Hq Rete Sear = seer ; : : : DR. JAEGER’S ———= SANITARY === WOOLLEN GOODS Ve have taken the agency for this world's celebrated line in Ladies’ and Children’s Wear and our first ship- ment is just to hand, comprising, among other things: Ladies’ Underciothing Ladies’ Sweaters Boys’ and Girls’ Jerseys Ladies’ and Children’s Gloves and Mitts Boys’ Knitted Suits Ladies’ Shirtwaists Wool Hats and Caps seni Sinn | a An additional shipment of these goods is now on the way and we shall be glad to take special orders for any- in stock. thing not carried H. S. WALLACE C0., LTD. Department Store Prince Rupert. RESERVING EACHES RUNES $1.00 a Box PICKLING CUCUMBERS 10c. a Lb. RESERVING SHEPARD & JONES Hart Block Phone 41 A Message from Birks TO OUT-OF-TOWN BUYERS Centre your interest in our mail service during the fall and winter seasons. We have much to offer you in Jewellery that is new and dis- tinctive. We can give you most alluring values appropriate wedding gifts, birthday gifts as well as a liberal choice in other presentation lines. IN OUR STERLING SILVER AND SILYER PLATED - HOLLOW WARE AND FLAT WARE we will guarantee you perfection in finish, weight, quality of material and Gesign. Our iUlustrated catalogue will be sent to your sddress From it you may choose any article desired. Write for tne Catalogue today, its pages are full of intresting information. > Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C Has the Largest Grcalation ia Northern British Columbia THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupst's Artistic Job Printing Establishmest Read The Daily News: THE DAILY NEWS 300 MILES BY RAIL INTO THE INTERIOR Passengers Can Now Travel by Rail to Bulkley Summit left this morning business trip to W. R. Lord on a two weeks’ Vancouver. F. W. Hart left on the Prince eae ertety 0" ae George this morning for Van-|*he extended passenger servies couver, en route to Chilliwack. on the G. T. P. out of Prince Rupert will go into effect. The Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stewart left/regular passenger train will this cre Ate for Terrace after leave here at 10 a.m. on Wednes- oan” a few days in Prince days oid Talibdass, the same si iim neat before, running through to Smi- Mr. and Mrs. Sewall of Graham |ithers, 226 miles, arriving there Island were southbound passen-/at 8 p.m. the same day. feturn- gers by the Prince George this];.. tne passenger train leaves Peat Smithers at 7.30 a.m., arriving at Captain Saunders, of the ma- Prince Rupert at 5.15 p.m. on rine station, left by the steamer Thursdays and Sundays. Prince George this morning for From Smithers to Rose Lake Vancouver. Bulkley Summit, mile 300), a mixed train service for passen- left this Mrs. Hardy morning|gers and freight will be operat- for Seattle, accompanying her/ed until such time as the trafic daughter, who will join thejwarrants a regular passenger Juvenile Bostonians. train. The mixed train leaves Smithers Thursdays and Sun- Matt Midick appeared before days at 8.30 a.m., arriving at Magistrate Carss this morning| Rose Lake at 4 p.m. Returning on a charge of assault. He was] it leaves Rose Lake al 9 a.m. on found guilty and fined $10. Wednesdays and Saturdays, ar- aii riving at Smithers at 4.15 p.m. Mrs. D. MeLeod of New Hazel-|_ The way freight service from Prince Rupert three times a week is also being extended to Smith- tin ton arrived from the interior this morning and left on the Prince : a ak mervice between George to spend a few weeks in/®TS: @n@ the service ix ' California Smithers and Rose Lake will : - connect with it. Mrs. W. J. Kirkpatrick, who has been visiting for the past six HONOR LIBERAL LEADER months in England, is expected back on the steamer Prince Ru- per tomorrow morning. To Tender H. C. Brewster a Mem- orable Banquet. J. A. McDonald, of P. Burns &| Vancouver, Sept. 29—A meet- Co., left this morning on a six|ing of the committee in charge weeks’ holiday trip to Toronto.jof the arrangement-of the ban- r¢ quet to be tendered to Mr. H. U, leader of the Liberal British Columbia, was and final matters intention is to affair, and He will sepnd some time in Van- couver and other points on the way. Brewster, party in held vesterday, arranged. The make it a memorable Jack acting Anderson, who has been as road foreman at Stew- art for the past two years under|careful preparations in that way Superintentient Gillingham, was|lare being made. a passenger southbound by the apc eens tala Prince George this morning WEATHER REPORT Mason Ramsay, who recently Furnished by F. W. Dowling, returned to the city from an ex- Observer. tended trip through the States and to his old home in the mari- For 24 hours enaing 5 a. m., time provinces, has purchased October 3. 1943. eee Little's pool room ON} p,rometer, reduced to sea Second. avenue. DRVOE . 6-C Lins oh 5 ok a's 30.195 Highest temperature..... 48.0 M. R. Jamieson, proprietor of|_owest temperature...... 40.0 the Northern Hotel at Stewart,/Rain ...... i ate gins 1.19 arrived in the city this morning and will remain here for a week enjoying the sights and amuse- Hung Herself in Kitchen. ments of the larger metropo'is. Special to The Daily News. r Vaneouver, Oct. 3.—The body The first snowfall! this season|of Magnet Wallen was found sufficient to make a showing on Mount Morse, opposite the city, hanging in the kitehen of a house Near Prince Rupert assembled at the wharf to say farewell and wish them success, i Before coming to Prince Rupert 5 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS again the company intends going Apply to Honolulu, but it is expected that they will be here in May or June next. Harrison, Gamble & Company FINANCIAL AGENTS Third Ave. Prince Rupert We don’t think a whole lot of a woman who is ambitious to contro! a henpecked man. 1 ENGLISH sic: LACE by tha cottagers of Buck! cK! NGHAMSHIRE, Laces were awarded the Gold Meda at fempces wd lonporial Bahibition, Ceystal Polsce, tpet . TO RENT—3-room Third Ave., $20. TO RENT—Store on Third Ave. GEORGE LEEK Notary Public Rents and Collections Phone 203 615 2nd Ave. house on i ‘2 $8 Advertise in The Daily News PANAMA CANAL OPENS YEAR FROM JANUARY Vessels Will Go Through Before, but It Will Not Be Open for General Commerce. OMecials of several steamship companies, which have arranged to send their fleets through the Panama Canal, have announced that in all probability regular service will not be established until January, 1915. This is based upon the belief that the government will not be in a po- sition to guarantee the perma- nent opening of the canal for commerce before that time. It is expected that the engi- neers will permit vessels to pass through the canal earlier than that, but in the event of a slide the great waterway would be thrown out of commission and schedules would be disarranged Representatives of the Harri- Line explain that much of the shipping business is based upon contracts involving price and time delivery. Most of those ecountracts run for or two years. In the event that ships began to operate through the canal and an accident made il necessary to-resume the service through Magellan Strait, the company would be unable to com- ply with its contracts. son one In the Letter Box A CORRECTION the Editor: I regret statement in Ta very much that a your last evening's issue would make it appear that to myself and Mr. Hobin belongs the credit of trying to get insur- ance rates lowered in Prince Ru- pert. Every other agent of a Board company here is equally entitled to as much credit as Mr Hobin and myself, although position as chairman and tary respectively of the local fire committee have naturally brou- our secre- ght us more to the front than the} other agents. I may say as chairman of the} above committee that all the agents of this city have display- ed the greatest sincerity and dis- interestedness in endeavoring to have insurance matters ad- justed as to give the best pos- sible satisfaction tu the insuring public. Yours so faithfully, > W. PECK. Some times a word to the wise is too much. ge0d condition, §175. Apply Empress Theatre Ofice. - Pritt WANTED WANTED-——Pive or six room house, with bath and sewer altachments, furnished or partly furnished. X 147, News OMce. EXPERIENCED stenographer requires post- aoe oe P. O, Box 164. Phone Blue 339 STENOGRAPHER wants position; enced in law and advertising “B,” Dally News Office. ore ATION wanted by expert typewriter rator (direct dictation) and general a ce assistant. Apply Box 83, Daily News. 231-233 THREE Japs want positions as cook, Waller, oMce cleaner, house cleaner, ete. Apply Sunrise Hotel, 167 3rd Ave- nue East, 229-234 WELL furnished rooms from $2.50 caeehte sitting room; bet; cleetrte | Phone k experi on ft sent Norfolk Rooms. cows iresh calved and chiming in always hand, t Sarin al uberculosis tested. ys corner Carleton and oy eimnstor Road. | Phone eimese R. Post Omce! Teco Col Downes” Bast, Vancouver. —— HARLA §. BRYANT Teacher Of MANDOLIN, BANJO AND GUITAR Flat 7, Clapp Bidg. “F M. CROSBY Second Hand Dealer wants to buy all yee of Household Fur- | niture, srarvening Se the line of Mechanics’ Tools, Guns en's Clothing. “ort all | any tme. Highest prices paid. 838 Sra Ave. w. Gealer, Collingwood West, | NUMEROUS PASSENGERS LEAVE FOR THE SOUTH Many from Interior and Several Local People Went South Today. ! if The steamer Prince Tdi sire | dee left for the south this morning | é with a somewhat larger passen- |? ger list than usual for this sea |W son of the year. About thirty for {i the south arrived by the delayed | this morning. There wer: number of people on business or pleas. |w | i train iz local also A going away ure trips. Following is a partia list of the saloon passengers Mr. Ingersoll, Mr. Owens, W./| Flewin, Captain Saunders, Miss FOR A TAXI Clifton, Miss Hardy, J. P. Adams Mr. McLennan, Mr. MeTavish, FE H. Lea, R. Cross, W. R. Lord, J Ph 5 McIsaac, Mrs. W. G. Harris, C one E. Parsells, G. R. Jones, M.| O'Reilly, Mr. Walker, H. Parks PRINCE RUPERT a W. G. McFarlane, Mrs. White,|$.... uT0 a4 7 Z } POPPE + COGS Mrs. Hardy, F. W. Hart, W A. Sinith, M. Eadie, Mr. Dove, Mr | BROWN & BiTme Bradbrook, Mr. Carson, Mrs. Me- WN UTTERS Cullough, Mr. and Mrs. past &B Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wallace, Mrs. } MINING ENGINEERS King, ©, Stromback, J. A. McDon-| METALLURGY AND MINING OLOGY ald, Mr. and Mrs. H. Cronyn, F. | Res. Phone Black 413 bat ty Ryan, Mr. Oppenheim, A C.} Prince Rupert Bate, George Waterson, J L. | Hawaiian ‘Football Player. Louis, Sept 29 4 football Ha- named St. waiian player PRING! Kuhns, who is 6 feet 3 inches tall | Phone 300 and weighs 200 pounds, joined eels the Washington University foot-| PACIFIC TRANSFER (1 ball squad today. | |Furniture, Baggage, Piano aq Every man to his business. 1} Ing and General Cartagy am an expert collector. Let me} : Phone a look after your rented property| Office: Suite 9, Federal Blog or collections. anc GEORGE LEEK 615 2nd Ave. Pho _|St ANDREW'S SOCIETY i = formerly Kaien Isd. Gymnasig Skeena Land District—District of Dive Mew Charlotte Islands b Take notice that 1, Herbert fan New York, N. Y t Ss A torney, intend to apply for a prospect for coal and petroler under one hundred and sixty ac land on Graham Island, B. C., bounded a _ AXIDERMS follows Commencing at @ quarter post centre of Section Thirty 30 Townshif He Six (6), Grattam Island, thence south forty }chains, thence east forty chains, ther imorth forty chains, thence west fort reas chains tc the point of beginning ~~ a bee eee O. L. WINGERE! & 00, Dated nepternnet 4th, 1943 R44 Si S Pub. Oct 19 Oet. 27, 1913 F Skeena Land District—District of Coast, For the Best ! Range V. eer co Take notice that Eugene Renz, of Prince CLEANING, PRESSING Rupert, B. C., occupation cook, intends to | apply for permission to purchase the fol lowing described lands — Commencing at a post planted about 20 Fine Work chains south of the northeast corner of AND REPAIRING Me Gly | 5. E. 30045, thence north 40 chains, thence | BOW SENG pen 13 =, eee or less to the west Phone Re Bor 37 undary © ohn McKechnie’s pre-em 627 . sce R 1 tion, thence south 20 chains more or fens | Fulton Street re 2 to John McKechnie’s southwest corner, thence east 20 chains, thence south 20/ | chains, thence west 33 chains more or less | ®- 0- Box 203 Pron | to the east boundary of S. E. 30945 to the | T ON |point of commencement, containing 90 jacres more or less | EUGENE RENZ i INCORPORATED ACCOUNTANT (En) | H. D. Lenhart, Agent. | TERED SECRETARY | Dated August 22nd, 1913. oan : on Selkirk avenue, South Van- ‘“ ‘ ” came last night. Last year the)couver, this morning. The Dail News first snow to be seen on the elegy tagline ea ila y mountain tops from the city Card of Thanks. CLASSIFIED ADS came on October 17th. ; nev. and Mrs. W. H. McLeod C. H. Sawle, of the Omineca|desire to thank their many friends Herald, published at New Hazel-jfor their kindnes and many ex- FOR RENT m, ve t ; p _}/pressions of sy ' See ——— t« n arrived in the city by the de-| pression f sympathy during HOUSE for reat, five rooms; aa pik layed train this morning. He|]their recent sorrow. bed; moderate terms, Phone Black reports that the new town is -—— 338. ides : ; 9 = steadily going ahead. The new A man 8 best friend is a woman io ee oe tee ny hotel is all ready for opening,|who can keep him from making} 2°*'f the matter of the license being|a fool of himself. ap gee Se Oty the only thing delaying it. are: Tony Christian, 155 Sixth avenue west. ec amt 196tf E ir ai FOR RENT—Furnished fiat of 5 rooms; Miss Clifton and Miss Florrie CHEAP AGREAGE modern in every respect; will rent cheap Hardy left by the steamer Prince ‘a aT to right party. Apply P. O. Box 89 George this morning for Seattle, ae + where they will join the Juvenile FOR SALE Bostonians, a popular musical om 2 — ce ye 4 eo de OR SALE—Singer sewing machine, in comedy company that has visited perfect order, price $25. 648 Taylor Prince Rupert on several occa- street. Phone Green 325. 231-33 sions. A number of their friends “*|POR SALE—Mason & Hamlin piano, in | Prince Rupert importing Co., Ltd : } } , | Phone Red 243) Audits, Investigations, Adjustments, Lae dations and Assignments Smith Block, Srd Ave., Frince Rupert, OF GEORGE LEEK Pub. Sept. 22, 1013-——Nov. 17, 1913 DEMAND Royvat RESERVE WHISKY. AGE®G YEARS GUARANTEED BY THe GOVERNMENT OF CANADA. RECOMMENDED FOR Tne INvALIO THe Home Tne Connoisseur Tne Pusuic who gahyraity want the besf?. AGe, Purity and MELLOWNESS UNSURPASSED. DISTRIBUTORS Prince Rupert Pure Water NECESSARY TO Good Healt PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Slip Easily « Mouth of A Remove Ali Prevent Tyr Diseases Cavs Drinking Imp A HALF MILLION PRICE, DOLLARS LOANED $5.00 To Contract Holders at 5% per annum simple interest, during the past twe years to buy or build HOMES, tw improve their properties, 16 pay off mortgages of a higher rate of interest A RECORD For Sale By " Second to pone in the history of 0 Contract Loaning Companies in HARRY HANS the world, ’ SECOND ave. s n Operation # ow THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE May Be Seen in oeere bs . -- have grasped their opportunity and will have a home of their own, Paving for it in payments less than rent. § ARE YOU buying @ Home fof your land Eee lord, or for your family? i mo lthts INVESTIGATE S200 . " this plan thoroughly. eF view Var , will buy a+ this THE ; ) o ing the ™ CANADIAN HOME INVESTMENT CO., Ltd. chance Head OMce Pacific Building Second Floor VANCOUVER, B. oc. N d n Co ’ Local OMice Federal Bldg. , a e ’ PRINCE , 8c. Insurance | Real Estate and ™ Sec ond Avenue.