riday, October 3, 1913. CHASE NOTICES. that 1, Charles i. Flood, oc- e notice intend to apply to free mines of lands and works yp PU jon jo sion wo purchase the following »pmisslo ped lan ost planted at the merci ne ror Pr. i reading Lot past corner ‘thence in a northerly re of Hastings Arm jess to the Tac-U-An ) No, 26, thence in a 40 chains, thence in @ thence east- " tion rection 80 chains, Baper'y G's to the point of commence- 40 nin ng 920 acres more of jess. contd CHARLES, H. I LOOD, 1913 jed_ June 27MM 4’ sept. 22, 1013. p, July 2b, 1913 mi pistrict—District of Coast, hange 5. that Dora L, Wright, of u. C, oecupation married io apply for permission lowing deseribed lands: a post planted at the 421, Range 5, a Land ke notice Ruper n, inten repase the fol mmencing at Beast corner of Lot 4 “ pistrict, thence north 20 chains s to northeast corner of Lot 20 chains more or less 4 { Lot 6142, thence chains more or less to the shore Pakelse Lake, thence westerly and herly along said shore to the point of pencement containing 40 acres more DORA L. WHIGHT, gist, 1913. i8, 1919—Oct. 13, 1913. ' as or ies thence east ted July pb, Aus District—District Range 5. that Cecil J, Crew, occupation banker, na Land of Coast, notice of ” Wales, in- jo apply for permissio to purchase following described lands: mmencing at a post planted one mile 1 of the southeast corner of Lot 130, Coast District, thence south 2 west 40 chains, thence north nee cast 40 chains to point ment, containing 80 acres CECIL J, CREW. Pr. M. Miller, Agent. 22nd, 1913. i8, 1913—Oct. 13, 1913. e 5, hs, then € the ted July b, Aug na Land District—District of Coast, Range 5. ke notice that Louls Frank Banville, Prince Kupert, B, C., occupation rail- or, intends to apply for permission to nase the following described lands; yumencing at @ post planted about 20+ Ins east of Mile Post 76 from Prince ri, G. IT. BP. Railway, on the south of the track, thence east 60 chains, ce south & chains to bank of Skeena r, thence following the river bank in ssierly and northerly direction to point commencement, containing 20 acres or less. LOUISE FRANK BANVILLE, ted July 18th, 1913. wb. Aug. 18, 1913—-Oct. 13, 1913, ni Land District—District of Coast, Range &. ke notice that Thomas 8, Crew, of England, occupation gentieman, ) apply for permission to pur- following described lands: ing at @ post planted one half of the southeast corner of Lot 5, Coast District, thence west is, thence soulh*40 chains, thence $0 chains, thence north 40 chains to bt of colmmencement, containing 320 Bs more or less, t THOMAS 8. CREW. P. M. Miiler, Agent. Dated July 2is8t, i913. ub. Aug. 18, 1913—Oct. 13, 1913. ha Land District——District of Coast, Range 5 ake notice that Marion Waugh, of bireal, Que., Occupation spinster, in- ) apply for permission to purchase following described lands; ig @t @ post planted about us in @ hortherly direction from bwest corner of Lot 5149, Range District, Lakelse Valley, thence chains, more or less to south y of Lot 6148, thence west 4v thence south 40 Chains, thence east chains more or less back to point of binencement, containing 160 acres more Jess MARION WAUGH. Dated July 22nd, 19143. ub, Aug. 18, 1013——Oet, 13, 1913. ena Land District—District of Range 5, notice that Arthur O, Crew, of , Lngland, occupation surveyor, in- ) apply for permission to purchase folowing described lands; mencing at @ post planted about 20 Coast, ake Hon, Commissioner of Lands or permission to purchase the scribed lands; ing at @ post planted ner of S, T. L. thence southerly 20 on chains chains to the point of commence , containing 160 1913. Pub. July 28, 1913—Sept, 22, 1043. TICE OF APPLICATION FOR THE AP- PROVAL OF PLANS. Take notice that James Arthur Brown, Port Essington, B, C., sawmill owner, ll apply to the Comptroller of Water ghts for the approyv of the ol p works to be constructed for the utlli- “n of the water from Brown's Creek, hich the applicant is by Water Record é 24 authorized to take and use for mill purposes, and in respect to which rther application for 56 cubie feet per mond from sald creek (Water Permit ). BS) is now pending. he sawmill to steituated on Lot 121, Range 5, Coast rhe /lans and particulars required by aie Hon one of Section 70 of the tor Act a3 amended have been filed it, (te Comptroller of Water Rights and Bt the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, o nections to the ppplication may we ! » Comptroller o Rights, arliament Buildings, Victoria Be . atte this 20th Dated at Prince Ru ay of August, A. Deaeis if ; sep tan ARTHUR BROWN, Applicant. ~ — WATER NOTICE. Application for @ license to take and use ye Will be made under the Water Act *riush Columbia as follows: '. The name of the applicant is B. C. ult Works, Lid., PF, H, Mobley, agent. Ee The address of the applicant is rince Rupert, B. Cc. | 3» The name of the stream is Kwinttsa Pver, The stream has {ts source in moun- tain range about 5 miles west of the Skeena pivor, flows in @ southeasterly direction empties into Skeena River about Molle south from Kwinitsa station. the stream, Water Isto be diveried from feet trom ae outh side, about 5,280 will be ne, Purpose for which the water 6. The tat . mining and manufacturing. ae 1d on Which the water is to sed ts described as follows: Mineral jiaims owned by the B, GC. Salt Works Be A014 located adjacent to Lot 74 and ‘75, Skeena River, as. follows ny of water applied for ts Ininers’ Inches, Welve hundred (1200) *. This notice was posted on the ground oe day of September, 1913, ant Copy of this notice and an applica- ae nse Ursuaas the reto and to the require- offies” of the Water Act will be filed in the Rupert. the Water Recorder at Prince the oe B,C, Qbjections may be filed with Comptrolies” Of Water Nis ot aie 2 » 2 Buildings, Victoria, . ponte, Parliament B. C. SALT WORKS, LTD. H. Mobley, Agent, ’ On the 9 By F, i. W-Sept. 8 to Oct 6, 1913 occupation caterer, intend to t Lot and Post t THE DAILY NEWS —— pictured above. GREAT BRITAIN, WINNER OF AUTUMN CuP. One of the great features of the racing at the Woodbine track is the Autumn Cup race, whie j h was won this year by the horse Edinburgh, Scotland, Sept. 29. ~The Right Hon. Alexander Ure, lord advocate of Scotland, ad- dressing his constituents today, referred to the Ulster question. He said the proposed provisional government would be treated by the banks in the same way the) would treat a South American re- public and that it would collapse of its own weight within a few weeks. Regarding the suggested con- ference of the political parties he said that provided the prin- ciple of Home Rule was accepted by their political opponents the ULSTER’S GOVERNMENT LIK TO COLLAPSE IN A FEW WEEKS LORD ADVOCATE OF SCOTLAND SAYS BANKS WILL TREAT IT THE SAME AS THEY WOULD SOUTH AMERICAN REPUBLIC. Y government would be ready to enter the conference and ready to negotiate upon the question of greater representation for Ul- ster in the Irish parliament. They would also listen favor- ably to proposals giving Ulster absolute control of its educa- tional and religious affairs. They could have it put into words so as to remove all doubt and tim- idity on the part of the Ulster people. He rejoiced to observe indications which he hoped would be stronger next week in the direction of a conference for a friendly compromise. EXHIBITION OF THE RESOURCES OF EMPIRE HELD IN LONDON TOGETHER EVERYTHING _ London, — Almost country 29, every in the had an exhibition in London, de- to but have to go back good many Sept. world has resources, we voted its a years since a purely British ex- north of the northeast corner ol Hange 5, Coast District, thence} hibition opened its gate in the r Lot 806, thence esst 20 chains, metropolis, This is to be alter- north 20 chains more or less tojed and for the past twelve f lake, thence westerly 20 chains 7 less’ following sbore of lake to}months plans have’ been in { of commencement, containing 40) ourse of preparation for the ARTHUR O, CREW. [Imperial Exhibition to be held in july 93rd, aQtee «11915, which is to bring together Aug. 18, 1913-—-Oct. 18, 1913. everything of British industry notice that I, William Macy, ot}and resource from all parts of he Empire. The promoters announce that the}among the reasons for choosing he year 1915 is that the next 1g the shore of Goose Bay to S. T. L.J meeting of the Imperial Confer- and Post reading 35250-9529, thence xy g 3 & westerly direction 20 chains, thence/CNCe IS St heduled to be held 4 tortherly direction 20 chains, thence/j}en: thal the Prinée of Wales acres more or less.|celebrates his twenty-first birth- Oe Binea ates day; that it will be the 700th an- Dated June 27th, 1913. or oes niversary of the signing of Ma- gna Charta, and the centenary of the Battle oef-Waterloo, Since URANIUM IN GERMANY Important Deposit Found Be- tween Saxony and Bohemia. Berlin, Sept. 29.—A most im- portant deposit of uranium and pitchblend, from which radium is extracted, has been found on the German side of the Erzege- birge, a range of mountains be- tween Saxony and Bohemia, The deposit is apparently a prolong- of that the Bohemian side, which has hitherto been one of the principal sources of supply. The find has created great interest on account of the enormous demand for the treaf- ment of cases of cancer, Ger- man cities and slates have placed unfilled orders for uranium and radium amounting to $625,000. ation on Launch Alice B for hire. Tele- Green 391, Davis’ Float. phone 155-tf WILL BE EXCLUSIVELY FOR EMPIRE EXHIBITS AND BRING OF BRITISH INDUSTRY FROM EVERYWHERE the exhibition is to be devoted largely to trade, the publication of the report of the Empire Trade Commission in that year will be specially opportune. “An effort will be made to se- cure annual meetings of Empire organizations, congresses, vis- its of overseas teachers and ot- her gatherings for the settle- ment of affairs of imperial con- cern, for that year in London, and it should be a very memor- able year in London's record. The proposal has met with marked enthusiasm. Lord Strath cona has guaranteed half the preliminary expenses and has promised $25,000 towards the cost of the exhibition itseif; but it is expected that such success will result as will bring in a sur- plus, which will be devoted to some imperial object, for none of the promoters is to derive any financial benefit from it. Earl Grey is associated with Lord Strathcona as vice-president. First Football Fatality. Worcester, Mass., Sept. 29.— Verner S. Belyea, left half back of Norwich University football team, who suffered a_ broken spine in. a game against Holy Cross College Wednesday, died today, Silversides Bros. The Up-to-Date House Decora- tors of Prince Rupert Sign Writing.. Paper-Hanging Our Speciaities “Ye.Olde Reliable” 2nd Street Phone 156 Green A FISHERMAN’S PETITION. O Ananias! Father of all lies, Inspire me here beneath these Summer skies, While I reeline among mendaci- ous guys, That I, too, may depict the phan- tom rise Of that “lost fish” mous size. of most enor- Giye me the patience to sit calmly by, amateurs gravely vie, Recounting deeds performed with While with veterans rod and fly. Then help me tell the final, crowning lie! TWO YEARS ON ICE Novel Repast Is Climax of Refrig- eration Congress. Chicago, Sept. 29.—The wor!d’s first “frozen banquet’ was held in Chicago as a climax to the International Congress and Ex- position. Practically all of the foods had been on ice for months and many for two years. They bore the stamp of the United States department of agri- culture, and as each dish was placed on the table its certified history was outlined to the diners. Edmonton to Issue Bonds. London, Sept. 29.—Arrange- ments are proceeding for the is- sue of the city of Edmonton 5 per cent. bonds for £900,000 at 96. The price is three points be- quotation of 5 bonds for a low per the present cent. sterling little over £600,000 in 4% per cent. debentures at 90%, and now issues a 5 per cent. loan at 4 discount, which proves how mu- nicipalities all over the world have to realize the tightning of London's’ purse strings. Drowned While Duck Hunting. Wilkie, Sask., Sept. 29.—Two men named Shortz and Darling- house, who had been employed with a threshing outfit, were drowned when a leaky rowboat in which they out to cross Tramping Lake, while duck hunt- ing, became unwieldy and sank. Darlinghouse came from Clinton, Indiana, but the home of Shortz is not known. set Contractor Left Fortune. Toronto, Sept. 29.—John Hill, a pioneer contractor of this city, who died lately, left $159,170 to his sons and daughters, Mrs. Louise Marshall, Winnipeg, be- ing left $20,000. Another Aviator Killed. Johannisthal, Germany, Sept. man military aviator, was killed here today. His monoplane cap- sized at a height of 150 feet. 5 ee cas oes Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. Phone 4. tf —_—_—_——_— SSeS FIRE ALARM SYSTEM CIRCUIT NO. 1. Box 12—5th St. and 3rd Ave. Box 13—6th St. and 3rd Ave. Box 14—Sth St. and 3rd Ave. Box 16—Junction of ist, 2nd and $rq Aves. Box 16—ist Ave., between 8th and 9th Sts. (Knox Hotel.) Bou 17—1st Ave. and 7th St. (Cen- tral Hotel.) CIRCUIT HO. 2. Box 22—3rd Ave. and 3rd St. (Post Office.) Box 23—Srd Ave. Box 24—ist Ave. Box 26—2nd Ave. Box 26—2nd Ave. Box 27—6G. T. P. CIRCUIT NO. 3. $1—5th Ave. and Fulton St. 82—Borden and Taylor Sts. 84—7th Ave, and Fulton St. 36—0th Ave. and Comox Ave, $7—8th Ave. and Dodge Pl. 38—6th Ave. and Thompson St. and McBride St. and McBride St. and 2nd St. and 6th St. CIRCUIT NO. 4. Box 41—ith Ave. and Emmerson PL Box 42—5th Ave. and McBride St. Box 43—5th Ave. and Green St. Box 44—6th Ave and Basil St. Box 45—7th Ave. and Eberte. Box 144—-7th Ave. and Young St. ~— ——— — Le ‘Advertise in FARM LANDS Skeena Valley Bulkley Valley —IN THE— Nechaco easy terms. Fort George District —IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS— Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on Valley FARM LANDS NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited — PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000. 00 ; The Daily News HUME CRONYN OF THE HURON IMPRESSED WITH FERTILITY OF SOIL. Mr. and Mrs. Hume Cronyn of London, Ontario, left by the Prince George this morning for Vancouver after an interesting trip through the Kitwancool and Naas valleys. Mr. Cronyn made the trip in the interests of the Huron & Erie Loan Co., which owns twenty-one sections of land in the Naas. Interviewed by The News, Mr. Cronyn said that he was greatly impressed with the excellent land, particularly in the Kitwancool. There were wide stretches of open meadow lanl that were most prolific. He felt certain that it would de- velop into a wonderful agricul- tural district provided the cli- matic conditions are suitable. Mr. and Mrs. Cronyn made the trip by train to Kitwangah, where they spent a few days with Horace Du Vernet. From there they travelled by pack horse through the Kitwancool and on to the Naas, accompanied by three or four local guides. On the trip, which was done leisure- ly in nine days, they experienced delightful weather, with only one wet day. Among the interesting experiences was the sighting of a black bear, which caused no trouble. The trip down the Naas by launch was most exciting. . One thing that struck Mr. Cronyn PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. 908 Third Avenue Dealers in FEED sEEDS HAY TIMOTHY OATS CLOVER WHEAT ALFALFA CORN ETc CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY Mail orders promptly attended to SPLENDID MEADOW LANDS IN THE KITWANCOOL VALLEY valley ; -Church Services - Services every Sunday in the Hall at 11 a.m. and Empress Theatre at 7.30 p.m. Sunday School at 2.30 p. m. REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., Pastor THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MCINTYRE HALL, 8RD AVE., NEAR 6TH ST. Services every Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Su School 2.80 & ERIE LOAN CO. 18 GREATLY particularly was the familiarity verging on contempt displayed D. m. : ; Bible Class 2.80 p.m. by the Indian boatmen in the REV. W. J’ SCOTT Acting Pastor handling of gasoline. Aside THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH from this they could not speak xno Av) AND MODORATD ; too highly of the attention paid Services every Sunday at 11 by.the guides to their comfort on tae REV. MR, DIMMICK - the trip. PASTOR At Aiyansh they spent a couple of days at Mission House, the ee. ANDREW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH . or. th Ave. and Dunsmuir Place home of Rey. J. B. McCullagh, Morning prayer, 11. Even- who practically founded the vil- ing prayer, 7:30. Sunday ee. oo e was —_— Gomminton firsts cor ished at’ the large number of of mon a s. m., settlers going into the district. th, ee From Aiyansh to Port Nelson the trip was made in the Frog, a launch of the hydroplane type built by one of the local Indians. REV. E. C. BURCH - Rector THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL Granville Court r Sunday services at 11 At the latter point Mr. and Mrs. e. m., $end p.m. Sus- Cronyn boarded the steamer Wack Dent services Mon- Chelohsin, reaching Prince Ru- day, Wednesday, Thurs- day and Saturday. pert on Wednesday evening. KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 Oils a HARDWARE MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges Tinware Graniteware Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies Paints “Stay Satisfactory Range.”’ Phone Your Drug Store Wants to Us _THE REXALL STORES Free Delivery from 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. TWO BIG STORES Cc. H. ORME Phones 82 and 200 The Pioneer Druggist Advice In the Highest Degree Profitable As the mercury climbs up to its highest degree, increase, rather than slacken, your Advertising and selling efforts. You will find it profitable—in the highest degree. : Some men figure that as the mercury climbs up sales willfalldown. And figuring that way, fate is kind and does not disappoint them. So there has grown up a conmmercial supersti- tion that Summer is a dul] season. No greater fallacy has ever gone so long un- challenged. Summer is a dull season for many lines—but there is no fundamental reason why it should be. For instance, take a typical case—that of the | Canadian wallpaper manufacturers. They wished to secure their placing orders from the retailers before the early Fall—when American lines are offered. Through educa- tion by Advertising, they advanced the season to start the middle of June, instead of the end of August, and they now beat their foreign competitors to the market by nearly three months. Perhaps you face a selling problem that edu- cation by Advertising will. solve. Perhaps your Summer business needs the tonic of Summer Advertising. _ Advertise in “The Daily News” 5 i { eae pay ty Fa a wna e i 4