THE DAILY NEWS THE DatLy News ADVENTURED INTO THE PERILS vit raince Rural aad Wey Sec || OF THE ARCTIC ONCE TOO OFTEN SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico:;_ayi@ATOR WHO LOVED THE DANGERS OF THE NORTHERN TH Double Weekly Service ¥) aa Ls TO THE soutyH by the splendid steamers PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, y torla Mondays and Fridays a: 8A — Seatti on Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly, SEAS LOSES HIS VALUABLE SCHOONER IN ICE For Stewart on Thurada $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. OFF POINT BARROW. For Granby Bay on Coturdaye rae i Steamers Prince John . re Pm Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. Seattle, Sept. 29—The four|spring he fook supplies to the Maintain Weekly Service Between Victoria = ueen Charlotte Islands, Calling at Way /|),, P 804 Pringe HEAD OFFICE Arctic, and in the fail he returned und Saturdays at 8 P. Also Weekly Service 1,1 Mi eugene Ya Harbor, leaving Prince Rupert on Wed, fave ast, Masset and. yall RAILWAY service | MMM Train No, 2 leaves Prince Rupert, east). ‘ Saturdays al. Wednesday Tickets on sale to all points east y\q 7 ng the GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWay SYSTEM masted sailing schooner Transit, Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. with ivory, furs and whalebone. He was reputed the most skilful BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES ice at Point Barrow, was worth 1 he liked im ; ; ce Y ’ ; of Arctic navigators and he Iiket New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New probably $75,000, though Captain|ihe excitement of the voyages, which was crushed in the Arctic York City. P : Sound N C John Backland, her owner and|though he fully appreciated the Steamship Lines. ti a Seattle-—Puget Soun ews Co. ‘ navigator, bought her for very | peril. For through tickets, reservat{,; i ” London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building,| ch less several years ago. During each winter, Backland étick bie Mieke A. DAVIDSON "PDIY wo Trafalgar Square. Her cargo is estimated to have|gratified his love of adventure by Fince Rupert nost £25.00 ince : . ies |taking » Transi o the South TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract |C°S' $25.00, including supplies |iaking the Transit to ine. ™ tes on application for trading stations in the Arctic Seas on a trading expedition. ee a3 5 owned by Backland. The power schooner Wasp, for DYER APAR a - soir When the Transit sailed for the |} which revenue cutters are search- CANADIAN PACIFIO RAILWAY TMENTS DAILY EDITION a> Saturday, Oct. 4, 1913.}/north last May she carried coal/ing in Behring Sea, left Nome ARE YOU GOING EAST | “ha , * 15.00 and fang - — and other supplies for the gov-|for the mouth of the Kuskokwim | er Montk " Sisal RORCLaT ERMERTEE Neina: 1 River aMe EMA weeks ago, aiid LORD NORTHCLIFFE. THIS SUMMER? rine AN UNWARRANTED tives. are; far better, .indeed,|eTnment schools north of Nome, |Hiver nearly olgnt we oa quecial Resuretes-Miy 80%) 10. feo. ee ‘NISHED PRONOUNCEMENT. for Gt the last general.election |‘aken on Backland’s own account jis believed to be lost ¢ q| The famous English politician |{ °°" A tember dun. Sa ' tire Sir Richard McBride leaves they fought the Quebec Na- Sa te Sa on aa ome a a Praitatin: A: who is at present in Canada Vancouver » Toronto and are 1029 3rd Ave Pascal > om, : saak : : ™ > ) assage y 4 rress & or Yi z rernor o asst OE A i Ree eat Oda we | ls tS i ir aia emis 6 Ak s : England tomorrow week and] — tionalists, of whom Mr. Bor- | [alle ot : e = ia t ss Laie tts. Gan: Wel da the power}| and who spoke at the Canadian |} Vancouver 0° Montreal’ ana Pee Ne Black ay sets sail for home. It is to be} den has taken three into his}the schools would have been/setts, and who ts on I Club in * ten ot FOUN oc ses eer eagesese. $106.00 || —_3 hoped that he makes no more] cabinet. In the debate of the| Without fuel, there being no gov-jschooner Folar Bear, frozen In Hom, hcawaeees vee TOMI na sates Petar es « 006080 iT; ’ foolish statements to the old| Naval Service Bill of 1940 Sir/emmment money to buy it fer|the Arctic ice east of Point Bar | ene Vancouver <0 Chicago and 20 || es WS country papers in the mean-| Wilfrid Laurier defined the|them. ‘ ee probably will not learn eo Vancouver to St. Paul ana" ** {epee | oan ie ell time about the navy question, Liberal attitude on the fleet Backland had acquired a for-|next summer of the death of ue Seer Pilets’ Getretbbalinsts Tan” & ‘ eriodicals ;; and no more loose remarks question by stating that “when ee trading with the a er at Hopedale, Mass., two et 3 © monas ee | CIGARS TOBACCOS « nia about the voters of this prov-| at war Canada is at|™@king one voyage a year, Pach)days ago. s oo i eee oe ees BPE Snd Ave. Below Kalen Islent 7 Pri hi 4H ( ten Island Club ince. He has no warrant, for} war,” and that when the Cama-— | qe ——— - ote ’ Irector em etre See eee © Ol ” ext to Post Ofte instance for asserting that dian fleet is in actual naval ' | —3 British Columbians “are all to] | service its vessels will be un- LEM KEGG IS AMBI [ IOUS AND _ C O A a man behind Borden” in the] der the absolute contro! of the t Associati L matter, because he knows that British Admiralty. Sir Richard Members P.R.L. Vi oon UNION SS COMPANY OF BC sat att such is not the case. ae it MoBride is perfectly familiar NOW AFTER THE BIG FIGHTERS PRINCE RUPERT INN AND ANNEX .0, .U., [New Wellington Coal, Bas . eed papas all es oe oe oro debate and, of — Owned and 0 rated by the Grand —_—-—_—— Cau at ada that a large proportion o with these pronouncements. ; : ru acifc Ry. ‘ | Se Deehie ee Se en JACK WHITE NOW IN THE LIMELIGHT AND MAY BOX WITH umn wna at § § : Chelohsin pre lie Rogers & . . 3 e es prefer a Canadian navy, and|LESSONS OF THE JOE BAYLEY—WHITE HAS QUITE A RECORD WINDSOR HOTEL i a for the very good reason that/ULSTER REVOLT IN THERING. Corner of First Ave. and Eighth St. FOR VANCOUVER in the event of its institution In Ulster a standard of re- oe , W. H. Wright, Prop. | SMITH & MALLETT} there would be a fleet unit on} bellion has been raised, andj | rt: - ze ae ; ex Wednesdays at 2 p.m. THIRD AYE ! the Pacific Coast. those who are organizing this Seattle, Sept. 29-——Lem Kegg, | lucky os h on” the first round HOTEL CENTRAL II Plumbing, Heati Stes ws i It. suits Sir Richard to ignore} desperate resistance to Home|lightweight boxer, arrived in Se- and knocked W hite down four Fogaen tne American Pion “st net mp wer the agreements arrived at by| Rule boast that they have onjattle yesterday afternoon from aaa on then White aluck SOF Peter Black, Prop. ‘ ces Ave, i nal Canada and Australia in 1909,| their side some of the fore-|Prince Rupert, where he knocked ove xe tf be until nererss en S.S. Camosun Phone 174 1 Ave. bet. 7th and iy with the sanction of the British] most of British generals. out Billy Williams of Seattle i peorber me fight. hite has KNOX HOTEL admiralty, that these two If the Ulster revolt is en-|the tenth round of a fight sched- | ™et Johnny Kilbane four times First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth FOR VANCOUVER _ — Payee 7 i } he |in twelve round bouts, gaining European Plan, Rates 50c to $1.00 countries should in co-opera- couraged, how long will it bejuled for fifteen rounds. The tw “ocd og " : Per Day . a nis) “Valhalla” of S.H. & tion assume the task and per-| before workingmen follow the|match was pulled off last Thurs-|"¥° Ge raed eae end Beener & Besner, Props. Saturdays at 10 a.m. a of SH, & BF form the duty of guarding] Ulster example? Armed re-|day. A good crowd Of fight fans ae ‘ fan ee ore J at ee ce 4-6 tani ee oe Bcancensitin deceie Britist ; terests > ni » sis 2 7; is “as se t onsiderable ence er. e oug é 1 een ° . ochester ‘ . Casley | a ; = os to Ke oo ne ep o - ———. aoe Si : ny — aaa ee round draw with Abe Attell at EMPRESS HOTEL FOR GRANBY BAY Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday gf Ocean. Australia has carried either right or wrong. Youj|money changed hands. Ww -.. khhnke Bee wate Third Ave., Between Sixth and p.m. in the hall at 319 8rd Ave out what she then undertook,} cannot say that it is right for} “I am after bigger game now,” | iat te Snexed Uk: SreGmte Seventh Streets Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 a.m. and Canada will do the same] Ulster to resist, and at the|said’ Kegge at the Post-Intelli- | ey Pa ae rounds, et Surepean “Tian, OO. te Ft ey Pay zy as 8 as C pi peat ip bo ae ncer office last: evening, “d rom en Moran in eigh ee D. C. STUART thing as soon as Canadians sante time say that it is weons Be ncer oBies last. evening, and | ounds and’ fecin. Habe Dicinke ER HOTEL afford an opportunity to get it for workingmen to use arms|would like to get a chance at} ’ ’ | ; iar : i : jthe English scrapper in twenty American and European Plan ° Accountant done by a Liberal ministry. in defence of rights which they|Johnny O'Leary or others who] i Wh ar be : e F. W. Henning, Manager Rogers Steamship Agency When that time comes Sir] hold as sacred as those of Ul-|have made a name in the pugil- niet nat ae uae nee See BOB 2nd Ave. ==: Phone Richard McBride will express ster. istic line.” n t 7 118 se eer and was only ROYAL HOTEL Phone 116 PRINCE RUPERT, 6 his real sentiments in approval There is evidence all over Now that the excitement at- | S"O°%® out once. His last scrape Corley & Burgess, Props. o% 5 ; ; ; . was with Johnny Dundee, who Third Ave. and Sixth St. oo Sina | a ——— of what has been done. the world that the most for-|tendant upon the Ritchie-Welsh | °' Sg Mentaeees Fae ge European Pian Steam Heated Se R It was quite beneath the| midable conflicts of the future|fiasco has died down, the Van- IF ea a. airline decision nies W. E. Williams, 8, A, Li dignity of a Canadian provin-| will be between labor and cap-|couver promoters are looking | - a twenty fast rounds at BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR Co., WILLIAMS & MANSOB cial premier to accuse the] ital. A very serious responsi-|around for a couple of fighters| a ete 4 LIMITED L U M B E R Liberal party of shirking “their| bility is assumed by those who]in order to stage a season's fare-|_ feabag' 1 8 vee cut little fel- Second os tere St. Barristers, Solicitors, Ete obligation to undertake their} teach workingmen to seek re-|well bout at the Brighouse arena. |* 0. ae ~ 23 years old eo MONEY TO LOAN share of the Empire’s naval| dress by arms. And that is the}Frank Barrieau, on account of |U@CCr Is Own management, He ( O A L moe. Aue ) J , 8 kon ; off PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING CO., responsibilities.” The Liber- lesson taught by Ulstermen|{his great showing with beach |! mar ied and his wife acts as LIMITED peerson: Block rince Rape als of Canada are just as good| who are taking up arms and|Cross, would draw like a porous} ror eertiae whenever he is train- Fraser and Sixth Sts. - Imperialists as the Conserva-| by those who encourage them.| plaster at Vancouver, but because ) 118 [or 2 Pa aa atic ee Phone 7 —and— a * sup ( arry as as . See i a be atoee. the manager Of ing Reet at Chisaes. rea? Complete Line of HAYNER BROS. shet MeIntyre and place imself |” fs 5 = ; oe ° : ERS awn EMBALMER tv under the handling of Bert Hal | a aeen hie Siete —_ _ = BUILDERS SUPPLIES oo ee stead, a prosperous hotelkeeper, | ”‘ mee ‘ e i - a - he is in faa ait the Seamntate (He at once put them n the front WESTHOLME LUMBER C0., Limited Pea FROM HOME TO HOME. and McIntyre, who is making the|'@®* of the lightweight contend- 1636 THE Bann of 1913 Phone 186 matches, refuses to give him aj°"*: B ane er chan | BritishNorthAmerica . Jack White of Chicago is the} E. L. FISHER . latest pugilistic light on the | DEMAND TT Years In Business Geo etown ; aé Enadell Sid. Sykes, Manager seene and in all probability some Roya RESERVE Capital AND SURPLUS OvER $7,600,000 rg Renee! Director “ aa The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. prominent lightweight will be se- é 2nd 8t., cor. 2nd Ave, Phere SH Excellent Cafe, Moderate Prices, cured to meet him about the Wi KY. Sawmill Co Ltd. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT in second week in October. There , HIS e Teach The Children ® : 1142 Pender Street West ° = Vancouver, B.C. - a possibility that our own AGES YEARS The Value of Money e ps A Phone 8500. renchy Vaise, the present Can- Lumber . adian lightweight champion, may GUARANTEED BY If your children learn, while yoccoooorocooccerers ee ee + pees ate pegs ‘THE GOVERNMENT growing, not only how to and ihabis Durie ‘and. Sead *ahaar ] OF CANADA. | spend money wisely, but how, Mouldings ort Lawall} ; : Bison. There is also a chance Reeprrcan ie by self-denial, to save PEE: a) Phone Your Drig Store Wants to Us that. White may meet Joe Bayley HE INVALID thing for the future, you will ii at Victoria next month, as it is Tne Home have started them on the road A large stock of dry finish- PRINCE RUPERT'S INDUS ti nA THE REX A LL STORES claimed there is a chanee that Tre. Connoisseur to financial success. Open a ing lumber m hand. Bost TRIAL ANNEX Bs the lid may be taken off the Tne Pusuic ‘ ° lu! r a specialty. very | i : Savings Account for each in made at short notice. : the gover B. fighting game there. who naturally thi Badieal-Sieitich Worthi A launch es the gt a # Free Delivery from 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. White is at present one of the want the best. See ee Pr ssh Our prices are as low as any. * ment slip for Port Biwi es best lightweights in the country, AGE Purity America, and encourage them every da) r particulars . * 7 Call on us before ordering. od » Gamble TWO BIG STORES although he has done most of the ano MELLOWNESS to add to it regularly. apply t son, Jighting at the featherweight UNSURPASSED. sales & Co., Phone 51, 3rd Ama C. H. ORME Soe the only 5 Sie A, me DISTRIBUTORS PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH oiiem — Renemeeennercccsceccesesent a Phones 82 and 200 The Pioneer Druggist nen woe YEES | meince Rupert Importing Co., Ltd Sittin onl : | turned the trick in thirteen NOs Perens Se, o maeaters, banbowe EMPRESS THEATRE 8100. «news” WANT # F rounds. Rivers caught him a PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ’ Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. TRY A NEWS ‘ d — Percy Called On The Boss And Left His Card News by “Ho Draw: for The D To ODE SNERD Ser k — SEE ITS BACK OH,\T DOES,HUH WELL) WHAT I SAY- Now WATCH PS zt DOES JusT TELL it To TAKE IT FLY AWAY AND Hide _— |” 3 = bene coe TUMBLE. DOWN THE AND WHEN IT SAY-"HERE_ PERCY ~ BACK IT Comes! KING— ERNOON WATH THIS WASP- GOT \T TRAINED NOW SO THAT iT WILL SIT ON MY FINGER : ' @® 1419- #ari= s1N> Bee"?