turday, October 4, gh: THE DAILY NEWS one ND pURCHASE NOTICES. v4 narles H. Flood, oc- notice that es niend to apply to fn free miners "Cr jands and works jon. comm 10 purchase the following miss ed land: post planted at the mmencing af a Py TL, reading Lot ast corner 3 , thence in @ northerly post 2232-40 snore of Hastings Alm jon & re or Jess to the Ta pains Morr, No, 26, thence in @ reservall”’ so chains, thence In @ rly direct, 80 chains, thence cast- erly direc’ ne point of commence: 0 chaiiing 320 acres more OF less. tt ARLES. H. FLOOD. e 97th, 1913. ped Jt, 1913—Sept, 99, 1043. D. . oe — Land District District of Coast, ba nange 5. notice that Dora L. Wright, of y eanart, Be Ox occupa ties married e huperids to apply for permission m,n pollowing described lands: Bee cil 4 post planted at the gary r Lot 421, Kange 5, peas! ict, twence north 20 chains ae ves to northeast corner of Lot rice east 20 chains more of jess then! of Lot 514%, thence “90 cha re or lesg to the shore . aise thence Westerly and : ay a) | shore to the point of Pencement taining 40 acres more e DORA L. WRIGHT, ed J gist, 1018, it Hed i 48, 1913—Oct, 13, 1943, ing Land I ict District of Coast, hange oo. e not that Cecil J. Crew, of caw! ccupation banker, in- 40 apt permission to purchase ollow! cribed Jands; , post planted one mile beast corner Of Lot 130, pistrict, thence south 20 i) chains, thence north east 40 chains to point ement, containing 80 acres CECIL J, CREW. py. M. Miller, Agent. nd, 1913 3 x, 1013—Oct, 13, 1013. pret the District—District of Coast, Khange 6, ¥ that Louis Frank Banville, e Rupert, B. Cy, occupation rail- t to apply for permission to following deseribed lands; pa Land ng at a post planted about 20 . Mile Post 76 from Prince tr. ». Railway, om the south track, thence east 60 chains, chains to bank of Skeena ! following the river bank in rly aud northerly direction to point cement, containing 20 acres ‘LOUISE FRANK BANVILLE. ily 18th, 1013 18, 1913—Oct. 13, 1913. id District—District of Coast, Hange 5, that Thomas 8, Crew, of England, occupation gentleman, spply for permission to pur- »wing deseribed lands: ing at & post planted one half f the southesst corner of Lot , Coast District, thence west thence south 40 Chains, thence wins, thence north 40 chains to uunencement, containing 320 r less. THOMAS 8. CREW. P. M,. Miller, Agent. 1 July 21st, 1013, ub, Aug. 18, 1913—Oct, 13, 1913. na Land District—District of Coast, ange & ake that Marion Waugh, ol! rea Que. occupation spinster, in- pply for permission to purchase « described lands; at @ post planted about s in @ northerly direction from t corner of Lot 6149, Range istrict, Lakelse Valley, tence ins, more or less to south f Lot 6148, thence west 40 e south 40 chains, thence east wore or less back to point ol cement, containing 160 acres more MARION WAUGH. y 22nd, 1013. 13, 1913. K 18, 1913-—-Oct, Land District—District of Coast, lange & ce that Arthur O. Crew, of gland, occupation surveyor, in- ipply for permission to purchase « described lands; ing at @ post planted about 20 1 of the northeast corner of , Kange 6, Coast District, thence ins more or less to northeast | 596, thence east 20 chains, 20 chains more or less to ake, thence westerly 20 chains s following shore of lake inmencement, containing 40 r less, ARTHUR O. CREW. P. M.Miller, Agent. 23rd, 1913. 18, 19183—Oct. 13, 1913. — e that 1, William Macy, of , occupation caterer, intend to Hon. Commissioner of Lands permission to purchase the ribed lands; g at a post planted on the roof 8. T. L. Lot and Post thence southerly 20 chains re of Goose Bay to 8. T. L. | reading 35280-9529, thence direction 20 chains, thence rtherly direction 20 chains, thence iuins to the point of commence- ning 160 acres more or less. WILLIAM MACY. C. UM. Flood, Agent. Dated June 1913. 13—Sept, 22, 1913. 27 Pah 3 7th, y 28, 19 TICE OF APPLICATION FOR THE AP- PROVAL OF PLANS. Take follce that James Arthur Brown, Port Essington, B, C,, sawmill owner, a apply to the Comptroller of Water bis for the approval of the plans of Works to be constructed for the utili- tion of the Bich the D. 24 Winill y her applic water from Brown’s Creek applicant is by Water Record ‘uthorized to take and use for rposes, and in respect to which fond auon for 56 cuble feet per a ron said creek (Water Permit ‘oe) is now pending, ‘The sawmill to Situated on Lot- 121, Range 5, Coast Strict the plans and particulars required by dier alt One of Section 70 of the r Act @8 amended have been filed Ith the Comptroller of Water Rights and Walter Kecorder at Prince Rupert. ecllons to the application wey be 4 the Comptroller of Water Rights, . Buildings, Victoria, B. C. ; ‘at Prince Rupert, B, C., this 20th y Of August, A, D, 4943, JAMES ARTHUR BROWN, Applicant. Sep WATER NOTICE. n for @ Heense to take and use be made under the Water Act Columbia as follows; hame of the applicant is B, C. ks, Lid., PF, H, Mobley, agent. address of the applicant Kupert, B, CG, ‘he hame of the stream is Kwinitsa ‘he stream has its source in moun- ‘bout 5 miles west of the Skeena 'N & southeasterly direction ; ‘nto Skeena River about 1 ‘h from Kwinttsa station, ihe Water 1s to be \liverted from an On the south side, about 5,280 n mouth, wil} be The purpose for which the water pused ts tmloing and manufacturing. ath land on whieh the water is 40 1 described as follows: Mineral i wnt ad by the B. C. Salt Works located adjacent to Lot 74 anc >kheena River, 'e quantity Of water applied for is iW a twelve hundred (1200) ne hollee was posted on the ground 'h day of September, 1913, Copy Of this notice and an applica. puaie thereto and to the require | the Water Act will be iMed in the st lows hd empties 4 the sty feet f ah the Water Recorder at Princ said W Objections may be tiled with Comptrotien” Of we ecorder, or with the or » » Buildings, Victoria, B. Rights, Parliament n “ay vs WORKS, LTD, W-Sept, 8 to Oct! 6, i ee AEE Outstanding figures in the Cong ably be re-elected to their p contestant for the position o A. cago, “The Woman's Work.” ress are shown abov: resent positions of f fraternal delegate to Henry is the only woman delegate and represents the THIRTY-NINTH ANNUAL CONVENTION OF THE TRADES AND LABOR CONGRESS IN MONTREAL P. M. Draper and J, C, Watters will secretary and president. Gus Francq the American Federation of Labor. woman's labor publication of prob- is a Miss Chi- ——_—=_— = GRAND SAYS THEY ARE TRUNK PACIFICREADY TO TAKE OVER MONCTON END | | MOST CORDIAL PRESIDENT CHAMBERLIN DENIES THAT COMPANY'S RELA- TIONS WITH GOVERNMENT ARE STRAINED AND The Toronto Globe published|to say the least, devoid of truth. JAPAN GETS APOLOGY OF CHINESE GENERAL Consul of Nanking Now Satisfied and War Cloud Appears to Have Passed. Nanking, China, Chang Hsun, f the Chinese tri Sept. General | mander 0 | a rumor to the effect that the re- “The Grand ‘Trunk Pacific lations between the Dominion|mever had any trouble with the|guard of fifty cavalrymen, went 4 | . Government and Grand Trunk eae n Pct nt. cae re ty the Japanese consulate this ations are mos cordial, an¢ j : ‘ : ine » are cordi¢g ‘ ‘ - morning and apologized, in ac- Pacific are not cordial, and that), ,ither myself nor any official gs rat. tke dnode td the railroad company, while de-|connected with the Grand Trunk|COTC@ne' WRI eae: Secs ee sirous of signing a lease for that! Pacific with authority to speak mands in connection with the section of the National trans-|ever said that we did not want killing of several Japanese and continental between Winnipeg|the section of the Transcontin-|an insult offered to the Japanese | and Cochrane; was unwilling to|ental railway from Cochrane tol fac The consul expressed his take over the section from Coch-|Moncton. The Grand Trunk Pa-|.atistaction at the action of the rane to Moncton, as called for in|cifie entered into an obligation] Gpinese commander. its agreement with the govern-|with the government to take over At 3 o'clock in the afternoon ment. the entire transcontinental rail-|g99 of General Chang Hsun’s Discussing this report in a re-|way and operate it, when it was troops, with the republican flag cent interview at Quebee, E. J.|completed and handed over tO] 4+ {heir head, marched to the Chamberlin, president of the G.|us by the government, and it is Japanese consulate and present- T. P. said: our intention to live up to ourl,q arms, while the commander “T cannot understand where|obligation within — the strictest | saluted the consul. The Japanese the Globe obtains its informa-|meaning of the letter, when Weliroops meantime stood at at- tion or the reason it has for}come into possession of the road} tention. publishing such unwarrantable| from Winnipeg to Moncton, Our Peking, Sept. 29.—The apology statements, as it is not the first}attitude has always been honor-| of General Chang Hsun to the time the Globe has publishedjable and correct, which will be| Japanese consulate at Nanking stories in connection with the|shown when the time arrives to|has cleared the air, according to Grand Trunk Pacific that were,|assume our obligation.” the Japanese officials here, and removes the danger of co | IN SOFT TAFFETA. ( persed the rebels. ing around Esmerald ing six of the troop. latopaxi later shelle¢ No Hanging in Tennessee. the electric chair for the gallows in Tennessee. FIGHTING IN ECUADOR Rebels Operating Near Esmer- as, 1 opened | fire on a steam launch transport- porting government troops, kill- The cruiser and dis- tions for the present. the Nanking, accompanied by a body- Launch Alice B for hire. Tele- 29.— com- ops at mplica- aldas Fire on Launch. phone Green 3941, Davis’ Float. eee ee 155-tf } Guayaguil, Ecuador, Sept. 29.!+ — — |News was received here iotay lthat the rebels under General CHEAP AUREAGE |Charles Concha, who are operat- _apT— Tyee Park the and the buckled logs dred way and clear the were inj FEED HAY OATS WHEAT CORN emergency yards was killed. coroner’s office here and has not been identified. Nee eee ee eee ence nee ee DERAILS TRAIN TO SAVE A MAN’S LIFE Engineer Throws” ‘on Emergency Brake and Twelve Cars Go Into the Ditch. Ellensburg, Wash., Sept. 29.— In an effort to save an unknown man late last evening, Engineer Zuegler, of the eastbound North- ern Pacific freight train, put on brake and sent twelve cars into the diteh, Zuegler’s train was travelling about thirty miles an hour when fort to leave the track, Zuegler threw on the emergency brakes leading up and were. derailed. Right empties and four ears of were were thrown for nearly a hun- from the right-of- wrecker had the hardest job in many months to twelve derailed. the PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. 908 Third Avenue Dealers in SEEDS TIMOTHY CLOVER ALFALFA ETC — The THE CHANGING STYLES First, she had a bracelet; Wore it on her arm; Now it’s out of fashion— Didn't hold its charm. Now, she has an anklet; Wears it where it fits; Yes, you bet, I've seen ‘'em— Peeking through the slits. But, styles keep a-changing; Never satisfied, quite Next she'll have a kneelet; Will it be out of sight? Baptist Services. the searchlight showed a tman|tomorrow morning will (D. V.) walking on the track. Zuegler|be ‘Sympathy, Salvation and pulled down the whistle cord, but|Support,” and in the evening, the pedestrian, who was an eld-|“Fix Your Eyes Upon Jesus.” ferly man, apparently never even|The observance of the Lord's heard, for he never turned his|supper’ will follow. Sunday head. school at 2:30. Strangers wel- Finding the man made no ef-|come, Acting Pastor Scott's subject cars FIRE ALARM SYSTEM logs . CIRCUIT NO. 1. Box 12—5th St. and 3rd Ave. Box 13—6th St. and 3rd Ave. Box 14—8th St. and 3rd Ave. Box 16—Junction of ist, 2nd and track. 3rd Aves. No members of the train crew Box 16—1st Ave., between 8th and ured. The pedestrian 9th Sts. (Knox Hotel.) His body is at the Box 17—ist Ave. and 7th St. (Cen- tral Hotel.) CIRCUIT NO. 2. Box 22—3rd Ave. and (Post Office.) Box 23—3rd Ave. and McBride St. ox 24—ist Ave. and McBride St. Box 26—2nd Ave. and @nd St. Box 26—2nd Ave. and 6th St. Box 27—6G. T. P. CIRCUIT NO. 3. 31—5th Ave. and Fulton St. 82—Borden and Taylor Sts. 34—7th Ave. and Fulton St. 96—9th Ave. and Comox Ave. 37—8th Ave. and Dodge Pl. 38—6th Ave. and Thompson St. CIRCUIT NO. 4. Box 41—