by John Redmond’s son, where he _ re- viewed twelve hundred Ulster volunteers, Sir Edward Carson declared that John Redmond was ; : at present the dictator of the New York, Oct. 3.—Dynamile} whole empire. . The speech was outrages outrivalling the expleits|the most serious and the most of the McNamara brothers and|vebement of the present cam- Ortie McManigal were confessed paign. ‘ re ssterde y George eee 5 here yesterday by: a oA felfast, Oct. 3.—It is rumored eee mf union De best? i here that King George will com- 1e exp osions Javis contesses pel all parties to go into econfer- to were testified to at the dyna- ence On Home Rule. THAT CRITICISM OF Trade and Labor Congress’ Call for His Resignation. Special to The Daily News.) who asked if he had anything to eriticism say in regard to the against him of the Dominion Trade and Labor convention at Montreal, when several members demanded his resignation. replied that he was not yet famil- -- MINISTER OF LABOR Crothers Makes No Answer to He day Must Spend Eighteen Hours More in His Cell. (Special to The Daily News.) Centralia, 3.—Sepa- from fifteen feet of hard, solid coal, Thomas Toshesky, a miner, who has been entombed in the Continental mine since last Friday, must spend at least another eighteen hours in his dismal] cell, one hundred feet below the surface, before he can be rescued. KIRKPATRICK SAYS Pa., Oct. rated freedom by Financial Stringency Disappear- ing and Mining Given a Fresh Impetus. proving and the financial strin- geney is disappearing, according to J. A. Kirkpatrick, a well known northern business man now vis- exhibition held at Prince Rupert This he said had given a impetus to mining. tate market continued steady. ———. PRACTISING MAGIC Two Brazilian Women Are Ac- : . Ottawa, Oct. 3.—When Hon. quitted of the Charge. cratic tariff revision bill will bel pomas Wilson Grothers, min- - handed to President Wilson for]ister of labor, returned from (Special to The Daily News.) signature this evening. The|England yesterday, he was met Vancouver, Oct. 3.—Accused Senate last night adopted the}by a number of newspaper men,/of practising magic among the Indians of the Powell River, two Brazilian women, Marie Steven- and her sister Lezea, were brought up in court yesterday, but acquitted. son THE LOST SURVEYORS iar with the substance of the criticism, and until he was he Eight Men Working on Slide to had nothing to say. Recover Bodies. “Come and see me tomorrow at’ my office,’ he cheerfully in-] phe Ganadian boundary survey vited. < has a crew of eight men at work While abroad Mr. Crothers has},,, (he slide at Cape Muzon in an made a special study of. the attempt to uncover the bodies of methods of the British govern-|popoerts and Bode, the two sur- ment in dealing with labor dis-|\,.ors buried in the ‘slide a putes, especially in those of the coal miners. Board of Trade The regular monthly of the Board of Trade poned until Friday evening, Oct 40th, at 8 o'clock, Is meeting post- couple of weeks ago. G, D. Rob- erts, one of the victims, recently fell heir to a large sum of money in England by the death of a relative, and planned to leave this coast for the old country as soon as this season’s work was finished. FOR WHIPPING CHILDREN EXTRA SPECIAL TONIGHT the WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE “THE ROSARY” A CLASSIC GEM BEAUTIFUL STORY BEAUTIFUL PICTURES the wonderful 2 reel war drama “WARTIME MOTHER'S SACRIFICE " Exciting and interesting ; also ADMISSION <> -10c & 150 Superintendent of Quebec Or- phanage Summoned to Court (Special to The Daily News.) Montreal, Oct. 3.— Charges have been entered against the superintendent of the Quebec City orphanage for whipping four inmates of tender years with a dag whip. NEWSPAPERS AS POLICE What Largest Newspaper prieter of World Says. Pro- (Special to The Daily News.) Chicago, Oct. 3.—At a banquet tendered him by the Chicago Press Club last night, Lord Northeliffe claimed that the newspapers policed the whole ‘iworld, but that they did not get any credit for it. South Bruce Election. (Special to The Daily News.) Ottawa, Oct. 3.—-The by-elec- tion for South Bruce, caused by the appointment of James J. Donnelly, M. P., to the senate, will be held on October 30th, FIFTEEN FEET THICK Miner Entombed Since Last Fri- ALL IS HUNKY HERE Special to The Daily News. was gradually undermined. The Vancouver, Oct. 3.—The busi- matter was promptly reported ness of Prince Rupert and Nor by one of the section foremen to ; ; : I a -“““~\ Generali Superintendent Mehan, thern British Columbia is im-|who immediately had a_ pile iting this city. The fact that business conditions are better, he says, was evident from the great success of the first annual fresh The real es- rather The regular passenger trairrt due here from the interior at 6:10 last night, did not reach the city uniil about 6 o'clock this morning, approximately twelve hours late. The delay was due to a ‘washout at Hardscrabble, about 119 miles up the line. During the past two or three days there had been some very heavy rains in that vicinity, ac- companied by terrific gales, which uprooted trees and caused much havoc along Hardsecrabble Creek. The fallen trees and other de- bris were carried down the stream and formed a jam just where the creek passes under the railway. The course of the creek was thus changed and the track driving outfit at work to minim- ize the damage. Wednesday's train for New PASSENGER TRAINS WERE DELAYED EXCESSIVE RAINS, COUPLED WITH GALES WHICH UPROOTED TREES, RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE ON Qa. T. P. BY BAD WASHOUT Hazelton was held up at Terrace until the track was sufficiently repaired to permit trains to pass over, At Terrace there is good hotel accommo.'ations and the passengers suffered no serious discomfort. It. was not until yesterday afternoon that this train was able to proceed. To accommodate passengers from the interior wishing to con- nect with the Prince George this morning a special train was made up at New Hazelton and left prac- tically on the regular train’s schedule, There was thus no serious interference. with the service both ways and the pas- sengers from the interior reached here in ample time to connect with the steamer this morning. This train could have arrived here considerably earlier but on account of the excessive rains all along the line Superintendent Mehan issued orders to proceed cautiously. Joe Belway, who acquired con- siderable fame in October last as one of the discoverers of what wa reported to be a very rich gold strike about twenty-five miles from Kitsumkalum, was brought to the city this morning by Con- stable Doolittle, charged with a serious offence—namely, interfering with His Majesty's mail. It appears from the story that has been told that Joe mel the mail carrier on the trail be- tween Terrace and Rosswood carrying the mail bag. Evidently he was expecting either a letter from his sweetheart news of the recent strike at Chisana, as he was particularly anxious to get his mail. Stopping the mail carrier, who, by the way, was making his first trip, Joe asked for his mail, but was told that the bag was locked and that the carrier did not have the key, It or TEN YEARS AND LASHES FOR SERIOUS CRIME “Kitimat” Brown Will Pay Pen- alty for His Unmentionable Crime. William Brown of Port Essing- ton, better known as “Kitimat” Brown, who pleaded guilly .a couple of days ago to a crime, the particulars of which are un- fit for publication, was this morning sentenced by His Honor Judge Young to ten years in the penitentiary at New Westminster with ten lashes ten days after his arrival there. Brown is a man about 50 years of age. Complimentary Dinner. A complimentary dinner will be tendered at the G, T. P. Inn to- morrow evening to F. Seeley by the Prince Rupert committee of the Mainland Fire Underwriters’ Association. Mr. Seeley, as an- nounced in yesterday's News, is here for the purpose of making a thorough investigation of the local conditions affecting fire insurance rates. Plates will be set for about twenty-five. Candidate for Mayoralty. _ (Special to The Daily News.) Vancouver, Oct, again be a candidate for WELL KNOWN PROSPECTOR HOLDS 3, —— Mayor Baxter announces that he will the UP MAIL CARRIER MADE CARRIER RIP OPEN SACK WITH KNIFE AND DELIVER THE MAIL ADDRESSED TO HIM. appears that Joe was very insist- ent in the matter and went for the mail carrier in a very threat- ening manner, the latter being told to open the bag with a knife. Rather than cause a scene, the carrier, it seems, complied with the order, and the two men as- sorted the mail, in which two very important letters for Joe were found, When the mail carrier arrived at Rosswood, Mrs, Ross, the postmistress, immediately wired the post office inspector at Vic- toria of the occurrence and in- structions were sent to Chief Owen to arrest the accused. In Chief Owen's office this morn- ing the mail bag, with a slit some seven or eight inches long, was hanging on the wall. Belway comes up for election before Judge Young at 2:30 this afternoon. STEAMER CHELOHSIN TO BE OVERHAULED Only One Passenger Steamer Per Week on Union Steamship Line During Winter. Starting this week the Union Steamship Company will run only one regular passenger steamer belween Vancouver and Prince Rupert instead of two, as during the summer months. The weekly boat will arrive from the south on Tuesday mornings and leave for the south on Wednes- day afternoons. For the next three weeks the Venture wilt de put on the run in order that the Chelohsin may be given a thor- ough overhauling for the winter traffic. The Vadso, which also carries passengers, will make two or three trips per month between Vancouver, Prince Rupert and Granby Bay. The steamers Co- quitlam and Capilano will also be engaged in the freight service. It is expected that with the as- sistance of the three freight boats the passenger steamer will be able to keep up a regular schedule. Martin O'Reilly left by the steamer Prince George this morning for Vancouver, Mis. O'Reilly and children, who have been visiting there for the last three months, will return with mayerallty, him,