THE DAILY NEWS Friday | | | Manager Condon Ready to Make ———EEES——~" —dm\—‘—|r BAYLEY AND WHITE ICTR Double Week! Sa y Service TO THE souTH AT | THE DAILY NEWS For Stewart on Thursas For Granby Bey on satura Steamers Prince John an yeas m eye at 12 py — 4 Prince Alben evening announced his willing- ness to match Bayley with Jack | i THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Match Between Them. aL: : Published Daily and Weekly by Vancouver, Sept. 29.—Morris| \FIC by the splendid steame; TRUNK p THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. |Gondon, ‘MAnAS er Ot ee ight ioe PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE ) i : aaa lformer Canadian lightweight n INCE GEORGE We yeaias SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico:' champion, over the long dis- Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, victor, P ; tance phone from Victoria last Mondays and Fridays a: - Seattle on : { Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly, $2.00 per year. Ail Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. } a! | A HEaD OFFICE White, the Chicago boxer. “Bay- | Haitnariotie islands, Calling at Wag inner? " } . . ’ s, a ay Port Yer ANd Prings i iiy New i i ’ 5 : ley was never in better condi-| Saturdays 8t 8 P.M. Also Weal c.0t'e Prime Ce Mupen Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98.) tion,” declared Condon, “and if| Harbor, leaving Prince Rupert on wt ns ) Madset ta ya TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract we get a reasonable offer-we will! Train No. 2 leaves Prince fever a canvics = " jtake on any man the club cares Saturday. 10 Am. Wednesten | v8 an rates on application. , . ; ito name.” Tickets on sale to all points east » Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in} i : the GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY system ease of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers a Steamship Lines. for at at =~ i “I absolutely don't know what! Seb Uirbeeh tiehets, feservatn Atlante se ee eee oe to give my cook for a wedding A. DAVID a ee COO te Office Srd Avenue Prince owe present.” “Then simply give her money. DAILY EDITION ee Friday, Oct. 3, 1913 —— = = ==———————————====a"™@—=- THE NATIONALISTS without anything being done} i “Oh, no! It mustn't cost as ae AND THE NAVY. by the Dominion toward cars| jmuch as that. DYER APAR = The Nationalist influence inf Ting out the unanimous reso- = CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY : TMENTS luti March, | 2 aS 00 a the ‘Borden government has| lution of parliament of March. | | ______|] ARE YOU GOING EAST $15.00 ad ang been paralyzing. It completely} Cansda of her own coasts as| THIS SUMMER? PARTLY FUNG paralyzed the whole adminis- eee ge hon amie me ’ sock Reveal tin. 306» boo a ee pa ISHED tration during the entite fret} Pert Of the common Cerence of| tember 36th ® Of Electric Wathye ES : col autinen f a the Empire. This influence} ' |} Returning Limit October 81st. \ for Hire year of its existence so far as i : < “ah ’ || Vancouver to Toronto and 1029 3rd A acti \f any kind on naval de will continue to control when | WOUNER s ch outta Veto oe $92.00 v6. — Phone Biagy tee | 3 1 s. obl Mr.| | Vancouver to Montreal and sy fence was concerned. It ren- parliament meets, obliging Mr. | i “pe SE Cc. 5 V1 s Css bk Lo ook $105.00 rs alsin Orem. 6h ‘ Borden to find further excuses | || Members P.R.L. Vintners Association |} Vancouver to New York and ° ; — dered impossible from the out- fo oidi ‘ a3 | WUUNOE cdsckavedés es eee » $108.50 J set, and still renders impos- or avoiding a permanent px 1- | |] Vancouver to Chicago sna es Ag sible, any pronouncement of a|- ‘7, #84 compelling him to de-| | PRINCE RUPERT INN AND ANNEX = || VTL oo isi’ Paur ana 725° ea S ; a vise further devious and cir- || Owned and Operated by the Grand Ra eae . Magazines -: Period ; permanent naval policy by the : ‘ . | Trunk Pacific Ry |} Other Points’ Correspondingty’ Low Seas 3S New apap prime minister, because Mr. cuitous routes toward cen- Geo. A. Sweet, J. @. McNAB SIGARS TOBACCOS -. Borden has given his word to tralization in imperial affairs 2 ; |] General Agent Cor. 3rd Ave & 6th StH) ong Ave. Below Kalen} PRU the Nationalists, and the Na-| Which is the end he is really a sik he 1 WINDSOR HOTEL ||] Princess Sophia, south Saturday 9 am. Avenue next to Post iid, ti Riis “hace ‘With’ ‘teal seeking to serve. ee ———— | Corner of First Ave. and Eighth St. | -” tionalists ave given r ; : W. 1 Wright, Prep. et word to their constituents, that 2 5 ore ARRIVING AT THE SCENE OF DUBLIN STRIKES. : _ c O there will be no permanent If one is to wait until such nots ford + Lady Fit i eo HOTEL CENTRAL i} | L policy without an appeal to the} [me as Mexico can show ajA photograph of Lord and Lady Fitzwilliam landing at Dubin, First Avenue and Seventh St. i] : =e people. An appeal to the president elected by the full where they entertained a large party for the Dublin Horse || European apd American Pian | UNION SS. COMPANY OF B C., Ltd Bs people is manifestly the last nd free vote of the entire Show on their beautiful yacht, the Shemara. Lord Fitzwil- Peter Black, Prop. A New Wellington Coal. Best on ty ce tli o Raintinl = eople s han yas ariy a soldier Seuth Africa and is now i Coast thing Mr. Borden desires, as} People, a man who has never iam wee Sormeriy 2 dier in = | KNOX MOTEL 1] é ee witness his broken promise, been guilty of corrupt prac- member for Wakefield in the house of commons. | First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth i S S Chelohsin Phone 116 Rogers & fad tices or stained with the blood ee gn |) European Plan, Rates 50c to $1.00 | We publicly given on more than . . . Baz Per Day FOR VANCOUVER SMITH & MALLETT Wednesdays at 2 p.m. THIRD AVE. one occasion, that if denied by| Of any of his ‘political oppo- Besner & Beener, Props. parliament the thirty-five mil- nents, before “retognizing A OLD PLACER STREAM YIELD lions for “emergency” pur- government there, it looks as J. Y. Rochester Vv. D. Casley poses, he would appeal from though there | EMPRESS HOTEL parliament to the country. ahead of us. Seventh Streets Sheet Metal Work ——_o———_ European Pian, 50 to $1 Per Day Office: 8rd Ave | i pa This same Nationalist in- u | é 9 = fluence rendered necessary an “Let me see,” Sir James we ne i i} ewe amosun Phone 174 sad Ave bet. Tth al ' || is a long wait Third Ave. Between Sixth and ae Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting ad : 8 : “emergency” policy, when there Whitney probably said this|RICH GROUND STRUCK ON SIXTY-MILE RIVER AND PROSPECTS PREMIER HOTEL there was nu “emergency.” as morning as he put his knightly CONSIDERED FROMISING oF 6S FAR AWAY re oo mane = Roe bs the only basis or compromise garmenis on, “what day is to- AS THE CHISANA. chant a ' S : | Saturdays at 10 a.m. “Valhalla” of S.H. & EF, > with the jingo im- day? Must I do something to- —_——- sts. It accounts for the day to please the Orange vote, Dawson, Sept. 29.—What is|point where the valley is 3,000 [| Corley & Burgess, Props. SCAN DEN ANIAN SOCIETY periail empty ships the government or is it the turn of the French|claimed to be one of the richest | feet wide, and intended to cross- Third Ave. and Sixth St je proposed to send to Britain. vole?”——Toronto Star. strikes of placer pay in a large|..4 the entire width. He, how European Pian Steam Heated FOR GRANBY BAY es 2nd and 4th Toate s 3 . i ime en B ala. , ow- i j mm. im the hall at 219 ord Are With such a proposal Mr. Pel- —_- body has been made on the Sixty- Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 a.m letier’s followers in Quebec Down in Prince Edward|Mile River below the mouth of ever, proceeded by putting down ScAvER egy ~~ LIQUOR 60. || , — might state to their constitu-| Island nowadays it appears|Glacier Creek, the famous old !wenty-two shafts, and got no Second Ave. and Sixth St I rls D. ©. STUART ents, as he did in parliament, that every iime a farmer cap-|placer stream. Sam Morreau, an ©0+0FS. In the twenty-third he|| Phone 102 - ; rrn > that Mr. Borden’s scheme tures a fox he puts a box overjOld timer in the country, pros-| FO! seven feet of gravel over the Rogers Steamship Agency Recuntent would render it unnecessary} it, and hurries off to form a|pected there extensively, and is Dedrock, es mis. qenalios). 29Pi) Carn pga ls ng oe | 808 2nd Ave, == Phone for Canada to supply any men, joint stock company. given the credit of making the W@5 / cents in gold The twenty-]} aaa hate thee | Phone 116 | and that in case of conflict,} 4 find. It is said by his friends|fourth hole also yielded good]) a a Seine ¢ ; PRINCE RUPERT. 8. & the fighting would be done by | What about William Jen- that he got pans running as pans, but was not so deep as thej} | — |— “the English.” nings Bryan and Colonel Sam|high as 50 cents, and none under twenty-third, | nar ger an Ag ms, 8. A, Lil This same influence con- | Hughes on a vaudeville cir- 25 cents, in one of the holes. “In. the tweénty-fifth + El cpa 9 Alen Ua a ao aa | | a trols the administration at this} cuit? That's a better pair to Many claims have been staked in eighty feet from the twenty- 1836 THE BANK OF 1913 L U M B E R Pane & Oe Sam and his fourth, Sam struck a slide of | Barristers, Solicitors, Ete. moment, allowing months | draw to than the four of ajthe vicinity by pass, and year to succeed year,} kind ruling this province. friends, mostly old time French-_| false bedrock, and found nothing Canadian miners of the country’in it. He went through the false ritish 0 erica —————— MONEY TO LOAN | C O A = | B rere e Rupert, & Pr ma who know the mining game wel}. bedrock two feet and zot the Helgerson 4 Joe Perron. one of the stakers, Pans, the smallest of which gave TT Ycans w Business. a —| who returned a few days ago af-_25 cents, and the highest 50 Caprrat amo SURPLUS OrtR $7,600,000. —and-- Complete Line of BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS ann EMBALME® Punera) Directors e ter having mushed over the cents The depth to the false t boundary trail from Glacier to bedrock was twenty to twenty-six ee Chisana with his pack on his feet Sam did not go to bedrock all in er back and returning to Dawson, im that shaft. He was satisfied] The Convenience of a Sed Ave. near 6th St Phone Na & was also on the Sixty-Mile and is ®¢ was in the pay and shut down o greatly pleased. He says: to prepare for the winter.” Joint Account Phone 186 . “Morreau seems to have struck _ " r You are cordially invited t i t Third one of the best things in the|* Convicts’ Escape te Futile. A Joint Account may be 1 are cordiails avited to visit our store on aire country. The valley is wide, an Ossining, N. ¥:; § 29, —Five : i w Stet Lc ‘crock Rad lebkina’ cand lanuaiete at Bing Gite ceicon, ext, Rene tama cE tm on eorgetown | ae Ave ‘est, where you will find a complete stock of oe fine looking val-'convicts at Sing Sing prison, a rhe rg t - oe eee 3 E < ley there. In location it is to|work “unloading a coal barge, more persons. Whichever one Oo “ oe je + oe Miller and Glacier just what the| overpowered a guard this after- can most conveniently reach e 2nd Bt. cor, 2nd Are. reams lower end of the Klondike is to!noon, jumped into the Hudso ‘ Sawmill Co Lid. | OPEN DAY AND NIOET e J i 1 u n e Goods Ladies and Bonanza and Eldorado. River and attempted to swim to the bank can then deposit the is 9 -% “ The of joint funds or withdraw the : ; “Sam got the pay, but not_with-|the other side. shots | e 9 out hard work. He started oninther guards halted them, how- cash needed. I ves ti Children $s Coats & Hats the left limit two years ago, at a lever, and all five were recaptured. : t sav ime Lumber : i and trouble. and Port Ed upert BRANCH, = Mouldings 0 W ——— PRINCE RUPERT'S input | and everything you will require for fall and winter wear. “FROM HOME TO HOME.” e = ——_—_—_———__—_. P. MARGETTS, MANAGER A large stock of dry finish- z i ing lumber on hand. Boat TRIAL ANNEX a. “ lumber a specialty. Delivery _ | JABOUR BROS HOTEL ELYSIUM mandate en i » for Port Edwat a - i a lo : ment slip for Fo. ° Sid. Sykes, Manager Advertise im) | Ganesuteterveniaing, if ore ou, For ree : THE HOUSE OF GOOD VALUES The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Po or ce st, Mae Excellent Cafe. Mulerate Prices, _ — |g & Co., Phoné 7 P Third Avenue Prince Rupert 1142 Pender Street West - + Vancouver, B.C. The Daily News. OFFICE: | a Phone 8500, | EMPRESS THEATRE BLOG. ony , i ” = ; Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. TRY A NEWS WANT - 2 ee Drawn for The Daily News by I CANT BARE TO FACE SUCH A HORRIBLE SQUASHVILLE. HAS SENT FOR BLOODHOUNDS To RUN DOWN THE Two DESPERATE TRAMPS Wit BROKE Jail THERE } @)iaig-iavi~ syed - pacre-me-